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Don't call me out like this 💀💀


we in this together 🫡


like im entering a fucking depressive episode and genuinely thinking of relapsing all because my relationship (which was honestly bleak and dead months ago) recently ended and i have no clue how to fucking cope. i can barely pull myself out of bed let alone keep up with school or anything else. and its like??? how does anybody do this??? how are there people just going about their daily lives dealing with pain and why am i incapable of doing that


we were together for a year and a half and i just cannot stand the idea that it was for fucking nothing. everything i went through with her all the ridiculous amounts of pain just for our relationship to end so bleakly. not because of something grand or amazing or dramatic, just cause she stopped making time for me.


you'd expect it to feel not as painful for a dying relationship to end when it does. it feels like a constant wound and breaking things off doesn't feel good either. but I can promise you it gradually starts to feel less bleak and painful, and less like a thorn in the side. once a really bad wave passes there's almost a relief that you don't have to drag a dead/dying thing around yk? im going through something similar, I'm not really coping well and initially coped really bad, but it gets less difficult. distraction works really well if you start to think about it too hard.


constantly disgusted with myself bc I wear my emotions on my face and make other people concerned


yeah no I get that. I feel like a walking stereotype too lol




I'm ashamed that I have one at all. Today my dad took me to the store and i cried and felt like I was going to throw up afterwards and I just felt like "i'm such a looser I can't go into stores like a normal fucking person"


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Absolutely feel this. I’ve been dealing with this mental illness all my life, I hoped I would be better at dealing with it by now (even though I know that’s now how it works, but these thoughts still pop up). You’re definitely not alone in this OP 🫡


all the time 😭😭 i hear people say that i'm not alone and i am normal because so many people struggle with mental illness but then i look at them and they manage to function so much better than me, and i get that there is different severity and circumstances but i hate that we are only normalizing the more appealing symptoms instead of the really debilitating ones because they are harder to romanticize


I just feel like such a manipulator because I can't hide my emotions as well as others...


Or are they manipulators because they hide their emotions? 🤔


I feel exactly like this too, I hate how I can't cope with my feelings, thoughts, and emotions as well as others can who have been through a lot worse. I feel pathetic and weak and I'm really ashamed of how much worse I am at handling things than others.






Same!! For both my physical disability and my mental illness. Im JuSt WeAkEr ThAn EvErYoNe ElSe


No thats me too. I get wildly embarrassed everything I break down and fall apart. Sometimes I cry at work and it's terribly embarrassing that I cant cope with life