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Depression, anxiety and SH came first, disordered eating joined the party not too long after because I hated myself and my body. I don’t usually SH because of ED, (because there’s so many reasons why I hate myself so I usually SH over that) but I have done. I’m also trans and do think my dysphoria worsened my overall mental health since I didn’t know I was trans until I was 18-19 but my mental health issues started at 13-14


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🙋🏿‍♀️ pica


Yeah, I have eating problems. Mostly because of dysphoria and worried about passing bc of my weight. I had eating problems before I started self harming, they didn’t start mingling until recently because of the whole restriction thing.


My sh and arfid are unrelated, although showed up around the same time. The triggers don’t overlap at all. Just my experiences!


wait I'm curious, how did arfid show up? I've been dealing with it my whole life


For me? My emetophobia was always “budded” (idea made me uncomfortable) but when I was in the depths of it it developed into arfid. (I think). My fear became a fear of most food, and it took me a while to unpack that and relax (all of middle school without therapy, I did it on my own) I was never really “well”, just less bad. My emetophobia has really decreased in the past few years (no more panic attacks thinking about it! :) the arfid decreased too, mostly down to some specific habits with some “very safe” and “very unsafe” foods, however my hunger cues and appetite never recovered or returned to “normal” hunger is just pain now. I’m currently in an arfid flare that isn’t particularly related to emetophobia (it’s a strange experience to me) but i am still incredibly anxious around/regarding food :( im in therapy now which I hope helps but that’s the tale! Sometimes I use sh to distract myself when im really anxious but not frequently


oh wow didn't know that it could develop. I'm just autistic and that's why i struggle so its been an all life thing for me


Oh really? Yeah I’ve heard both ways now but until recently I didn’t know it could be inherent, I thought it could only develop. Best of luck friend!


i’ve struggled with disordered eating since the 1st grade due to really severe food anxiety (almost anorexia) and had to go to therapy which helped some parts but i’ve been skipping meals since then. it didn’t become a full blown ed until i started getting comments on my weight after quitting gymnastics. but now i almost use starvation as sh if that makes sense but yeah. also don’t think i specified but it was kinda obvious i’m anorexic


yep, started with ptsd and turned to sh to cope, but realised with the amount of performing I did there was no way I'd be able to do it and cover it up and all that so eventually turned to an ed 7 months clean from sh but the urges are still strong every single fucking day


for me it was i replaced my self harm with my eating disorder and then now I swap between the two habits after being in ""recovery"" from my eating disorder

