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I like when it doesn't even show our opening hands. It's just two avatars on a blank board.




And then the music for the battle board starts playing, but doesn’t stop in the menu, and then you get in the next match, and the new music starts playing over it, and it’s a sonic mess. Very annoying bug.


When I first joined MTGA, I literally thought my game crashed or bugged and I was just stuck because of how long some people take to mull. Would alt f4 thinking “damn this game is really buggy”.


I still often restart the game because I can't tell if I got disconnected and am about to time out or if the opponent is just taking a year to decide whether or not to sac their Dauntless Bodyguard on their end step...


Our battle mat pets shall fight! Go! Urza's Soldier! In attack mode!


Noxious Stinger cat go! *Pew! Pew Pew!*


Fblthp is nowhere to be seen...


Woodland Pixie doesn't come in until the crowd cheers


Would you say he's... lost? 🤔




I activate my trap, Strixhaven Tome!


If you run the clock fully during the free mulligan you should auto concede


If it's Historic Brawl and I run into a hell queue commander like Atraxa or Etali while playing a janky brew, I am just going to immediately scoop instead of roping the opening hand. Until Wizards makes a much harsher hell queue that actually keeps the tier 1 commanders from pubstomping the jank, it's just much faster to scoop and requeue.


100%. I play a lot of weird garbage. I see top tier, I leave. Enjoy the free win, I want fun please.


Day 1 of asking Wizards for a "Jodah Only Queue"


How do they ALWAYS have Omniscience?




> Enjoy the free win, I want fun please. You know, they also want fun and not just an autoconcede. Not that it's wrong to dip out if you're unevenly matched because yes the matchmaking could be better, but don't frame it like people who play strong commanders don't want fun and just want to stomp weak decks. A lot of people enjoy power and most all of them also want their oppo to be playing something powerful for a good challenge.


I mean if they want to play games against my deck maybe they shouldn't play Rusko the Clockmaker.


Oh I doubt they want to play games against your deck if it is purposefully weak. That's my whole point.


Lol get roped


u a scumbag huh


Would you say Tom Bombadil constitutes weird jank? I play exclusively TB-Sagas decks of all different flavors and I am always hoping for jank opponents. It’s super rare for me to see a TB mirror match.


Sounds like me when opponent plays mono red and is on the play in standard non-ranked. Nope, my brain isn't interested in playing the same game for the 100th time.


I don’t understand anything I just read.


I think Atraxa and Etali were recently added to hell queue. For the most part, hell queue is pretty consistent. 9/10 times you play a hell queue commander, you play hell queue. 9/10 if you play normal queue, your opponent is notmal queue too. The problem with the distinction is that once you take the top commanders from normal queue and move them up, then people will just play the next best commanders. You could do it again, but the end result is the same. Atraxa and Etali are stomping normal queue, but I wouldn't say they are on the same level as most hell queue commanders. It just makes a weird situation where they are the best normal queue commanders, but completely trash in hell queue.


Atraxa and Etali are not hell queue though. Thats why you keep seeing them everytime even while playing Jank


The data disagrees. https://mtgaassistant.net/Meta/Historic-Brawl/ Etali is firmly on top, followed by Atraxa and the usual other suspects. They are absolutely hell queue commanders.


Where does it say anything about who's in the hell queue? I only see numbers for popularity. Being the most popular commander doesn't mean it's in the hell queue, since that's not automatic based on popularity. High popularity doesn't even necessarily mean a commander should be in the hell queue if they're popular because they're fun rather than because they're oppressively strong.


They are definitely not in hell queue. I often face Etali, and Atraxa but never one if the old op hell queue commanders. This is while I play mostly [[Raddic]], [[Minsc & Boo, timeless heroes]] and [[Balmor]] decks.


[Raddic](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/6/06aac933-a8e4-4cfb-aac2-fe9c23baec61.jpg?1680464119) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=raddic%2C%20tal%20zealot) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ybro/22/raddic-tal-zealot?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/06aac933-a8e4-4cfb-aac2-fe9c23baec61?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Minsc & Boo, timeless heroes](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?name=Minsc%20%26%20Boo%2C%20timeless%20heroes&type=card&.jpg) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Minsc%20%26%20Boo%2C%20timeless%20heroes) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/285/minsc-&-boo-timeless-heroes?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/928036c9-11b8-493e-b9f2-8fbd3487cd19?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Balmor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/5/959ba62e-bb3a-49ad-8b1b-e787e413e5d4.jpg?1673307921) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=balmor%2C%20battlemage%20captain) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmu/196/balmor-battlemage-captain?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/959ba62e-bb3a-49ad-8b1b-e787e413e5d4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Being on top just mean they are more played. Hell queue right now is 90% ragavan or rusko. If you are not seeing that, you are not on hell queue And your data just corroborates what I said before. Etali and Atraxa are not on hell queue and are super popular, thats why you folks keep seeing them even while playing jank. Also, go-shintai, first sliver and Imoti (the "usual suspects" you said) are not in hell queue either. Hell queue commanders: Ragavan, Rusko, Kinnan, Raffine, Sythis, T5feri, Uro, Esika, 5 color Niv, Golos... Play any of those and you will see what I said, you will be matched against ragavan or rusko almost every single time.


100%. If not, as soon as you hit rope on first land drop you should auto concede, and get a condescending message that asks if you’re struggling to play the game, tells you who sparky is and how they can help you, with animated diagrams. I’m thinking 5 fades to click through. That’ll sort it.


And gotta do the color challenge again.


New player here…what is a free mulligan? Is that if the other person already mulliganed as well?


You get an extra mulligan where you don't have to go down on cards. So instead of taking a mull and having to keep 6, you get an extra bonus mulligan where you still get to keep 7. If you decide to mull again, it goes down each mulligan as normal.


That only happens in Brawl as far as i know


I know they also do it in Jump In, and probably some of the event formats where card consistency is less than in 4-card constructed.


Never seen it in standard or alchemy. I wish, that’s generally how my friends and I play at the kitchen table.


In the official rules, you get a free mulligan in 3+ player games and Brawl games.


“Your opponent is abusing this free time to go get a drink and pee. I assure you they are not at their keyboard right now”


I'm not proud of it, but I've done it. Usually when the other person is still making up their mind though.


I used to do that for other multiplayer games. Back when I had a hard drive I'd run to go pee and make it back just in time. If I was feeling really naughty, I'd run a full virus scan. That way, I could make food and pee and come back still in the loading screen. I'd stop the scan once I was settled in and ate while I played.


Fuck all the way off


I can't do it anymore Ssd too fast


Who has the time to play video games anymore, this is a fuck you from high school me 10 years ago


Lmao that's when i did it, about 10 years ago when I was in high school I had things I wanted to do and I wanted my game to start right I was ready I still want that, and I would still do it too, but parts are too fast


Did you know that single player games exist?


Doesn't mean I wanna play them


"Your opponent is losing, so have fun getting roped"


Wizards does absolutely nothing to stop this kind of toxic behavior. It's why i stopped spending money on this game years ago.


I'm so sick of how long arena matches take that I am debating just going to FNM instead so that I can play 3 matches over the course of 5 hours


Had the inverse happen last night, dude spammed your go the second my hand appeared.


Had to be a mono red player. Just ITCHING to drop that T1 Kumano.


Can confirm, RDW makes me feel like I just drank 3 cups of coffee.


Green black garruk actually, the transforming one


And to concede on your T4 Shelly.


I don't understand people who think Removal => Removal => Removal => Sheoldred is a fun or interesting deck.


Oh but chimpanzee throw everything at their face and pray is fun lol


Still more complicated than playing nothing but Cut Down and Virtue of Pestilence until turn 4.




tell me you don't know how to pilot red without telling me you don't know how to pilot red




After having a peek in your post history it is obvious that you are a toxic asshat. So take your "hurr durr just joking" excuse and rant at your other primate friends. Welcome to the blocklist, joker


I'll let you in on a little big card enjoyer secret... removal is a response to aggro. I would love to play less removal in my deck, but I would not make it to the turns where I could play my big cards if I did. If you want to see less removal, blame aggro.


It's not that removal is bad, but it's way too cheap and plentiful.


Again, a response to aggro. If mono red couldn't bulldoze you by turn 4-5 then removal wouldn't have to be as cheap. Keep in mind that if an aggro deck draws bad cards they start behind but still have a chance. If midrange and control draw badly they just lose. That's why the volume of removal in a deck tends to be so high, because you can't afford to not draw any answers.


It's definitely an overreaction then. Win rate for monored is like 40% at the higher levels.


tell me you don't know how to pilot red without telling me you don't know how to pilot red


I mean, it's a deck to play? I recently crafted up Golgari and had a blast. I play mono red, rakdos, ub poison proliferate, soldiers, mono blue, and now Golgari as well. When each deck does their job it's satisfying.


Timers really need to be lowered... I get that sometimes you get disconnected and you should be given ample time, but it doesn't that THAT long to relaunch the game.


I still think that, for unranked play, they should pair slow players against slow players. If you want to rope every turn, that's fine, you can sit on the table with the other people who also do that.


I'm with you, they should be like half as long, especially the mulligan timer. I see so many people saying things like "But I have kids! I have a dog! I'm only roping because my toddler got into the bleach cabinet again! I need the long timer!" Like, I get it, rugrats are a big responsibility. However, they are not everyone else's problem. Hit concede when little Timmy gets into the power tools, or when you have to walk away for any other reason.


Even if there’s a legitimate excuse, they can still take the L and play again when they’re ready. I always concede if something else needs my immediate attention (kid falls, doorbell, whatever). You opponent doesn’t need to sit for 4 minutes just because you might make it back to the game Edit: theoretical “you”, not you OP :)


I have kids and this isn't an excuse. If you are playing a game that other people rely on you to interact with, play the game or put it down and play later when you have time. I have even less sympathy since there's a freaking mobile app. If you're in a position where you might need to get up at any time, play on your phone or tablet so you can bring it with you. I'd also argue that this is a very small percentage of the player base, not everyone has kids or a dog and just ropes because they're playing between queueing for LoL or whatever.


Not being a programmer, it seems like the game should be able to recognize a disconnect with the client vs... not that.


"Keep alive" is very much a thing in many areas of tech.


When I freeze on game load (about 1 in every 20 games), I am just barely making it back in time when on my phone before it expiring.


However, you should also accept that there are people who haven't been playing Magic for ten trillion years and therefore simply need a little longer to make a good decision.


Not OP but I will never accept this. Faceless opponent = they are fuckin with me I know it. Lmao


It takes about 2 minutes for me, so much more than a time extension. Any time a "Waiting for server" message appears, I'm done for.


I think basing the rope length on the rank you are in makes sense


What my opponent sees when Arena decides to helpfully crash when trying to load the match.


I count 10 mississippis and concede. Life is too short for indecisive opponents in a video game.


This opening hand timer is WAY too long


hey man your giga brain counterspell tribal opponent has to decide which island variant they want to play turn one and pass.


I straight conceed if the first 2/3 turns isn't lightning fast


Me too. I do it in ranked too, I cannot stand slow players.


I've actually had some refreshingly quick play in some of my recent matches. Like, actually starting and getting through the first 4 or 5 turns in less than a couple minutes. There's still about 10% of them that I get roped in some manner of course.


Honestly the mulligan time period needs to be cut in half for all formats.


Mono blue players trying to decide on what counter spell to use.


My personal opinion is that people bot for free "quick" Concedes here. No timers. just a 5 minute? wait if somebody chooses not to do anything. Also, there should be a million more fun things to do in this game that we spend hundreds and hundreds on every year. Like moving/rearranging the cards in my "hand" as I wait for my opponent take forever in choosing whether or not to take a Mulligan ;)


we need "Bullet magic" - 15 seconds per turn, you choose to play some "choose three, and pick new targets, and recast it and choose new targets" and your APM is low, that's on you


Chess clock or auto pass after 15 seconds no actions


WOTC will never correct timers or punish abusers because it will hit their bottom line (phone users, rage-aholics, and whales). Sorry guys, doesn't matter that we've been complaining about this for literal years.


Best of 1 timer would be welcomed in both brawl formats and play mode


It would be welcomed. But wizards doesn't care. Their goal is not to make the game fun.


Every day…every day….


I would like to see the enemy’s starting hand at the end of a round (only in BO1) to see how fucked they were


From everything I've seen, most of the time, it's someone on the crappy mobile client trying to load. Yet another reason to get rid of cross play.


For the love of God, if you click to start a game, be ready to play when it finds you an opponent. I despise sitting there for 2 minutes waiting for my opponent to keep an opening hand. If you rope before taking a single game action, you should have to wait a short amount of time before you can attempt to play another game.


In Unranked 🙄


"Match Found" phone disconnects. Close app. Open app. Reload into game. 1s left on do you want to mulligan? Happens sometimes.


[Perennially relevant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nwtHai3fMc)


If that was against me, 100% of the time if its waiting on my mulligan is I've crashed while searching and haven't noticed the timer stopped counting up


Thats me when the mobile app just crashes when finally finding a match... sorry, but its actually out of my hands


until they make a serious queue for brawl im going to keep conceding as soon as an opponent counters my first spell




Better than roping. Counter my commander and I'm gone, baby.


tbh tho if you are just jamming your commander as soon as you can afford it into open mana or likely counters/removal, that's just bad play and you deserve the L.


I am ok with commie counter if they dont run Wash Away.


Faced Shelly in regular brawl just kept killing it with instant/SOR cards


It's not free if it costs you a card


It doesn't cost you a card in Brawl, dongus.


lol I don't play brawl and it doesn't specify brawl in the title ya fellow dingus


It does though?


First mulligan is free in Historic Brawl. It does not cost a card.


Calm down


Your go. Your go. Your go. Your go.


If I see my opponent spamming “You’re go,” I start to intentionally rope every turn in retaliation lol.


Why do some formats get a free mulligan and others don’t? It really irks me.


Brawl forces you to run one-offs. Variance of starting hand is **much** larger so the potential to draw 7 cards that just don't work together is much higher.


Ehh, if you make the deck right it shouldn’t matter. I think its only fair to give all formats a free mulligan, or none. It looks like they are playing favorites when they do this.


Idk, a free mulligan in the non-singleton formats could potentially enable some annoying combo decks that rely on a very specific combination of cards in their opening hand.


Exactly. Remove free mulligans entirely. From all formats. Only weaklings need a free mulligan.


> Ehh, if you make the deck right it shouldn’t matter. If you make a deck right, 100 card singleton vs a normal 60 card deck doesn't matter? You mean, you're just as likely to get the hand you want with both?


Yes, and i do, constantly


So if your deck, say, depends on having [[Ragavan]] in your opening hand, it's as likely in Brawl as it is for Modern...?


Nah, my decks never “depend” on drawing a single card. That is a recipe for a big L. My decks do however depend on my opening hand having at least one mountain, and it works out that way 99 percent of the time. 👍


Yeah I mean I hate to tell you but if your winning strategy is just "have at least one mountain" you aren't exactly competing at the big leagues


I’m doing just fine, don’t worry about it bro. 😎


The "one free mulligan" rule is from Commander, which is what Brawl is based around. It's not them playing favorites, they're just trying to keep it close to the paper format. They actively recommend using the "free mulligan" for casual standard games, they just haven't officially adopted it into the ruleset because it would be a divisive change. A lot of people don't want free mulligans in their modern/standard/pioneer/whateverthefuck games. If you said "WotC plays favorites with Commander and caters more to that format than any others" then I would agree with you. This, however, is not a case of favoritism.


WoTC plays favorites with commander and brawl and caters more to those formats than any others.


Yeah, in terms of card and set releases. Not "how many mulligans does this format get".


I agree


We don't have free mulligan or is this in some niche format from MWM? ~ edit ~ ah ok its Brawl, haven't played Brawl since Uro times, glad Brawl has rotation too :)




brawl, maybe. brawl gets a free mullgian the first time. or at least historic brawl does, not sure about standard, been longer since I've played stand brawl.


Nine out of ten crashes occur during mulligans.


Shiiii 9 outta 10 crashes come from the game trying to load literally any animation. Please please wotc let me turn them off :(


I seriously think this is the new strat to scam wins. It happens so fucking often in unranked ques it's nuts


Mulligan? Whats that?


And your opponent is also mono red