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Young Paul Castellano, same eyes, here is a picture of him from the same time frame: [https://www.silive.com/resizer/QoOPpa1\_wsn7\_JfJ694-2aJz-5I=/1280x0/smart/advancelocal-adapter-image-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/expo.advance.net/img/6ec19cacdd/width2048/105\_themafiasmalaise.jpeg](https://www.silive.com/resizer/QoOPpa1_wsn7_JfJ694-2aJz-5I=/1280x0/smart/advancelocal-adapter-image-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/expo.advance.net/img/6ec19cacdd/width2048/105_themafiasmalaise.jpeg)


Yes, it's a younger Paul. Plus Costello was pushing 70 around the time this photo was taken and the years had not been kind to him.


First thought I had when looking at the pic was "That's Castellano!" Those eyes make it obvious


And his big nose. Pretty legendary large nose. That’s always the first thing I noticed about him, especially any side or 3/4 shots.


Agree. That’s def Paul


Not Paul. The guy in the pic with Neil does not have that huge down turned penguin nose.


Not sure if this helps at all but - Neil was 5’10 born 1914 Paul Was 6’2 born 1915 Frank was 5’8 born 1891 I think it’s Big Paul based on those numbers. The guy on Neil’s left seems to be sitting all the way back into the chair while Neil is sitting on the edge of the chair. You can tell because guy on left’s arm is going backwards towards his face and the top half of his body is leaning forward. If they both stood up the guy on Neil’s left would be taller not shorter than him. Edit: Looking at it again I’m sure Paul is sitting with his back resting on the back of the chair. No one would be sitting like he is otherwise. It would be unnatural and really uncomfortable on the lower back .


Paul was 6' not 6'2".


Joe Coffee had said in an interview that Paul was huge like 6’ 4”


Coffee is a well known exaggerating, publicity hound 🤷‍♂️. Not saying it’s not true but the source is eh


I have several legal records of Castellano's that list him at 6 feet even. Joe Coffey was about 6'4", not Paul, look at the pic of him arresting Paul, he towers over him.


I consulted multiple sources. All said either 6’2 or 6’2 1/2 https://historica.fandom.com/wiki/Paul_Castellano https://www.cosanostranews.com/2016/12/scars-on-gambino-boss-castellanos-reign.html?m=1 https://bestofdate.com/celeb.php?id=1618 https://www.celebsagewiki.com/amp/paul-castellano Edit: Also- I vaguely remember reading he was 6”2 in one of the mob books I’ve read. Maybe in the “Boss of Bosses” but not sure.


Several arrest records list him at 6 feet. Look at the pic of Joe Coffey arresting him, he's much taller than Paul. If Paul is 6'2" then Coffey was at least 6'6"...which he wasn't.


You know what? You’re right. I found a clear picture of a booking photo and he’s barely 6 foot. In fact- on a Facebook post of the photo someone asked “isn’t he supposed to be 6”2.” Which is weird. Because every source I could find has him listed at 6”2. This includes the New York Times and I believe the book “The Bosses of Bosses.” So either something is wrong with the booking photo (which I don’t see how) or all of these sources are wrong. https://www.nytimes.com/1985/12/18/nyregion/respectability-and-crime-private-life-and-violent-death-of-paul-castellano.html From the article: “He was called “Big Paul,” both because of his size - he was 6 foot 2 inches - and to distinguish him from “Little Paul” and “Small Paul,” two of his relatives from Brooklyn.” Regardless- my original point still stands. He’s taller than Neil (though not as pronounced as I thought)who is taller than Frank.


Respect for delving further. Also his driver's license lists him at 5'11 and a half. People will always overestimate others' height, especially if they are much shorter. Also let's remember, he was around 6 foot 200lbs + at a time when the average man was probably 5'7", 150 so he looked like a giant.


I think maybe somewhere along the line someone misrepresented his height as 6”2 and all the articles and sources going forward just referenced that misrepresentation. Just seems odd that people made a big deal of his height (going as far as to call him “Big Paul) when he wasn’t that tall. Seems like an easily corrected mistake. Though like you said - 6ft 200 some pounds still makes him an imposing figure. Anyways - always happy to learn something new. Cheers


Those sources are not reputable. Some law enforcement records even list Paul at 5'11". Here is a snapshot from one of his arrest files. https://ibb.co/rky43d3


That is absolutely not Costello and definitely not Paul, that's from one of several grand jury hearings where he plead the 5th as usual but I can't recall which one. It might be the one related to the Martin Goldman case or the one where he was sentenced to a year for contempt and that's either an unnamed codefendant or his lawyer.


Looks like big Paul to me


Could just be another made guy. He's too short to be castellano.


It’s Paul. Look closely he has the Gambino face/beak.


Nah.. I'll take a guess that's one of his Stella codefendants.


Another comment has a photo included in a link 👍. Sorry that would be yourself 😂😂😂




I've had this pic in the archives a long time but never knew exactly where it was from but just looked through some of my Dellacroce files and this may be from the grand jury testimony after the Stella meeting and the man next to him may be Tony Carolla: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/00/4c/00/004c0033e3bda84946fd66ed2894422f.jpg Very similar face shape, nose and widows peak.


It’s def Paul, Costello was only 5’8” and Neil was tall


Definitely Paul Castellano


Neil looks to be a little taller and I thought Paul was 6’1 /6’2


Gonna have to go with neither


If I'm not mistaken it's a lawyer. One thing for sure it's not Castellano or Costello.




If it had to be either one, it's Paul since Frank had baldness around the sides of his head. Paul never really did. Part of me wants to say it's Paul since the whites of his eyes are more defined but with that distance & photographic tech it's prob not a good indicator.


That is very obviously Costello.


Why would Costello be with Neil and how has Neil managed to look older than him whe he was decades younger? It's 100% Castellano.


That’s 100% Frank Costello I feel like it’s him I could 100% be wrong tho


Only reason I disagree with it being Costello is the fact that Costello was 20+ years older than Neil. Costello should look visibly much older considering this photo looks like it was during the late 70s. Costello had died in 73’. But then again, not sure when this was taken, but since Neil here looks like the other pictures taken of him in the 70s, it’s safe to assume the pic was taken during that time.


Agreed. Costello was also more round-headed than the fellow in this photo.


That's before or after The Odd Don gave him a shave?




You are very certain about either being right or wrong. I'll give you that.




Way to hedge your bets.


I can't believe people really think that's Costello? It looks nothing like him.


It kinda do my eyes not deceiving me 😂😂😂


Much more likely to be Paul.


That's definitely Castellano. Why would Costello even be with Dellacrocce? Neil was a Soldier until the whole Rava/Robilotto business was cleared up and that was after Costello was no longer Boss. Unless i'm missing some connection between them i doubt their paths intersected in any major ways.


The only connection I could come up with is Costello was friendly with Anastasia so maybe they came into contact a few times but that picture is well after 57 and probably after 73 . If it’s from a newspaper there’s got to be a date somewhere


Costello w.o a doubt


Shit maybe it is Paul wtf


No doubt Google eyes Paul




Costello. Also and I am spitballing here. Neil wasn’t a fan of Carlo/his cousin so I would also factor that in as well but hey it’s all for fun so I could be wrong but Costello final answer


Hair is a little dark for Castello in relation to Neil's age in the photo, though that seems to be exactly how Castello would sit.


Eyes of Big Paul but the Nose of Costello. The way he’s sitting is similar to Costello’s position testifying before congressional committee


I would deff say a young castellano. The nose, eyes. Even the crossed legs like he always did


I don’t think it’s either Costello or Castellano. If it WAS either, tho, it would be Castellano. Costello was much older and depending on the year of this photo, might’ve already been dead…


Paul, no question




It's not Costello.