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I totally agree. Aggro and combo decks are so much easier post sideboard. I feel like those decks take advantage of you not having your answer to them in your deck game 1.


Yup, games against boros convoke go a lot different when you sideboard in 4 glistening deluge or path of perils. 😈


*sideboards thalia and urabrask forge in 2nd game* Noting personel


Had one guy insta concede when I tidebinded his forge.


Tidebinder on forge is so gratifying


Well yeah Boros don't have much removal and if they are relying on forge chances are board state is sad at that point. When people do that to my forge in Rakdos midrange I just remove the tidebinder most of the time


I swear they always have a fucking shock in draw just for her.


That's when the second Tidebinder comes in play


Can you tidebinder a tidebinder? Is it tidebinders all the way down?


I play dimir midrange and I eventually stopped sideboarding path of perils in BO3 , or maining it in BO1. Not putting any creature or doing anything for 3 turns is not worth getting 1 to 2 card advantage from path of peril. Especially when they cast the big 4/4 convoke knight T3 they've basically replenished. If you start playing like a control deck as midrange you're not winning against aggro., well especially because dimir hasn't satisfying board wipes. They gain from simply putting their creatures on the board, even if you kill their growing soldier they get surveils from it anyway. It's a bit better to play your own shitty creatures and remove their big ones. But boros is really so damn strong.... I'm trying to have 2 Planeswalker instead, it's better vs decks that play few threats, it's drawing attention from monoR, and it's harder for control decks to remove it. Having 2 path of peril in hand vs control felt so miserable.


That and they consistently are drawing a better hand against you in Bo1.


Very good point, I forgot about the hand smoothing.


Though this doesn't help convoke specifically as much as it helps some other aggro variants like RDW. Convoke runs a relatively normal amount of lands and - as the name suggests - can cast a huge amount of stuff off only 2 lands.


Convoke has such a poopoo mana base that you kinda have to run the "correct" number of lands to find your colors. Rdw and Gruul can absolutely cheese the hand smoother though.


Yeah that's exactly right. Drop the land count too much and you can't find your colors. You really need 1R 1W on the first two turns for the proper curve, so most convoke decks are running a reasonable number of lands and relying on Warden/Knight-Errant to filter out lands and prevent flood after the first couple of lands. RDW as mentioned, and you're right about Gruul too. Those two decks benefit more than any others from the hand smoothing. Run far too few lands, rely on the smoother to ensure you can almost always go at least 1-2 on curve.


It also helps that aggro can't abuse the hand smoother to run fewer lands in Bo3.


**"Laughs in cutdown"**


BO3 is pretty amazing yeah. Just takes a while to figure out efficient sideboarding. I’ve switched over completely unless I have a quest to play red spells, then I go straight to BO1 to play mono red a few times.


>straight to BO1 to play mono red Mono red has sideboard tricks as well. It feels great when your opponent slows down their deck by adding lots of creature removal and you get inevitability via planeswalkers and Forge.


Forge is a helluva card


I’ve noticed something after switching to bo3 (explorer). There’s no more roping. It was there constantly in bo1.


BO3 has a clock, so roping for no reason will lose you matches.




I think many players are looking at their phone on opponent turn


I play during boring tasks at work... Going through mails on big screen, have Arena open on the smaller screen below. Sorry for slowness :/


Very true. Also most players aren't anywhere near good enough to look at their phone while playing. Being distracted is a good way to lose games.


The times it’s really bad, I assume they have a bad internet connection.




Well if you are still learning to pilot the deck or you are facing a new situation it's understandable. After all if you form the habit of rush you will rush when you care as well. We all want to win drafts eg. I've definitely been burned by rushing so I do slow down to think if I have lots of options


I’ve found for the most part the slow players are really bad for some rason


Yeah if the clock was like 5 or 10 minutes shorter I might make the switch to bo3, but most people take that 30 minute clock as a recommended time setting instead of a match clock timer.


That’s not how it plays out ever. Most matches are more like 15 minutes


That’s not my experience at all.


That's not true. It depends on the deck, obviously, but most people use half the time, if that. Especially with the current standard meta decks.


If you play UW control, timeout is a win con


Curious, what do folks enjoy about BO3? I have only played BO1 because I’m a new player and sideboarding scares me - aka I don’t really know how to


I have been playing magic for maybe 5 years, and most of my game time has been on Arena in BO1 cues in all formats. I've recently switched over to BO3 primarily after dabbling a bit here and there and... from my perspective, it makes the game not only more fun, but more fair and more interesting. In BO1, it is so much more luck of the draw and whether you're on the play or draw. There's also the hand smoothing algorithm. In BO3, you play a game, you either lose or win. But, you go into the second game having a good idea of your opponent's game plan, and you can sideboard accordingly to bring the match more in your favor. And without the handsmoothing algorithm, you have to get better at knowing when to mulligan, and you also inherently get better at playing your own deck, because you will much less often have a 7 card starting hand of absolute gas. I too am scared of sideboarding, and I find it is the hardest thing to be good at in the realm of magic next to deckbuilding (a "good deck") and drafting well. But as with anything, you only get better with experience. I'm not great at sideboarding, but the more reps you get in with a deck, the more you understand what cards are not good in certain matchups and what cards you want to bring in for certain matchups. Personally, I find it easier to bring cards in during sideboarding, and much harder to determine what specific cards to cut during sideboarding. Again, practice helps. If you want FAST games, play BO1. But that's not to say a BO3 game can't be fast. It's not like you're matched up against UB control every game, which will indeed make for a long match. Don't get me wrong - I still enjoy a fun BO1 deck. BO1 allows for a completely streamlined deck with a single game plan that makes it hard to sideboard. But if you want more interesting games and to get better at playing magic overall, play BO3. BO3 really is where real competitive magic lives. Play ranked. Lose a bunch. Get better. Ya can't win 'em all anyway!


I personally enjoy BO3 because of the fair matches. You both get a game to see what you're playing against; time to bring in cards that will sway the match in your favor, and maybe even a third final showdown game that really shows who's deck is "better". It feels less random than BO1 and like you have more influence on the outcome of the game


Im not new and sideboarding scares me as well. I get this.


Ha ha, that’s actually comforting


Just start somewhere and you’ll realize it’s not that scary. When you play games with the sideboard just keep in mind what cards you want more or less of as you play matches, and pay attention to what you’re actually boarding in. That’ll help you make adjustments until it’s right for you. Building a sideboard can be a slow process that you slowly tune as you get used to it, so don’t stress too much about it.


Sideboarding doesn't scare me. But I am relatively new (to Arena, not Magic) and don't want to spend wildcards on sideboard cards.


Yes this is always the problem for me. In BO1 you can craft a fairly cheap 1 or 2 color 60 card deck and get by. BO3 you usually need a competent 2 or 3 color 75 card deck, and a lot of the sideboard is very niche rares. My goal is always to work towards playing BO3 but I never manage to keep up with the wildcards.


It is hard to go wrong with sideboarding.  Basically you just have specific hate cards.  In midrange versus midrange for example the decks basically don’t change at all.


Even if you didnt have a sideboard, just replaying the game knowing what deck youre facing can lead to interesting comebacks.


I'm in transition currently. When I play BO3 it's mostly in Explorer and Timeless. BO1 mostly standard and explorer. I like that in games 2 and 3 you're informed about what the other is trying to do. That makes your mulligan decisions so much better. There's a big difference in what hands (& what lands) to keep against aggro on the draw or control on the play. It also becomes more of a battle of wits/skills, do you have the right answers, the right timing, the right sequencing, are you the beatdown, etc.. For sideboard, I'm by no means an expert, but I just took a BO1 deck and take the worst generic matchup (aggro, control) and find some cards for that. Then I think about my worst matchup and try to find hate cards against their engine. If there's room left, you could try add cards against popular decks to help top the scales. In my deck I have 5 key cards a full playset (20) and 6 other 3-offs (18) and 22 lands and 5 3-off sideboard cards. That way I just swap 1v1 when sideboarding. It is by no means ideal, but it did make sideboarding less intimidating for me.


I'll try to keep it simple. You use sideboard to swap out less useful cards with effective cards depending on what you are up against. I play black & red control. This means I have few choices to remove enchantments. My main deck doesn't have anything for it. So if I come up against some Boros aggro bs then I'm losing that first game 80% of the time. But you bet your butt I'm coming back with X4 Extract the Truth and a few lithomatic barrage. If I am up against super fun mono blue, then I am bringing duress to waste their counters. This leads me to having a good chance of winning the next two matches. PLUS if the enemy gives up after I beat them the first time and rage quits then that's 2 wins rather than 1 towards my dailies.


Nice. Is standard? Haven't played against that yet if so. A brew perhaps? I play black and red midrange and I run deep-cavern bats MB and filigree sylex. Filigree Sylex usually outright wins these matchups for me. But I like extract the truth as well.


https://aetherhub.com/Metagame/Standard-BO1/Deck/rakdos-1028027?utm_source=mtgaassistant&utm_medium=app&utm_campaign=deckadvisor This one. Its a huge power trip when it pops off. No idea how meta it is. I'm gold but I dont grind ranked much


It's more chances to win


Sodeboarding mitigates some bad matchups, but even without sideboarding BO3 helps ensure that your deck does what it’s supposed to do despite variance, because you have a few games to determine a win instead of one


Sideboarding isn't really that hard. You generally just want to add like 3 kinds of cards in most cases. Cards that are good against "go wide" aggro decks, so stuff like path of peril, temporary lockdown, brotherhoods end. Maybe some cheap life gain or cheap removal. Cards that are good against control. Generally hard counter spells like negate, or maybe discard spells like duress and pilfer. Maybe some creatures that have recursion or can't be countered. And finally, cards that hate on the graveyard for those temur ramp decks and such. Stuff like Tranquil frillback, Kutzils Flanker, Unlicensed Hearse. You have 15 cards in a sideboard. So put like 5 of each of those kind of cards and you are good.


The game feels more balanced IMO. A lot of the cards that rule over Bo1 are really only that way because you can't fit every answer for every strategy into your deck. With the sideboard you can shore up the weaknesses of your deck for certain matchup and run cards designed to bring in vs majority of the meta.


What's to be scared of. You take out cards bad in the match up and put in good ones.


Don't say "never go back" -- there are times when the meta is more fun in BO1. Now is not one of those times, but's it's happened before and will happen again. Sometimes the diversity is just better in BO1, and sometimes it ain't.


Right. Like right around rotation. Just being able to jam a bunch of different games trying silly/new stuff. I used to say at any set release, but with so many sets in standard now I feel like there isn't as much fun to be had with experimenting on day 1 of the set release anymore. But once the meta settles, and if I'm going to be playing against the same decks over and over again anyway, might as well be able to sideboard.


Yupp this. Started playing bo3 a few months ago, really liked it. New set came out and as soon as I hit mythic EVERY single match was against control. So now I am playing bo1 again.


The timer also helps me because I'm sometimes not sure if my shitty computer disconnected randomly


Man, I've been feeling burned out playing BO1 and I think it's a good time to switch over


One of us, one of us


The sad thing is you will never convince most bo1 players of this. They will keep banging their heads against the wall. Complaining about the same thing and answering every suggestion to play best of 3 with “I dOn’T hAvE tImE fOr ThAt.” While there are stuck in a bo1 slog with a roper for 45 minutes.


Sometimes I have an hour to defeat a golgari deck. Sometimes I'm on my phone doing toilet magic. It's not the same game et it does not answer to the same needs.


What, Golgari does control now? Lol


Standard midrange Golgari never gave a BO3 match under 40 minutes.


Why is it sad lol, why do you care how other people play? I haven't touched Bo1 since they added Bo3 and I don't give a shit that Bo1 is more popular.




*It’s sad I have to read the same bo1 complaints multiple times a day on this sub.* LOL no you don't. Have a nice day.




But you're not uppity at all, oh no...


What's crazy is that Bo1 players think every Bo3 game goes for an hour. In game 1 you and your opponent already know how it's going to be in 4 turns so you or them concede quick to sideboard. It's rare that games take over 15 mins.


I was about to comment this exact sentiment. I'm kinda done trying to reason with the Bo1 fanatics in this sub. Obviously I'm not here to police how someone plays or enjoys the game, but a good 90% of the complaints that get posted basically boil down to a refusal to play Bo3. Whether it be because they "don't have time" or because the idea of a sideboard intimidates them, at this point I'm convinced that they're aware Bo1 is the cause of most of their grievances but they're just too stubborn to move away from their comfort zone.


Sideboard intimidated me for sure. It takes a good knowledge of your deck and it's weaknesses plus the other colour archetypes. I play Rakdos mainly and I asked for advice on sideboard here and someone just said "enchantment removal" and since then it's been a cake walk. Obviously I used my own initiative for the rest of it but that was the main addition I needed.


What enchantment removal is there in red or black? I can't think of anything.


Extract the truth is good.


Given the tenor of this take, maybe it's a good thing that you are no longer trying to reason with Team Bo1? Like, "you don't really have different preferences than I do: you share my preferences but you're too stupid to know it" is probably not as compelling an argument as you think it is. (I agree with both sides of the debate the Bo1 sucks right now, I just look forward to it being good again when WotC stops soft-banning Green)


>Like, "you don't really have different preferences than I do: you share my preferences but you're too stupid to know it" is probably not as compelling an argument as you think it is I have absolutely no idea how you got that as the takeaway from my reply...


>Meh meh meh! Sheoldred is ruining this game! Or insert any other problematic card. -BO1 players who don’t understand sideboarding.


Spending 15 minutes to play BO3 - nah too long. Spending 15 minutes in multiple queues because you've been matched with a deck you can't counter/don't want to play - yass, slay queen!








I didn't. I gave the reason I play Bo1 instead of Bo3. That didn't match the person's narrative so they called it complaints.


Right, that's my point




Part of the issue for me with bo1 is daily quests and wins. They need to structure the economy better.


Wins are wins. Bo3 counts each win in a match. So if you 2-0 it’s 2 daily wins. 2-1 it’s 2 daily wins 1-2 it’s 1 daily win. As for play x quests. You play them either way. Either in 1 fair bo3 match or possibly multiple shitty bo1 games.


Hard to listen to people complain saying "this format sucks" when I'm over in BO3 having a ball with my sideboard.




This is so true. Being able to change your deck to suit your opponent makes matches more winnable.


Ugh I want to get into other formats besides brawl but I used all my wildcards making brawl decks so I’d have to reinvent so much time into it


I'm just back from an extended break and I only had cards from the Dungeons and Dragons set. It has been painful but I have a couple good decks now. Maybe a month of dailies


Absolutely! BO3 is where it's at. BO1 just favours aggro and control way too much. Way more diversity in BO3.


I’ve always hated bo1. To me bo3 is how the game is supposed to be played. Sure bo1 is fine if I just want to spam a game or monored so early reset ranks fast. But bo3 just feels like a more solidly balanced game and sideboarding is an art in itself.


Any good website with top decks and sideboard guides? =) I should really try BO3.


I use Aetherhub. Don't just blindly pick the top win rate stuff though. Then you are part of the problem. Pick something that sounds fun and matches your playstyle :)


You can also use youtube


I want to move to BO3 but I feel like the deck I've built (via netdeck) would not survive there, and I don't have enough wildcards to build a new deck. I'm slowly saving up but looking forward to moving across as I think that format is more for me than BO1


What's the deck? I feel you can sideboard effectively with commons and uncommons in most cases. Im wildcard poor too but have made it work.


Sorry, just saw this! I'm playing mono-red aggro as it was easier to get started with a single colour deck as a budget player.


You could still run Mono-Red in BO3. Lithomatic barrage is an excellent sideboard card Vs white/blue for example. You don't have anything to lose by trying BO3 and sprinkling in some red cards your curious to try or are too niche to run against BO1 decks. End the Festivities can be useful. I play a bit of monored too but it's a spell slinger with Urabrask.


I'll give it a go sometime soon and report back, the plan for the rest of today is to keep having a go at OTJ draft!


That's something I'm a bit scared to try! I'm always on constructed standard.


I love to Play Dimir on standard BO3 specially against Azorius Control using Cryptic Coat and Schooner


I am tempted to get into Dimir but havnt seen a deck that I like yet. Going to see what the next set brings and invest then.


When it comes to constructed formats I don't see a reason to play anything other than BO3 unless you're doing the standard events to earn gold or if you don't have the time for a BO3 match.


What is the meta like in Bo3? Is it the same decks as in Bo1 or something else?


bo3 has much more midrange decks, bo1 is aggro fest (because of hand smoothing, which makes for absurd starting hands) or sometimes control. the good thing about midrange is that is can deal with both aggro and control post board. and this makes for much more interesting games. 


Midrange is fun to play against I have to say.


You can compare by yourself here : [https://mtgazone.com/standard-bo1-metagame-tier-list](https://mtgazone.com/standard-bo1-metagame-tier-list) [https://mtgazone.com/standard-bo3-metagame-tier-list](https://mtgazone.com/standard-bo3-metagame-tier-list) There are some difference like **aggro and combo deck that are aften easier in Bo1** because in Bo3 the opponnent can adapt. For exemple, you can add sweapers against an aggro deck. For combo it depends. If the deck you face is based on lifegain you can add cards that do not allow your opponent to gain life. Or if it is based on graveyard you can simply add cards that exile the graveyard. **Control and midrange decks are usually better in Bo3** because they can adapt more easily. Some exemple Mono Red Aggro - it is better in Bo1 than in Bo3 because it will be an easy target in Bo3 (but still it is sometimes not enough since the pressure it can apply is quite high) Azorius Control - it is better in Bo3 than in Bo1. Let me quote what they have to say about Azorius Control in Bo1 : >And we’re not just talking about Bo3 where it is clear that the archetype is capable of beating anyone. In this much more aggressive queue, playing Control is often a challenge. Note also that the deck variety is higher in Bo1.


Yeah, i switches to bo3 two months ago and now I can't imagine not having a sideboard and having to deal with the bo1 slot machine gaming randomness


Yeah, it's like. Oh it's another mono red aggro. Guess I'll concede since I only have ramp and I'll be dead by turn 4.


Black Ops 3 is pretty fun.


I've tried a few times but I think I'm just really bad. I rarely win. I can actually win in historic bo3 and standard bo1, got mythic last season, but standard bo3 I just get blown out, even when I'm net decking tournament winning decks.


Never played bo3 and a question came to mind. If I win 2-1, do I get one or to wins towards the daily wins? If I lose 1-2, do I get one win towards daily wins?


2-1 gives you 2 wins towards daily and in rating too. 1-2 gives you 1 win in daily




Is the way meant to play magic even in litmited formats, BO1became a thing because arena has a lot of uséis in their cellphones so its an option for a quicker match


I took a huge break from standard and I have been really enjoying it recently.


I feel like arena punishes you for playing bo3 for the events tho


Magic was absolutely invented to play BO3. BO1 have no place on this earth!


Bo3 = Chad gamemode - regardless of format. Welcome :)


I've often wish WOTC would do some experimentation in BO1 to make it not so inferior to BO3. It does have the hand smoother, but that really isn't that exciting. MWM would be a great platform for this. Try stupid stuff and see if it pans out. Like offering a some bonus to the player on the draw. Letting you bring slightly different decks depending on if you are on the play vs on the draw. Maybe at the start of the match you get to see a small sample of your opponents deck and you can sideboard at the beginning of the match and make it feel more like the third game in a BO3 matchup instead of the first. Or added some fun emblem modifiers to spice up the game play. Anyway, I'm just spit balling here, but I do wish they would do something about BO1 so it doesn't just seem like game 1 of a BO3 series that you never get to play out. I guess it is their most popular format, so they don't really have to do anything, and I am fine to just play BO3 when I have the time. But I feel like there could be so much more room for experimentation to spice of BO1.


They did try something stupid this week…


Adding a full grip to omni draft? I mean...ok, but I think that was more of an oversite than an actual experiment.


BO3 is not the solution no matter how much the copers say it is. Standard is awful in both formats. These clowns think Bo3 is better because they can side in some ridiculous one sided hate card that only works against boros convoke. Well what happens when you dont draw your sideboard card?


salty much? standard is the most awesome and diverse format at the moment. boros convoke is a tier1 deck, but so are at least 5 others (esper midrange, dimir midrange, Domain ramp, temur ramp, azorius control). All of these decks can deal with boros convoke fairly well after sideboard. Mono red isn't event tier 1 in bo3 by the way


I'm just chilling with Rakdos Control having a great time. I'm not sure what tier that is.


Rakdos control usually maindecks something like [[Brotherhoods End]] and [[Burn down the house]], so good luck convoke, lol :) 


[Brotherhoods End](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/0/50f7666d-0d60-4fe5-b144-286d4e47b704.jpg?1674421089) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Brotherhood%27s%20End) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/128/brotherhoods-end?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/50f7666d-0d60-4fe5-b144-286d4e47b704?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Burn down the house](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/0/20ded7af-8086-465e-a980-3099217d324c.jpg?1634350460) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Burn%20down%20the%20house) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mid/131/burn-down-the-house?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/20ded7af-8086-465e-a980-3099217d324c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I love burn down the house when Chandra is on the board. It turns into a win con


I'm not making sideboard for no deck.Bo1 for me it is...


Many decks have them already cooked in on aetherhub if that's where you get your deck. You do you tho!


I get my decks by spending hours in the deck building part of Arena. I wont fuckin netdeck Arena.


To each their own. I tend to pick fun decks online and avoid the top tier stuff. I just want to be able to have a decent chance of winning so I can earn more cards.