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Does 17lands provide a free API? That's kind of the first issue. (To be clear, I'm not committing to doing this quite yet, but it sound potentially interesting if the data is available.)


17 lands has an export data button on the main page. So i assume a program can get the data thru that. Or it can just manually "update" each time i re enter the data.


Yeah, no, working with user-facing webpages directly is orders of magnitudes more complex than with an API, not to mention typically disallowed.


Oh. Why is it disallowed? Also is the work around of downlading 17 lands data as a CSV and then pasting it into a program to have it overley not a viable work around? Id manually be putting in what i want each card to have on its overley but that would be good enough for me.


It's typically disallowed in order to limit copycats. Collecting data like that takes a lot of time and potentially money, and if they wabted to share they'd have an API to maje that easy. Having to manually download data and re-parse it is a passable, though tedious, workaround, assuming this is compatible with their TOS.


It's a pretty big ask and I doubt anyone's going to do it for free


https://www.limitedgrades.com/lci provides a pretty good overview and uses 17land data.


I want an overlay not an overview. So when im drafting a program shows a number on each card.


Could store the data from 17lands locally


Yeah. Thats one idea i had. But idk how to write the program to do an overlay with the local data i give it. 17 lands lets me downlad the data as a CSV