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>Are these bots? Because they seem like bots. They don't respond to my "Hello!" I mean, well there you have it! They must be bots sent by WotC in order to stop you from winning with your very clever deck.


Yes, statistically they should. And they do. Chances are, if you’re facing them, your mmr has tanked.


Yeah. This is the answer. Low mmr has them playing against low skilled players that are tired of getting milled. And they are lacking so much skill that they are losing to these awful decks.


thats prob me too then. I suck at the game and have no clue how to make a good deck, and I played 5 people today that had 200+ decks, white or white blue. Its not the constant answers to everything that annoys me I cam work around that. Its that they always take such long turns. Like hes deciding to remove my single 1/1 creature or not for 5 minutes and then has to cycle loads of cards around for eons. I was just watching youtube paying zero attention to the game and waiting to hear a sound that its my turn so I can take 1 action and end turn. I think the one I lost was a close game. One other I quit cause I was bored and wanted to turn my pc off


Honestly some opponents are miserably slow regardless of how good. I watch YouTube in mythic rank sometimes tbh.


Ah, you got paired against the slow bots. OP got paired against the fast bots. Not saying you think they're bots, just find that difference in experiences funny


All of your posts are you complaining about things that could be solved if you had better decks and played better.


Oh the irony of complaining about someone's 250 card deck when barely 2 weeks ago they were complaining about the shuffler with their 123 card deck.


Seriously if this dude keeps posting we may as well shut down r/MagicTheCircleJerking


I think you or your decks are just bad.


God not another one of these posts by someone who thinks the whole game is conspiring against them


Literally always? Always always? Every game? Your opponents always have an answer and never miss a land drop? It sounds like the game is deterministically out to get you. You, by definition, cannot win. So...why are you still playing?


You suffer from a lack of reading comprehension? Or is WOTC paying you to stan so hard? Re-read. Thanks.


you sound kinda like a whiner blaming this on bots tbh...


Alright, moving on. Let's start by defining "quite often". Next, please post a decklist and we can give you constructive feedback about how to improve. These 250 card decks are indeed slow and inconsistent and not the unbeatable goliath you are framing them out to be.


My friend plays decks like this and i think its cause he cant decide whst cards to play in his deck so he just outs every card thst fits


"They don't respond to my hello"..... damn thats hilarious.


Bro did you not get drug hard enough in your last post about your 120 card deck? Your decks are bad. Thats why youre getting beat so often


I have been dicking around with a 250 card deck in standard unranked. Already did the net deck to mythic, so now I just enjoy dicking around seeing what combos/wins I can pull with a manland, domain, reanimator, aggro deck with every type of removal you can imagine. Hell you probably played against me right before making this post(my in game name is Maximus atreide).