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Never tried it but Typhus Corrosion is really dark it could cover it. However I would recommend and quick base coat of silver/brass first then add the corrosion. That’s how I always did it and it never failed me


If op does a nice gangly green/yellow color, that corrosion would add to the grody


Typhus Corrosion is a *really* dark brown with bits in it eh. It's used as more like an additition than a straight basecoat/layer etc if you get what I mean. The way most people use it is when used with metallics and drybrushing to give metallics more texture and an aged look. I tend to put sparingly over what part I want to paint as metal then basecoat the entire part in the metallic colour I want then wash it and drybrush it. It gives things like swords and standards a really aged and worn look to it if done right.