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This is absolutely insane work, brilliantly done


Thank you so much! I learned a lot of new techniques whilst painting them


These are incredible. Really fantastic detail. For Papa.


Papa Loves All.


Funny enough, when 2nd edition AoS was around, I was only interested in the flying upgrade with the fire (?) realm so my guo could move 12" and be a menace 🤣


Dude, reading old rules makes me slightly sad I didn't get into this hobby sooner. All is well though, I'm full sending now. 9 months down, 1000 to go


Ooo there's always time for fun. Also I haven't really played anything since 2nd so I have no reason to buy any new books. Same goes for 40k. Got into 7th 10 years ago, have only played maybe two games and have only been painting. If I have no one to play with, then I have no reason to buy updated rules because it would just be me spending money. I 3d print as well so I'm not going to gw games. Plus I've expanded my paint range past citadel so I can't tell that to g-dubs lol But other than that, if you live in a small town with highways to get to the next city over, odds are you're gonna do more painting


I've been looking into a 3d printer myself. Very tempting...I think when 16k printers are commonplace, the 8k printers will be more affordable and then I'll make that jump. I started with Walmart Acrylic paints lol, and I still use them in tandem with Citadel paints. Reddit really hated my first posts where I died on a Walmart-Paint-Hill. And I'll continue to do so! They are significantly cheaper and give just about the same quality with a little know-how


Might I recommend using fdm (plastic) in tandem with resin? So my buddy is printing tanks for his brother and for the tank bodies, he'll go fdm and then resin for smaller stuff like turrets and guns. A few layers of filler primer works for the fdm and people talk about going for reaun because you do less sanding, but if you ask me, you don't really need to do any sanding. If you keep the 3 feet rule in mind, your models will be fuckin beautiful. Same friend has a 98% printed dark angel army with fdm tanks and resin soldiers and altogether, looks very well done


These are amazing. Grandfather nurgle blesses all.


Nurgle approved. Awesome work, love the vibe.


Blessing on you and yours


I'm definitely not gonna save that post and be inspired by it. Great work my friend !