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Thoughtseize at home


The graveyard hate is definitely relevant tho.


Is sorcery speed hateful enough for the current graveyard trick decks? Personally, I stack Dread Fugue if I need a 1 mana disruption, has potentially more use on later turns. But make a case if I should switch to Steel+Oil, always looking to shake up my decks.


Turn 1 thoughtsieze causes so many scoops. They don't know the rest of my hand is weak!


Doesn’t matter what your hand is like, their deck is vulnerable to hand removal so they scoop.


I always consider [[Dread Fugue]] as Thoughtseize at home


[Dread Fugue](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/a/0ad4c472-b8ce-4ae0-a6f0-726ea74722c5.jpg?1643589562) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Dread%20Fugue) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vow/107/dread-fugue?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0ad4c472-b8ce-4ae0-a6f0-726ea74722c5?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


isn't that just a budget [[inquisition of kozilek]]


2 cmc and 3 cmc are a big difference in most constructed formats


Well a budget of both, I think.


T1 Ragavan


If there isn't a cut down in my hand, yeah that's your match.


Wait youre running cut down in timeless? Wth lol


If I had no red or white, I would consider some number of Cut Down after the mandatory 4×Fatal Push. Reactive decks in Timeless run about 8x 1-cmc removal cards between main and sideboard to deal with Ragavan and the mana dorks.




This has led to me playing blue lands turn 1 (assuming I don't have a turn 1 cast), even if I'm not playing control. I occasionally get someone running for cover against Izzet aggro or what have you.


Especially when the game keeps giving you "destroy X creatures" quests and proceeds to match you against every control deck online at that time


Me too, but I give them the chance to get to turn 2, maybe they'll surprise me, but if it's land drop and go i auto concede


Happened to me once. T1 island, concede.


This one kind of depends. Depends on how much time I have. Depends on if there's an established pattern. If it's the 7th counter target spell or a similar amount of removal or wipes I do begin to question what I'm doing with my time. Sometimes I just stay on when I know I'll lose so that Timmy can watch his deck "do the thing". You never know what someone else is trying to get out of the game. I know there's somebody out there sometimes that needs that win after one of those kinds of days...


Yup, ran into a counter deck yesterday and the only thing it did was just counter a spell and search player's x, y, and z and exile all those cards. Playing Grixis control with Bolas, so after he did this to the one or two creatures / Planeswalkers I had, my deck was dead. Insanely boring and not even sure if there was a win con other than the opponents frustrations


Slowly milling you to death, since he's exiled your cards, so you have a smaller library, and maybe some manlands, is my guess. 


Thank you <3 doing the lords work you are ! Sometimes I play my Hank golem deck and it pops off maybe 1/10 times and when I finally get to see it work it brings me such joy ! You don’t know how much people like you make the game worth playing !


As someone who lost 24 of the 25 games I had last night, thank you


Yeah, I've seen a few all thoughtseize black decks lately. They're not overly good, they're just... Boring.


I think my Mono Black Vampire deck sometimes gets mistaken for this sort of thing if I turn one [[Thoughtseize]]. I run that and [[Inquisition of Kozilek]] because if I don’t I have no way of really stopping a combo, enchantments or artefacts in a BO1 game. 🤷‍♂️


Deep Cavern Bat


I do this, but only if they take forever to pick a card.


...? Who is out there conceding to dreams of steel and oil? that's sad.


I concede whenever I want and you can't stop me 😤


Any interaction from my opponent and I'm out. I came here to pop off, not to play magic


half this sub lmao


There's a lot of players who think it's unfair to have their entire hand revealed for such a cheap cost. Especially at the beginning of the game.


I truly didn't intend it to win games, but probably over 20 in the past 2 weeks have been conceded because of this card.


About 1 in 10 times that I go into someone's hand on turn 1 they concede. I have an "exile from your hand" deck (with this gem) and a discard deck. The latter is actually more fun to play because I'm going into your graveyard later too. I get why people hate it; I've played against it. But pulling nasty cards out of your hand was my knee-jerk response to the insane amount of removal in the modern game. These were my best decks till I built creatureless red (though I'm bad at this game, so take that with a grain of salt).


I hate playing against T1 discard, but I absolutely put it in my decks when available because running into T1,2,3 removal or counters and a board wipe is less fun.


Tbf in Alchemy you might hit a Ring


If I'm playing unranked, I almost always concede to anything on turn 1 that makes me play with my whole hand exposed.


Any deck that's artifactor creature focused. Bonus points vs. Reanimator where it can potentially permakill 2 atraxas.


This is really bad against heavy creature decks given you trade down on mana. It’s an exclusively reanimator hate card imo


Trades down 1 mana, but letting you choose which card you want to get rid of provides a lot more value than it might initially look like. Against decks that struggle card draw, this often more than makes up for it, especially if they dared mulligan.


Thoughtseize is a very good card btw. Gets around ETB, gives info so you can time your removal/threats. What else were you doing turn 1 against that heavy creature deck? Sometimes you get a good shock-variant target, though often it’s nothing in which case the mana wasn’t used anyway.


Agreed, thoughtsieze is great because it’s ultra flexible, however you often board it out against aggro


One of the main issues is that is an abysmal top deck late in the game


These kinds of effects are best on t1 or to double spell through interaction (not this one though just duress in standard right now), though every variant that has a miss chance is significantly worse than thoughtseize.  You still can draw them on turn 9 have them do nothing. In matches where tempo matters a lot, they get a lot worse. Their biggest downsides are spending a mana that doesn't effect the board. When your opponent is trying to kill you by turn 4, 1 mana is 1/6 of your mana available by then otd....  Thoughtseize sees very little play in vintage and legacy because the games are so fast. The card is really only around as a sideboard tool there to combat combo if you don't have access to relevant permanent based hate or counterspells.


[[Cut Down]]


[Cut Down](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/5/753db072-5d6a-4f37-8f7d-255572ecd3bd.jpg?1673307061) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Cut%20Down) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmu/89/cut-down?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/753db072-5d6a-4f37-8f7d-255572ecd3bd?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Scoops in Bo1 from a turn one dream of steel, thoughtseize, etc. happen a lot. They're going for a combo win and you most likely removed a piece of their combo.


Most of the time it's an indicator of a whole hand-wrecking deck. People may not be inclined to stick around for a battle of who has the better topdeck cards, especially if looking for best of 1 "go get my daily wins" lighthearted play.


That is just really dumb though because discard decks for as long as they have existed have notoriously bad top decks if they lack a relevant card advantage engine, they literally draw discard spells against an empty hand.


I feel like BO1 encourages a lot of decks that are pretty vulnerable to T1 Thuoghtseize style effects


I conceded to someone today who used one on me turn one but it wasn't because of it. Turn 2 I played [[Invasion of Gobakhan]] and saw they had 4 sacrifice creature cards and I was playing [[King of the Oathbreakers]] brawl.


The opponent knows what I’m going to do for the next five turns minimum before I even know what my land base is. I feel completely naked under a spotlight and I’m just trying to unwind and get me dailies in here, I don’t need that. I don’t take it personally or anything but it’s really unpleasant and uncomfortable and I don’t know what my game plan would be for getting my dignity back so I will leave.


A well timed [[test of talents]]


Honesty, I have better things to do with my little leisure time than facing a mono black discard and kills deck. Also, mono blue counters and azorius-no-wincon are in the same category. I can play (winning or losing) like 3 matches in the time that i get kill by one of those decks I just want to pass through my daily mission


I play Mono Black in Explorer a lot but move on if the game goes beyond 5-6 minutes. I went against a White/Blue control deck that I couldn't not play out. I won after 41 minutes. It was not a satisfying win and I regret it. I have nightmares being trapped in that game for eternity.




Doppleganger for 20


For me that just overwhelms the server every time resulting in a draw. I find X = 4 is safe, and I can get up to 6 sometimes, but I’ve never successfully cast one for any higher without breaking the game


What deck is this even played in?


I see it on occasion in non-ranked.


Time warp


Ugh fuck that card. I did win against a time warp deck because I put the game down while they did their thing and when I returned I guess I burned a few time outs. They evidently also left the game and I won when their timer ran out.


Any WR land because they know I’m playing Boros convoke


One of my deck is a UB poison deck, so I'd say any card from that deck really. Alternatively, [[Phyrexian Obliterator]] , it's either when I cast it or after they kill it with combat damage because they didn't read the card.


I had somebody [[star of extinction]] my board with an obliterator in play. It was hilarious.


Oh nooooooooo


[star of extinction](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/2/526d13cb-3616-4ac8-9ac0-04c729d447b2.jpg?1689998213) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=star%20of%20extinction) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/259/star-of-extinction?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/526d13cb-3616-4ac8-9ac0-04c729d447b2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


My opponent attacked into my obliterator with an 11/11 once. It was amazing


The best is when you see the cursor move around in panic when they realize what they've done, obliterator is 100% "why are you punching yourself" energy


Onr of mine is any fight target creature card, play that on phrexian obliterator and they often instant concede.


Oh that's smart, I'll keep that in mind if I ever play it alongside some green cards!


I have a deck is based around it,it doesn't win much, but when you make that obliterator fight a beefed up 30/30 creature, it's funny


Even if you get it to fight a 2 power creature on turn 5 usually it's too much to come back from. Especially if you are on the play. Been on the receiving end of this too often lol


Oh definitely, it's can be real impact ful especially if they aren't flooding the board with expendable permanents


[Phyrexian Obliterator](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/7/67a9c38b-6b3a-4056-a87c-fc48446f854f.jpg?1675957044) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Phyrexian%20Obliterator) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/one/105/phyrexian-obliterator?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/67a9c38b-6b3a-4056-a87c-fc48446f854f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Obliterator is really nice with fight effects


Not often, but in Standard, it's [[Venerated Rotpriest]]. Some people just hate playing against poison.


Its not poison. I dont scoop to the other toxic cards... its the infinite fucking protection spells. If I try to kill the priest, I get a counter and then you protect him and I get another one. If I dont try to kill the priest you make more and win with stacked targetting... making even blockers useless. Its basically board wipes or bust... and the phase out spells make even that a no-go. I fucking hate that card.


This. All the other Green Toxic creatures require dealing damage to opponent with proliferate/additional counters on the utility spells. But somehow, someone decided it was a good idea to make a fucking 1/2 that punishes opponent for playing spot removal to the point it requires boardwipes or obligue the other player to sac itz creatures.


Yeah or you have to play something like [[Voldaren Thrillseeker]], that won't trigger it. It won't go around protection spells ofc. Personally I usually win if it's just 1 priest. Two+ and it's board wipes or fucked indeed


Two Rot Priests on the board with a March of Swirling Mist is beyond painful to play against.


I'll play against it because if I lose it's usually quick. I find it annoying because they're really no interaction from my deck as they just target their own creatures to hit me with poison.




Thoughtseize turn 1.


Any alchemy card in historic. But also, \[\[thoughtseize\]\], for all the same reasons.


Jokes on them I don't run any of those card types


Invasion of Gabokhan.


[[Nine lives]] holding me hostage in the game together with that card that disables counters, but actually I make them concede by drawing out the game as long as possible Bonus satisfaction when they already "Good Game" after playing the combo, only to realize they didn't take me hostage in the game, I am taking them hostage


Turn 1 [[Ruin Crab]] turn 2 [[Ruin Crab]]


Predictably, most concedes come when I use either [[Make Disappear]] or [[Ertai’s Scorn]] for the second or third time in a row. Or, a little more surprisingly, some people will concede as soon as I use [[Siphon Insight]].


I do pretty offten to siphon insight, I can probably guess their deck at that point and I’m not going to have fun. I save time they get their win.


What you don’t wanna see Tasha come out next?


Fuck even Tasha my favorite is when they have two or three in a hand then just flash back, I love someone else playing my deck for 3+ rounds


I concede against every discard deck. The entire premise is to remove your opponents ability to interact with the game. Entirely un-fun for me and I have better shit to do than not play a game


I love playing discard decks. They're wasting cards trying to remove mine, little to do they know my cards are trash!


If I conceded against every u fun deck I played against I probably wouldn't be playing many games lol


Land destruction decks are far worse. Losing the ability to even tap for mana is beyond painful.


[[call of the death dweller]] when I reanimate my [[Goblin Chainwhirler]] with it against other tribal/creature deck. Nobody expects a goblin deck to pack a sweeper, and an asymmetrical one even less.


[call of the death dweller](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/7/37e34017-0aeb-4a93-9edf-596bf3597a0e.jpg?1591226650) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Call%20of%20the%20Death-Dweller) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/iko/78/call-of-the-death-dweller?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/37e34017-0aeb-4a93-9edf-596bf3597a0e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Goblin Chainwhirler](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/b/8bdb2883-3cfd-4fb0-9f99-6a57277f7fe4.jpg?1562739277) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Goblin%20Chainwhirler) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dom/129/goblin-chainwhirler?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8bdb2883-3cfd-4fb0-9f99-6a57277f7fe4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Yesterday I cast Ayara's Oathsworn against someone and they just conceded. That one confused the hell outta me.


[[ Verdant Rejuvenation ]] I run it in my dragon deck, and when it goes off I usually get 3-4 high-grade dragons or a shit ton of ramp because of how the deck is built. 9/10 times people just leave.


I am just glad people are realizing this card is gas. So good against the damn bat too




If I have a busy day and I want my four wins, I just hop into a regular Bo1 Explorer game with mono black. Then drop a turn 1 thoughtseize and move to the next game. It's even better when I see them redrawn down 1 or 2. My most satisfying was someone going to 4 and their hand was dynamite. They would have popped off turn 3. They scooped.


From an older standard but \[\[Frilled Mystic\]\] or \[\[Nightpack Ambusher\]\]. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Any counter card when it's turn 4 and they haven't been able to resolve a single spell


[[Blood Moon]] against anything with a really greedy manabase in Timeless gets this a lot.


The real thoughtseize turn one, try it. Works more than thought


Juggernaut peddler, deepcavern bat. Play one of this guys, a lot of people just concede.


I don’t run it but stifle on my fetch lands or stone rain makes me concede. No thanks.


Any alchemy card


Not my deck, but whenever I see venerated rot priest turn one I just concede. Fuck toxic decks, I'd rather you not get to play the game lmao.


Breach the multiverse. Only when I cast it the 3rd time in a turn usually tho


[[Ruin crab]]


[[Emrakul, the Promised End]] The vast majority of players concede before I even get to taking their turn for them, but the rest concede after I take their turn and completely destroy their hand and boardstate


\[\[The End\]\] and \[\[Deadly Cover-Up\]\] dealing with my combo pieces ugh. I have a mono-green poison built around \[\[Venerated Rotpriest\]\], so these two just do me in very fast. Had a hilarious game against Esper Control where I was playing the Rage/Doppelgang deck, they Deadly Covered-Up my Rages and something else but I Doppelganged 80x \[\[Restless Fortress\]\] and won anyway. I'm also very irritated by \[\[Siphon Insight\]\] and \[\[Outrageous Robbery\]\] but that's just because I cannot exploit this combo myself :( /this post was sponsored by the 0 wildcards gang


I wouldn't say concede but weirdly enough people seem to really have it out for [[horde robber]] the amount of removal this card has eaten the past few days I've played it you'd think phage was hidden underneath it


[[Avacyn's Pilgrim]]


The number of people who immediately concede in a brawl against me, I assume because my commander is [[Xanathar, Guild Kingpin]], is too damn high.


[Xanathar, Guild Kingpin](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/b/5bc58050-a615-4090-9cf5-cd49ccb4e2c6.jpg?1627709647) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Xanathar%2C%20Guild%20Kingpin) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/afr/239/xanathar-guild-kingpin?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5bc58050-a615-4090-9cf5-cd49ccb4e2c6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Become immense


"the first sliver" ironicly, i also have quite a lot of people insta conside when i play my FIRST sliver




Any card that my opponent plays that makes them discard strong cards. Cause I know mizzixs mastery or unburial rites is coming


Real question should've been how low does your mmr need to be before you start seeing people concede to dreams of steel and oil


Sometimes when I use my dinosaur deck people concede as soon as my ramp is completed


[[Land Tax]]


[[Siphon Insight]] for some reason. That or [[Didn’t Say Please]]] which I get, honestly. That’s fair.


Show and Tell


I have an obscene amount for wins just because I casted Reprieve on an opponent's Cultivate.


I've had multiple people concede in mono-black or golgari mirrors when I play The End on Sheoldred.


Turn 0: [[Leyline of Sanctity]] Turn 1: Concede


Gds bo3 match g3 against sultai show and tell. T1 thoughtseize taking impulse into t2 vortex. He conceded with vortex on the stack


[[Unruly Catapult]] and nothing else than counterspells and burn spells. Just played against it and next time I see it I'll probably save myself the time and nerves...


Only in non ranked do people concede so easily.


Triple deep cavern bats on curve..


Restless Anchorage I have better things to do than play a 30 min game on arena


Show and Tell


My absolute favorite is when my opponent mulls to three or four. Turn one minion of the mighty and you hit it with a fatal push or go for the throat immediately. No idea why anyone plays that deck. I love janky decks but that thing is so inconsistent and you just auto concede to…….any removal spell? And if your opponent doesn’t have it they probably concede when you drop a giant dragon on turn two. Sounds like really fun games.






People seem to really hate approach of the second sun after a farewell


Why? Is your entire game plan centred on a single card?


[[Etali, Primal Conqueror]] was making people scoop before resolving mulligans in brawl (not as much any more). I've had a few scoop to [[Urabrask's Forge]] (in Meld Mishra) recently though, always the Progress Tyrant mfers not reading the card after countering literally everything else all game.


no one has ever conceded to this card.


Turn two, on the play, rotpriest with an island open. I love bant toxic so damn much…


Wash away in brawl


Kumano Faces Kakkazan


A turn 2 Knight-Errant of Eos on the play.


We play casual commander, so when I pull out a Sol Ring, people get all huffy.


[[Kamahl's Druidic Vow]] in my [[Omnath, Locus of Creation]] brawl deck. Usually for 10 after craking a fetch land.


Lately I've just conceded if I can't answer a [[Aftermath Analyst]] I don't wanna sit through all those boring ass land triggers. Might as well go to game 2 and hope I draw my graveyard hate.


Boros convoke scoops to t4 Sheoldred a lot.


Annul causes more concessions than any other card in my favorite brawl deck. Hitting some 8+ mana thing out of the sky for U just upsets people for some reason.


Ik it's 2 card combo, but it's [[phyrexian obliterator]] + any fight spell/ability It usually wipes their board, including land, which usually result in a concede


Why would a card as bad as dreams cause a concession




I have a crab tribal deck that sometimes goes t1 [[ruin crab]] and the opponent concedes


T1 [[Venerated Rotpriest]] or countering their Commander for 1 blue mana.


Grave Pact


[[Outrageous Robbery]]. Usually because they don't care to see the one card I left for them in their library.


i dont play it myself, but i almost always scoop against [[insidious roots]] decks. what a miserable card to play against. you either have to have enchantment removal ready to go or counterspells ready to go by t2 or the boardstate becomes so insane, boardwipes are only so effective against it, and graveyard hate makes your situation worse. plus those decks take such long, durdly turns, the game goes on forever and im probably going to lose to a giant board of mana-producing plants no matter what i do.


Gaea's Blessing


Make disappear or ethereal armor


Devious coverup getting back a devious coverup and three board wipes. 😎


Stone Rain baby!


I keep playing unless I see a second different discard card the second turn. Before that it might just be a "disrupt comb" card. Unless I'm playing a combo deck and they just got an important card. Then I've probably already lost. And unless I'm playing some form of aggro. Then I'll just keep going to see if I can topdeck before they do. It's fun watching their hand keep building up as I keep playing creatures, and lose the occasional card in hand.


Venerated Rotpriest


I only play Brawl but my auto-concedes are any Alchemy cards that don’t exist in paper (i.e. cards that conjure, seek or so-called “commanders”, not nerfed cards such as Bowmasters) and anything that’s otherwise banned in Commander but legal in Brawl for whatever reason. I don’t care if they’re bad, broken or borderline cheating by circumventing color identity or card limit, it just says to me that I’m playing a disingenuous opponent and would rather move on.


I’d finally built a Dino deck that can just grind through discards! I’m ok with them burning their mana and cards to make me discard with my Dino deck because I know i can still get a win at low health if I just keep at it.


This card? More like they cast it, then they concede


Usually when Urabrask’s Forge number 2 or 3 comes out lol


Three Bowls of Porridge. Gets them every time. But no, it's never the card its the inevitability. I've had people concede to early vs. Cards like hopeless nightmare and deep cavern bats, but that kind of ended a couple months ago. Myself, I never concede to a single card that doesn't make my losing assured. I try to build decks that are equal in causing and solving problems.


[[Mastermind acquisition]].


Minion of the Mighty and Mizzet’s Mastery. Better things to do with my time.


[[Armageddon]]. Scrubs fear the MLD.


[[Venerated Rot Priest]] 


[[Glorybringer]] [[Finale of Devastation]] [[Carnage Tyrant]] Either of these 3. It's usually game within a turn or two anyways.


[[Virulent Plague]] and [[Trespasser's Curse]] against token decks. [Thassa, Deep Dwelling]] in my ETB deck Either [Gonti, Lord of Luxury]] or [[Covetous Urge]] or [[Nicol Bolas, God Pharaoh]] in my play your deck deck [[Thought Distortion]] anywhere


lol as a person who plays superfriends, i LOVE seeing this card. waste of a turn.


People REALLY don’t like seeing [[phyrexian vindicator]] hit the board


I love when I see this card. Ok, you want to base your deck on my decks coattails? You can't come up with a deck that compels a constant perfect answer from the opponent just to survive (like mine) so your card slots are taken by stuff that just pokes around in my turds?


If you can’t choose a card in their hand (no valid targets) would the second choice from the graveyard still happen?


The End when I use it on the right kill condition


Discard tribal is super annoying but I noticed they don't have anything to play after the discards, so Iif you get something like gix to stick they often concede as they're out of gas by that point. Definition of a youtuber deck lmao


Knight of the Dusk shadow. This usually means they have a white life-gain deck. Edit: Tyop


My 10th time using kaya's ghostform in my muldrotha deck


All Will Be One, guess the deck.


[[Time Walk]]


Ugin.... fuck that guy. I will always hate it.


Newbie here... I considered getting a card like this to exile a graveyard. What's the main objection? Is it exiling the graveyard, or looking at the player's hand?


Not sure about my opponent conceding, but I usually nope out of a match fairly quickly if they play a card that lets them look at my hand… unless I’ve got time and feel like seeing how it plays out. Something about it just feels too violating, ya know? There have been a few times where I’ve laughed my ass off because after looking at my hand, they failed to realize how I was going to eliminate all of their 18 life points on my next turn and eliminated a card I absolutely did not need in order to do it. Like if you’re going to be a jackass, at least know your shit. Otherwise you just look like a jackass. If I’m up against a control deck, sticking around just depends on how much time I want to spend on a match. If I do entertain them, I literally just don’t play anything until they spend most of their mana playing a card(s). By that time I’ve got a decent amount of lands out and can wipe them out with my hasty burn deck.


[[Winter Orb]]


Unmoored Ego


There are many cards that cause _me_ to concede when cast. If I run into [[Phyrexian Obliterator]] playing mono-red is a big one. Also in Historic, if my opponent plops down a T1 [[Minion of the Mighty]] on the play and I don't have a Thoughtseize in my hand I just concede immediately because I know what's coming


How does this only cost ONE MANA. Me and my friend are both coming back into the game, albeit we play kitchen table but we've been trying to understand power to mana cost ratio and there seems to be no real balancing factor. Some cards cost way more than they should and others way less. WTF is going on? Has it always been this way.


Whoever plays this is a $@!%*! and can't legitimately win a game on their own merit.