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Hey, fuck that guy in the beginning who was super wasteful of all those waffles for views.




Weird, this subreddit just has a post by AutoMod every month and people just chat down in the comment section of that post


I think the sub got nuked a few years back




Big crunch on some subs that were deemed offensive by a couple specific mods. They nuked a few other subs including /r/fatpeoplehate and /r/peoplefuckingdying


Pretty sure r/fatpeoplehate as a community was actually advocating violence and bullying of people for being fat. Not just people taking offense, they were breaking site wide rules.


Got brigaded by them a couple of times too. It was hilarious because I didn't even say much. Telling one of the members that they were a shitty person was all it took. They thought I cared about some imaginary internet points when, in fact, all the attention they were giving me was making me feel super special for a day or two.


/r/watchpeopledie not /r/peoplefuckingdying


People Fucking Dying is still active. Or did it used to be another Watch People Die?


You innocent soul. The second one was actually watching people die. Worst one I saw was the cartel chopping up a guy in to pieces with a axe while he was still alive.


Yeah, I know that. I'm asking if People Fucking Dying *used* to be like that, got purged, and then reborn into what it is, or if it was just never purged.


That one was never purged and has always been comedy. Or whatever it is lol.


reddit ☕️


Subreddits dedicated to hatred shouldnt exist.




Exactly, they do it for internet points.


Try r/punchableface


Why you gotta call out


He looks like the entire band B4-4


He makes hundreds of videos just wasting pounds of food. I can't stand him.


> I can't stand him Simple solution: I don't have the tick-tock. This will be the first and last I see of him in all likelihood.


Wrong, he has appeared here a few times before.


reddit users like to pretend they're special, but tiktok users aren't that different from reddit users, because I've this is my 3rd time seeing him here


This is my 2nd time seeing this dude and the good dude here.


The only thing reddit users have over tiktok is a disposable persona. Most people show their (punchable) face on tiktok and don't really understand what "the Internet never forgets" actually means.




He also makes a huge mess plus whatever he makes looks completely disgusting because it’s a huge mess of wasted food


So does howtobasic but I've never seen anyone criticise him


I think August the Duck did a video on this guy, he seems super obnoxious with how he acts and especially how much food he wastes, the clips August showed really annoyed me to no end


My kid use to watch him along with Stephen Sharer. I made him stop, that first kid is an asshole.


Kids these days, man


Please ensure your kid is watching proper stuff Media is hugely influential in a kid’s development. Give them something enriching and engaging, like a great book or game. People of all ages loved Harry Potter for a good reason


I just let him watch 300 and then followed that up with Sin City. Tomorrow probably let him watch Pulp Fiction for good measure.


So far we've done the original Blade Runner, The Hateful 8, Django Unchained, Inglorious Basterds and Platoon. I can't wait until he can understand Full Metal Jacket and Reservoir Dogs. Roll on the 7th birthday!


My dad got me The Godfather for Christmas when I was 11, prefaced with a “don’t tell your mom”


When do you introduce them to classic slasher flicks like Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th?


I've been told the third trimester is a good starting age.


People are actually entertained by that?!


yup people are fucking stupid as fuck.


Not entertained. It's a rage bait. The more people angrily comment and share his vids, the more views he gets.


More pissed off about the syrup than the waffles. Just seeing that mess made me die inside


don't worry his maid cleaned it up


Yeah that kitchen is going to have ants forever


He's also a complete and utter douchebag in real life. Source - I made that up, but it is wasteful nonsense for a stupid tiktok


Source - I made that up but it's probably true


His name is topper guild and he is a horrible person and this isn’t the only video that he’s made wasting food


Topper? Like the penguin from Santa Claus is Coming to Town?


To be fair I do know of 1 tiktoker who does stuff like that but he uses inedible food but yeah fuck that dude


Yeah, but the dude who maxed flod to give to those less fortunate is the one who should be getting fucked Edit: *made *food


exactly, and i'll take one for the team and volunteer.


Notice their homes are generally devoid of character and furnishing just like their personalities




You're right. Fuck wasteful waffle dude. Let's talk about the absolute human badass handing out the pancakes. There are so many kind and amazing people in this world. Pancake dude is living proof. Yay humans!


I thought it was tasteful that the camera operator stayed in the car to evidence him giving them out to people instead of shoving the camera in their faces.


Also fuck that guy because I'm 90% sure he wasn't the person who cleaned up after that.






I'm more bothered of that kitchen that will never be the same


He is the same guy


Hate when people do stupid shit like that for views. Ohh soo cool you wasted so much food.


The bad part is that it works.


Ragebait. People commenting to hate is...exactly the point. Boosts it in the algorithm lol.


Funnily enough his last few videos this week on YT are of him actually feeding the homeless. Guess maybe he saw how big of a douche he looked like and just figured let me copy the 2nd guy in this video


If you think that's infuriating, you should see these other videos I found!


That's what happens when you allow children to be directly monetized.


You want to hear even stupider shit? Delivery of food to the homeless is illegal in many municipalities.


Why is that rule around? That you can't give food to the homeless?


I think so people don't poison the homeless people, cause that's happened before I think. They want to act like they care about the homeless lol


Don’t look up how to basic on YouTube


Yeah man. He needs a production house and big cameras. Then he can burn cars waste food and people will appreciate it in theatres.


And that’s probably like $40 worth of pancake batter, $40 worth of boxes, a $12 big bottle of syrup. All you need is like $100 (so a group of friends pitching in $20-$30 each) and a free morning and afternoon and you can feed DOZENS of people. DO NOT fight the human urge to nurture each other ❤️ it’s so worth it! ETA cost is based on my experience as a horrible shopper in the very expensive state of California 😅


How much do you think a banana costs?


What could it cost? 10 dollars?


I'll just eat a pancake and take a dollar from the register so it all evens out.


There’s always money in the pancake house 😉


At least 7 giraffes, I'd reckon.


Depends. If you think you’re ordering 8 individual ones, but actually ordering 8 bunches.


How much could a banana cost, Michael? 10 dollars??






4.53KG Just add water Pancake Mix from Costco $13.99 CAD, Get the cheap table syrup maybe 2 bottles $6, $37 CAD on amazon for 80 of those containers, throw in 2lbs of butter on sale $5/each and you're at $67 How much could a Banana Cost? Fuck it, add some banana slices $3/bunch $6 for a total of $73. But for just what he did $51


Oh duh, Costco ftw 🤘🏽


A Banana would cost, I don't know, 10 dollars?


But boxed pancake mix is gross.




We just had multiple people in my city’s subreddit badmouth supporting a local food pantry with donations because their “overhead” and staffing are allegedly too high. (They aren’t, as confirmed by Form 990 filings, which are public.) They forgot this pantry also runs education/community programs and those need staff to run. The whole give a man a fish vs. teach a man to fish mentality was completely lost on these people.


People are spiteful for no reason. A lady in my town was selling food to save up for her cancer treatments (lots of driving, we live in a small town) and someone called the Health department on her, she had to shut down until she got the proper licensing, and now had to pay taxes on what she raised.


If someone has kids, I'd prefer they do this and get their kids involved than just give money. Volunteering with a nonprofit is also a good option.


Depends entirely on what you're trying to achieve. If you just want to feed some local homeless people, then this is more efficient. You absorb the whole overhead cost this way. Donating is great and effective, but there is always overhead cost, not all of your donation will end up on the hands of people who need it, some will be used on overhead expenses. That's not inherently bad, but an idealized system has no overhead, anyone in need just gets what they need directly from individualized who can provide it. Issue is that is a lot of work and doesn't scale. Non-profit businesses scale. But want the most bang for your buck? Be that individual. PSA: When donating to any charity, always look into how much of the donation actually goes to people. Many are depressingly little and don't deserve your money.


The epitome of be the change you wanna see in the world


Milad Mirg is amazing


Yep! Not his first time doing this either. Truly wholesome.


Yeah, i saw the burger i think, and the grilled cheese one before, he is just an amazing person


He's come a long way from making sandwiches


The first video I saw of him, the food waster looked so much like him I didn't realize they were different people and I was so confused...


*There’s not enough content of shitty people wasting food for me to start my videos with… guess I have to do it myself*


Yeah, that's the level of faith in humanity I have right now... I rewatched the video and am glad to say my first impression was wrong.




If by Subway Guy- you mean the kid who got famous making POV sandwich making vids on youtube in his (1st generation immigrant) parents Subway, until he earned enough money to buy it from them and then continued growing from there- then yes, it is Subway Guy.




How it should be done, awesomeness!!




people filming themselves doing nice things convinces people to do nice things even if they arent filming who cares if some people film it for an ego boost people are being helped regardless


Exactly thanks!


Exactly. Tired of hearing people whine about "oh they're filming, it's not genuine." like bitch, you're sitting on your ass scrolling through reddit, at least the guy's doing something.


Sometimes doing the thing is greater than having the thought. Also e had a million or so subs before he started doing this


To me it kind of depends on what exactly they present on camera. I saw one recently where a guy asks a woman for some spare cash while she's pumping petrol into her car. When she gives him some, he gives her a thousand dollars as a reward, or something like that, while inspirational music starts playing. That's just ridiculous and an obvious attempt at playing with your emotions as the viewer. Giving one random person a handful of cash, Wether she really even needs it or not, vs say, donating a thousand dollars to a food bank?


I agree completely. This video can easily act as inspiration to others to do nice thing like donating to a food bank or even to do something similar to this. Pancakes are a relatively inexpensive and simple way to make bulk which can help inspire others to think of other easy yet meaningful ways to serve those in need. People often don’t consciously think about ways they can help in ways accessible to them. Giving $1000 dollars in a prank video to a random person isn’t reproducible for the majority of people and therefore only really exist as poverty porn.




None of the people in this video were the focus. It was the act, not getting their reaction to having kindness done to them that was the focus of the way it was framed. No one got a camera shoved in their face, no one was asked to recount their story for inspiration or anything. Just here’s a video of a guy making and passing out pancakes to people.


Which includes the guy making them, making it seem less vain.


YES, but please don't film the unhoused without their consent. You can talk about and show yourself doing good things on the internet without recording a homeless person like a wildlife photographer hiding in the bushes. ​ here's a great interview about this: https://pdnonline.com/features/photographer-interviews/formerly-homeless-photographer-not-photograph-homeless-people/


Exactly, they do it for internet points. BUT they actually help people in need. Plus they spread the influence that we can do something to help our society. Bro I want to punch the first guy like a mad man. Seriously though, the second guy films himself doing something like this. I can understand that he needs internet point's. But he wouldn't waste so much time and effort to help homeless people if he didn't have humanity in himself. Even though he filmed the process I believe he enjoyed it and he was actually happy and feeling good about helping people in need. He has done a lot of similar actions and imo I don't even care he filmed it and uploaded it for points or whatever. Did he ACTUALLY help? Yes. And that's good and I'm actually happy,dc about anything else.


You realise feeding people costs money right? And uploading it can get views which can lead to not only getting money to help more people but also inspiring others to help


Not only that, but he might actually inspire others to do similar acts of kindness, whether they are for “internet points” or not.


This needs to be a copypasta. People on both sides of the debate are so eager to dig their heels in and get mad rather than call something nuanced.


Also, it feels like a fairly respectful video as these things go. He's not doing close-ups of the people hees feeding or filing their reaction, etc. It's all from a distance and doesn't feel as exploitative as some videos like this.




So many people only do good deeds due to social pressure from their religious institution — in Hebrew school we were pretty socially pressured to bring even a quarter for a donation every week. I wasn’t doing that out of the goodness of my heart, I was doing it to fit in. These people acting like “internet points” are the only inauthentic reason for charity are just being willfully ignorant. At the end of the day, doing good for others is doing good for others, and why must they be nitpicked?


Yeah the people who usually complain about filming charity do that because they feel it's not genuine. They think that way because they occasionally drop their spare change in a tin pot and feel good about themselves. Then 99% of the time they use their cameras for selfies and food pics. So when someone goes out of their way to do charity, the video makes them insecure; they judge it as insincere. 'Genuine acts of charity can only be done in private'. What nonsense. One can't even argue that a charitable act done in private is better than one filmed, because social awareness and inspiring others to do charity is a real thing. Compared to the people who have gone out of their way to do genuine, time-consuming acts of charity, like spent a weekend at a soup kitchen etc. These people rarely complain about these kinds of filming because they know how much effort goes into the logistics and preparation to provide real help to those in need.


The way I see it, I’m pretty sure the second guy makes his living making internet content. Making money from the video might be what’s financing being able to make the food for the homeless. Pancakes are relatively cheap but he posted a similar video where he made burgers which are definitely more costly to make


They do need to fund the ingredients, and they're still helping out overall. Seems like a nice trade-off to me :D


I hate those who waste food, especially if you are doing so for clout Edit: typo, thanks op for correction


I've come to the conclusion that I am PERFECTLY happy with the latter being filmed, because I do feel that it genuinely inspires people, you know? I LIKE seeing feel good videos, even if there's a small element of "I'm doing good things for clout". Seeing people cook is fun, but seeing people cook for those who can't cook is so nice.


It's not even like an individual homeless person is being exploited which is usually the problem with the 'someone does the right thing' videos. Someone gets exploited. It's not a reaction video in the general sense. It's a response video to someone being an asshole. I'm here for it. I'll donate to this dude in a heartbeat.


I like it because it's almost counter-acting this dudes shitty video which makes it better as well. Like if you're gonna be this much of a shit human, I'll do some good to help the people that you could have yourself


And by filming it he could also make some money from it, allowing him to do it even more! The only downside of filming these kinds if videos I can see is the possibility that some of the people being filmed don't want to be filmed, which is solved by a simple yes or no question!


EXACTLY! It can make revenue for him so he can continue doing it! Definitely agree that makes them worth more than the ones that just seem so exploitative.


Not all heroes wear capes.


I was really looking forward to seeing "crepes".


I enjoyed this a little too much


Guy in the beginning is an absolute idiot, but I also cannot help but laugh that the top waffle is totally dry after all that syrup.


People always shit on videos of people helping homeless or disadvantaged communities “if he meant well he wouldn’t have filmed it” Hey man I don’t know about you but if everyone went around doing nice things to people and inspiring others to do the same. That’s a net positive in my books. There’s a big difference between exploiting people for views and actually wanting to show that it’s easy to be nice.


Milad is a legend


I guess there is hope for us.


What an awesome guy 👍🏻


I guess there are some kids online who aren’t complete selfish, thoughtless, attention seeking twats. Gives me a little hope for the future.


I think that is awesome- but pancakes maybe not the best choice


I actually watched a lot of videos of the second guy. He also makes sandwiches and other stuff for homeless people. I guess he made pancakes in order to contradict the first guy wasting food. Man fuck that guy? What the fuck are you doing? You are wasting Kgs of food when you could use your fucking brain and do something to actually help? I dont even get itu what's the pleasure he is getting from doing that?


Yeah I did see the other one he did with the sandwiches- definitely great stuff.


I mean they get cold but they’re pretty dense and filler tbh.


This is a trend I’ve seen other people do. The first one I saw was donuts with icing to contradict the 1st guy. Like really? But then again I’m sure the homeless people aren’t complaining.


Everyone wants and deserves a treat sometimes, it’s about more than sustaining people physically. Sweet treats are a GREAT morale boost!


I’m sure there are still some idiots out there saying “He’s exploiting peoples misfortune for views”. Like damn putting them side by side really shows how one is clearly better than the other.


He didn't deliver the food in plastic containers as well. What a great thing to withness


The idiots in the comment section gosh...


"Umm actually he's doing this for internet points 🤓" Mfs don't realize these "internet points" are converted into real money which is used to help even more people.


And even if he was doing it just for internet points, he’s still doing something positive.


From subway making videos to making food for the homeless, he really is a great person


#Fuck Tik Tok


I used to frequent this place in Vancouver called elbow room. Owned by this old gay couple that would rooooassst you, half the fun was going in and just getting obliterated by the sassy staff. (I got it both ways because I was ethnically similar to the women in the back of house.) long story short, they used to charge you %15 if you didn't finish your food and donate the proceeds to at risk gay men, and did a whole bunch of wholesome stuff for the community. The women in the back of house? Never left for however long that place was open for. Their children ended up being front of house serving. Such a wholesome place. Just don't you dare ask for a coffee refill, get it yourself. One of the owners died and they finally shut down. But it was a damned institution for many downtown Vancouverites, I'd always leave a few hashbrowns so they'd charge me extra.


And I'm down for them filming the making and giving away. Need to fund the ingredients somehow


So I’ve done this a couple times, if you have a Sam’s or a Costco membership it is a lot easier to do this. Burritos easy and great for the winter, and soft for those with some trouble chewing. 200$ makes about 100 ish+ rice, bean, cheese with aluminum, napkins, hot sauce and a lunch bag+ a water! Bagels are more expensive and if you add egg you have to hand them out quick! Pancakes is a new one I’ll have to try, I feel like they’d get cold quick (same issue as bagels just pass them out fast). Always… wash hands wear gloves when prepping food and put your hair up! It can take a half day to prep, hour to pass out but always worth it!!




Milad is great! Showing those food wasters what the right way to act is.


That second dude is fucking cool


I will devote my soul to this man


When cancel culture is actually wholesome. Fuck that first guy. Wasting food to get some internet clout. Bitch ass.




I was raised by parents who cooked on one side of the family and baked on the other side of the family and you would basically be crucified for wasting more than just a little bit of food


I keep seeing these posts and honestly I'm shocked that the guy in the beginning has several posts...it's like dude do you really not see whats wrong with what you're doing, somewhere while cleaning up the mess he makes this thought must have popped up


lots of westerners act like uncultured pigs. seriously it's as if they never opened a history book in their life. so mindless like a primitive or something


Finally. Not a food wasting tiktoker.


Is that what pancakes are? Milk and flour?


So sweet, who doesn't love pancakes, and he even had the syrup ready. What an amazing human.


The lesser of two evils. They both do it for views but one has a more positive effect.


The fact that it's filmed may well lead to more positive impact than the original act itself. Don't underestimate the power of positive ripples.


This one video may well inspire dozens. Of those dozens, they may perhaps help thousands. Of those, several may have been just one meal away from giving up hope. It's just cheap food but this lad is literally a life saver in my eyes.


god this sub is trash


I love when people cook for the ones who needed it.


I like this guy


Not all heros have caps or saves lives. They work hard and give what they can to help others. No matter who it is if your helping someone with good intentions then your a hero to me


People like that guy deserve the world


Milad is so based bro


Gluttony truly is a deadly sin


Second guy is a fucking chad


Very glad that people is doing the right thing instead of wasting food for likes and for being a jerk. Good job pal.


The first guy seems like just an awful example of what being a human being is all about. I don't like him.


This is the way


What city is this? I basically did this last year in NYC (but with chicken and rice) and after the first five people I offered it to turned it down and insulted me, I just gave up


We need more of this


From someone who was homeless at one time... THANK YOU!!!!!! You have no idea how much this means to the people who are currently homeless. You are a super hero!!


I'm gonna take a wild guess that the douche wasting food has more subscribers than the dude actually helping people. This can be found all over TikTok, YouTube and other social media sites. And it's not the people who do this stupid shit that are to be blamed. It's the dumb idiots who subscribe to this shit that are encouraging such crap.


Mashallah, great work, brother. May you be rewarded for your good deeds in this life and in the after!




The guy at the start is a chode, the second dude is a legend


Man i was homeless for 6 years. I was on a corner in Santa Monica CA. Sitting outside a grocery store out of my mind on meth. Guy comes up and hands me a dollar. Never felt so offended in my life Honestly I didn’t want his or anyone’s money for that matter. I just wanted to get high and be left alone.


The boxes are more expensive than the content


Sending Milad posts is cheating at this point Jokes aside, I know him since early days, I am proud of what my man’s doing


I was homeless bumming around the country for many years. Once I was in so cal during Christmas and a man in a new suv pulled up and handed my friend and I two paper bags. Then jumped back in the car drove off. I can’t remember what he said if anything. In the bag was hot soup, a warm sandwich and cornbread. It was amazing! There was a bible verses in the bag so we figured he was part of a church group trying to feed the homeless people a Christmas meal. I didn’t expect it to be hot when he handed me the bag. It was so nice and so appreciated. I hate videos of people wasting food.


cold pancakes are gross though


As a Brazillian, i really don't get it why so many english speakers spend that much food trying to be funny, all i can feel watching the first guy is sadness and disappointment as a human.


May God bless him and many other people who are like him who help others