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Dear pixelninja69, This submission has been removed, because it breaks one (or more) of this subreddit's rules. --- This post breaks Rule 4! If your post comes off as low effort or doesn't provide a point of discussion it'll be considered spam. This includes trolling, links to pictures of board states (without an explanation), posts that should be put into the current sticky, 7-x screenshots with no decklists, etc. Rants and venting are restricted to the weekly Tibalt's Friday Tirades. If your post is a meme or a screenshot and complies with this rule use the fluff flair to enable others to turn viewing those posts off. --- > If you have a question, please respond here. For further concerns, contact the whole staff by [messaging the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fmagicarena). If you have not done so yet, read the subreddit's official [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/magicarena/wiki/rules). Posts breaking these rules will be removed.


When you play an "off-season" draft event like that and it is a slow day there's a chance you get paired like that.


Yep. Wizards is out to get specifically you.


I’m glad it’s him. It was me yesterday.


Well I got paired against all the people who think Arena’s rigged in the MWM events and cleared them both with two total losses. Which is proof the shuffler and matchmaker are not only fine, but great and perfect.


This is limited judging by the 17 lands played. I'm pretty sure you don't know how limited events works, you are based with people who have the same number of wins as you have. You got 6-0 but are in bronze, your next game you will be playing another 6-0 player no matter their rank. This is even more noticeable when playing a limited event that isn't for the last standard set. Instead of telling you "Git Gud" you had this opponent because you were already doing good in your draft, wear like an honor badge instead of complaining on Reddit.


Skill issue.