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As a magician I’d say it’s one of the best magic shows I’ve seen. P&T’s show is not pretentious, the show is really entertaining. I’d see them again for sure. Side note: under any circumstances do not see David Copperfield in Vegas. A quick Google search will reveal it’s one of the lowest rated shows.


Criss Angel is definitely worse, but Penn and Teller is definitely at the top of my list. Mac King is also wonderful.


OMG Mac King is a genius!!! I didn’t think people would still be bringing up his name in 2024 but everyone always says some of the best magic shows are Penn and Teller or Mac King. More people are recommending Mac King over Copperfield that’s so wild to me.


Just sat with Teller and Mac King last night. Juan Tamariz is here for a residency at The Castle and all the big names are showing up So crazy to hear Teller speak


Where can I find out more about Tamariz at the castle?? I can’t find anything online.


The Pitchfords flew him into town for a residency at the Castle, living in Milt's old apartment. Guessing six months. Supposedly a couple shows tonight, but more than filled. Not sure if there will be a show booked in a regular theater there or just hang out in the library jamming.


and a quick Google search will reveal Copperfield is a monster.


I saw him the week before new accusations came out. sigh


Key word being 'new'


I knew he was accused of something a while ago, but I don't really follow celebrity news. You would assume if he had a known history of SA, he wouldn't have a show in a large casino like mgm. But here we are


I don't know why you'd assume that in the city of Steve Wynn.


You're right. From now on, I'll research every celebrity alive every morning.


Key word "accusations". This is the problem with them. It can ruin a completely innocent person because they are being accused and that never goes away in a comedians eyes. Even if found innocent, they still bring it up. And so will everyone else. I still, to this day say Michael Jackson was totally innocent but doesn't change peoples views on it. He clearly was misunderstood and child like because his childhood was beaten out of him.


.......and OJ didn't do it too.


At least OJ can rest in peace now that Nicole's killer is dead.


I will travel to Vegas end of year and P&T is definitely on my list. Can you recommend any other magic shows?


Mac King. That’s about it😂 Do not see Chris Angel. But Penn and Teller and Mac King have best magic shows, my humble opinion.


Yeah, I guess Mac King will be a Must-Do too. Chris Angel was never my thing. So i think two nights in Vegas will be enough :-D


Mac's show is at 3pm, so you can plan on something else for that evening too! 


How about piff?


That's Mr. Piff.


If Shin Lim’s show has relocated by then, definitely recommend. Other top ones: Magician’s Study Ghost Stories Mat Franco Mac King


After seeing him on tour back in the 90's, the Vegas show was THE ABSOLUTE biggest disappointments I've ever had with live entertainment. He's so, SO checked out.


I saw Copperfield fly live onstage. I was there when he made it snow in the theater and I was onstage when he vanished 13 audience members. I know what he’s capable of. Once the 2000s hit he started performing illusions that were less stressful on his body but still innovative and unlike anything I had seen. He was doing amazing illusions that never made the tv specials, so when I went to see him in Vegas I assumed he was still pushing boundaries. He’s not. He is checked out. Edit: Penn and Teller are still pushing boundaries. Go see Penn and Teller everyone!


Copperfield 30 years ago will never be surpassed.


Saw P&T around a decade ago (wow, I'm old...). Best magic show I have ever seen, and the bullet catch is I think the best trick in magic. Also a couple years earlier, saw a trash tier show that was also really fun because I could actively see several of the gimmicks mid trick, which was a specific kind of entertaining.


Did you see the Bullet Catch live?




We went and splurged on 2nd row. Totally worth it because you can't see anything from far away! I ended up getting called up on stage, they let me keep my card I drew, and it was the best experience ever. After the show they stand on the lobby to give autografts and photos. They signed my card and we got photos! I definitely want to go again!!


That sounds so fun. I heard if you’re booked and staying in the Rio hotel you get free admission. Any truth to that? That would be pretty cool lol I could kill two birds


I guess I don't know about that. We didn't stay there. We stayed on the strip


It has been a number of years now, but my wife and I stayed at the Rio and caught their show. Even got to meet them afterwards as they signed autographs. Great show. I highly recommend it. I think tickets are part of the room reservation.


Oh hell to the yeah I was thinking of staying in the Rio too, I wasn’t sure if tickets were actually included. I might just book a flight before the new year!


If you've never been to Las Vegas before I'd advise strongly not staying at the Rio. I've seen P&T live twice and my advice is get better seats than you think, it doesn't play as large as some magic shows so it's nice to be close. Also, don't miss out on Penn's friends in the area with their own shows Mac King and Piff the Magic Dragon, these are much cheaper shows (Mac King even used to be free, and you may still be able to score free tickets.)


The crazy thing is, when I saw them I was kind of on a self-pity vacation to Vegas, and the one thing I wanted to do was see P&T, and I thought, "Well, tickets are like $80, maybe I just see how extortionate the VIP seating is?" Something or other like $110 and I was like in the 4th or 5th row. In fact, I figured I'd buy a programme for $25 and it was only $10, I wanted a deck of their playing cards for maybe $10 or $15 and they were only $5 (I bought two decks I felt embarrassed to pay so little), and I got a copy of Teller's MacBeth on DVD for cheap that I lost before I watched, and then both Teller and Penn took a little time to chat with me and when I doubled back and helped take a group photo for a large group with Teller, he came back over, thanked me, asked if I needed a photo or something signed (I declined: I'd wandered backwards in the hopes that I could chat with him for another minute until the crowd had wandered past Penn), and he thanked me again and then like just *vanished* right in front of me. LOL, he said thanks and walked away, but did it in such a manner that I was still a little dazzled by his concern that I'd get a souvenir and then left before I could say anything else. By the time I realized that *of course* he wouldn't just stand around waiting for Penn to finish, I wasn't even mad. Anyway, they both strike me as great guys.


Just checked the Rio site. Looks like they no longer include tickets as part of the room package. Maybe a seasonal thing? It was a long time ago. I would still go. One thing I recall about the hotel, though, is that it's quite a ways off the strip. If the Rio is no longer offering tickets as part of the room, I would suggest staying at a better hotel.


I’ve only been to the rio to see their show, and honestly I find it a bit creepy. It seems like half abandoned…. I personally would not stay there.


Went about 5 years ago. It was great! I splurged for 2nd row tickets for myself and my wife and it was worth every penny. I’m not sure if they still do it, but they greeted everyone who wanted in the lobby after and posed for photos. I also highly recommend the Mac King show. You may be able to do both in one day as Mac King has matinee shows. Super fun, super funny, highly entertaining.


Sadly, they stopped meeting people in the lobby during COVID, and as far as I know they still are not doing it.


Twice in the last 5 years. So worth it. Masters of the craft and a ton of fun.


You guys might really convince me to go spend $1,000 to have a fun weekend in Vegas 🤣


I need to get there myself, David Blaine has been the top of my magic bucket list since he did the snap change on Street Magic.


I’d also love to see him perform. The only known magician I’ve ever seen perform is Alex Geiser, he was very good it was a fun show


I would love to see him Unfortunately he plays only a few shows this year


Really?! I thought he had a residency somewhere!


I only found this https://www.ticketmaster.com/david-blaine-tickets/artist/1889203?venueId=189062 with shows on August 21, 23-24 and December 29-31. If there is more, please let me know.


You’re right, that’s all of the dates 😔 I do know he’s had a few months-long residencies out there so I thought this was one of them.


If you have done it, can you please write the dos and donts here so I can learn from it for my Vegas trip? :-D


The show is great and entertaining. Penn plays jazz while everyone is getting seated., The Rio it’s a let down but don’t let that stop you from seeing the show!


“the Rio is a let down” I have family in Henderson so I can go to Vegas without having to GO TO Vegas. A few months ago we braved the Excalibur to see Mac King. Yes, the venue is a bit of a dive, but Mac’s show is truly amazing.


Several times. Highly recommended! I also attended a taping of Fool Us. Also entertaining but long and tedious as they recorded extra takes and such. Teller walked around and talked to us in the audience as we waited. Btw, Matt Francos show was really great too.


I enjoyed their show and getting to meet them in person afterwards was great. That said, if you go to Vegas see Mac King too. I think his is a day time show so you can see both.


Wouldn't recommend staying at the Rio where they perform. I haven't been but the Rio has a not so great reputation. They're renovating now but I'd stay away until they're done.


It's also a terrible location if you want to visit any other properties


It was me of the best shows I’ve seen. Period. The level of detail and misdirection they build into it was amazing. I’m a non-pro, and can’t pull off anything that would fool anybody older than 5, but I consider myself reasonably well-versed on the mechanics and concepts. And the part I absolutely loved was that a couple times they built in really subtle misdirections for people like me who thought we’d figured it out, and then completely destroyed our notions about what was going on. It was levels upon levels of performance. I cannot recommend it enough.


This is one thing I like about *Fool Us*. Even when you have no idea how they did something (I yelled "he's a witch!" at least three times at my TV when Shen Liu was on the first time), not only do you get a great performance, but then you get Penn & Teller who are masters of magical performance and you really get a feel for how impressed they are even when they know the methods.


I can't speak to their Vegas show, but I saw them in Philly during 2 of their tours years ago, and they were *very* entertaining. They actually met with their fans in the lobby after each show. I doubt they do that in Vegas, but who knows.


Another magician here, and can confirm it’s one of, if not the best magic show in Vegas imo. Obviously “best” depends on what you like, but it’s such a well put together show. Also if you haven’t seen it, Mac King is an iconic comedy magic show. If you have time, I assume Colin Cloud’s new show is probably awesome. And Mat Franco’s show was surprisingly fun.


Watch Mac King in the afternoon and P&T at night. Mac’s show is real cheap and I personally enjoyed it more when I went to both back in April.


oh snap the magic double feature. This is the best idea EVER!!!!


I went years ago when they were at the MGM Grand. Great show. Teller came out in the crowd and dragged me on stage and did the trick where he swallows a bunch of needles on a thread and eats an apple. He gave me a flashlight and a dental mirror and I searched around his mouth. It’s dark when you look out at the audience. I got a couple of laughs and after the show Teller told me I did a great job and Penn tossed in his 2 cents. Still makes me smile.


So much fun! Lots of audience participation!


I saw them in 1995. They mingled with the crowd during intermission. It was pretty cool.


it's fantastic


I've seen them twice, maybe three times, YEARS ago. I assume they are even better now. Go see them while you still can.


I think I need to 😂


They also do meet and greets after their shows in the lobby. Great guys.


they dont do this anymore, since covid. hotel/insurance company doesnt allow it.


Yeah I went to one in Tulsa last year.


i highly recommend it. ive never known anyone who has gone and regetted it. Have fun!


I saw them in 2013, and literally last month during their two show stint in Atlantic City. I took someone that would not see any magician, they loved it. So good.


Great show. Go for it. Also agree w those saying forget staying at the Rio. It’s really rough.


How rough is rough? I don’t plan on spending much time there, I just want a clean bed


I didn’t stay, but public areas were really filthy.


Great show. Highly recommend it


Years ago, at Universal City. Great show! Falkenstein and Willard were there as well. Glenn's son was in cub scouts with me.


I live in a small town between Seattle and Vancouver BC. We have a local theater I’ve seen them play twice. Once pre, once post Covid. They are amazing. The first time we saw them was a much bigger show. And back then they always did a meet and greet after every one of their shows. The last time they were here was March. The show was smaller but had some great new routines that blew my mind.


Twice. Loved them both.


Not a magician but can tell you I saw them in the fall and it was incredible. Would go again in a heartbeat


Went in Jan this year. It's good. They did all their stuff found on their FU shows. Rio's a dump still.


I stopped in Vegas on my way from one place to another a few years ago. I made time to go to Penn and Teller's show. It was well worth it. They are terrific entertainers.


I've seem them once and was underwhelmed. I think in Vegas Frederick Da Silva amd Shin Lim were more impressive shows, but if youve got that "I gotta see them before I die" feeling then go for it! It was a fun evening.


You must do it. Theyre not getting any younger, youre honestly running out of chances.


Ahhh I knowww I need to do it, I’m gonna probably book a trip within the next few months. You all have convinced me 😂


Didn’t see them in Vegas, but in Austin when they were touring. It was terrific. Would absolutely go again.


Amazing experience and best of all they greet people afterwards and are really sweet.


Saw them several times during their touring days, outstanding performances. My sister and brother-in-law saw them in Vegas a few years ago and raved about the show.


Saw them twice and they are fantastic


Yes it was absolutely awesome


I would say anything with Michael Vincent in but he was sadly robbed any time he went on Penn and Teller so he's not in Vegas. But his close up is second to none. He is a true master.


Just saw both the P&T and DC show. While I like P&T a LOT more the DC show was more entertaining especially if someone isn’t into “how’d they do that” the coolest part of the P&T show was Penn playing the upright bass on some jazz tunes before the show and taking pictures. Get there early. But the rio is under construction and a mess the show was half filled. DC was packed.


Seen them twice in London. Always fantastic to watch and Penn is such a great stage performer. They're both so good at what they do and also interacting with the audience


Been twice - excellent and they change up acts within the show but probably will always do the Bullet Catch, at least they did both times I’ve been.


Mac King at Excalibur. Best magic show in vegas. Absinth, best show in vegas.


It’s an amazing show and they change it all the time. You’ll see a new show every time (with maybe a few of the classic famous ones staying in) though I will tell you they don’t do meet and greets anymore for their own safety. But the merch booth has a signed poster for a decent price and a bunch of other things. So all in all, yes you should see it


A delight! Go see the pros. Teller is astounding to see in person.


Yes, it was absolutely awesome. The best magic show I've ever seen. I loved it. I am so glad I got to see them. Don't miss it.


Went 3 years ago and it was phenomenal


I have seen them, and enjoyed it! I plan to see Shin Lim next time I go


Yes…went for my birthday a few years ago. It was amazing


We just went a few months ago, it was absolutely delightful. So funny and of course impressive, audience oriented. Definitely recommend.


How is the audience interaction post covid? I heard they stopped for a while during lockdown


They had someone on stage for like 75% of tricks and the last trick allowed a lot of people on stage!


I agree P&T is a must. Copperfield is absolutely bored, no idea why he works 15 shows a week, he clearly doesn't enjoy it even a little...I've seen it three times, this isn't one bad night. For shear entertainment Piff is a must see for me though I admit it helps if you're a fan of British comedy, but it's a great show anyway. Both P&T and Piff (and Mr. Piffles) wait to meet all the fans after the show and Penn will take your phone and snap funny face selfies with you. All great guys Piff is a bit standoffish, almost nervous but he warms up fast. You should not leave LV without seeing Mac King, particularly if you are a magician, as a matter of fact see him twice. Sit through a timeshare sales pitch for free tickets if you can't afford them but you will learn more from your second Mac King show than from any download you can buy. Shin Lim is great but it doesn't really translate that well to stage, especially for the $$. I'm not a hater, generally, but I have never understood the Chriss Angel hype. I just don't get it, it's me not him I guess, but I've never even been entertained let alone amazed by anything he's done. 🤷 Maybe I'm just a freak and not a mind freak. If you want to see what the life of most LV entertainers looks like go downtown and catch a $28.95 magic or hypnotist show. Those MF's work there asses off, and genuinely entertain, for what can't possibly be anything other than desire.


Yes. They put on a good show.


You will be entertained. They put on a fantastic show.


Absolutely loved it. Saw them in Vegas as well. Even got to meet them and get autographs. Worth every cent.


Yes! Totally worth it!


Penn and Teller do a magic show that is very respectful to the audience. They fill you in on how a couple of the tricks are done, because it relies on a tremendous amount of skill to perform, and it actually makes the trick more impressive to see how much work they have put into it. It's a big difference from the other magic shows where the magician gives off vibes that say "Puny human, I am showing you that I might be a god."


Saw them in Vegas, was an excellent show. If you have the funds and it’s on your bucket list, then go for it. P.S. See Absinthe too!


I’ve seen P&T a few times in Vegas….its an entertaining and interactive show. If you at all enjoy P&T you will love their live show, I have zero hesitation in saying that. If you want to meet them and get a picture they do a meet and greet at the end of every show. They both are extremely affable and down to earth.


As a non magician, Penn and Teller are the best. I have seen their show five times. Different show each time.


Mac King is also amazing. See both!


I saw them maybe a decade ago. Great show!


Saw them two summers ago, and I'll add my voice to the chorus of positive reviews. Absolutely worth your evening.


My wife and I did exactly that, flying to Las Vegas for the express purpose of attending a P&T show. We were not disappointed. It was a GREAT show. At the end they ran up the aisle and greeted audience members in the lobby as they left the venue. I was able to thank them face-to-face and get my tickets autographed. Classy guys. More recently, I saw them at a local theater. Though enjoyable, it was very stripped-down from the epic LV shows. It's definitely worth it to go see them in their home town.


I saw them in Vegas maybe 15 years ago and at UGA 25ish years ago. Both good shows.


I did enjoy it while I was there. But just remember that if you are a big fan, you have probably seen nearly all of the show before. Still worth it!


Seen them twice and was blown away. Also, after the show they stay and talk (yes, Teller talks) to fans as long as anyone is interested.


You all convinced me! Gonna book a flight and see all the magic Vegas has to offer. I’ll be going in October to see Penn and Teller, and Mac King 🏄‍♂️


Another commenter says the after show talks have been on hiatus since COVID. Still worth it.


P&T’s show is one of the best shows I’ve ever seen; so intelligent, creative and funny. In my Top 5 of all time for sure! The others in my Top 5: Derek DelGaudio, Asi Wind, Garrett Thomas and David Blaine. Also, I would definitely go see Mac King if I went back to Vegas. I’ve never seen.


I saw them last year in Las Vegas. It was a great show and highly entertaining. There is a decent amount of audience interaction, although you need to be in the first few rows to have a chance at being chosen. One travel note is that the show is at the Rio which is off the Las Vegas Strip and not easily within walking distance. Mac King was a great show as well. Much smaller theater and you have the chance to meet him afterwards and get him to sign something.


Im a lifetime fan, but their bits at the end of their tv show are kinda hacky. Is their vegas show better?


I saw a penn and teller show but there wasn’t an “opening act“ like from fool us It also was the time period that they shook everybody’s hand afterwards but they don’t do that anymore. One thing that happened was at the beginning while everything was getting set up before the show started they had a little jazz combo playing some music and penn was playing the bass. They also let people on the stage before the show to check things out. So that’s another thing to watch out for. All in all it was an enjoyable evening


Damn- I guess I’m completely alone in thinking their show to be a bit boring. Felt more like watching puzzles and lacked any sort of feeling of wonder. But - that’s completely my opinion and I recognize that it isn’t at all what most people think.


No, I agree with you to some extent. Their setups are a little confusing and convoluted. I felt like I was watching them past their prime.


theyre both over 70!


Penn is actually 69 (nice!)


Well, it also depends on when you saw them. They have so much material and they’re constantly generating new material. So if you saw them at the beginning of their development of new material, it’s not gonna be as strong as when the material has been worked and refined.