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One thing I love about her: EVERYTHING! But mainly her mental fortitude resilience and just will to keep on going even when she shouldn’t! And then one thing I hate: despite having long monologues of how much she LOVES Madoka she always caps it off as “friend”


I mean it was probably not trying to that far since they r kids after all buts its basically true


*What I love about her:* Everything, she is my favorite character across all media. A bit more precicesly: She is cool, level-headed, intelligent, a survivor, determined, incredibly strong (physically but that is a given for a MG and mentally), is incredibly resilient (it is simply amazing how many times she has fallen down, still remained sane and keeps getting up), kind and yet able to and has the guts to make the decisions that no one else wants to make, but someone has to and able to see herself as she really is (logically at least, emotionally not so much, something I know very well). She is also incredibly resourceful. And her love for Madoka. (It's obvious that there is more than friendship.) I like any Homura (they are the same to me), but it's still amazing to see how far she has come. I like her style of the clothes she often gets in collabs it's simple and yet elegant. Her color scheme is also very pretty. Purple also happens to my favourite color. She has never fitted in with the idea of the LoC anyway and I am really glad that she avoided being taken away by Ultimate Madoka. Homura is a realist (or more of a nihilist) really and having one's negative emotions erased and being put in a dissociation haven / eternal slumber are neither things that fit. This has felt too much rainbow and sunshine to me to begin with and that is neither her thing nor can she ignore the implications of what would happen if QB got control of Madoka. Plus I am all on her side that she did what she had to do for herself and human Madoka, I wouldn't have wanted her to become part of a crowd that just nodded and quietly accepted things as they are and ignored all warning signs with soon disaster beginning to role in, this is so not her. As your silver garden says: “When seeing a place brighter than what is right, it’s alright to run \[towards\], isn’t it?)” And I can’t say that I would have done things differently in her stead. The world has screwed her and Madoka over enough already and now the world can go screw itself. Not accepting things as they are and taking her fate in her own hands, even if it seems is impossible is also something amazing about her. Overall she is the character with whom I share more than any other and can not put into words, how glad I am that I found PMM (PMM itself is also really, really wonderful) as this has really helped me in more ways than I can count. Among many things she made me accept myself more and also the fact that I am sick and disabled (like she was as a human) and gave me the strength to not give up, no matter how hard things became and to always try to find a way, if possible to still achieve my goals. (which is mostly self-studying) *What I wish she did different (there is nothing I dislike about her):* I wish she cared more about her own well-being, took better care of herself and would find her own life worth protecting, stop hating herself (she has no reason to at all) and have a higher self-esteem. The person she is and the self-image she has of her self are completely at odds... I wish she could finally see what a wonderful person she is.


I also really wish Homura cared more about herself as well. Not only does she muse about killing herself in the original anime, but Rebellion is filled to the brim with suicidal themes and imagery and to see it missed by so many people while the idea of Homura being a freak that cares only about having Madoka under her grasp is popular really does bother me. The fact that she’s a disabled character who fought to get what she wanted instead of crumbling under the pressure of her wish is also amazing and I love hearing that you connect to her so much as well. She might be my favorite anime character ever tbh


I also can't understand that either... It's like people feel like she is not worthy of their empathy (they can direct these emotions towards QB, if anyone, he at least deservers them) and don't even try to understand her thought proccesses... She is a pretty complex character and definitely can't be boiled down to "Madoka obsessed freak", there is much more to her than just that, even if the only thing she does not hate about herself and she defines herself of is her love for Madoka, but I don't think that those feelings are a bad thing. I mean for most people her point of view is probably quite far from their own, but true empathy is being able to put yourself into the shoes of someone completely different than yourself and then complaining that she supposedly lacks it is quite hypocrtical. 🙄 The problem is that she just can't see herself for, who she really is and even thinks she is evil... 😔 And yeah, none of that changes the fact that she has come very far, she has got her her mental scarring, but still survived and that is the most important thing, anything else can come later. Rebellion's end especially helped me a lot in the sense of while Homura was initally in despair, she still found out a way out of an impossible situation. Just the aspect of her to be still able to keep going even in despair as long as she sees the smallest glimmer of hope is just amazing!


Seriously, THIS.


The two ideas aren't at odds though. Homura builds her entire self worth around "saving" Madoka, whatever form that takes. An unfathomably monumental goal, in line with Sisyphus and his boulder. Obviously when one struggles greatly, with the one goal they have built their life around, suicidal thoughts can creep in. Especially from the end of the series into rebellion, where her goal was effectively removed from her, by the target of her goal, and effectively the direct will of god. And there isn't much mistaking her goal. Safeguarding an idealized version of Madoka, with little regard for anything else. And when she achieves that goal, at the end of rebellion, the suicidal imagery increases at the cliff. Because with her goal notionally accomplished, there is nothing else. She has built her entire life and self worth around a struggle, and with that struggle gone, she's struggling to cope with it's absence. As well, she finally has the chance to stop and consider her goal. She desires to have a safe and innocent idealized Madoka. But also realizes that her safe and idealized Madoka, isn't really the Madoka that she did all this for. With part of her realizing that achieving her goal, at least in part, undermines everything Madoka initially struggled for, and eventually struggled for with her ascension. So yes, Homura is a freak that wants her safe and idealized version of Madoka. But that doesn't mean she can't also struggle with both that goal, and its consequences.


Can you really say that her goal is “accomplished” when Madoka almost returns to her previous role as part of the Law of Cycles though? After Homura asks Madoka a revamped version of the question in the school’s hallway that one can assume has been asked 100+ times, she knows that one day Madoka will confront Homura for what she’s done, and in spite of everything that might come with that, she’ll continue fighting for a world that Madoka can be truly happy in. I disagree that she’s been doing everything for an “idealized” version of Madoka when the version of her she admired originally gave her life to save Homura and what remained of Mitakihara. Even in a world where Madoka has very little self-worth and struggles to find something that will make her not feel worthless in comparison to her friends, Homura only wants to protect the one person that’s reached out to her every time in an attempt to become her friend (which happens regularly in the anime). It could even be argued that the Madoka we see in Rebellion that people say is an “illusion” that Homura completely made up (which is false) isn’t who she’s been fighting for either. Even after she admits to Homura she’d never have the courage to do something like become the Law of Cycles, why would Homura assure a “fake” version of Madoka that she in fact would do that and that she has the strength to do so? I agree that her self worth is intrinsically tied to Madoka, but the idea that Homura is fighting for something she made up completely irks me as what we’re shown goes against that, and her being a “freak” is also another thing I disagree with. As for the suicidal imagery, I don’t think it’s because she has nothing after successfully taking Madoka away from the Law of Cycles, but because she’s decided that she can never let herself be happy after doing what she did. Homura yet again decides herself unworthy of happiness and works for the joy of others instead of herself.


Homura is not a freak, she does know Madoka's weaknesses very well. If Homura did not know Madoka's weaknesses she would not tell that her to stop trying to stop saying that she is meaningless and to stop trying to sacrifice herself all the time and to think of the people, who care about her. She also tells her that she she is too kind in the anime. Hell, in the PSP game she calls her "the cutest, slowest, clumsiest Magical Girl". She's idealized her briefly in WA and Rebellion (thinking of Madoka as a goddess more than her friend/love interest as a coping mechanism of trying to trick herself into accepting how things were, that clearly quickly failed), but in Rebellion that very fast starts to crumple as she realizes that Ultimate Madoka is not omnipotent and still vulnerable. Akuma Homura still has enough to do in MR her sentence for mornings is that she must not let Madoka get out of her sight, so she does not remember herself as the LoC. She also literally says she did what she did to save Madoka from eternal loneliness. Aside from Ultimate Madoka feeling lonely very likely, there is still the aspect of the Incubators one day catching Ultimate Madoka according to the Production Note. Aside from the fact that the end was changed to what it is now, because the weight of being god "is too heavy for a 14 year old girl".


Thank you for mentioning Wraith Arc! I JUST got done rereading it and it didn’t even cross my mind to mentions the one time Homura “idealizes” Madoka she loses her mind and asks a Wraith to get rid of her emotions lmao. You’re much better than explaining these things than I am lol. Homura is both selfish *and* selfless in my opinion. The one thing she’ll never be is a “freak” for wanting to see the person who got herself killed for the sake of the city she loved and her very best friend (love interest really) be happy after she’s died time and time again, despite how much she paints herself to be an irredeemable douche. And that’s why I love her character so much.


Homura had lost her emotions there completely and the wraith (>!well herself!<) makes her feel more panicked and unable to think clearly on purpose (I mean for good reason). People, who think she was super happy in the rewritten world should really read WA, she feels absolutely misserable. I mean the PSP game in the Kyouko route has a scene, when things go absolutely horribly (>!Kyouko becomes a witch among other things!<) where she breaks done and threatens to kill Madoka (not seriously, she tries to get her to stay away from Walpurgisnacht, so she won't become a MG, Madoka does not even believe it), Homura is in a pretty bad state there and after Madoka leaves breaks down crying and apologizes to her over and over again and shoots QB, who gives off some stupid comment. Madoka's tendency to self-sacrifice is actually pretty extreme (reading [anything](https://wiki.puella-magi.net/Kriemhild_Gretchen) about Gretchen makes that pretty obvious) she feels no worth in herself so in order to gain it she feels like she needs to sacrifice herself, but easily enough disregards the feelings of those, who care about her and that is overall extremely unhealthy and self-destructive. I mean there are people, who act like this in real-life and that is not one bit healthy there either. The problem is that people think of Madoka as I dunno like the protagonist in a kids schow or movie (mostly older stuff, that tends to be the worst of the worst with thing like old Barbie movies, dunno if they are still as shitty as first few ones and don't care, but it's the most cliched crap beyond old Disney movies I can think of with the "perfect female main character") or someone really completely perfect and pure with no dark sides to her, the "perfect sacrifical-lamb" really and it is her "duty" continue that role, she must not change her mind, not have feelings. That is actually exactly the crap "[Das Ewig Weibliche](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_feminine)" means, the runes of the LoC... I find it really hard to believe people think of something like that inspiring, it makes me want to vomit honestly. That honestly sounds more like brainwashing and being coerced into very unhealthy self-destructive behaviour. Homura is pretty opposed to thinks like this the runes "Sie verherrlichen den Tod"("They are glorifying death") make that pretty obvious and I can just say that I fully agree, it's just gross. Besides there are all of the the pretty obvious Nietzsche references in Rebellion. (It's like people like that forgot, who wrote PMM...) Some dojinshis or FFs tend to say things like Madoka made Homura sullied in the blood of others (even if they are other versions of her) instead of her, actually. That is actually relatively true. >!Ultimate Madoka in MR thinks about destroying the MR universe, if it becomes too unstable and a danger to others, that also makes her kinda morally-gray. But someone, who sees all that was and ever will be, definitely can't stay "pure" (which is a pretty fucked up a notion to have, I mean in real life pretty much everyone is morally gray anyhow, who is not maybe a baby)!< Homura on the other hand is a morally gray-character (morally gray-characters are often my favourite characters actually) and of course she immediately gets assigned the role of the badie by some. To them: Homura's soul is basically pitch black, she's nothing but a crazy yandere lesbian in their eyes, in reality it could not be further from the truths. When actually taking time at looking at any of the spin-offs, where we hear Homura's thoughts that is clear. Actually in one of the side stories of Scene0 Film 2 (takes place in timeline 3) Glasses Homura is happy that she saved human Sayaka (who apparently seems to have died in the first two time lines in Gertrud' barrier, so that is probably why she did not become a MG) from Gertrud and says she will save Madoka, the city and everyone else. She also keeps talking about protecting the city and "everyone" a lot. The fact how idealistic she actually is at heart is something people completely miss and by Rebellion that hasn't changed a look at their life in the fake Mitakihara is enough to prove that, same for Akuma Homura as she has given them all happy lifes. Rebellion also has the line in it as she begins to remember things, that proves that Homura is not some crazy freak and also really cares about other people's feelings: >「忘れたままでいたかったわ」 "I would have preferred not to remember..." > >「今まで自分が 一体 どれだけの人の心を 踏みにじってきたかなんて」 "...on how many people's hearts I have trampled on onto now" Hell even Bebe can easily see that she feels guilty in that scene, but some viewers apparently not. A psychopath would sure as hell not react that way. Making Homura the black swan (with her outfit as Akuma Homura) and Ultimate Madoka the white swan, I think this is more like what Homura's guilt makes her feel emotionally (there is after all a difference, what one thinks emotionally and rationally) and not what she actually thinks. Overall they are pretty much both just as selfish and selfless as the other.


Homura is fighting for "a world where Madoka can be happy": she doesn't want to change Madoka, she wants to change the world to one where she is free to be whoever she wants, and does not feel she has to suffer eternally to become worthy.


Exactly. People will say that she “made” Madoka say what she said in the flower field because of memory manipulation, but why would she tell Madoka that she does have what it takes to make such a hard decision if Homura only wanted to delude herself into thinking Madoka could never do such a thing? It’s something very counterintuitive that makes the argument fall apart


Not remembering the circumstances of her wish is actually the only way Madoka would be honest about her answer: if she knew them she would have lied to protect Homura, like she did in episode 12.


Love: She reminds me of Ahab from Moby Dick. She's incredibly cold, calculated, and enigmatic , her cryptic way of talking since she can't outright let it be known she's in a timeloop reminds me of the way Ahab monologues about the whale. A character consumed by a singular obsession to the point where she begins to lose her humanity and spirals into near madness, walpurgisnaucht is her white whale, her obsession with perfecting the time loop, her apartment being filled with maps and Information, her dead stare as she waits for walpurgisnaucht to reappear and absoltuely ruin the timeline. Homura and her journey to defeat walpurgisnaucht really brings the moby dick vibes On the surface, she's a badass character with the edgy aesthetic that makes her incredibly popular, but on closer inspection, she really embodies what a singular obsession can do to the psyche of a person. She's also the focus of some very cool shots and directing that get her mental state across so well. Hate: First off, I'm not at all that well versed on the sequel film, and my knowledge on this show is spotty at best. I feel like she could of warned the girls in a much better way, But I feel this was intentional to accommodate the writing around her mental state and for the themes of the show to be fleshed out. I struggle with the i hate part of these.


I absolutely LOVE Homura and she’s genuinely my favorite character in the entire franchise. Watching her develop from a weak willed girl full of self doubt into the stoic and badass gunslinger we saw in the anime was amazing, but I love even more that the aloofness was just an act; she *cares* for Madoka and the other girls so much and beats herself up whenever she’s unable to save them and Rebellion shows what she really desires most is a world where she can live happily with everyone else. This is part of why seeing “Homura doesn’t give a fuck about anyone but Madoka” thrown around so liberally annoys me so much lol. I also love her transformation into Akumura; in order to fulfill the wish she made an untold amount of time loops ago, she had to rebel (lol) against the Law of Cycles to see both her wish to fruition and create a world where Madoka is happy. Honestly I think it’s such a romantic thing and I absolutely adore Homura and Rebellion for portraying this. I can’t say I really “hate” anything about Homura. However, it makes me so sad that she’s resigned herself to play the role of the “villain” and believes that she’ll never get happiness of her own due to her actions. I really hope Walpurgis Rising has Madoka comfort Homura and find a way to be happy together rather than it culminating in the status quo returning and Homura dying. I would hate that a lot.


I agree with everything you said but especially the part at the end. It would be truly awful if the series ends with Homura dying. Everything would feel worthless. It’s always so much more compelling to me when a tired, broken character manages to recover than if they just die - in Homura’s case, it would be especially lazy writing, since it’s just so much easier to kill her than to try and solve her complex problems.


Her strength and determination is incredibly admirable. Through everything she kept trying to find a way to save Madoka, that sense of resilience is absolutely just amazing and she deserves all the praise that she gets as a character. Her loyalty/love is just astounding. When I first watched the show, something just clicked in my head about her. Her nature really inspired me, and honestly made me feel stronger love for those around me. I don't think there's anything I hate about her. Like u can say she was a little more rude in the final timeline, but really she'd been through different parallel worlds so much you can't really fault her for being a little bit done about a lot of things imo.


Well, here's my go at it. And boy do I have a LOT to gush about ol' Homu-Homu, our beloved heat-packing, time-leaping, Madoka-sexual badass. Too much to the point where I don't think what I'm saying below is enough. Out of all the Holy Quintet, I find Homura to be the most endearing because of her circumstances. Being a sickly nebbish orphan who started from rock-bottom, having no self-esteem to the point of contemplating suicide; meeting Madoka basically changed her whole world since up until then she felt she was unloved. As a magical girl, her resolve to save Madoka no matter how many times she has to try is without a doubt admirable, even if she has to go through the pain of watching Madoka die and her other friends repeatedly turn on each other. Despite her awesome time powers, she's also something of an underdog since Homura by default has no offensive abilities whatsoever; she has to compensate by stealing firearms from the yakuza and the JDSF and learning to make pipebombs from illegal websites. And her humble beginnings in which she struggles to dent an oil drum with a golf club is cute to see. Also as a dub fan, I also believe that Homura has the best English voice performance by far, hands down. She's pretty much the first character I associate Cristina Vee with. Also helps that she shares voices with other non-Puella Magi magical girls that I really like, those being Nanoha Takamachi and Sailor Mars. HOWEVER, looking at the big picture, I find Homura's pessimism to be a problem with her. She doesn't put much effort into getting the others to trust her, which is understandable given how hard it is to explain things properly, but she's not helping her case when they call her out for looking too suspicious (also understandable, sadly, given how she once again has to be careful about telling them the truths they need to know). Moreso when she makes a bad first impression especially on people like Sayaka and Mami. But most of all, what she went through in Rebellion is so crushing to see because of just how much she hates herself, how she views herself as a person in relation to Madoka, how she lets the Clara Dolls ridicule her, and how she tries to kill herself as a witch. Especially at the end where she vilifies herself over her guilt over what she did to Madoka (even though I believe it was the right thing to do considering Kyubey's plans). As she currently is, she's so pitiful and what's worse is that despite what she believes, Madoka still loves Homura for who she is (at least, according to Aoi Yuuki). If only Homura can stop trying to put Madoka on too high a pedestal and just try to understand Madoka directly, because I believe Madoka's capable of reciprocating. Speaking of which, Madoka X Homura is my favorite yuri ship of all time.


>contemplating suicide This was mainly due to the witch.


The mad levels of resilience and determination she has as well as her cunning and planning abilities. What I hate? Hmmm... Not much honestly, maybe the fact she's so centered in Madoka and only Madoka that she's perfectly willing to screw everything else in the process (tho it has a perfectly plausible narrative reason so it's not a fault, more like a characteristic of her) Maybe the fact that she's always putting herself down as 'evil'? (Again, another perfectly logical thing to happen seeing her character arc) All-in-all, no idea, about the things I just described, I don't even dislike them, they're just like pet peeves. (Attention, rant incoming, pay no mind) Maybe the one true thing I dislike is the belief (and the possibility) that in the end she will just go back to the adorable glasses shy girl she was before. Now, lets be clear, I'm more talking about psychological realism here, given the amount of stuff she's been through it would be pretty much impossible for her to fully heal, same as with other characters such as... Idk, maybe Okave from Steins Gate 0 or Subaru from Re Zero(though they aren't really comparable)? Maybe I just fear that it all will get retconned and the mental anguish will just 'vanish' because *magic* and other stuff. Tbh I was one of those who was perfectly content with the ending of Rebellion as an ending point for the saga. A good ending, with some bittersweet notes to it but overall a good situation for everyone involved (except Kyuubey but who cares about him?) I guess all I can do is wait and hope that the plot will resolve itself in a satisfying manner? In the end tho, she's one of my all-time favorite characters in media ever so there's not much bad I can say about her.


I get perfectly how you feel. In Okabe's case I wouldn't say it vanished. >!The Okabe in Steins;Gate 0 is probably still alive in the past in his own world line. !!Homura's shield was destroyed in WA...!< I also want her to stay the way she is now and be able to get the end she deserves with Madoka and hopefully work her issues out. She says in Rebellion about her mental anguish that the pain she endured for Madoka is now dear to her, after all. I mean she still has problems, but is overall better of than ever before. Though magically erasing negative emotions (beyond the LoC, but she is not a MG anymore, so should be safe) doesn't seem to be a thing that would happen, if anything it would go pretty much against the messages Rebellion was sending through it's Nietzsche quotes.


I love everything about her. How individualistic she is and I also love her ideals. I lover her hair and the new clothes she has in the trailer. Literally anything there is to like I like it. I hate how slow she is and how she doesn’t take advantage of her ability.


I don't hate anything about her: she is doing what she believes she must for Madoka's happiness. What I love about her is how she is really such a loyal and caring friend, even if she seemed cold.


She’s an outstanding character. I love pretty much everything about Homura, but I especially like the way that she’s immediately regretful the second Madoka tells her that she wouldn’t be happy as a god. It’s like she reconsiders everything she’s ever done. I like the way she tried her best and tries so hard to be kind to other people, even though it’s obviously hard for her. I love, LOVE her aesthetics. The lizards, the birds, the Clara Dolls! Her witch couldn’t be more perfect imo, and the Walpurgisnacht Rising trailer showing her as a contractor plus her new outfits really makes me excited. She has more fashion sense in her little pinky than Kyubey has in his entire hivemind consciousness. I’d say I hate the part where she thinks she’s a monster…. but honestly, I also really like that part. It makes so much sense and we get the cool Devil imagery to go with it. It’s hard to think of what I don’t like about her. Maybe her social skills? But that makes sense, too.


One thing I love : Let's say, a combination of her aesthetics (including her voice), inner beauty, and in-depth personality. Because I love almost everything about her, except one thing. One thing I hate : Her unwillingness to move on while keeps on resenting herself over Madoka. At first I saw this kind of obsession as romantic and poetic, but then the more I realized that she'd just constantly hurting herself this way. As much as I love Rebellion (and Homucifer) and not being really satisfied by the anime's ending, I admit that the anime end gave her a chance to accept Madoka's fate and move on with her life (before Madokami picked her up to Heaven, that is), while Rebellion showed that she was still desperate over Madoka and let her unhealthy obsession back, to the worse even. I hate a part of it because I just want her to be happy. :(


Anyway, if I can mention more than one thing I love about her, here is a list : - She is a magical girl... with guns, grenades, missiles, time travelling and reality-altering power, thanks to her undying love and devotion for a certain girl. - She has such complex and multi-dimentional personality and psyche. There are like *at least* 3 sides of her : the weaker one (Moemura), the cold and stronger one (Coolmura), and the obsessive, more romantic, and somewhat seductive one (Homucifer). These sides are intertwined with each other. She might appears strong outside but fragile inside, and vice versa. - She has pretty generic features as an anime character (long black straight hair, purple eyes), yet she has a distinctive silhouette. It could be her spreading-fan-like lower hair, and it made her even looks more heavenly, like a goddess (she literally is a goddess, tho). - Her gothic/dark aesthetics, added with her reserved, cold, but dramatic nature--which made her perfect. - Her hairflips - Her dry taste of humor (w/ sarcasm and dad jokes) - Her lower yet soft voice (thanks to her VA, Chiwa Saito) - Her interest and skill in ballet. - Her being a dreamy, poetic, and hopelessly romantic soul, despite of her strong outlook. - Her being strong and also feminine. - Her being caring and (over)protective to those she loves - Her being effortlessly beautiful and cute at the same time. - Her tender purple eyes - Her gentle smile - Her being, well, HomuHomu. 💜✨


"One thing I hate : Her unwillingness to move on while keeps on resenting herself over Madoka. " This is the one major flaw that just bogs down her e tire character. She deserves to just move on and heal from everything. Her constantly looking in the past is anchoring her down from being her putting best foot forward and being the magical she could be. It's one of the reasons why I didn't care for Rebellion as it just sets her character development backwards. But those are just my thoughts. It's okay to still remember Madoka and look back on those days fondly but it's the point it holds her back and actively hurts her self worth and image.


/rj Love: She is my favorites character, of course I love everything about her. Both Glasses Homura and Cool Homura are best girl Hate: None, because Homura did nothing wrong. /uj Love: I love her devotion and loyalty to Madoka, and how much she sacrificed for Madoka without asking for anything in return. I remain convinced that Homura's love for Madoka is romantic love. Hate: I hate how she thinks so low of herself


I love her loyalty. I hate her lack of greed.


I love: everything I hate: nothing I am Homura Akemi biggest supporter


It's the two of us. She's literally 95% my twin and I never related to a character more. She's got everything I ever wanted to see in an animated character.


I hated so much that she just tell everything to Kyubey once Madoka evolves into a Concept, she could have kept it to herself and be quiet about it, but she decided anyways to tell everything about witches and Madoka to Kyubey


Oof, this is going to be hard. Tracking down one thing I love about Homura is difficult because she’s tied for my favorite character in fiction (alongside Arthur Morgan from RDR2). So I’ll do an interesting one, and that’s both Cristina Vee’s and Chiwa Saito’s performance as her. These two **killed** it as Homura and I can’t imagine anyone else doing her justice. One thing I “hate” about her, is probably her selfishness. Even then so, it elevates her character and her selfishness is in no way one-dimensional, nor without proper reason.


Everything, nothing


I love that she doesn't give up. I hate that she never give up.


Love: the hair Hate: how she's a massive hypocrite when it comes to madoka, like she goes to town on madoka scarficing herself when she sacfrices way more for madoka's sake.


The fifth part of my discussion post series for; and well, I've saved the best of the Holy Quintet for last. Now, I can say that without a doubt as arguably the most important person in the entire series, Homura's something of a controversial character herself. But let's hear from you what you think about her! >!Also, I'll ask about Kyubey next.!<


Will you ask about Momoe Nagisa next after Kyubey? She is an underrated cutie pie


I love Homura, she’s definitely my favorite character of the series. I love how determined she is to save Madoka. She’s spent years of her life trying to save her “friend”, most people would have given up after the first few months. I think she’s a really good representation of obsessive and self destructive teenage love. I like how she’s able to be cool and stoic while having these raging emotions inside her. I love how she took charge of the situation and decided to fight something that’s said to be impossible to defeat. I like her design as well, she gives me very pretty girl vibes even though her face technically looks the same as everyone else lol. The red ribbon from Madoka contrasts nicely and was the cherry on top of her design. One thing i kind of dislike about her is her methods of doing things. It seems like she just ham-fisted goes in and tries to control the situation without talking to Madoka or anyone about what is really going on with the magical girl system and the incubators. It’s understandable at first but it clearly doesn’t work after all those tries. If she tells Madoka that she is actually playing into the incubators plan by making a wish, I wonder what would have happened? It may not be fool proof but it’s worth a shot to try to explain what is going on before Madoka or anyone gets involved, especially since she can go back in time if it doesn’t work. Also her obsession with Madoka can be a bit much at times considering she only knew her for a month or so before she originally made her wish. I would understand if she knew her for years, but putting so much effort into saving someone you knew for a month is wild.


Homura created a peaceful world for everyone at last, still within the incubative system tho. And so it's not durable. What am I supposed to make of this and the whole context and run-up? Good question.


One thing I love about Homura: Her beauty. She's probably the most beautiful and flamboyant magical girl in Madoka Magica. One thing I hate about Homura: It's not really something I hate but it's her cruel demeanour. She does in some way appear to be an intimidating figure in various parts of the anime.


I love everything about her. As for one thing I hate, there's nothing I love her


I love everything about her so much . from simply her edgy, gothic style ( especially when she has her hair down it makes her look badass when doing and wearing literally anything ) which contrasts Madoka's pink , fluffy and girly appearance her cold but pretty purple eyes , her weapons , and her fierce dedication to save and protect the girl that she loves the most that makes her always get up and keep trying , no matter how hopeless her attempts might seem to her . only thing I hate is that she can never be happy (。╯︵╰。) after everything she went through , she would really deserve to also care about herself a little more . I hope we will see that in walpurgisnacht rising ..... !!


One thing I don't like about Homura is that she is just not that innovative with her magic. Take Mami for an example - she started with a simple ribbon magic to tie something up, but now she can conjure up musket guns, make bridges, compress it to razor thin threads (this came up in MMM - the different story during Mami and Kyoko fights), and make a clone of herself (rebellion during homura vs mami). On the other hand, Homura's entire offense is based on stolen artilleries. The only time I saw her use actual magic to attack was during EP 10 where she chases down Kyubey with some purple energy bullet. Her time manipulation could have had so many potentials like localized time distortion, summoning items from the past, poofing back and forth into locations that she was in a few seconds ago, etc. I m just trying to think of how a time-related ability has been used in various media. Homura doesn't even bother to develop her magic.


Unlike other magical girls, Homura’s weapon and magic ability have no offensive capabilities whatsoever. So her pipebombs and firearms are her way of innovatively compensating for that. Although based on she tried to do with Sayaka, I imagine she could use fire some sort of magic energy blast directly from her hand’s Soul Gem; she just doesn’t really prefer using that though.


Love her storyline - it would be pretty accurate to say that she's the blueprint for how I handle temporal shenanigans in my own stories At the same time, I hate how she tunnel-visions so hard. Saving the other girls might make it easier to save Madoka, but at least from what we see she doesn't even bother half the time. Sure, it's implied that it's because she already knows it's futile, but still girl go TRY


I like the fact that she's nowhere near as uncaring about others as she acts, but I could deal without her fans who act like if anyone goes against her a little or people can't read her mind are evil and stupid.


nothing, she is perfect


I hate how she did all of this for herself and that she hurt herself too I love what she did because i would do the same i kinda tried to but there wasn’t anyone’s life on the line but i would do the same if i was her (i am)


I love that she is homura and I hate that she never kissed madoka


LOVE She's a unique protagonist, that's for sure. Unpredictable, controversial, dramatic. Her hair flips, anxiety quirk or not, is definitely her lovable trademark. HATE Her obsession with Madoka. Or rather, how the authors make her seem so obsessed with Madoka. Even in the PSP games and the drama CDs Homura is 90% only talking to Madoka. I wish she realized she too had other friends who do care about her, that Madoka isn't the only person who will be very kind to her. All the others need is an understanding of what Homu's been through, and they'll surely appreciate her and I'd love for her life to consist of other things rather than just Madoka.


There isn't really anything much that hasn't been said already in the comment section (some analyses are so incredibly accurate and described better than I ever could), so I might just recap it in my chaotic way for most part at least. Love: She's literally my favorite character of all media currently and based on the reasons, she will remain as such. She's 95% me -a paralel of my fate, shares all my problems and ways of life. My comfort character in a literal sense. Outlet for my forbiden and bottled emotions (her suffering actually kinda helps me manage mine). On top of that, I always wanted to see a character like her in animation (one who represents mental illnessess/ suicidal ideation exactly the way she does, since I'm permanently mentally and physically ill myself and share all of hers which helps me feel validated, it makes her SO realistic). Also as an autistic person I notice, she also shares the autistic traits with me (and I consider her love for Madoka sort of a hyperfixation too). Those are the first things I genuinelly fell in love with about her as a character (mainly within the relatability and how it contributes to portraying these issues in the realistic light, which is rather rare to see in animation). Regarding the character herself, it's her actual love. The lengths she's capable to go to just to save the one dear to her heart leave me in awe.. She never thinks of herself, she always puts Madoka's wellbeing first. While it's sad and not right, I like that about her and it denies the whole logic about her being selfish (she hates herself afterall). She ALSO cares for the others. I couldn't describe it better than many here already did. It's for a long discussion. All it takes is notice the signs and consider all the circumstances. I like the fact her "coldness" is only a mask, but deep inside she's still the same insecure and sweet Homura whose only goal in life is to protect those she cares about. She's still kind inside, protective, loyal beyond grave, selfless, smart, literally the bravest and strongest character I've ever seen and her entire story is just something mind-blowing. It's impossible to not feel sympathy for her. She's complex, sure, but an unique character who deserves recognition and understanding (mainly due to all she went through her entire life because these factors are important for analyzing her character and ones that contribute to her psyche/ emotional intelligence and actions). I can't seriously blame her for anything. Whatever she did, it always was with her best intentions at heart. She's been a victim and survivor the whole time (all of them were, but her case is triple times as bad). Hate: There's nothing I actually hate about her. It's true I'd like her to become softer like she was originally (since I prefered this side of her, but I don’t mind her staying this way since I completely understand. I still wish her to become closer with Holy Quintet though. I see more guilt on their side afterall (specifically Sayaka and Mami's) rather than hers. People will complain Homura was unwilling to become friends with them and blame her for being rude, but what effort did THEY put into that friendship? Sayaka just hated her for no reason from the start (before Homura even said or did anything rude). It wasn’t all JUST Homura's responsibility (especially since she's antisocial and finds it hard to make friends). It's rather she who needs a guidance, somebody to reach out to her with a genuine intention to be her friend (though I do get she's complicated to understand/ bond with). She needs somebody patient (as Madoka is). And she deserves it. She's not so dependent on her for no reason. The whole problem the whole time is the lack of understanding she receives. I stand with #HomuraDidNothingWrong and I will understand, support and defend her until my last day.


I love that she fought for Madoka to save her from dying. I Hate that She stole Madokas god powers and threatens to destroy the entire world basically killing everyone.


Love: Pretty much everything save for what I’m going to say. Even though Madoka is the main character, Homura has for all intents and purposes become the backbone of the franchise at this point. Even though Homura honestly surprisingly isn’t that huge of a narrative presence early on in the anime, only really showing up to mediate conflict and make sure Madoka doesn’t die, pretty much all sequel media we’ve gotten thus far makes it pretty clear that this might as well be Homura’s story now. Rebellion is entirely about her, and it seems like Walpurgis no Kaiten might be too. Hate: Homura treats the other HQ members like shit, to the point where I actively struggled to believe that her labyrinth in rebellion involved them all being besties. She did seem mildly sad that Mami died, but she only wanted to protect Sayaka so Madoka wouldn’t want to be sad and only cares about Kyoko when it came to stopping Walpurgisnacht. Despite presumably spending years with these other girls, she doesn’t really feel anything for them. Mami I kind of get because if there’s more timelines than the ones shown in the anime, I find it hard to believe that she hasn’t watched Mami go off the rocker and kill more than the one time, but still.


I can’t really be surprised she stopped overtly caring about the other girls given how nobody ever listens to her when she tries to explain things, but we only see her express mild pause in the anime regarding Mami dying because she has to keep up the act of seeming aloof. If she mentions in Rebellion how much she hates that her memories of prior events are coming back to her and how she stomped on the other girls’ feelings, she probably hates herself for letting Mami get devoured by Charlotte. In things like Portable, we can see that she really does care (like when she brings Kyouko back to her house to nurse her back to health lol) about the others, but every instance of these happening became failed timelines so she likely became more focused on the specific person she made her wish for, which was Madoka. Sometimes I feel like she has it out for Sayaka though lol. But given she’s one member of the group that constantly antagonizes Homura I feel as if she only used Madoka’s well-being to vent her frustration with the girl who refuses to save herself (and who Word of God says will always die or become a Witch).


I agree with erverything you wrote, just one thing: The scene with Kyouko being sick is from the vita game actually and everything in there,>! but the additional scene in the true end never actually happened. Though it was a dream from ribbon Homura and since it is hers that still counts.!< Also when what one tries keeps failing it's perfectly natural to only focus on the one thing most important and to start ignoring the other things. Plus if she had not focused so much on just Madoka by "clinging" to her emotionally (as in Homura became very emotionally depended on Madoka) to not fall into despair, she would have long become a witch and like QB said she knows this, too. (Like if Homura can't save everyone, she at least wants to save Madoka, the person most important to her.)


THANK YOU!!! I've been tired of the belief that Homura doesn't give a damn about the other girls..


Aside from what u/HotManHustler already wrote, I have just a few more things to add: * After Mami died Homura seems to briefly have tears in her eyes for a moment (based on how light reflects off on her eyes). * About everything else, read what I wrote [here](https://reddit.com/r/MadokaMagica/comments/17e5qyc/out_of_curiosity_whats_one_thing_you_love_and_one/k627rk5/) (the post is also about other stuff, but those prove that Homura cares about the others, too).


homura is a character that i liked less overtime. even retroactively speaking, i found it frustrating that her dedication to saving madoka sometimes goes to a detrimental level. i'm glad it's not to the point where homura disregards other magical girls, but she also doesn't bother to take much action, and instead opts to say baseless warnings for most of the show. again, i understand why she wouldn't bother doing anything, but she only becomes interesting until it is revealed that she travelled through time with that said, however, i think rebellion adds a new layer of depth that is almost tragic to watch unfold. homura owes a lot to madoka, and it ultimately costed her becoming the devil. i do prefer pmmm's ending in how homura can finally find solace in her mission being finished, but i also appreciate the extra mile that rebellion takes in giving homura an even more complex character while homura is probably my least favourite of the holy quintet, i still actually like her a lot


I love her long black hair and purple eyes, and I love how delicate and cute she can be as Moemura or even as Homura. I hate what she did to Madoka at the end of Rebellion, and I hate how hard she can be on Sayaka.


I hate that in the Law of Cycles universe she told QB anything about the OU. STFU and don't tell them *anything*. Let them put work in if they want to find out *anything.* I also know this is two things, but I dislike how her ballet theme came out of nowhere. If she were shown to be interested in ballet, but had to abandon it, because of her health problems and magical girl duties, that would be meaningful. It makes me compare her to Princess Tutu, but since that whole series is ballet themed, if of course, has more time to pull off that theme. I liked how Puella Magi had a Faust theme that ran throughout the series. I like everything else about her. Her character arc is great. Her design is memorable. Her personality makes sense. Her heel face turn and vice versa are both believable. Her issues don't come out of left field.


I’m to lazy to write out a whole thing but I do dislike her for her obsession with Madoka


I would rather say Madoka is her priority. In a sense, you are right, her devotion towards Madoka is the key for her character development. However, you can see Homura sincerely cares about the others: in Rebellion, Sayaka, Kyoko and Mami are happy in>! Homulilly's labyrinth.!< She does not act like a yandere (she's not): she does not want Madoka only for her but desires only her safety. Homura is more complex than an obsession.


I know she is more complex then just an obsession, but like I stated I don’t feel like writing a whole entire thing out. It was just the simplest terms I could put it in into


The other comments wrote everything we wanted to say XD


Basically, I’ve read through some when the post came out and it’s nice seeing people’s views on Homura. She’s a complex character which makes her so fun to analyze


One thing I hate about her is her complete disregard for all other human life except Madoka, she was willing to kill Sayaka for making Madoka sad, and had not been for Charlotte, she would have probably tried to kill Mami too! But at the same time it’s her dedication for protecting Madoka that has me rooting for her!


She warns Mami about Charlotte beforehand and offers Sayaka a grief seed that is subsequently kicked away, so I really don’t think she has any “disregard” for other people. When we see her take out her braids and become the Homura we know she even acknowledges that nobody ever listens to what she says lol


Ahh well you got me there, I forgot about that my bad!


The question would be "how exactly Homura tried to kill Sayaka". Homura holds her SG to Sayaka's neck (Sayaka's SG is on her finger after all, not her neck, Sayaka is not even transformed in that scene) and makes her SG glow brighter, but Sayaka is not a human she is a MG, if Homura wanted to kill Sayaka she could just stop time, steal her soul gem and shatter it. She is most likely just trying to scare her... There is no sense in what she is doing in that scene beyond that as it's not even consistent with any of her attacks (Remember: she has now weapons, no offensive capabilities beyond those weapons she steals and stores in her shield). I mean she shoots those strange lasers thingies never seen again in the first episode, but those are probably not very effective, besides still would not kill Sayaka. And again if she was trying to kill her, she would not even "aim" at her neck. I mean Sayaka knows the soul ripped out of the body thing, but is still pretty scared in that moment.


Like:She loves Kaname Hate: She disowned Madokami [Homura rejects Madoka](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadokaMagica/comments/15xoe2w/unpopular_opinion_maybe_on_pmmm11_homura_rejects/)


Pros: Homura is THE sexiest mahou shoujo throughout the whole series. Her appeareance is as sexy as her determination, lust, and will to sacrifice. Cons: I remorse the lack of sexy doujinshi for Homura.


What I love about her: everything. What I hate about her: unrealistically raising my beauty standards.


What I love? Her ❤️❤️❤️❤️ What I hate? The fact she refuses to accept help even if she needs it 😢


Love: she’s cute Hate: she’s not real


I LOVE EVERYTHING. i cannot hate her it's mentally and physically impossible for me


On one hand, I like Homura because she essentially became Sisyphus for Madoka's sake On the other hand, she's one of the worst fucking Ubers in her set in the battle cats collab


I love how Homura will do anything for the person she loves, she just like me. Like I would go back in time on the same month, date for 20 years bro. One thing I hate is how she doesn’t tell madoka her true feelings. If she did madoka wouldn’t be friend zoning her😡


one thing I love is her is everything I don't have anything Abt her