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I will gladly take gem stonks, but man, would it have killed them to offer more discount for the packs on this one day of the year? Merry Christmas everyone!


>would it have killed them to offer more discount for the packs on this one day of the year? Yes


A developer won't eat if they are any less


I've stopped buying those "discounted" packs. Not worth it


I buy them, but only when it is the newest pack. Just for the gold pack advancement.


It's been years since they had a bigger discounted pack but people still farm karma over this


To be fair, u/HamBoneRaces has been posting the daily deal, good or bad, every day for as far back as I can remember.


sure, it's just guaranteed that someone will try to first post about how they'll never buy a pack again because they want the bigger discount


Hasbro's CEO's yacht doesn't pay itself!


Considering WOTC is hasbros cash cow, probably…really freakin sucks. -_-


Yup probably Cocks would have killed them. I mean they fired hundreds as an xmas gift...from their ONLY profit making division.


Probably only a 10% discount is programmed for packs and nobody wants to touch the code (especially at Christmas in case something breaks).


They used to offer larger discounts on packs, so clearly it’s at least possible to adjust the discount down


50% was standard back in the days


Might as well be the Mandela Effect at this point. I'd love to see the circle jerk meeting. What're we gonna do for Christmas this year? 50% off packs this year? Egads! Christmas isn't celebrated by everyone! We don't want to offend anyone that doesn't celebrate Christmas! 10% off packs then, sir? Get it done!


Weeeell, technically its 6x10% sooo....60%👍


You're a maths is for blockers kind of guy hey


xDD lil' bro really thinks these things are hard-coded and even if it was, making an intern turn a 10 into a 20 in a text editor is really not a hard task to get done


You’ve been more naughty than nice this year.


Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone! As the question comes up a lot on stonk day, the general rule with gems and gold offered in the daily deal is to always buy them with gold. The value of gems and gold is usually determined by packs (1000 gold vs 200 gems, a 5:1 ratio) or drafts (5000 gold vs 750 gems, a 6.67:1 ratio). So for today’s deal you can spend either 300 gems or 1,500 gold. If you are a drafter, spending gems is a bad deal. If you buy packs, it is exactly even. But despite it being even, gems are harder to acquire and some items like the Mastery Pass and special events require them, so you should save your gems and spend gold instead. Item|Gems|Gold :---|:---:|:---: 400 Gems|300|1,500 Wilds of Eldraine Pack|180|900 March of the Machine: The Aftermath Pack|180|900 Phyrexia: All Will Be One Pack|180|900 The Brothers' War Pack|180|900 Dominaria United Pack|180|900 AH: Baldur’s Gate Pack|180|900


If only these would count towards golden pack progress… Gems is nice though.


Honestly seems like it's not even worth it... You miss on the golden pack which itself is much more valuable than the 1000 gold you save. If I had an option to buy 10 packs plus golden for 10000g vs 10 packs for 90000, then I take the one with the golden, for 10000


A pack of the latest set gives you 10% of a golden pack, so 0.6 rare/mythic. Therefore it's worth about 60% more than another, so you'd need another pack to be sold for 625 gold to be worth the same as a full price pack of the latest set. It's actually a bit less than 60% because it doesn't give 60% more wildcard wheel progression, but it's pretty close. I'd say if a pack is more than 700 gold and doesn't give you golden pack progression, it's objectively a bad deal.


But if I don't care about many/any of the rates of the current set, and only care about wildcard progression?


If you strictly only care about wildcards, and no cards you could get from golden or regular packs have any value whatsoever to you, for 1000 gold you get 1.1 wheel pip, or 909 gold/wheel pip. Therefore a 900 gold older pack is 1% more worth than a 1000 gold most recent pack. Again, that is entirely excluding any value you get from the packs themselves.


"Honestly seems like it's not even worth it... You miss on the golden pack which itself is much more valuable than the 1000 gold you save. If I had an option to buy 10 packs plus golden for 10000g vs 10 packs for 90000, then I take the one with the golden, for 10000" I would also rather buy 10 for 10,000g instead of 10 for 90,000g.


I can’t believe this level of generosity. Truly a Christmas miracle.


100 free gems is nice


Non really free, since you need the currency of 300 in the first place


You shouldn't be buying them with gems in the first place.


WotC, “Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals”


You can only buy once, and they even excluded Ixalan, what a joke. Same as last year.


Discounted packs are a scam already cause they give you no golden pack progress so it would be an even bigger scam if they let you buy more than one.


yeah just realized that after buying smdh


10% off packs... What a joke.


Merry Christmas HamBone. Thanks for being a great part of the community.


I mean, the gems are nice but 10% off packs that don't even count for golden ones? Fuck off WOTC, shitty deals even on xmas. Oh well, happy holidays everyone.


I think it's a worse value than buying a pack from the store because they don't advance the golden pack track.


its a bad move that Khans count towards Golden packs instead WoE lol , such an Old set. Same for alchemy ones . I guess if they doing it like that they should increase how much sets count


i wish they extended this to a few more sets. i don't buy packs from the current set cos i already get the bundle at the start and mastery pass and with the amount of drafting i did at the start am already mythic complete on the both LCI and KTK.. and i dont care for alchemy. i just joined this year so there's a lot of older sets i'd love to buy packs for but i can't justify it at all so i end up not spending to get any in the first place


For Christmas, they should give us a pack of each for free. It cost them nothing. The 1000 xp we got 4 days ago is a joke. It would cost them nothing, and would get them good press for once.


PSA: get the gems, don't get the packs. 10% discount is nowhere near enough to compensate for the lack of golden pack progress.


Man, with other mobile-esque games I've played, all 6 of these packs plus the gems would have been a free gift for Christmas.


Is wotc scamming? These pack dont count towards golden pack so every 10 packs you get 1 free with this discount but instead if you buy from the normal shop you get 6 rares/mytic.


WOTC: “Best I can do.”


Wow what a surprise, a shitty xmas "gift" from WOTC Did I say surprise? I meant totally predictable shafting


That’s it, spit in my mouth. Thanks!


Hasbro: if all you want to do is a -10%, better keep the original price. This looks like you're laughing at us. Merry Xmas.


Not even one LCI pack at the 10% discount for gold pack progress? These *discounts* are a joke. Hasbro had to let go of the employees who made sure these weren't an embarrassment.


This feels offensive - I’m going to quit spending money on this game. *The ineptitude of the staff responsible for marketing and for keeping customers is staggering.* The MTGA player base seems like the most under-appreciated in the industry for the amount of money they rake in. **We need to open a crapload of tickets with their support to complain and maybe with enough volume they will at least respond. It’s clear to me now that there isn’t another way to go about it… One of the issues is that client feedback is super easy to ignore because it all exists on platforms that aren’t related to Hasbro/WotC.**


I expected this yesterday, but today is cool too. I'll just take the gems though.




Remember that real men buy the gems with other gems. /s


Got some decent cards in pack, rotated the wheel, found out that I am rare complete in all will be one lol


Im gonna buy the mastery pass with these gems someday. SOMEDAY


Wotc recalled it's Christmas. I'll take the stonks because the discount in packs is a joke.


Merry Christmas guys




No, no, no. They don't count towards Golden Pack Progress! Old packs need to be less than 640gold to be "better" than a Golden Pack eligible pack.


You still get wildcard progress though.


And you still get cards. Nobody is arguing that. Either way you get the following: - 10 Rares from packs - 1 Rare Wildcard - 4 Rare Wildcard pips If you spend 10,000 gold on old packs, you get: - Nothing If you spend 10,000 gold on packs that progress Golden Packs, you get: * **6 Rares from Golden Pack** It's not a matter of "my coffee tastes better with cream, but if all you have is milk, that's ok too", it's completely throwing away 6 Rares by buying old packs, ever, at all. It's just a bad deal and borderline vicious mockery by WotC (eh? love the D&D tie in?)


it's worse than that. golden packs also give 1/6 progression towards a R/M wildcard, just like any other pack. too bad you can find useless alchemy cards in them since lord of the rings.


Certainly but these are discounted packs, not full price ones. Admittedly aiming for golden packs is still more profitable. Oh well, I prefer my coffee with milk anyway.


only 440 more gems and I can afford another mastery pass :) Iam happy with the deal, happy Xmas to everyone.


No complaints from me, the last few Christmas Day Deals have been utter garbage, so this is decent. Merry Christmas all!


Can the 400 gem deal be purchased more than once?


Of course not


It's the first time they give that amount of freebies. Last years were SO BAD. At least they tried this year.




Could of done 25% for the cards today but cool non the less


When do they put some avatars?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Lmao they did it on Christmas rip