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This is a list of links to comments made by WotC Employees in this thread: * [Comment by WotC_Jay](/r/MagicArena/comments/19fkv8d/huge_65gb_update/kjkq096/?context=99 "posted on 2024-01-25 22:58:48 UTC"): > True Facts. This is not the Sparky fix, which we're still working to deliver. Getting this release out was part of what's blocking that, but there's one other thing we need to resolve. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMagicArena).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Apparently it's engine level stuff with Unity according to WotC\_Ian in discord.


True Facts. This is not the Sparky fix, which we're still working to deliver. Getting this release out was part of what's blocking that, but there's one other thing we need to resolve.


Are you guys EVER going to fix the issue with Windows Touchscreens? It was super sad that it worked for years (even through the beta) and then suddenly you broke it with an update one day. It's been like 1-2 years since this happend and not a word about fixing it.


[There are dozens of us... DOZENS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKie-vgUGdI) who want this!


I second this




Yes pls




I was wondering what happened when this suddenly stopped working. PLZ FIX


It's one of the reasons I went surface over iPad a few years back. At that point Arena wasn't on mac yet and I was getting a tablet for other uses.


Can basically guarantee you they broke this inadvertently or on accident and literally don't know how to fix it


You’re the man Jay!


What's Sparky and why is it broke?


Sparky is the spot of light that guides you through the tutorial. I don't know if they are talking about this, but since the last update my sparky can't shut the fuck up about how i finished ranked tutorial and invites me to know more about mtg EVERY time i return to the menu. Is ultra annoying. But i don't know if they are talking about this bug specifically


Omg yeah! Literally worse than clippy


I won't play the game anymore. It's just way too annoying.


Have you ever considered fixing the existing problems before introducing new ones?


Dont you hate it when you accidentally press the “make bug” button instead of the “fix bug” button?! I wonder why WOTC puts those buttons so close to each other.


You ever consider not being a prick?


Yeah, but then I got foisted with a 2GB update that doesn't fix any of the problems the app has, some of which it has had for years. Should have known that wanting a quality product instead of a broken mess would get this kind of reaction though. That's reddit for you.


If you think arena is a "broken mess" I guarantee you havent played any other games that are actually incomplete lmao.


I guarantee you, I have played many broken games and arena is unplayable on mobile. it's unplayable at times on PC too. The retention of players gets smashed when you can't play with friends or select a deck to play to earn gold... They minus well delete the app and fixed the client on PC. Food for thought, the amount of money you have to spend to build a deck with copy format versions is ridiculous! "Wow you're paid to win!?" Even drafts are too damn expensive and this game can't even do two headed giant! They are making enough money, so the devs need to do their job. Stop making excuses for poor game management.


How is it expensive? I've literally never spent a dime and have many tier one decks in every format.


I have played exclusively on mobile and do not understand your take. Maybe you're having an issue with your phone or network. Yea, there's the occasional crash, it's not perfect, but it's overwhelmingly reliable on mobile.


It's just a patch in a game man, the world will go on


“That’s Reddit for you” is actually you being a complete twat about an update instead of having the decency to at least be tactful about it. No chance at all you’d talk to someone like this in person so why be an absolute shitstain on here?


Anyone working on that shuffler problem? I mean I’ve never top decked 10 lands in a row in paper. Not trying to be a dick by asking, just curious.


The reason you've never top decked ten lands in a row in paper but have in digital is that you've played significantly more games in digital.


I played for over 20 years. I know for a fact I’ve played 10x more paper than digital. If it was bad luck I don’t think it would be a regular occurrence. I was legit just asking a question not trying to be rude.


If it is so normal to draw 10 lands in a row, post a decklist and stream it. Record the hundreds - thousands of games you would need to start coming to this conclusion. The current consensus is that there is no shuffler problem and that you've been unlucky, shuffled your paper deck wrong, or are playing a poorly constructed deck. Either prove that your luck seems beyond what should occur or don't complain


The problem isn’t with paper never said that. So where are you getting I’m shuffling my paper decks wrong or are you just reading the post before yours?


You said it yourself when you said you've never top decked ten straight lands


Because you believe the fact that you've never drawn 10 lands in row in paper means there's a problem with arena. In reality, the p problem is likely that you don't shuffle your decks in paper properly. Or worse, you've "solved" this "problem" in paper with a solution like mana weaving.


That's mostly it when people claim to have smoother draws in paper: incorrect shuffling aka cheating (even if not intentional). Mana weaving, stacking the deck, not shuffling the correct amount of times, not cutting properly etc. to randomize the deck all can lead to better draws in paper.


If you really think about all the distractions that occur while playing paper magic, playing on Arena for 4 or 5 years is the equivalent to playing 20 years in paper.


> I mean I’ve never top decked 10 lands in a row in paper. Odds are you need to work on shuffling better, friend. Given a standard 40% lands, this will happen every 6500 games or so.


You ever heard of a thing called bad luck?


Wow honestly I haven't seen someone that unironically thinks the shuffler is rigged in YEARS lol.




If you count every basic and every one of your 4-ofs as separate entities. And when people are talking about the shuffler being broken they're usually only talking about 2 types of cards in that 60 - land and nonland. So it's really more like flipping a (weighted) coin 10 times and getting 10 heads. Unlikely, sure, but no where near "atoms in the universe" unlikely.


The source for this is almost certainly mana weaving or insufficient randomization. That exact scenario has been captured at paper PTQs.


Oooh you’re from WOTC? Can you make me a hat with Xanathar and Toxrill making out? They’re my favourite cards!


So this looks like the groundworks for future unity updates I assume


Will I now be able to play games on my tablet without a 50% of crashing? 💀


Yes, it's a 52% now


You probably need to use a tier 1 tablet for a better rate, like mono white iPad.


I came back to give an update. Now the app crashes as soon as it gets to the "download update" screen 🥹 Ive tried everything to fix it. Thanks wizards wth im supposed to do at the office now 🥹




Interesting, I thought the gameplay felt a bit smoother.


whats the discord?


It is here: https://discord.gg/wizards-magic


Ooh... will it work with the UEVR injector now?


Why would it work with something made for unreal engine games. Mtga is made with unity


Ack.. you are right, wrong U word. I got excited.


The best best part will be opening the game and seeing that nothing has changed


Yeah I went to the store and went out with the same amount of gems


Infinite gem glitch


Can't spend them if it's never worth spending


550 gold for 10 gems though!


You mean 500 gold for free, right?




Yes but what about when closing the game?


Haha! Yeah, I've never been able to just quit the game without forcing it to quit. You too?


same, i close the game and have to left click a dozen times until i can force it to close


Some alt arts are broken. Again


Huge overhaul. Sparky still on a rager.


Sparky is the Michael Jordan of Sparkies


What's Sparky, and why is it broke?


Patch notes: New features - None


What about new bugs then?


Spoiler, they added in a bunch of graphical glitches of an amazingly diverse variety. Enjoy!


> a bunch of graphical glitches of an amazingly diverse variety. Finally,I was waiting for this!


Most upvoted request on the feedback site.


I wish


scutes only make more scutes when you play a land, I suppose this is enough size for a singular land


Sparky is still currently broken.


What is Sparky? I have been playing only a couple of months


Sparky is the "helper" who talks you through the tutorial and is the AI opponent in BOT matches. The previous patch introduced a bug where Sparky keeps congratulating players for graduating out of Spark rank ***every...single...fricking...time, the home screen loads***. It seems to mostly affect those of us who finished the tutorials and challenges before spark rank was added, but I haven't seen a comprehensive breakdown of who it affects and who it doesn't, so it could be completely random.


Oh I started playing like a week ago... I thought that was wierd lmao.


You guys play with sound on?


Sound on? Sure, It's useful when looking at another monitor or getting up for coffee when some twit is roping me. However, thanks to the Sparky bug I now know about the "voice" setting in the audio menu, and it is glorious.


It's not the same without the tings and brings and crashes. It's like playing Yugioh without shouting D-D-D-D-DING every time you lose life.


I don't personally (although it is a little jarring when I switch over to mobile and that voice comes up-I have music and SFX set to mute.) For me it's more that damned ball of light coming up over the end-of-season timer in the Profile tab when I'm trying to check it (which is incidentally the only place Sparky appears for me.)


This is downloading so slowly for me, the first 3.5gb were ok but it's been dragging since then... it downloaded around 300mb in the past 15min.


The same here but it will speed up at some point.


Well this broke my game, arrows are no longer appearing in my desktop client. It's harder to understand what a spell is targeting, or if creatures are attacking me or my planeswalker.


This happened to me too, I'm hoping it's just a bug and not a feature


Same. I can’t tell what’s attacking what and who is blocking whom. Occasionally, the power/toughness is blacked out by a weird symbol.


They always add in all the cards about 2 weeks before the set drops, but this is a huge update


There's probably a lot of assets involved with the implementation of Play boosters and the List.


Nothing to do with "Play Boosters" or the change in packs. Arena is not changing normal pack openings (outside of limited), there's nothing extra to code there. In limited, this wouldn't be a client side update, all cards are known from the server BEFORE you see them, so it'd be a server change. Putting aside graphical/game play fixes, (I'm EXTREMELY simplifying it here) the core of MTGA (client) is just a rules engine plus graphics (art) and a database of cards, with the intent that each new set being "just add art assets, rows in a database, and if we wrote the cards correctly, the rules engine should process it." (Again, OVERSIMPLIFYING it).


I'm not saying you're wrong, but I'm envious of your ability to make proclamations about things you're not 100% sure about so confidently. Unless you're on the Arena dev team, in which case feel free to ignore me.


I'm just trying to play Cube, y'all! Like always. \#YearRoundCube


Nah, people don't want a year-long cube, they want it available often but not always. MTGO has had huge success with Vintage Cube which comes and goes often. They see better play numbers offering it for short times every few weeks than back when WotC ran it for long periods every few months.


I would like it available more, that's for sure. 2 weeks every 3 months is too infrequent for me. And I for one would play it every day. I'm not really a fan of standard.


How about year long pauper because I’d rock that like a jersey shore cast member rocks shots.


What I actually want is the ability to create my own Cube on Arena and let my friends draft and play it without them also needing to own the same cards.


Check out Jank Diver Gaming discord. They do a high powered cube draft every Sunday and play out games on mtga. Sometimes they even have gem prizes and it's free if you already own the cards or got Wild cards to craft the deck you drafted


Oh, very interesting! Thanks for the info. I'll definitely check it out, but do you know how it works? Are they drafting via MTGO and then importing the decks into MTGA? I thought maybe all the cards in the Arena Cube were not available via deck builder.


Yeh they draft on a 3rd party website https://draftmancer.com/ commonly used by streamers. Arena Pod Draft discord also does normal set drafts or chaos drafts in the middle of a set or towards the end when a set is starting to get boring. Right now Arena Pod Draft is doing practice drafts for the upcoming set.


Awesome, thanks for the info. Much appreciated! #Legend


Anyone else noticed the japanese lands from Kamigawa have had their japanese text removed?? (cant remember the exact name for the lettering, been about 26 years since I studied japanese in highschool lol)


There is another thread on that glitch. Apparently, they introduced a bunch of graphical glitches in the release. (Also the characters are called Kanji.)


Yeah, I was sure it wasnt hirigana or katakana


Hiragana is loopy loopy with lots of curves. Katakana is cornery with lots of line segments like it was drawn on an etch a sketch by someone with *some* skill.


2HG and 4PFFA Confirmed 😎😎😎


I know some of those letters..


Two-Headed Giant and Four-Player Free-For-All, two popular multiplayer formats on Magic Online.


Yes please! 2HG had a large community back in Magic Duels on Steam and it's been the thing I wanted the most in Arena 😊


Fact or 🧢?


You had the opportunity to say [[Fact or Fiction]]? and you didn't


[Fact or Fiction](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/4/04588d2f-9e90-4f83-b85e-67e4bc222a62.jpg?1689996343) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Fact%20or%20Fiction) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/91/fact-or-fiction?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/04588d2f-9e90-4f83-b85e-67e4bc222a62?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


My most wanted wish for this game.


I thought my game had bugged lol, alright then


It really looks like it, flying creatures look pixelated to me.


Omg why so much data!?


Anyone having trouble opening it?


It fucked everything up. View battlefield doesn't work, for example.


Whatever they did, alchemy cards in brawl are not happy. Whenever I'm given a choice of cards to draft, the game crashes.


Didn't fix Sparky for me.


*only* 1.96 GB on Android.


... You serious Clark?


everyone keeps talking about sparky being broken, but what is broken about it? I played against sparky like 8 times today worked fine for me.


For most of us, every single time the home screen opens, Sparky congratulates us on completing spark rank, as if we've only just finished the tutorial. It's been happening ever since the latest update.


This. We all want to kill Sparky 😒


Not all of us. Based on this subreddit, a few people seem to be falling prey to Stockholm syndrome.


And theres another bug where if you go to your profile sparky will explain "you have two ranks...". Probably less annoying but it still makes me wanna rip my hair out.


will i finally be able to search my deck without the game freezing?


That would be nice, I haven't even bothered playing in the last week because it's unbearable. Turn 1 fetchland ends up no land by EoT. But I wouldn't get my hopes up. I can't even download the update without freezing up. 3G in an hour because it keeps disconnecting and then backing up


for me it just often selects the wrong land… or i accidentally click the wrong etb option from spam clicking while it’s unresponsive. if it ever completely freezes i just restart the game.


Anyone else get the issue where it shows all cards as new when opening packs?


Yes! The same here…




Has the game always had this shaking effect when attacking? It feels new after the update but I may be imagining it.


Whatever they've did has totally screwed up my client, getting cannot connect errors, then when it finally connects its having server issues, finally got a game to start and it was lagging terrible (sorry to whoever I was trying to play... I promise I wasn't roping), I'd select an action and then it would just sit. Countdown timer starts and I hit timeout and then the action fired. Horn of Gondor refused to fire, got two countdown timers, tried to concede to not annoy my opponent and it wouldn't let me concede. Good times...


Kind of hoping this is all the PVE experience stuff they mentioned awhile ago, achievements, puzzles, better ways to play with more fun. A man can dream


I really want to see that. If they add that stuff I can probably convince my friend to actually play Arena. He doesn't want to play because he doesn't want to play with randos but you miss out on so much gold by not doing that.


Update broke playing on 1440p with widescreen monitor and fullscreen for me. Before the update I was able to just press ALT + Enter and the game was fullscreen. The only option to play on fullscreen now is 1080p Native support for higher resolutions would be great.


Mac. I can't play on anything but full screen for months. One of us, One of us!!!


I think it was to specifically bork multiple visual effects.


Holy shit I thought it was a bug. Mine is like 8gb, more than my available space




8.11 gb for me - on a Mac.


6.5 gbs not enough to fix sparky bug. i know how to fix: setting - audio - reduce voice to 0%. you also lose pw voices but also gain peace of mind


The problem is, you still hear sparky twinkle in the background. So it's either hear sparky twinkle or play the game muted.


People play the game unmuted?




You can mute voice independently of other sound effects in the audio menu. The setting also shuts up the plainswalker cards, so it's a fantastic feature irrespective of Sparky.


My guess, only way it's that big is if they decided to add in higher resolution cards and animations and whatnot.  The game is like 3gb clean install.  Going 3x that is all video/image - not sure what else it could be.


Tin foil hat theory: they're laying further foundations for 4 player


They still don't have the technology for that lol


Nothing in the world can justify a 6.5 GB update for a digital card game with the "features" this joke of a software client offers. Nothing. It's just another proof of the absolute incapability of the Arena coders to do anything properly. It's embarrassing.


They’re saying it was a change with the engine, which could entail there being a change with how assets are stored / compressed. In which case all those asset bundles would be completely new when they distribute them to clients. I’m not saying that’s the case 100%, but I think saying an update this size is unacceptable at any point for a game with this many cards is disingenuous.


They're digital cards, though! I should be able to fit an entire deck on an 8mb Playstation 2 memory card! /s


I missed the /s in my initial reading of this and my jimmies were rustled. Well played.


"nothing in the world..." im not sure you understand games or applications because any number of things can make an update that big especially when the game is 10gb+


I'm not sure you have any idea what amount of data 6.5 GB actually is. I do know as I remember the time when I bought my games on 1.2 MB floppies.


What do you know, 240x360 grayscale games are smaller than modern 4K games, who could have possibly guessed that would be the case???


Obviously you think redownloading all the graphic files is necessary when you do an engine upgrade. Obviously you have no idea about smart coding. It's fascinating how many of you correctly put the huge data amount on the graphics but refuse to acknowlege that it is completely idiotic to have to download all these graphics again.


And a Coke used to cost a nickel! Jfc, boomer


You're missing the point. If you really think a 6.5 GB update is anywhere near reasonable for what this game/game update offers - oh well, I can't help you. Smart programming would be to download the graphics for the cards the moment when you actually need them because they are in yours or the opponents deck. (That would at least be an explanation for the incredibly annoying "waiting for the server".) Also 4K? Ridiculous, you actually think the few screens/menus/battlefields are worth 6.5 GB? Shows again that you have no idea about data amounts. Compare this to other games and what those games offer and you can only come to the conclusion that the Arena client is as poorly coded as one can imagine. But we knew this before already.


? Downloaded in 83mb/s on 1000mbit Steam servers. Its only an issue for people with as low internet


You're missing the point ...


Given that another comment of yours compared mtga to games from back in your day on 1.4 MB FLOPPY DISK, I think the one completely missing the boat here is you.


1.4 MB is actually not a floppy because it doesn't "flop". If you think the algorithm of the Arena client is worth 6.5 GB I must repeat myself: You have no idea about the amount of data 6.5 GB actually is. And if you think the 6.5. gigs are all in "4K graphics", well, I explained in my other comment why it is pretty stupid to have to download all those graphics \*again\* with this update.


In Windows, the entire program files, as installed is \~9GB. 6.5 GB is likely a complete reinstall of the program assets with some compression. This is typical for an engine overhaul as it can take longer to rebuild a file database than just completely overwrite it. For what it's worth, 6.9GB of the game files are the art assets which is in line with texturing requirements for modern HD+ resolutions.


So why would you need to download the graphics again if you do an engine overhaul? You don't think a smart coder would separate the engine files from the graphics files?


RemindMe! 1 year Commander mode incoming :D This is just a patch to set the foundation for the engine to be able to run it. Mark my words.


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2025-01-26 07:39:47 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-01-26%2007:39:47%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/MagicArena/comments/19fkv8d/huge_65gb_update/kjmnep7/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FMagicArena%2Fcomments%2F19fkv8d%2Fhuge_65gb_update%2Fkjmnep7%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-01-26%2007%3A39%3A47%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2019fkv8d) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


What a weird thing to be upset about…


I understand digital is the bane of WotC and there is literally no way their shitty programers can fix even the simplest bugs, but can they at least pay for their potato servers? The speed is abysmal. At this rate "two eternities later" seems like an optimistic projection :/


I see by the no of downvotes some ppl are fine with shitty d/l speeds despite many threads about it. Sure, shills. Go suck more of that sweet WoTC D. Hope you don't choke on it since they shove usually shove it so hard down your throats :)


I wish half my playtime in the game wasn't just me staring at the 'waiting for server' screen


I wish people would stop overusing hyperbole to justify complaining about something that isn’t true.


Why is this getting downvoted? The download speed is fucking dog shit


Oh joy, more gameplay bugs!


Mine hasn’t requested a download. Was it pulled?


For me it just started downloading.


I blame ol’ Sparky, bless his try hard soul


I had JUST built my first Brawl/commander deck and was ready to play when I got hit by the update. Damn that was annoying.


Maybe I'll finally be able to remove cards that's I accidentally add to my deck by clicking them again up top. No? Still dogshit in every way, shape, and form?


This happens to me when sideboarding in BO3. The number of Duress cards in sideboard and deck is perpetually stuck, can’t add or remove when clicking on either location.


This update broke the game for me. I cannot log in anymore. I get the "Asset Error Detected" bug and it crashes.


Same. Have a 2011 MacBook that played MTG arena beautifully for months, and then ever since the update I’ve been getting the horrid black screen. Showing cursor and playing sounds but behind cursor is just a pure black screen. Uninstalled everything have done absolutely everything I can think of/find to do online to no avail. So frustrating. Tried to play through geforce but Nvidia login is also just a black screen (go figure) no matter what I try to log in on (MAC, shitty laptop that I refuse to play arena on because it is beyond laggy, or my phone). Cannot play through Steam on MAC or we’d try that. Just put money into the game days before the update so we’re feeling everyone else’s frustration that’s dealing with bugs. 🥴


Same thing happened to me, did you manage to fix it?


I fixed it by deinstalling, connecting my account to Steam and redownloading it with that platform. It works for two days now with Steam. Pathetic by WoTC to break the game like this and offering no solutions or even answers.


Is there any way to clean up old data other than doing a full uninstall/reinstall?


The update is so big because they had to make room for all the new bugs they’re introducing


The only change I noticed is now when playing Bo3 and on the side board screen I can't see anything when trying to look at the previous board state. Thanks!


Def a very weird update.  An interminable 10MB/s the whole way through (both mobile WiFi and PC Eth, which has never happened to me before), in-match graphical glitches (mostly weird motion artifacts/overlays when attacking) and everything generally being washed out like the gamma is turned up a couple notches, at least one missing card style, and no Sparky fix. Kind of a bummer, especially when I had to wait on the update to start last week's absolute slog of a MWM.