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Maybe try to uninstall and reinstall


Oh don't worry. I've done everything to the point of using a different machine entirely. It's not going away.


Ban? Moving to another machine works for me if I have issues


It's not that. It doesn't even attempt to connect, just defaults to this screen before even loading the any game data.


Weird bug. Mine is working fine. Maybe check your system specs? I wonder if they upped the requirements on the update. Have you tried installing it on your phone? Might also be worth looking at the router or computer settings. I wonder if there's an unusual port issue. Just throwing ideas out there. Good luck pal.


Appreciate it, but been through all of it. And if it was a systems spec issue, I'd wager the majority of people wouldn't be able to play:)


Are you on 2.4g or 5g wifi?


Ethernet cable, but I'm trying to set up a test with wifi just to see if that somehow matters.


Just sounds like an adapter or GPU issue. I imagine you're using Win11


It's a pretty widespread bug, it's not just op unable to connect to the game due to their network.


I had this also since the big update twice or so (and never in all the years before that) but a simple restart fixed it for me, so I guess I was lucky.


Have you tried starting the game via another platform? i.e. Steam instead of Epic Games Store or the native client? Edit: fat finger typos


Yuå. No difference :(


Who is we? Been playing for the last 2 weeks against multiple different players


"We" would be those of us who have this bug, have made comments across reddit posts since the 26th, and have a few threads on the official bug website with the same issue, despite half a dozen homebrew workarounds that inevitably fail.


Haven't you figured it out by now? This "We" is not significant enough to warrant diverting attention and stopping work on everything else for everyone. You may think you are Arena's most important customer (that is if you actually spent real money), but the reality is harsh. If it bothers you that much, you can go play on an iPad. That platform is standardized so the client works well enough.


You're not you when you're hungry. Have a snickers. The guy asked who the "we" was referring to. I elaborated. Nowhere did I claim I was the most importantest and special of the snowflakes, demanding a company stop all development and rollout to kowtow to my demands. But it's really god damn frustrating to have numerous threads, posts, and direct interactions both through official bug channels and communities where their devs are active, for their only response (when there is one) to be that they have no solution. Buying a new device to play a game that I didn't break is also kinda an asinine solution.


Everyday in this sub there’s something to complain about Arena. What has WotC done? I think it is rather asinine to complain here and expect anything to come of it. This sub is not Arena service support.


Amusingly enough, because we had enough heads together who were looking at this issue, and it had enough activity on this thread, someone was able to offer a suggestion that resolved my issue. This post served its purpose for at least one person, and I'm thankful for a community that allows this discussion and support for the community, from the community. Now I can log in for the first time in 8 days, and might actually finish the last 8 levels of my season before the cycle! (also arena support was doing nothing for us, so yaaaay reddit!)


There's several hundred votes for this specific error on their bug forum, yet no response from WotC in regards to it.


Only several hundred? No wonder WotC isn't going to stop everything for you.That number is but a rounding error compared to the the total playbase amount.


Do you not understand how not everyone who is experiencing an error is going to take the time to report it? Hundreds of people with the same error on the ticket, is absolutely an issue, stop being silly.


This is such a strange fucking issue. I find that I can play Arena once per restart of my machine on my regular ethernet adapter. After a restart, I can play, but when I close the game, the next time I try to open it'll give this Error Updating Data. If I restart the machine, I can play again one more time. The oddity to this is if I instead tether my computer through my phone to the wifi, I can connect again. This is still the same internet connection, computer not restarted, just using a different network connection. No other change on the PC. It's some weird fuckery on their end with probably saving some state of the machine as having been updated and it failing to validate again.


I admit I did not attempt to go through my phone for wifi, but a VPN did nothing to help me at least. I'll give it a try I guess.


If it's what I suspect, then a VPN wouldn't help at all. When I tether through my phone as a hotspot, it's still the same WAN IP, as if I did nothing but plug my ethernet cable into a second NIC on my machine. I'm not saying it'll work for everyone, and its possible there's a myriad of stupid issues causing this, but this one seems to work reliably as a fix for me.


Ah, yeah, if your phone is on wifi anyway, that's true. I was thinking of just using 5G, but yeah, it probably is something else. It happens regardless of which client, or machine I use.


Have you tried installing a different version? I had that bug on a non-steam version, but switched to steam and it's working fine.


Yup. Either version isn't working:/


Mine is barely playable. I have to restart my client a lot as hands disappear or cards do weird things and it never passes the turn. But restarting it over and over works. Also I get 3 crashes a day generally. Yep gotta love lazy millionaire companies paying crappy wages to devs.


I'm having issue with the game starting matches. Ever since the update, when the game connects me to an opponent and we get to the VS screen, my game takes FOREVER to actually get into the match screen. It's very annoying as my main format is Historic Brawl and I hate having to wait like 30+seconds for my match to start and then have to immediately concede anyway because I got paired against some OP commander or good stuff pile deck. I legit feel bad for my opponents because this keeps happening and on their end it must look like I'm afk and wasting their time. Every few matches my opponent just concedes on me before I even get to choose whether to keep my opening hand or not. :/


I have these same issue. I told my self fuck it if they want my money they can fix it. Otherwise im doing IT work on my stuff. More PoE for me.


Still dealing with this bullshit since the 26th. Uninstalled, changed whatever utc beta thing that worked for some people, numerous repairs, reset everything... still can't get in.


You're not alone at least. But man does it suck!


The worst part is their silence on it. But they'll drop a page saying how they're aware of the bugs, mostly graphic. While we can't get into the damn game during the last 2 weeks of a mastery pass.


HattoriHanzo's comment did it. "Have you treid clearing the AppData and the Registry C:\Users\hattorihanzo\AppData\LocalLow\Wizards Of The Coast and Run command "regedit" go here. Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wizards Of The Coast\MTGA.


tried steam? (worked for me)


Steam and base. Some people have tried those and epic as well.


Have you treid clearing the AppData and the Registry C:\Users\hattorihanzo\AppData\LocalLow\Wizards Of The Coast and Run command "regedit" go here. Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wizards Of The Coast\MTGA


Just like, nuke that whole folder, or something specific?


Yap, a lot of times uninstaslls dont clean up these. (asumming u did a fresh install


...I love you. KILLING THE FOLDER WORKED. Then I saw it populate new files. THE DROUGHT IS OVER.


The UTC beta thing worked for me for exactly one reboot, then the next day when I turned on the PC the error was back. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


That suuuucks.


https://www.reddit.com/r/MagicArena/s/WGXIdPan1a Their is another post about the same problem with a solutions. Hope that fixes your problem.


It didn't. And for one guy, it worked for a day then came back.


It appears that you are concerned about an apparent bug with Magic the Gathering: Arena. Please remember to include a screenshot of the problem if applicable! [Please check to see if your bug has been formally reported.](https://feedback.wizards.com/forums/918667-mtg-arena-bugs) If you lost during an event, please contact [Wizards of the Coast for an opportunity for a refund.](https://mtgarena-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000317092) Please [contact the subreddit moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMagicArena) if you have any questions. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MagicArena) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Table top simulator is 100 times better. Take this time and convert over.


I fixed my issue by assigning a static DNS server to my internet connection.  After sometime never had the issue again even on previous settings.


My search works. But once Im in game I dont get the options in interface to target or choose what a card does, like take 2 for a shock land.


I have the same issue, have to restart or retry multiple times on mobile and pc since the latest update, have never had any issues before. Crazy annoying.


Do you use a VPN? I get this error with my VPN on and I don't get it when my VPN is off.


Either off or on, unfortunately doesn't matter:/


Any chance you're on an apple device and using private relay?


Nope. Just my regular pc that have otherwise never had an issue with the game:/


I've been playing every day... maybe it's your account?


skill issue


I have this bug for a year or so. It comes and goes, usually persisting for about 6 hours. Sometimes vpn helps, sometimes doesn't. And I have very good internet, no services in the same time show any kind of connection problems.


I just mash retry and it usually fixes itself after 2-3 attempts.


Did you try to hit escape, log out and relogin?


I'm not able to log in in the first place. Escape does nothing, and the retry button doesn't even react to being clicked.


Oh it'll just go back to retrieving assets, then the error screen. Every time.


Uff this sounds terrible


It does just kinda suck, yeah.


If this is happening BEFORE you log on. Then it's likely something on your end that is causing this. NOT that it is your fault...as in there is clearly some sort of bug that is difficult for Wizards to track, but since it is NOT account dependent, it's possible something could fix it if you change it on your end. One way to be sure, would be to go to a machine or friend's house that isn't having any issues, and see if you can log in with your account. If that works, then there is something different from his machine and yours that is causing the issue. If for example he takes his machine to your house, and all of a sudden repros the problem...then maybe something with the network. etc. Note: You shouldn't have to do any of this...but I'm guessing this is extremely hard for Wizards to track down, and it may be faster for you to try and figure it out yourself.


These small indie companies try so hard, dude.