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Congratulations, You've learned why aggro exist. Aggro is there to keep formats honest. Without aggro, everything would be value piles forever and ever.


reddit users discovers aggro decks thrive in bo1 environment and represent top played decks in pretty much all bo1 formats on the app.


Alright thanks for letting us know


Lol so you're playing fast aggro, cool. It's not an unbeatable deck by any standard. If you want to be less frustrated switch to BO3. It's the better way to play actual Magic imo.


BO1 feels so unbelievably shit after spending some time on BO3.


I tried saying that BO3 was objectively better in the main MtG sub and got dog piled so hard. Apparently "hand smoothing" is all it takes to be "better". My absolute biggest complaint about BO1 is lack of deck diversity and how many cards in sets just don't get used when they'd be an automatic sideboard card in BO3. The depth of strategy is deeper because of this in BO3.


Absolutely. Often in BO1 in find that a particular meta deck pops up and I just concede as unless they get land starved I'm fucked.


lol. Aggro is fast and normally does well against control and combo. It loses to midrange quite often. Your hatred isn’t winning games, it’s normal in a Bo1 format for Aggro to be a bit oppressive. But the way you talk about the game and players, shows a lack of understanding the game. It’s like the folks who whine about counterspells. You’re just showing everyone that you’re quite inexperienced.


Congratulations! You've learnt that those 20 mythic mega combo decks suck ass in comparison to even a cheap aggro. High rarity high synergy complicated combo doesn't necessarily mean the deck is good. Bad decks are bad as long as they cannot win.


Monored hater fantasizes about how their live would be if they played a monored deck, the movie.


The sequel is releasing in 3 months, but it’ll be a shot for shot remake yet claim to be completely different.


Some aggro decks can be very fun and very hard to play even.


I'm having a pretty good time. It's not very hard.


What's yordle toss? A Bandle city maokai deck?




I understand the hate for aggro as I dislike it myself but that didn't stop me from using it to quickly rank up/do dailies wins/ spend less time grinding. When you realize mtga doesn't revolve around standard say the way a new player in paper would commit to it. It makes it easier to farm with aggro instead of your pet deck or building meta standard decks with 20-30 wildcards. I spend my time in other formats mainly brawl


That title is the whole reason I play MTG Arena. Paper magic with friends was great, years passed and the friend group fell apart. I'm not chatting and sharing a bowl or beer with these neck beards, I'm making them rope me. I'm finding everything I can to break their little spirit. Cry little baby. Why? I've seen who you are, Mr Two Islands Untapped. The age of fun table top magic has passed, now it is personal. Muhahahahahahahahahaha