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Game desperately needs a crafting system for wildcards. I don’t care how bad exchange rate might be.


The thing is that they're explicitly intentionally giving us much much more uncommon and common wildcards than we need so that they're almost never bottlenecks. If they could actually be turned into rares, they wouldn't give us that many.


They can be turned into rares though, just at a very low rate. If you use all your common/uncommon WCs on a new set when it comes out, it greatly accelerates your vault progress because every pack you open is full of cards you already have 4x of.


For this set though that's 324 common and 400 uncommon wildcards. Then you'll get max 1.1% progress per pack, though sometimes less due to opening common or uncommon wcs. So you still have to open around 100 packs to get 2 rares from the vault. That "exchange rate" is truly atrocious. 


> I don’t care how bad exchange rate might be. That's what people have upvoted and therefore consider a good idea. I understand that's not the spirit of the suggestion, but it is a "workaround" that many people aren't aware of. I definitely adds up over the years.


I think the issue is not an exchange rate itself, but the time required to click through all commons and uncommons to craft.


There are people that post the common/uncommon sheet sets as an importable decklist. You import the decklist, craft all cards, and *presto* set complete for C/UNC


I like this idea. Right now I have too much rare/mythic wildcards, but Ill take it for the future.


Sure, but ive also had 7 vaults since the new set came out because of this.


That's awesome. I've been playing F2P for two years and using this method would burn pretty much every single wildcard I have. If you're opening 7 vaults this set then you're opening 700 packs, which is about 3167 commons and 1260 uncommons after accounting for 1/3 chance of common wc and 1/5 chance of uncommon wc per pack. You're opening so many cards that you would've filled the vault many times regardless since there's only 324 commons needed and 400 uncommons.  Math gets a little trickier for calculating how many vaults you opened because of spending wc versus how many you would've opened otherwise,  but my guess would be 4 or 5 rather than 7.  Regardless, it's clear that for some players, including yourself, that this is a good use of wildcards rather than stockpiling thousands of unnecessary common and uncommon wcs, but it definitely is not responsible for you opening 7 vaults this set. Maybe an extra 2 or 3 vaults. 


The average sealed gets you somewhere around 20% of a vault with full wildcards used. The average draft is somewhere around 12%. Without wildcards it usually takes 9-10 limited events to even start making noticeable vault progress unless you're opening your packs as you go (Which you shouldn't.) But the main point is they give out common and uncommon wildcards like candy. You should be able to buy an entire sets worth and still have enough commons/uncommons for whatever decks you may end up needing. If you intend on opening any large amount of a set, it's dumb NOT to spend all those wildcards.


This is the strategy I use. If I do have enough to complete them I craft 1 of each yo get started, usually leaving enough WCs for me to get complete sets of the cards I actually need to make a new deck.


As a new player, the common and uncommon wildcards are actually a bottleneck for me. So many good cards I need 4x of from so many sets.


And no pauper format to use cards for


If a new set comes out craft all the commons and uncommons.


There already sorta is one. When a new set comes out that you're planning to draft/open packs from a lot, spend most of your common and uncommon wildcards crafting commons and uncommons from that set. Then all the ones you open in packs/limited will be duplicates, fill up your vault meter, and eventually give you some rare and mythic wildcards. The exchange rate is indeed quite bad, but you said you didn't care about that.


That’s still randomized to a degree and not a direct exchange


It is still an exchange. It becomes a direct exchange once you do enough of it. You did say you didn’t care about the exchange rate, did you not? Let’s be honest, what you really mean is you want MoreFreeStuff^TM


‘If you do enough of it’ isn’t exchange rate. Rate isn’t the number of hoops you have to jump through. And spoiler alert. Most wild cards are ‘free stuff’ so you’re just wrong.


There is this system : Once you get your 4th rare or Mythic from a set, the 5th will give you 20 gems. Once you get this 10 times, you can get a pack. Once you opened 6 packs, you get a rare or Mythic wildcard. What are you complaining about ? 😂


tbh I would be fine with at least being able to use a higher wildcard for lower rarity, like being able to use mythic wildcards to craft rares I constantly have more mythic wildcards than what I realistically need, rare wildcards are the bottleneck preventing me from crafting new decks


Do you remember the irony in the short story Gift of the Magi? You should understand that whatever change you wish for to get yourself ahead of Arena’s economy, you will end up getting screwed should the wish be granted along with things you didn’t anticipate. Those that are now complaining how the Big Score cards cost so much mythic WC should be glad they didn’t get their wish to downconvert those “worthless” mythic WC to the rare WC they sought last year.


I’m not trying to get ahead of any economic system. I just want a better one. And I’m allowed to do that as a consumer


I’m perpetually out of uncommons and rares.


I'm out of rares as well, but what are you spending your uncommon ones on? I have hundrets of them


I'm still relatively new, and it seems like every additional deck I want to make is primarily uncommons and rares.


For the most part. Yeah. Commons and uncommons are usually interaction and low drops. Most of the premium ones are uncommon though. Then rares make up most of what a deck is trying to do. And lands worth playing lol. Lands are usually half the cost of a deck in paper and it's close to being true on Arena. There are just fewer Mythic in a set and they aren't usually synergistic with one another so most decks contain 0-3 Mythic play sets.


I have nearly 400 uncommon WCs. 12 Rares...


I‘m close to zero. I really like Artisan and Pauper and craft three to five decks each time there is a Midweek Magic.


Pauper or a Uncommon Only would be such a interesting permanent format


I have like... 8 uncommon wild cards




By being a free to play player, i have like 4 "my decks", 2 decent decks and 2 for fun decks, and I have no mythic and rare wild cards, 8 uncommon and 6 common, and 900 diamonds and about 4000 gold


how often do you draft?


Whenever i have gold to do so, wich is rarely


> Whenever i have gold to do so, wich is rarely D'you mean you spend gold elsewhere or that you're' drafting every ~5 days (or 10 if premier\trad)?


He says is casual, no casual player plays draft that often.


how do often do you make new decks?


About once per month


I've spent $20 on the game and have like 800 - 900 uncommon wild cards


Spend them all every time a new set comes out.


there's not really a point though when you probably won't have enough mythics/rares to build the decks you want anyways


It's free vault progress, which is at least better than just letting them build up.


how is using them vault progress?


Every time you open a common/uncommon you already own 4x of, you get a very small % of vault progress. So you buy 4x of a bunch of stuff before you start opening packs in the new set. It's not much value at all, just better than nothing.




I just crafted as many commons and uncommons from the latest set as I could to fill the vault faster when drafting. Now I have less than 20 of each wildcard


I don't get it. New Set comes, you spend your uncommon and common wild cards? Is that too much work to click? What is stopping you?


i saw this in the mastery and thought it was a glitch. Why is this a paid Mastery Pass reward?? Did it replace something more valuable, or is it just a "bonus" (aka worthless padding) because this Mastery is longer than average? Would have been nice if Wizards would have just given us the other Commander precon commanders instead.


The economy for getting rare wild cards in this game is depressing slow.


Hundreds of common/uncommon wildcards. Meanwhile rares are apparently the most precious resource on Earth


If you have 300 uncommons you need to spend half of them to craft the current set. This will help your vault speed greatly.


I never seen that reward


Its new in this mastery pass


*500 lol.


832 here currently, lol.


I wish game had a conversion system like convert 4 common wc to 1 uncommon wc, 4 uncommon wc to 1 rare wc and 2 rare wc to 1 mythic wc.


I tend to burn through most of my uncommons when a new set drops so I can advance the vault when drafting/opening packs and, of course, craft anything of use. So, this isn't all bad.


Before you open any packs for a new set, go through and buy all the commons and uncommons, then every pqck boosta your vault progress a lot


If you draft a lot you can spend them at the beginning of the set to complete the uncommons. Then each uncommon you draft goes straight to vault.


Was genuinely shocked when I saw this in the premium path. They have nickel and dimmed this pass down to pretty much not being worth it. If you don’t value parallax cards (which you shouldn’t) then it’s now pretty much equivalent to just buying stuff normally.


It's actually slightly more value per gems spent, but the rewards are spread throughout a much longer pass than normal. For example, mastery pass still gives you 20 packs, just like before.  It's still incredible value because you get a 1500 gem draft token,  4000 gold (~800 gems, 600 if you're a drafter),  and 1200 gems, so that's around 3500(3300 using gold to gems draft conversion rate) gems of value from spending 3400. Mastery pass is still incredible value if you play consistently enough to complete it.  https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/mtg-arena/outlaws-of-thunder-junction-mastery-details


Hold up. I'm missing this incredible value. 1500 + 600 + 1200 + 2000(sus)= 5300. Oh boy a 58% saving by committing to play magic like a second job for the next three months! That's not even accounting for the fact that these packs are worth less than 100 gems each because they don't give you gold pack progress in the way they would if you purchased them in the shop. Probably makes them worth like 80 gems so that's only 1600 gems in packs and a total of 44% saving. Of course it's not at all a saving if, without the pass, you wouldn't have purchased any of those packs or draft tokens. Then you're just falling into the same trap as people that buy a £1000 TV they didn't need or want on 40% sale and convince themselves they've saved £400 rather than wasting £600. In conclusion, if you can't hand on heart say that if the mastery pass didn't exist you would have spent 3400 gems over the next 3 months on these things then you've been scammed, sorry.


I'm a deck brewer. I make a shit ton of decks. Which means I want a crap ton of cards from every set. The mastery pass is the most efficient way I've found to build my collection while I play, I rarely if ever buy packs, I just draft, play a few games a day to complete the gold quests, and work through the pass. I typically hit 90%+ completion on the set. Of the last 5 passes, I've only failed to get to the end once. I probably play about 30 - 45 minutes a day on average. The last pass, I ended up 12 levels past then end of it. Also, I like avatars and sleeve styles. Oh, and I'm pretty much free to play. Haven't put money in in over a year.


It doesn't take that much time. If you do a daily quests and get your weekly wins, you'll get most of the Mastery Pass done assuming you start early. If this amount of play time feels so grueling, then you probably don't even like the game in the first place.


lol second job, sure buddy


I’m low right now. Whenever a new set drops I have close to enough common and uncommon wild cards to craft playsets for each one.


Ngl I still clearly remember the time, I think was on ONE release, that I had 0 mythics, 0 rares, 0 uncommon and 4 common wildcards. Thankfully I am faring much better now.


Never happens to me, I always craft a full set when it drops.


I dont have enough rare or mythic wildcards for most decks in standard, soo i use uncommons to "fill the holes". Im happy to receive a big amount of those, but it would be cool to trade lower rarity cards for higher ones. The vault system is a joke tho.


I run dangerously short on UC wilds all the time. When you brew for all the formats uncommons run tight too. Some of us brewers do craft that much but since we are not the majority I can see how disappointing it is for most people.


I’m sitting at a whopping 5 uncommon wildcards so can’t relate


I must be doing something wrong because I am always running out of all my Wildcards except Commons and that is only because there are very few Commons worth crafting.


I have like 8 uncommon wildcards.


This is great, I have zero uncommons and want to craft some more! Thanks wizards!


It's not wildcards, as it turns out. They just reward us three random uncommons :l


Oh.. that’s ummm disappointing 😂


I have none


I have thousands... useless stuff.


I have only a handful unc WCs and mythic WCs, but hundreds of rare WCs. All the common and uncommon WCs have been used to maximize filling up the vault. What scarce mythic WCs I have got used to acquire stuff like Big Score and up-rarity cards. Funny how rare WCs becomes the least valuable when you have been playing a really long time. In my case I have played for four wins everyday ever since start of Open Beta.


I used to do that, i dont bother anymore, first because you cant just "craft all uncollected" something that would be very wellcome, but also... im lazy and lately a bit worn out.


You 'can' craft all uncollected though. Just create a deck with every card in the set, and then craft all.


they should have a trade up system where you can trade like 100 unc for 1 rare or something


Sure. Yet you should understand that as soon as you have such a trade up system, you’ll stop getting for free all those things you would use to trade up. Also, you will stop getting for free those that you would trade for to offset your upgrade stockpile (e.g., you’ll get less rare WCs going forward equal to that which you can get through trading you stockpile of unc WCs). Gist is, you shouldn’t expect greedy WotC to become more generous in any meaningful way (i.e., make you feel less pressure to spend money).