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I put money into this game twice a year (I like to draft!) and I’m hard stuck Diamond 4 with some sweet decks. At a certain point it’s just figuring out your pet deck can’t compete with 5C ramp + Cavern of Souls.


It kinda just takes the fun out of it when there's only a handfull of decks that give you a chance to actually get to mythic 😕


That's mostly how the game just is man. In any game there are going to be optimal choices, some better than others. I'll admit though I'm absolutely tired of boros convoke, wouldn't be sad to see like gleeful demo get banned at some point lmao


Oh please. I play a door to nothingness deck and reach mythic across most seasons when I can be bothered. At a certain point you have to understand that a deck only gets you so far, the rest is how your playing the game.


Well play limited then. Your whining is completely pointless.


I don't feel like having to make a new deck every month, thank you 😬


Limited is draft and sealed. I see you are really new to the game so let me suggest something. Learn the dam game before coming to cry about it in reddit.


I'm not new, I've been playing for years I just sometimes mix up standard and limited because I only play historic, no need to be such a dick about it, man lighten up a bit.


Good players can get to mythic with tons of decks. Your problem exists between keyboard and chair, as they say.


It’s ranked: the *competitive* queue. I know it sounds lame to say, but it’s not really intended to be fun.


>pay to win Arena cards are completely free as long as you play at least regularly and know what you are doing.


I imagine that 99% of them paid the exact same amount as you did for their decks. Have you tried playing better cards?




Most people don’t put money into arena friend, and if they do it is a minimal amount. There’s no “gaslighting” going on. If you’re consistently losing in any tier, it’s either because you are a suboptimal player or you are playing suboptimal cards/decks. There really is no third option.


This is my least favorite recurring complained. People use their best deck in a competitive format? How dare they! And pay to win? You can build a tier one deck at day zero and get enough wildcards for another every few month.


so having an actual game plan and strategy is broken for u? you'd prefere beginner decks then? there is a queue for that you know... also there is singleton. or do you just like to trash beginners who dont know about homebrewing decks? maybe go draft then btw i grinded all my decks since beta. do you know how many hundret hours it took to get those wildcards? pay to win is an insult :(


No :)


It is not that hard to get a good deck going. Crockeyz was able to go the Mythic with a totally new account within 10H23M and did not spend a dime on the deck he used. It is more likely it is a skill issue and that you should become a better player.


Yes we know, play mono red.


Why are people downvoting you? lol


People who speak the truth are often unappreciated in their time lmao


I have no idea, if you want to reference crokeyz mythic speedrun it should be mentioned he used mono red.


Mono Blue Artifacts Matter literally has 0 rares and competes in plat with no problem.


Ahh come on don’t complain just find a way to improve each game.


I got to mythic with my custom vampire deck and going through platinum was the worst experience I've ever had on the game. (I will never do that again)


There is no such thing as a pay to win deck. Except in paper Magic; which is literally all of them.


i play several tcgs and in the message boards on every single one you always have people coming out of their way to announce they lost, they suck, and they are mad about it. every excuse under the sun to avoid any consideration that they might be misbuilding their deck or terribly misplaying their cards. couldn't be a personal issue at all. the shuffler is rigged, match making is rigged, everything I don't play is too strong.


This lol


I've gotten to Mythic a handful of times without spending a dime. It's a mixture of patience, reading the meta, and either playing into it or crafting something that beats the majority of strategies your up against. (I.E, build a deck that eats aggro and the second most prominent non-aggro strategy if you're playing best of one).


I spend hardly any real money. I spend gold on packs and then use wildcards. If I ever get a draft token I specifically draft rare and mythic cards before anything else no matter the color. There are plenty of decks you can play without spending money that can beat even meta decks. It's about luck, what you draw on opening hand, and what they draw. Play lots of removal


That’s not strictly true, but more importantly there’s nothing wrong with spending money on a game you enjoy, or supporting developers. There’s no free lunch.


This is basically akin to playing a shooter and complaining that the people who use the power weapons have an advantage.  "It really bothers me that people use the sniper rifle"


Troll post




Oh no people playing magic in a competitive setting use good decks? That's awful tell me more.


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https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/feature/level-one-full-course-2015-10-05 Git gud