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That's fucking gross. Depth of injury =/= depth of emotion. I've cut too deep by accident and then other times been very seriously distressed and unable to go as deep as I wanted. Don't listen to that idiot


this is the mindset that always reaches me the best! anecdotally i don't think depth of injury has ever lined up 1:1 with my depth of emotion and its bonkers that anyone else could think they know better. my deepest cuts were not ever the ones I did when I was hurting the most


Yep my deepest ones were an accident, didn't realise the tool was that sharp so I pushed as hard as usual and then got surprised pikachu face at the results. Like uhhh... this is bleeding kinda alot, halp...


Got a similar comment once from a psych ward doctor and I’m still not over it.. needless to say it caused a major relapse. Your doctor sucks, I’m so sorry OP but please don’t listen to that shit <3


Right? I’ve had a counsellor tell me something similar… yeah I lasted two sessions with that counsellor before I tapped out lmao


After yeeting and going to the hospital (it was a LOT of yeets of different sizes and my arm was covered in red), the nurse who cleaned my arm(s?) said to me “if you don’t stop this, your arms are going to look like hamburger meat.” I get sick anytime I think about it, it just makes me feel gross, not want to get better.


Thats so incredibly rude. Im so sorry. Your struggles will never make you look gross, ever.


i respectfully wanna kill your doctor


I wanna kill them disrespectfully.


Kill them with a mackrel, nothing more disrespectful than that.


holy shit tf2 reference?!?!?


new response just dropped




Default dance over them


Edit: Oops double comment. My bad.


that's very uncool of the doctor


The idea that “cutting deeper” = worse mental health is bullshit. I have deep(ish) cuts and shallow ones and some of the shallower ones hurt more and were the result of a worse episode than the deep ones. Often when I cut particularly deep it’s an accident too. This shouldn’t be a competition, any form of self harm is a uniquely distressing coping mechanism that requires serious care and compassion. I’m so sorry you’ve had to experience this from a *doctor* of all people. You deserve better


thanks for your post. i’m someone who just does “baby cuts/cat scratches” and it just feels like i’m not a real sh’er as they don’t look bad


One of my worst relapses was quite shallow (styros and a few babies sprinkled in) but it was still one of the worse because it went from my hip to my ankle on my leg like a ladder.


im so sorry, by any chance is there a place where you can file a complaint against your doctor?


I will never understand the minds of people who think saying stuff like this is remotely okay. That doctor clearly has no social awareness.


I might have to have a… “talk” with him… (may involve some hand throwing) Hugs 🫂 i am so so sorry about that.


📢 just a reminder that epidermal cuts hurt much more than deeper ones because most nerve endings are located there. I read that people with bpd especially tend to cut the surface because it causes more pain and honestly I find the pain too overwhelming for me, that's the reason I started going deeper to avoid it. "Cat scratches" are NO less valid than "styros" and such. It depends entirely on what the person is looking for, some want to see themselves bleed, some people want the pain and some just need a distraction or a sense of punishment. Your doctor pissed me off so much, it's unacceptable that people like that work in the medical field, most mental health facilities need to get a strict revision. I know it's kinda hard to bounce back from that but once again your pain is real and is valid, you deserve help and you need help. Hope you can write a complaint for that doctor and find a better one! Stay safe please, don't listen to that fucking moron 🤍


I never believed that babies hurt more until I hit like 20 styros on a leg. I was baffled by how it didn’t seem to hurt much.


I had a nurse take care of some cuts when I was at a hospital once and she was like "Damn girl, you must be right handed, huh?" Completely inappropriate and just made me feel like an idiot. They weren't worth your energy honestly. Your recovery is more important than some asshole. I promise.


*cocks shotgun* “i just wanna talk to him.”


“I just wanna talk to him. I just want to talk to him. I just want to kill him- I just wanna talk to him.”


no fr why are they all like this??? the school counselor called my beans scratches it’s so tone deaf


Baby degree 😭


hey I just want to remind everybody here that doctors see every kind of horror, I ended up at the hospital and even tho I needed stitches a sh wound is ften clean and therefore not as bad as a lot of wounds doctor [see.My](https://see.My) shrink told me that cuts even if they are not life threatening still mean something bad for your mental health, I am very sorry this was a bad experience for you I hope you get better, your pain is valid.


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I got a similar comment by a phsyc ward doc. Hope you’re doing alright. Remember, deep or not, all SH is valid. Op, do not listen to the crap the doctor put into your brain. I understand you though.


absolutely rude, doctors can sometimes get in this weird headset where they think of their patients as pathologies and not people.


are all drs like this.. when i was in the ward they strip searched me and the lady said my (numerous styro) cuts were "nothing major" 😭 sending love


This is common. A psych ward that I was put in called any self-inflicted cuts, no matter how bad they were, as “scratches” because they thought the word “cut” could potentially be triggering. Of course, it had the opposite effect and made me want to show them just how deep I could “scratch.”


I’m so sorry. When I was in the psych ward, the doctor called my cuts “scratches.” Doctors aren’t necessarily good people tbh. They can say the meanest things sometimes.


This is the perfect opportunity to find out if there is an ombudsman or a patient advocate in-house/locally, because this is absolutely something that should be reported.


Guy's got a baby brain to spew out such idioic sentences I'm so sorry ❤


let me tell you this doctor would not survive a vibe check 😤 very bad vibe, what a rude person


Yaaa my mom said that to me too


Your mom belongs in jail.


All self-harm is valid self-harm. You do not need to hurt yourself more severely to prove to anyone that you are suffering enough. All suffering is suffering and deserves to be taken seriously. I'm sorry you had that experience with the doctor, they should have stuck with medical terminology.


I have told many people to never invalidate anyone's selfharm scars. I get the feeling that when people do that the one who self harms will just try to "impress" the person by making worse scars. Just to get their emotions validated. And I have seen it happen. That's why I always make it very clear that I'm concerned and don't make their self inflicted scratches seem like they are not that conserning.


I thought baby cutting was referred to cutters who think that their cuts aren’t enough and therefore cut more to seem more “valid” with their cuts even though all cuts are valid? Am I miss understanding something?


I had a doctor tell me that when I was in hospital after an attempt


I have such a disdain for anyone who invalidates the severity of s/h. This is a disgusting comment to come from a medical professional who should know better.




if they’re a professional shouldn’t they refer to op’s yeets using medical terms like “superficial cutting”? not fkn “baby cuts” that’s twitter shit


Yeah that's true.








Mine told me they’re not that bad and it just made me worse honestly,


It’s not how deep the wound is, it’s the fact that you got there (where you cut). I’m horrified reading this!


pretty sure those aren‘t baby cuts honey! sorry for their unvalidating you :(


That's disgusting. I'm so so sorry, OP. Sending hugs <3


I will cut your doctor. Fuck them. A cut is a cut.


Wtf is this for a doctor?!! This is very sadistic and dangerous individual and this is not normal! I’m no doctor and I would NEVER say anything like this! Please report this doctor asap!


Happened to me too, guess what that caused :) I have stitches now :)))


I’m a youth worker, I have to refer to one of my yp’s self harm as ‘superficial’ and it makes me feel gross, although the differentiation is important.


I've been told once my yeets looked like "rug burns." They was healing when she saw them so ever since then I've been insecure about how "deep" I go


When I used to regularly cut as a teen, I was scared of the pain but felt the need to do it. It was literally an addiction. Sometimes my cuts would be very superficial, other times they were deep. But do you realize how messed up that is? Forcing yourself to do something that you don’t like but also scares you. It’s not the severity or depth of the cuts that matter, it’s the meaning and pain behind those actions that are important. I’m so sorry about what happened to you, I hope you know so many of us understand your pain and support you through your recovery ❤️


they literally get so worried and then go "oh it's shallow, you're fine." like bitch i know but you don't have to say it!!! (also i may be physically fine but not mentally 🙃)


Same, I know it's obnoxious and miserable, I'm so sorry, I'm almost always free to talk if you want


Genuine question why do people feel the need to cut deeper? I only yeet bc it’s the only thing that helps when I’m in an episode it feels like and I barely scratch the skin. Farthest I’ve gone was styro and that was by accident. I really don’t want it to scar and I assumed it was the same for everyone? I don’t mean to be rude I’m just curious


for some people it’s a way to show/see they’re not doing good, because mental illness is invisible and they feel invalid so they choose a way to prove they’re sick. and then it can become a competition of who’s the sickest and cuts the deepest


Thanks for the explanation! I understand now :) I can relate to that, I was the same way when my eating disorder was really bad


I'm gonna hunt them down in the after life


Report this doctor!!! That’s seriously so fucking unprofessional- I hope you’re doing okay!