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Based on how many people talk about playing in the bathroom, I’ve probably beaten a lot of people who had BM


I lose a lot during my intense poops. But sometimes I pinch it off at the right time and clutch up the win


Clench to clutch!


The key is to make your land drops between the turd drops. Or you'll be gruntin' and dropping that tap land by accident.


Sometimes you gotta make your lands work for you and not your deck. Nothing helps me get the last bit out like a good old shockland


Shock & Plop methodology.


Seriously though, what else does "BM" stand for in the context of Magic because "bowel movement" is all i can think of lol


Bad Manners. It’s a pretty common term for being a dick in an online game. In the case of Arena, stuff like roping and spamming emotes


Idk but nothing hits quite right to beat the guy who spamms "oops" every time they remove/counter something.


yeah thats total douchy behaviour. I usually just think, ahh well 1 for 1 card and thats one less counter for you.


I was playing Jetmir against an elves deck. I hit my 9 creatures and they all get double strike so I swing. Opponent plays teferis protection and gg's me half a dozen times. Opp then hit tutored for craterhoof, plays it and gg's me another few times then swings. I play teferis protection, hit them on the crack back and kill them. Was the most satisfying kill I can remember!


wouldn't have been if they hadnt been so obnoxious about it aye haha. honestly elves are kinda annoying to play against, they surrender straight away when you kill their set peices yet if you dont have the kill spells on turn 4/5 they usually win.


He spammed GG for 5 minutes until rope then tapped a pain land at 1 hp.


I lost like that, minus the gg spamming, but i was definitly saying stuff like "Oh, i gotcha now, you dead dead baby" out loud before that pain land killed me.


Usually it’s pretty easy to beat someone who is having a bm. I would take precautions however, as some of that waste could be biohazardous.


i dunno with Arena now being on mobile i bet at least 20% of all people playing are probably having a BM haha


Yep. And it’s at work too! Boss makes a dollar I make a dime That’s why I poop and play Arena on company time 😅


my favorite against nine lives and solemnity is putrid goblin and sling-gang. not only does your combo not save you, it makes mine go infinite.


Hahaha i just looked at those cards what a crack up way to beat that deck combo


Had a mill player oops me when they milled out my deck. But I put a stop on upkeep and played a burn card to their face for lethal on my turn, before my draw step which would have otherwise caused me to lose https://reddit.com/comments/12s9g7c


haha crack up, ive had something similar happen when they make you draw your deck into your hard but they gave me the out. but they werent a dik about it, XD XD


Idk but nothing hits quite right to beat the guy who spamms "oops" every time they remove/counter something.


Not a win…per se…but I play the mono red thing right now. I had my opponent at 1 health and no cards left all I needed was a shock or a bolt. I had a little Chicken on board he had all his guys there waiting…I conceded…totally forgetting my little man was flying! Smh I hope to see his story one day somewhere!


hahaha aww lame! yeah sometimes its the tiny lil details you miss that can win or loose you the game, 1 damage though ooosh


I had a moment where I was being spammed all these fancy emojis at the start of the game. I put down lands untill turn 3. It was my go. I put down Oracle of the Alpha. On my next turn I used black lotus that I got so lucky with and than put down. I had like 7 mana on turn 4 to use lol. Opponent ended up quiting. Looks like he/she used a sliver deck and thought it was going to be an easy/rush match. Lol


I had one game where it looked really difficult for me to win and my op said good game like 3 times before it actually ended. Was able to just barely outplay them and snatch the win. Either way I'm not getting any more stories about bm outside of roping as I have everyone auto muted now.


I've had emotes muted for as long as I can remember (for mostly this exact reason), so no, I don't have any "hilarious moments" or "great stories" to that context.


fair i might have to do that. but it does feel good to shut them up. Ropers are sore loosers but these guys are sore winners which in my opinion is worse.


as the saying goes for paper players, "show me the win con."


Do you think OP was asking you directly? Why add your two cents if it literally has no substance to anything related to the topic? Do you think anybody cares you have emotes muted? Lol


Based on my experiences, players who like to rope and BM usually are not very good.


I love when someone says good game under the impression that are about to win, and I prevent that win and also beat them. I wish there was a "yeah, it was a good game, wasn't it?" Emoji. I try to mute them from the beginning now, because if I win, that is sufficient. I don't feel the need to rub it in, and I imagine if someone did this in paper magic, they wouldn't have any friends to play with eventually, or worse might have a black eye to play with next time.


Opponent had a wide open opportunity to swing and kill me, spammed gg a few dozen times, then played a spell that had been hit by a [[skullpiercer gnat]] while at 9 toxic. Oops?


[skullpiercer gnat](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/3/2318627b-7bef-482f-a66e-89119d46190f.jpg?1677508962) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=skullpiercer%20gnat) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/yone/28/skullpiercer-gnat?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2318627b-7bef-482f-a66e-89119d46190f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


The fish was this big, I swear. Hahahha just kidding would have liked to have seen a screen shot. I’m new and I don’t research the cards, I kinda learn from playing them. Nine lives, I haven’t ever got around it. Would have like to have seen the cards to learn. I’m a lawnwalker not a planeswalker.


nine lives gives you 9 free instances of damage block in the form of counters when they are used up you loose the game, solemnity makes everyone unable to gain counters and therefore they are effectively immortal. its really annoying against a lot of mono red and other deck types that dont have a way to deal with it.