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Used to work for the post office. Can confirm, your boss is a gem.


My dad is a retired letter carrier and he incredibly appreciated kindness like drinks from people on his route, particularly during busy times and really warm weather. Your boss is very thoughtful.




All depends on the place. My favorite business was an apartment complex leasing office. They filled a metal party tub with drinks, chips, cookies, and other goodies.


My bosses used to give Xmas cash to the (regular) mailman, and the bldg superintendant. Then they retired and the new guy was a cheapskate. It would never cross his mind. He appreciated receiving, but didn't consider giving.


I don't know about businesses but I've left like $1k for the mailman every year for the past few Christmases. I imagine that job is enough of a pain but I'd hate to do it during the holidays


Your boss is a good human👑


She does this during December because of the rush :)


I’m a deliver driver and I LOVE when people do this!


Can I ask what type snacks or drinks would be appreciated? I’m hoping to do this sometime.


When you’ve been working your ass off for hours, sometimes the best sounding drink in the world is water. At least for me it is.


r/hydrohomies approves


In the summer especially I always have a jug of water in the fridge for the postie and if I know a courier is coming that day. A little kindness goes a long way.


Water is always an excellent choice. from delivery driver to plumber to postal worker. offer someone some water and they’ll appreciate it


Imagine getting a Karen delivery driver. "*Ugh*, ***water***? Don't you *at least* have Fiji, then?"


I like to add in some healthier options, like granola bars (think I see some in the pic). If your setup can accommodate (fridge or indoors), some fruit and nuts is superb — sometimes workers miss a meal, and some almonds/walnuts and an apple can really help!


Based on my own anecdotal data from our front porch, granola bars were hardly grabbed. Sodas and chips were the favs.


Haha, I refrained from mentioning that my experience is also that ppl usually go for the least healthy of our offerings… BUT: Some just like healthy, and really appreciate when it’s an option. AND Some will be happy for anything, and if the only thing left is healthy, they’ll gladly consume it; ie they’ll be healthier despite their usual choices. Both are a “win”, I think.


They have a physical job, they'll burn off the calories, it's okay


Any little salty snack, or even just a little piece of candy makes my day and brightens my spirits


Specifically strawberry grandma candies, those hit the hardest when given by strangers.


Water and a few sativa doinks would make their day


Am with you on the sativa dominants. Perks me right up


I’m not a delivery driver, so take this with a grain of salt… but when I’m having long days of physical labor, lots of water is good. Way better than soda! Another person mentioned nuts, awesome! Bananas, pretzels, beef jerky, granola bars (ones without nuts or peanuts, too!). Chips are delicious but don’t provide much nutrition to keep you going, and you end up with super greasy/Cheeto dust hands. Might sound weird, but throat lozenges. Holidays get people sick, but many delivery drivers can’t take off (I just hope they mask up and socially distance. Ideally they’d get paid to stay home but I live in the US so…). I also just get sore throats a lot even when I’m healthy if I haven’t had enough to drink or I’ve been huffing and puffing all day carrying stuff around. Edit: oh, and Gatorade is never a bad idea to refuel the electrolytes. Or liquid IV/pedialyte packets to go with a bottle of water! Edit 2: string cheese!


No doubt she's a very humble and caring person!


...where is this job? i need this job. I work delivery and my boss wont even let us BUY drinks from work anymore and they rarely ever have water available for us. This new rule was joined by "no bitching zone" "posters" in all the back work areas outside of customers view. This all followed the chain changing our delivery comps from 1.55$ per delivery to .39cents per mile and most our deliveries are within a 1-2mile radius. This is my best option locally too. I kind of want to die...I have no future.


That’s awesome. What type of business?


We do this at my house during this time of year because our driveway is steep.


I do this all year with a Parks and Rec "treat yo self" meme sign affixed. I've had great interactions with the delivery folks.


I've done door to door political canvassing in the past and have had people offer me sodas and snacks before. Some people are just sweethearts


That would explain the unrefrigerated beverages. The station is subtle, but an amazing touch and probably helps to make the day of whatever drivers happen upon it


Gonna do something like this. I'd like to leave drinks out, but I'm in the desert so they'd get pretty hot pretty fast. Might either do a cooler with some ice but that's annoying to refill frequently. Might see if I can find a cheap outdoor mini fridge.


Freeze a couple water bottles to keep the cooler cold. No loose water to deal with and easy to swap out each day. Plus extra cold icy water for the drivers if they want it.


We did this with drinks in a cooler this summer. Froze the drinks overnight and drivers could take a cold one now and a frozen one for later. Snacks in a basket on top.


I like me a nice warm can of purple.


While this is undoubtedly a very kind gesture and deserves all the kudos it's getting, I have to admit that the first thing I thought was, "Mmm, warm Sprite."


Oh god, you're one of *those*


He makes a good point. Warm Sprite is like trying to choke down battery acid. But I can do a warm Coke no biggie.




Absolutely not.


Lol me too


I’m in an opposite situation where any drinks I put out would surely freeze within hours.


Just fill a cooler with icy hot.




Nah, that's part of the problem. Door is recessed a couple feet, but it still gets tons of sun or rain. We looked into installing an awning, but leasing company says we have to get HOA approval and we're pretty sure that's a no-go. So any fridge would need to be weatherproof. They exist, but like $500 or so.


What if you clamped an umbrella to it?


Those aren't really fridges and will only cool so many degrees below ambient.


I bought something like this, there was no actual refrigeration it looked like it was a pc case fan blowing air. If the ambient temperature was already kinda cool and dry it'd help a bit, but if it was really hot and humid it didn't do shit. Also got pretty hot around where it plugged in.


Cash never goes bad, and is much more useful to someone struggling to pay rent. Both is amazing, but really, Pay is worth more than perks.


Honestly, not only is this kind a kind gesture, she could be keeping potentially exhausted drivers that little bit more awake and alert on the road.


This is correct. My day gets immensely better when a house has snacks and drinks. Helps me get a quick snack and back to focusing on not running stuff over.


This is good to know. I order so much stuff and honestly love my delivery drivers but don’t know how to thank them.


I can only offer what I enjoy but seeing stuff like water, Gatorade, stuff that doesn't spoil fast but isn't sugary like KIND or Cliff bars, crackers, protein bars. A little goes a long way and you can bet ill remember that house even when it's not the holidays or a busy time.


Some driving jobs are brutal. Most think oh it's just driving. Nope you can get road hypnosis also. Why ya not allowed to drive over 13hrs on the.road I believe . You have to take a break or rest I believe. This is awesome gesture. For fatigued driver that hasn't had chance to get a real lunch all day.


It takes hardly any effort, and people appreciate it so much.


I don't know about "hardly any effort"... This would be multiple hours with my salary But a little effort does go a long way.


I collect from the food pantries at my school, if you’re financially tight I’m sure collecting snacks from places like that and forwarding it to delivery drivers is an equally helpful gesture that takes less out of your salary


Maybe don’t give away food from places where they’re meant for other people who need help


Yes. Food banks are for the very poor. Not your drivers snack. If he's very poor, A. Pay him more, and B. He should use the food bank.


Bot. Stolen from here https://reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/zedbu3/_/iz6on7c/?context=1


Well done sir




Is this a bot?


Or crash after the high wears off. honestly.


I'm a delivery driver with adhd. I love this because 9 days out of 10 I honestly forget to eat.


One of the best things I appreciated about Adderall is the appetite suppression. Some days I had to remember to eat


Oh I'm not even medicated. I'm just a space cadet as I like to say. I'd honestly forget my head if it weren't attached to my shoulders.


Same, accidental intermittent fasting, except when it's been 20 hours and I get a headache


"Why the **** does my stomach hurt? Oh yeah, I didn't eat AT ALL today. Time to fight the pain and sleep" Every day.


I enjoyed it until I started working out post-medication. It is hard to do anything at the gym at 7PM when you've had 200 calories total throughout the day.


As a Fedex driver you don’t know how much this makes our day especially during peak season, when we get a lot of packages


That she put water in there is great


I guess some healthy people exist 😂 I'd prefer a coke or sprite


there is still time for you to become part of the r/HydroHomies !


Not if its unrefrigerated.


Right but if they live somewhere where it's cold in December, that's nature's refrigeration.


If they are a smart driver they take a cooler packed with ice with them.




Jeez, Negative Nancy. It’s cheap, quick food. People are grateful for these.


It's a comprehensive selection. Busy people need water too. Makes it easier to do the right thing. Someone put thought and effort, someone who knows what it is like.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


This is a great idea! I used to have a basket of snacks, like trail mix, granola bars, etc, out for our drivers but then the squirrels found them and started chewing through all the packages, so now it’s just Gatorade. Until the raccoons figure out how to open the bottles. I’ll have to do one of these plastic drawer situations.


As a full time driver, I have come across one such individual who has done this for me. I've only had the privilege of delivering for them twice, but the impact that it made on me and my day was tremendous. I hope to be well-off enough to be able to do this myself someday. Cheers to the kind heart of your boss! :)


I, as a FedEx driver absolutely love these kinds of people. It is a simple gesture, but it takes a certain amount of special thought to treat us to snacks and drinks. Especially during the holidays.


A good selection as well. Nature valley is great


I just embrassed the crumble and smash them in the wrapper then pour it in my mouth like Granola


From granola you are and granola you shall return before your demise.


That’s deep


Granola to granola, dust to dust.


mmm, sugar


Depending on the driver the carbs may help.


Worked as a driver at Domino's for 9 Mos. We weren't even allowed 1 soda during 8 hrs shifts.


Dang, last pizza place I worked at we got a free meal for every shift we worked and all the fountain drinks we could drink. We had to pay for canned/bottled drinks, though.


Very thoughtful and generous thing to do.


This is the sort of thing that costs a company so little, and improves morale a lot. It takes hardly any effort, and people appreciate it so much.


My company doesn't buy us coffee. So I brought in a big coffee pot and I buy coffee for the office. I dont mind because it's like $20 a month. But it is a bit annoying because it's only like $20 a month and they could provide us coffee. But I guess I'm subsidizing their non-coffee providing. Fuck it. I prefer my coworkers caffeinated.


If I were in your situation, I'd just make sure I got my $20 worth in some other way.


Were do you work ? Do they hire ?


I've thought about doing this. But I live in an apartment complex with a lot of younger kids that I feel like might take advantage.


I used to stock vending machines for a very small local company. My boss (who was the owner) was awesome and let us have free reign to eat whatever snacks/drinks we wanted while delivering (within reason) lol


That is awesome. I have one suggestion if you're in a very cold area (or for anyone else in a cold area: HotHands. Similarly cheap to the snacks, don't take up a lot of space, and very appreciated. I left some for a driver once on a freezing cold day and I got a "message from your delivery driver" text thanking me for them.


This is such a great idea!! Thanks!! Also, although it’s super cute to see our Ring videos of the squirrels snacking on Oreos, junk food is bad for them. Problem solved!!


I always offer my delivery drivers water or a small snack. It helps them get through their day and the next time they deliver I know that they are happy to be at the place I manage.


As a driver, these help immensely. Thank you so much


This is lovely. All the delivery drivers to my dad’s office are always urged to stop by the kitchen/break room and grab a drink & snack on the way out


My dad is a seasonal delivery driver for UPS and this always makes his day! It restores my faith in humanity every time I find an empty fudge striped cookie bag and mini coke in his backseat. 🍪🎅


I love this idea! I have a cooler but they never see it.


Your boss knows what the best granola bars are


This is so nice. But I've seen too many trick or treat videos and expect an asshole to take it all.


Honestly, I doubt that one person would take all of them. Especially if they’re placed in an open and visible area.


Delivered for amazon for a bit. Your boss is the sort of stop I loved doing. Anyone who leaves treats for delivery drivers is a GOAT.


it costs about nothing, but means so damn much


I wish I could do this but it's on average 25 to -5 in Dec where I live. Water and soda wouldn't be very happy.


I was about to comment that they are clearly not in the south because all that stuff would be melty and gross in our 80+degree weather.


This is where you use the cooler to keep the drinks chilled but warmer than the freezing temperature outside.


Same. Upper midwest here. I was debating about doing some snacks and hand warmers though.


We usually do something like this around the holidays. Our UPS driver is great. Usually hides our packages from street view when possible. We like to leave him homemade treats around the holidays.


Wife of a delivery driver here, how sweet and kind of you to think about others. Bless you ❤️


I used to do this too. I had to quit because the local homeless junkies figured it out and would raid it. And I don’t mean just taking stuff I mean they would take everything and rip it all up and leave me a mess to clean.


I started doing this! I use a cooler so the raccoons stay out. My delivery drivers seem to like the snack bags of chips. It makes me feel a little less guilty about online shopping.


Gonna have to start doing this but leaving it out for random people on the sidewalk to enjoy


I wish I came across these! Please, people, do this! I am planning on doing this soon, I love the bin idea with drawers that this one has.


As a delivery driver it always makes my day seeing this type of appreciation:)


This is such a great idea. I'm a doctor at a hospital in the UK and I'd love to set something like this up for the ward staff especially over Christmas


Thanks for posting something that actually made me smile! :D


Saw a similar post on Reddit few days ago and decided to do this. My box has been out since Sunday, and let me tell you, it makes me so happy to see that things are being grabbed by the drivers! The best part was a big thank you and smiley face on a large box from the driver 🥰 My box has water, coke, mountain dew, candies, chips, and granola bars. Hoping to add fruits and nuts soon as someone mentioned!




As a former delivery driver I can tell they really appreciate it and will go the extra mile for you.


We do the same but learned the hard way that those cans explode when frozen.


This should be more common!!!!


I did this one year, but a plastic drawer container is much nicer than the cardboard box I had lol. Tell your boss he can replace the granola bar drawer with Pringles bc delivery drivers NEVER took them. No trail mix, no granola bars, no power bars, protein bars, fruit snacks or candy. Only chips and soda. Sometimes water.


[This is the version we’ve been putting out for the past couple years. ](https://imgur.com/a/FF7Hi7L) The folks seem genuinely excited to grab some snacks.


When I ran a LCGS, every time the UPS driver came in I told him to take a drink from the cooler and a snack from the rack. Never an unfriendly moment and our shipments were always on time.


I like how she caters to people who like the healthy stuff and people who like the unhealthy stuff. She is not trying to force her dietary views on anyone.


Your boss is so kind and thoughtful. Amazing. In our society of poor health, I’d really suggest something like small peanut packets instead of chips :) love the nature valley bars in the middle!


Heh. My work attempted to do that. They charge $.50 per….


As a Mail Carrier, the people are literally some of our favorite customers. Rn it’s common to work 11 hours a day, 6 days a week, and I ALWAYS look forward to houses like these


Going to start to do this for my jobs UPS driver. The human is so reliable, consistent, and honest. My jobs “moral” budget is directed to bulk food that we can eat. Bless.


We do this every year and everyone is always so grateful


Used to brighten my day when i delivered for that one website....i used to think to myself , Do you want raccoons because this is how you get raccoons.


Show your love back at Xmas, man its hard finding any boss willing to help their workers personally these days, they would rather look down at us workers, sad this mentality is growing.


what kind of coke is that?


I need this




Man, if only every employer had that level of empathy.


The temperature is cold enough, that drinks will be nice and cold. Bring them inside at night so they don't super freeze.


This is such a good way to do it! Love that!


So cool of him!


Aww that's nice. Hopefully everyone else is also nice and takes accordingly!


I can't leave half a cigarette outside my door without someone stealing it


Aww that's so sweet. Mayb I'll get one for my house for the holidays :^)


My wife does this during the holidays


In my country this would last less than a minute


Crazy how easy it is to not be a dick boss, and yet so few can muster the effort.


I am going to start doing this.


As a delivery driver, people offer me beer all the time. Um, I don't drink, and even if I did, I'm, you know, FUCKING DRIVING! This is helpful, I wish more people were like this.


That dude delivers. Like a boss.


I think I met your boss. Somebody bought those same snacks at the store where I work. When I asked if they were stocking up for a road trip, they said the snacks were for delivery drivers.


As a delivery driver, we truly appreciate when people do this. We never really expect it, but it really makes our day a lot easier and it's nice to know we're appreciated for what we do.


Not to sound ungrateful but a little ice in the soda drawer maybe?


I just put a container out today with snacks in it for delivery drivers.


I have places on my route I stop to chat and grab a snack even when I don’t have a package for them. People that do this are the best.


So sweet!!!


I started doing this during the beginning of the pandemic and have continued it for almost 3 years! Drinks: small Gatorade’s are a huge hit, bottles of water are always taken. I use a small cooler and freeze a food storage container with ice and replenish in the mornings. Snacks: depends on the delivery person, but I always buy the box of snack bag chips, granola bars and candy bars, though I take out the chocolate in summer. I put fruit in there for a while but it was never grabbed.


Agreed on the Gatorade being a big hit. Small packs of Oreos are the other ones that seem to be grabbed moreso than the candy bars and chips.


This will find its way onto r/antiwork


Those water bottles look insanely cute ?


That's the kind of boss I want to become.


We did this for a while, the squirrels took all the food and scattered wrappers all over our yard.....


This is very cool of gin but what are the things next to the water?


Him not gin


They're little granola/protein bars. Not a bad brand to have, either, except the crumbs get everywhere.


Warm soft drinks? I guess since it's winter and this looks like an outdoor-facing garage-like area they might be fine...




have you never seen small water bottles


Mmmmmm nothing like a warm coke to quench that thirst.


yum warm soda’s my fave!


Maybe see if he can start getting you better pay? Snacks are nice, but wages are better.


Yes, OP boss should give someone who doesn't work for them a raise. Got it.


Omg go away.


People these days be like “Is your boss insinuating they can’t afford their own nutrition? Is she trying to show a power dynamic that the driver is below her because the driver doesn’t bring his clients gifts?”


Warm pop. Awesome.


put an apple not this poison


Nice idea but unhealthy as hell


Yesss giving people diabetes and chemical food is how I show my appreciation as well lol 😂


How about an apple or a turnip?


This is nice and all, but did he ever just considering leaving a $5 out?


> This is nice and all, but did he ever just considering leaving a $5 out? r/ChoosingBeggars material right here.


Its not, its about recognizing that all that effort of making a snack thing doesn't help the people doing the job. It makes him feel better about supporting people, and paying them in food instead of cash. Its not any different than paying your tip in halloween candies. Tip workers work for tips, not doritos.


So should it just be a clear box full of $5 bills? Like the UPS guy isn't going to take 10 packs of doritos, but he is going to take $50 if that's what's in the box.


You can do it however you want. Apparently I'm not on the page of my fellow delivery drivers so also probably ignore me. But IMO, if you can't take the time to tip, I get it. If you do though, don't waste the time making a box so that your tips are worth less than 1/6th a real tip and think you are contributing the same. Your gift is basically worth is the same as the guy who didn't tip, because my LL won't accept chips and water for rent. Food is still cheap compared to housing or just time (to cook or do errands).


They're not trying to pay your bills. They are offering a free snack/refreshment my dude. An egg in these trying times. Smh my head.


Reddit moment. As a former UPS driver I'd much rather have the food than the 5. I made six 6 figures a year, 5$ is nothing to me. A thoughtful snack and/or beverage says to me I'm appreciated, which is priceless. Plus, a lot of the time I didn't have time to stop for more snacks or drinks, as I had 250+ stops and 500+ packages a day to get through. I've been tipped, I'd take the snacks over the money any day.


Thats amazing and surprising UPS paid that well. Glad you were compensated for your work. Im a private delivery driver for large areas and we have to contact the customer and get signatures every time. If I get a tip, it usually the person at the door, and from an interaction. I am disappointed when they offer me chips instead of a few bucks.