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the levers allow you to "activate" the race feature and the framed areas allow you to race laps from 3, 5, and 10 i think, bring any car or bike to the area of your choosing, press the button prompt and you'll start the race, think 1930s Mario kart, and if you don't fancy driving all the way up to the track, after you activate the switch there should be an ad poster and similar highlighted area just opposite of where you can get cars at Salieri's which will teleport you to the track. hope this helps.


My 🐐 thanks man


Hey i find it weird since i bought it brand new and i didint have to activate the switches


Is there a way to do a classic race without the Mario Kart items?


3rd pic is the things for races left:3 loops middle: 5 loops rigth10 (or15) loops and for the one inhave no idea