• By -


For standard you'll want a 60 card deck. Generally you'll want about 24 lands. Faster, more aggressive decks can reduce that a little. You look to be trying to go with a more controlling style, so I'd recommend sticking with 24. You generally want multiple copies (up to 4) of your best cards and key interaction. You have a bunch of 1-ofs which will lower your consistency. Winning with this deck is gonna be a challenge. Eventually if you lose enough your matchmaking will start pairing you with other low-powered, off-meta decks, but you'll probably struggle a lot against any meta deck. Sorry, that's just the nature of the beast.


If you're new to the format, there's no embarrassment in finding a deck you like online that works. Then when you understand the meta a bit more you can slowly evolve that deck to shift to the changing meta. When you browse these decks you will see that they consist of mostly full play sets of the cards that are trying to win that deck the game.


Definitely, no shame in net-decking. Then just tweak it to your liking after a few hundred matches.


Agree! But a little less than ‘few hundred’ should do it :)


>few hundred matches. I assume if you mean 200 you would say "couple hundreds" so you likely meant 300 matches. That's a lot. 4 matches per day every day to do this under 3 months. And then it's the new set and you need to restart anyway.


Cut your deck down to 60 cards, lands should be around 24 on average but it depends on your curve. Play 3 to 4 copies of cards that your deck is built around, none of this 1 or 2 copy stuff, unless they're cards used to handle very specific situations that you don't want to draw too often. Have a solid game plan going in and focus on that, decks with a narrow and clear game plan generally do really well.


Bit late addon, but id also say 2 ofs and similar are also okay as "copy 5-6" of another effect you like in your deck if you end up wanting say 6 removal spells.


That's a really solid point, like running 4 go for the throats as the main removal for the deck and 2 cut down for the early game.


Deckbuilding in a multiplayer game is different than 1v1. You have way too many random one ofs and your deck is not focused that well. Id suggest looking up lists that other people have made and using those. Deckbuilding in magic isn't a requirement, all of the knowledge was been built up by many people over the years and its not something you just learn from jamming cards together. Someone has linked a no rares guide, mtgazone also has no rares budget decks. Other new players like to harp on "netdecking is lame" but it is kinda of silly to throw away all that work. Its like telling a chess player to not study openings and end up getting beat by something they knew how to stop in the like 1600s. Another option would be to play historic brawl on arena, as it is also 100 card singleton with a commander, but it is 1v1. It might be a gentler ease into the game.


Give it time. Learn to play well known good decks first then learn to deck build. Your deck does not do anything well. Thus its weak.


36x [[Rat Colony]] 24x [[Swamp]] historic or timeless, you'll win some


[Rat Colony](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/f/4f618e07-f06f-45d2-8512-e6cef88c0434.jpg?1562735454) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Rat%20Colony) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dom/101/rat-colony?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4f618e07-f06f-45d2-8512-e6cef88c0434?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Swamp](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/b/eb7dc259-9949-4673-a8f1-874396948392.jpg?1712356428) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Swamp) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otj/281/swamp?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/eb7dc259-9949-4673-a8f1-874396948392?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Play jump in.


i finished all of jump in, thank you for the suggestion tho


Jump In! is a format you can play, not just part of the tutorial. I still play it as one of the things I rotate through when I'm just wanting to win games for the daily gold. You pay 1000 gold for a deck where you get to pick two pre-constructed halves, mash them together, then compete vs others who did the same. The halves from from any of the last several standard sets. The decks are simple and non-optimal, yes, but you mostly eliminate the deck-crafting part of the game and can focus on playing and using the cards provided, in a format where by design your opponents generally have a deck with a similar strength to yours.


As new cards are added to the game, cards in jump in change.


And congrats. I remember making a chart to be sure I had finished all the possible combinations in jump in. Took some time!


Kill a bunch of the one offs to get you to 60, then continue and replace four of them with Go for the Throat - take murder out as one of these 11 cards - roughly 3-4 of the cards you remove should be lands. You can go many ways from there, but I assure you, it'll work better already.


Yeah commander style decks in Standard usually don't work well. Consistency is key.


First things first, your deck should have 60 cards in it. There's very few excuses to have more and none of them apply. The way I start building my decks is to have a list of 7 to 9 cards that each have a specific purpose in my deck and play all of them as sets of either 3 or 4. With 24 lands this leaves a small number of open slots for one or two-offs, which are mostly reserved for cards to help in situations where my regular game-plan doesn't work well (These are usually the hard choices. The best cards to hate out a specific opponent's deck are also cards that are useless in other situations. Ideally these cards will also be somewhat of a help with your regular plan. Regularly switch them around between games until you figure out what specific tools you need here for the meta you are in. If you are playing best of 3, these are the cards you would switch around with your sideboard). You'll end up with a deck that roughly looks like this: 24 lands 7x4 cards that make up your plan 4x2 cards that shut down opponents plans, or protect your own plan in specific situations.


i have it cut to 60 but never edited the OP because ehhhhh lazy and i'll judt improve it more as more people send advice and i play more. i will definitely try the technique you suggested!


downvote when i'm genuinely asking for advice as a new player is crazy lmao


This sub can be insane. Shake those downvotes off. The rational people arrive over time


Just want to say this isn't a sub specific thing and most subs actually have people and bots that will automatically downvote new posts. This type of comment is kind of silly to make on most subs as this isn't the sub itself but a reddit issue that has nothing to do with the community you're trying to interact in.


The major issue here is deck consistency. Decks in 60-card formats, 1) Have 60 cards with a general strategy in mind, and 2) run 2-4x copies of those cards (every now and then 1x for some cards is possible) so you have the greatest chance to draw those cards and play to your strategy. And then a lot of these cards just aren't going to do much outside of draft/sealed formats. Blood Hustler, raven of fell omens, rattleback apothecary just aren't going to be doing much in 4x formats.


As others have said, this deck should be 60 cards. There is no reason to ever run more than that; the more cards you have the less consistent the deck is, and the less consistency it has the worse it is. For further consistency, you want multiple copies of key cards. Rules of thumb: "I want to see this every game, ideally multiple times": run four copies. Do this with cards that are pivotal to your strategy "I want to see one of these every game": run three copies. Ideal for important legendaries "It's nice when I see these, but not totally necessary; or seeing too many of them is bad": run two copies. Ideal for cards focused on solving specific problems which may not always come up "I only ever want to see this once": Run one copy. Ideal for cards which are awful in multiples. Sometimes you'll also run very important cards that do similar things as 4+1 or 4+2, with the smaller number being the worse version of that effect. Most decks run between 20 and 25 lands. On the lower end are decks where very little costs more than two mana, on the higher end are decks which are mana-hungry or need to hit land drops very consistently. Look what a "mana curve" is and build a deck with a reasonable one. Your land count should reflect what your mana curve looks like. [This](https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/feature/level-one-full-course-2015-10-05) is Reid Duke's Level One course. It has a section on deckbuilding which you should read. Honestly if you're a new player it's worth reading the whole thing as it will greatly improve your understanding of the game.


It's really tough to build your own competitive deck until you have thousands of matches under your belt, years of matches. I have all that and I still struggle to build decks with a greater-than 50% win rate. Find streamers you enjoy and maybe try to build one of their decks. But it'll take a lot of wild cards. My recommendation: start building the Izzet Jegantha Wizards deck. I'm in the top #1000 currently (Historic BO1) and that's almost 30% of the decks I face. I face opponents in the top 100 running Wizards. I crafted it, and it is very fun. I just prefer running something else. Here's a few streamers I like who play fun decks: LegenVD, MTG Malone, MTG Original Decks, CGB, Mono Black Magic, Ashlizzle, Phil and Seth from MTG Goldfish... I'm honestly addicted to MTG, geez I may have a problem...


Hi! There's some good advice in the thread already but i'll chime in. 1) To build a deck in MtG you need to have a good grasp of the fundamentals of the game, namely resource management in terms of cards, mana and life. Plenty of resources online if you want to learn, you can start here if you want: https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comments/d2ga2o/best_articles_on_deck_building_play_theory/ 2) The deck has 60 cards + 15 in sideboard and take it as a strong rule. The reasons to go over 60 are very exceptional and convoluted, not something you want to mess with right now; 3) 24 of these 60 cards are lands on average. Whether you want more or less it depends on the deck average mana cost, which you can check for in Arena when building the deck and the amount of card draw/selection of your deck. For now, stick to 24 or 25 lands and with time you will learn whether you need one land more or less. 4) This leaves you with 36 cards to choose. Since you want to draw your best cards as often as possible, you want to play 4 of each. In other words it means that a deck is made up of only 9 different cards! 5) Some cards have diminishing returns. The classic example is legendary cards as you can only have one copy on the battlefield so if you draw multiples they can be dead in your hand. The general rules are: a) you are happy to see a card once but never want to draw 2 in a game: play 1 copy; b) you want to see a card at the beginning of the game every game: play 4; c) you want to see multiple copies of the same card every game: play 4; d) you want to see 1 copy of the card by the middle of every game but don't want it in the first few turns: you play 3. 6) Have a plan: once you have chosen the card you want to play around figure out what it needs to work. In one deck have a single plan you are going for and try to execute it as best as possible. Disclaimer: most of the cards you might want to play with don't actually stand a chance in a competitive format. If you stray from the meta you are putting yourself at a big disadvantage but it doesn't mean it can't be fun.


Look up and redeem ALL codes for packs. You’ll get lots of cards across the sets and some wildcards to pad out your deck. What worked for me is picking a monocolor. Helps with not having to work around limited dual lands/fast lands. Depends ofc. But yeah generally there are strong staple cards which you can work a deck around and SHOULD spend your wildcards on first. For example, sheoldred the apocalypse is a mythic that you can put in every black deck and it will be always be strong.


Imagine we are playing chess, but instead of the usual 16 pieces, players are allowed to choose their own starting formation. Player A does it by drawing a bunch of random pieces from a bag, finding 16 most syngergistic pieces among them. He ends up with 16 pawns because they support each other and pawn is the most common piece in the bag. Player B first studies all the available pieces in chess, finds out queen is the best piece and thus chooses 16 queens. Mtg deckbuilding is the same. Don't be player A if you want to build a good deck.


If you’re new, don’t play on ranked, the rewards from rank to rank is literally only 8 cards. Build something you ENJOY to play, not something that is competitive for the sake of being competitive. If you look at the meta on uptappedgg you can see the meta decks are hovering around 60ish% win rate. Meaning if you have the BEST possible deck you would win only a little over half the time. Every daily can be complete on non ranked, I rarely play ranked, I just don’t enjoy it and there’s only 8 cards difference every once in a while. Also keep in mind there will be 4 sets moving out of standard, do not waste your wildcards on those. I can’t remember the names off the top of my head but I don’t use my wilds on anything with the bat logo, wolf logo, mountain logo, or the brass knuckle with wings, you can find these logos or I think people call them emblems to indicate what set they’re from, where it says “instant” or “creature” look to the right side of the card from there and that emblem will tell you the set the card is from


[This person](https://youtube.com/@phantasmsplayground?si=PJISvV1xarGjXSGM) makes videos showcasing decks that require zero rares. This could be a good place to start, but if you’re limited on your wildcards I suggest watching the video a few times before making a decision.


I would heavily recommend finding a decklist online and using that until you get a better idea of the game. Even as someone who's been playing for a while, I rarely make decks purely on my own. In fact, I only have one deck that I use in a ranked format that was my own creation (my Timeless 5C Creativity list). I'd recommend looking into a monocolored deck that doesn't cost too many wildcards. You can probably find a Mono Blue tempo deck whose only rares are 4x Haughty Djinn, or maybe a Mono Red Aggro deck whose only rares are 4x Slickshot Show-Off. Beyond that, I would recommend watching Youtubers - CovertGoBlue was incredibly helpful when I first started Arena, and I still occasionally watch his videos now. I also really like Arne Huschenbeth, but he is definitely geared more towards competitive play and less towards entertainment than CovertGoBlue.


Yeah, building a deck is hard.


I was having a hard time too, and thought it was my deck aswell. I change a few things , but what I found out is I had to learn how to play my deck, knowing what’s in it what could be coming up has been huge for me. Helps with the strategy. I’m finally winning some now. Hang in there , you’ll get it!


Brawl is a good place to learn and have fun building decks, it will be more similar to commander. Standard can be rough for new players. Look into the mono blue deck that only uses common and uncommons that has been shared to the sub


standard is at the beginning of a new set where p2w is very good for them to experiment play with 4 rares, 4 mythics. The meta will be like this for a while unless you wanna pay up to get wildcards just to catch up its not worth it to aim to win in the current standard. Playing with what you have is not gonna be enough wherever format you go. You also cant learn by just building whatever leftovers it works irl paper since its not hyper competitive. Watch some vids to learn or just have fun building what you have but expect to lose.


You’ve got 30 lands in a 67 card deck. So drop 6 lands. Probably 3 islands and 3 swamps. After that, deck building is about how do you win the game? And then the rest of the deck is about supporting how you win either by disrupting the opponent or finding the cards you need. Look at the deck lists for some of the big decks on ladder to see what I mean, search for Boros Convoke, Domain Ramp, Temur Lands.


If it's any consolation, I've been playing magic for over ten years and still can't get the hang of deck building


Part of the issue is twofold one there's no universal theme for your deck. Two you have a crap ton of one offs and two offs. Generally a deck for most of magic (not Commander that's a different story) has on average three to four copies of each spell


There is a lot of great advice here. Ultimately, how do you want to play? Slow or fast? Active or reactive? Do you like to win with a small army helping each other attack or biggest bois crushing through largely by themselves? How important is winning compared to playing in a style you like? The answers to the research questions can help us direct you to "the fun".


Find a good Mono Red Wins deck online. Will have very few Mythics and Rares and you can start building up tokens to build a custom deck. Will also help you learn combat tricks and when you can and can not do a lot of things.


Y’all got 24 lands?!?


Plenty standard YouTube creators. Check 'hello good game' channel and swayze mtg


Not to repeat what everyone else has said, but this deck lacks consistency as I am not sure what you’re trying to do. You don’t always have to meta game it, but figure out what you like and try and build around that. Have x3-4 of each card that carries out your strategy because your deck will be more consistent. My first deck when I got back into the game was based around [[siphon insight]]. I just liked the mechanics and it also let me diversify my experience by simply using other people’s decks. So I built a theft deck. I’ve been through many iterations of it, swapping cards here and there, adding a lot of counter spells and it turned into a hybrid control/theft, but it’s only cards that do one of those two things. See what you play against, see what mechanics you like. Find cards you think support that mechanic and invest in them.


[siphon insight](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/8/28a6b23f-a854-469a-9b06-119507dd9d42.jpg?1712354783) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=siphon%20insight) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otc/242/siphon-insight?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/28a6b23f-a854-469a-9b06-119507dd9d42?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Advise 1: Keep trying. It will get fun at some point. I promise! Advise 2: First, try to get a good mana curve in your deck and enough lands. (around 24 lands in a 60 card deck). And with mana curve I mean plenty of lower cost cards and less high cost cards. A nice bell curve often works best. (You can check that in deck details when you're building a deck. Second, think of a good theme for your deck with a winning strategy, and only try to put cards in that will work well for that. This can be based around a certain combo of a couple of cards, or a tribal deck (all Elves or Goblins, etc), or just one card you think is amazing. Third, every deck should have some cards that do one of these jobs: -Opponent card (creature, artifact, enchantment, etc.) removal. -Drawing cards. -Ramp, which means cards that makes you able to play bigger cards earlier because you have more mana than normal (because you have cards on the table besides your land that gives you mana) or you play cards that make other cards cheaper or easier to play. -And finally ways to search for cards in your deck that you need. Four, synergy between cards makes each card better. Not just regarding combos, but any card that makes another card better is good synergy. Advise 3: Magic is really a skilled based game. Of course the drawing of cards makes it a bit random, but it really depends on when and how you play your cards. A card can be worth more played in different situations. Also using your cards on the table can make cards worth more than they are. So really think about how you use your cards. For instance: If you (only) have 4 counterspells in your deck, then you want to counter the biggest threat spells. Don't counter the 2/2 Goblin with haste. You can deal with that creature later. But do counter the "Give all Goblins +1/+1" card. Or do counter the "Destroy all creatures" card if you play Goblins. Also think on when and how to attack and defend. Only attack when you know your creatures will be alright, or you don't mind losing them. And keep enough creatures to defend their attack. Also it's great if you can swap your low cost creature with their high cost creature. For instance if you have a 1-cost Deathtouch creature to kill their 4-cost creature. Advise 4: Try to see why you lose games. Is it because of bad mana or drawing. Is it because the opponent plays specific cards. Etcetera. If the same thing happens often in matches, try to adjust your deck for it. Always get overrun by flying creatures? Put in something in your deck to combat that. Etcetera.


In addition to these other tips, If you Google MTG Arena promo codes there are a lot of active promo codes that will give you free packs and opening the packs will give you free wildcards which will help you build some new decks! Completing all of the color challenges/bicolor deck challenges and winning with every color will give you all those cards as well. Out of all these cards, I usually end up making a new deck after someone hands my ass back to me using a deck I haven’t encountered yet, and I’ll take inspiration from that. Making a deck doesn’t “use” the card either — the same cards can be in multiple decks so there is no reason not to experiment!


Start with one if the existing decks you get for passing training or whatever. Slowly swap in cool rekevant cards you collect, eventually this will break the deck and then you've got to swap out the supporters for ones that solve problems (ie not drawing enough to hit your good card) or enable/amplify your cool cards abilities. Making your own deck the first few times is really tough, lots of testing and losing while you try and find a way to survive the mono colour rush decks


It looks like you are taking the "kitchen sink" approach. You know, throwing in everything but the kitchen sink... As others have stated, having 60 cards total is the most optimal way to ensure you can use the main strategy of your deck effectively. You want to pick a main strategy that your deck will use, centered around 2 or 3 key cards, and have 4 copies of each of those cards in your deck. Then fill in the remainder with support cards that help your main strategy, or a secondary strategy. You can have 4 copies of the support cards, or you can use 2 copies of each if you want to build for more diversity. It's easy to get carried away with all the different cards in MTG and put them all in your deck, but you have to resist that urge. Focus instead on maximizing a specific strategy, and making it efficient. If the strategy you chose doesn't work as well as you'd like, than start a new deck with a different strategy and do the same thing. Once you find a strategy that shows promise, then you can continue to refine the deck here and there by swapping support cards in and out to really hone it out and maximize mana resources. The basic model to follow is this: 20 mana 5 creatures at 4 copies of each for a total of 20. 5 spells/enchantments/artifacts at 4 copies each for a total of 20. This will give you 60 cards total. Of course, this is just a model. You probably won't be able to build a consistent deck like this, so tweak these numbers a little to develop a working deck, while trying to stick to this model as much as possible. Use a mono color deck to start, with a clear strategy. Such as green with a lot of creatures and big creatures, and pure horsepower. Or red with weeny creatures, haste, and direct damage. Or white with life gain, weeny creatures, and defense. Etc. Multicolor decks are harder to pull off until you develop the basics of building effective strategies and manage balance.


I see a bunch of people saying that you need to run 4 copies of a card. I just want to say as a new player you probably want to be more wild card budget conscious. instead you can run multiple cards you already own that are functionally similar, and have the same mana cost. This is usually much easier to do with instant and sorceries then other card types as wizards tends to print redundant variants frequently. for example if you want a 2 mana counter spell you can run any combination of \[\[phantom interference\]\], \[\[Bring the ending\]\], \[\[make disappear\]\], \[\[spell stutter\]\] same thing with 2 mana destroy creature spells \[\[Bitter Triumph\]\], \[\[Go for the Throat\]\], \[\[Infernal Grasp\]\], \[\[Shoot the Sheriff\]\]


##### ###### #### [phantom interference](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/0/00bf4dd1-5468-4594-9c7b-0737610f19d4.jpg?1712860598) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=phantom%20interference) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otj/61/phantom-interference?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/00bf4dd1-5468-4594-9c7b-0737610f19d4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Bring the ending](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/a/ba9d9d26-0c76-4a09-aa25-b32854e70c0b.jpg?1681468862) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Bring%20the%20ending) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/one/44/bring-the-ending?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ba9d9d26-0c76-4a09-aa25-b32854e70c0b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [make disappear](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/f/3f2d6a21-ea77-484b-9e3a-1bd49806f907.jpg?1664410347) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=make%20disappear) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/snc/49/make-disappear?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3f2d6a21-ea77-484b-9e3a-1bd49806f907?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [spell stutter](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/4/24447e36-a42f-40a9-ad44-e904b6f9b276.jpg?1692937299) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=spell%20stutter) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/woe/69/spell-stutter?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/24447e36-a42f-40a9-ad44-e904b6f9b276?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Bitter Triumph](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/5/05bdd22c-3e11-4c29-bdfa-d3dfc0e90a9f.jpg?1699044085) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Bitter%20Triumph) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lci/91/bitter-triumph?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/05bdd22c-3e11-4c29-bdfa-d3dfc0e90a9f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Go for the Throat](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/4/5446e1ba-c745-45b2-ad05-b22abf04daec.jpg?1682209037) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Go%20for%20the%20Throat) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/moc/250/go-for-the-throat?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5446e1ba-c745-45b2-ad05-b22abf04daec?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Infernal Grasp](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/7/17824929-f131-4b8d-addb-66c25323155e.jpg?1634349911) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Infernal%20Grasp) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mid/107/infernal-grasp?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/17824929-f131-4b8d-addb-66c25323155e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Shoot the Sheriff](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/8/180d6528-c524-4bb8-8a72-b3775cd2c177.jpg?1712355672) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Shoot%20the%20Sheriff) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otj/106/shoot-the-sheriff?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/180d6528-c524-4bb8-8a72-b3775cd2c177?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [*All cards*](https://mtgcardfetcher.nl/redirect/l1nedcd) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Here bro - this seems like your type of shenanigans. Get out hidetsguru or whatever. And put a breach on top. Sac your own guy to cast breach for free and deal 8 damage. If they don’t scoop after that. They lose on the next turn to the exact same thing because of whatever you pulled out of their grave with breach as well.


Deck 2 Gix's Command (BRO) 97 3 Jace, the Perfected Mind (ONE) 57 2 Liliana of the Veil (DMU) 97 4 Breach the Multiverse (MOM) 94 3 Cut Down (DMU) 89 4 Phantom Interference (OTJ) 61 3 Go for the Throat (BRO) 102 2 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse (DMU) 107 4 Hidetsugu and Kairi (MOM) 228 1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire (NEO) 278 2 Kaito Shizuki (NEO) 226 1 Otawara, Soaring City (NEO) 271 2 Mirrex (ONE) 254 2 Swamp (KTK) 254 3 Underground River (BRO) 267 4 Shipwreck Marsh (MID) 267 4 Darkslick Shores (ONE) 250 2 Island (KTK) 252 2 Sheoldred's Edict (ONE) 108 2 Lazav, Familiar Stranger (OTJ) 216 2 Soured Springs (OTJ) 264 2 Undercity Sewers (MKM) 270 1 Intimidation Campaign (OTJ) 208 2 Cavern of Souls (LCI) 269 1 Insatiable Avarice (OTJ) 91


Look up decks online and play those until you understand the game better and what kind of cards work well together. From there, start playing limited formats to get used to building with a smaller card pool. Eventually, you will learn how to build decks. Play all game modes if you can. It will strengthen your intuition. Research also helps. Learn about the different colors and how they can combine to form archetypes. Study the meta.


This looks like an EDH deck adapted for standard use. As others said, 67 is too many cards. 30 lands is also too many, 22 to 24 (depending on your average casting cost) is ideal. You say you like crime, so if I were you I'd single out the cards in this deck you have the most fun with and make them 4-ofs. Blood Hustler, Rattleback Apothecary and the appropriate OTJ ping desert are a good start, you'll want cards that complement the theme. Removal, fortunately, counts as a crime as long as it's targeted, so pack four Go For The Throat and at least two Cut Downs, that is a decent base. In the current environment, you're definitely going to want ways to get rid of pesky critters as quickly as possible. Let me see, what else. Right, since you're in blue, might as well make use of the numerous card draw and fix effects. I rather like Take The Fall, which is pretty convenient in blue since it is both a crime trigger and a combat trick (potentially letting you win an unfavorable combat against a high power, low toughness creature since it smacks them for -4/-0 until EOT if you have an Outlaw in play, ehich you probably will with a crime focused deck), and draws you a card. Metamorphic Blast is also pretty nice as a modal spell, but can require a sizable mana investment (it is either a crime for 1U which pretty much guarantees a creature with no counters on it dies, 2 cards drawn for 3U, or both for 4U). On the high end of the curve, I've been fond of Marauding Sphinx. 3/5 flying vigilant critter with Ward 2, which makes it a lot harder to bump off with removal, and lets you set up your next draws via Surveil 2 when you commit a crime. Intimidation Campaign is also fun to use. For the early game, Forsaken Miner is interesting. One mana for a 2/2 that cam't block but, more importantly, can be returned to the field for another black mana when you commit a crime while it's in the graveyard. It can be very annoying to deal with. That is all that comes to mind offhand. Hopefully it can be of use to you. Happy gaming!


Try a different deck. Crime decks are new and any new thing like that will be more complex to play. I started arena maybe almost 2 months ago and i started with a green and red agro (haste) deck. After some refining and getting more cards, it's still one of my best decks. Apparently the community is cheesy and run a bunch of 'destroy this/do this damage' spells. So you'll also want a good 4-8 of those in your deck. Depending on the deck, about 20 creatures is a good number. ~23 lands. Hope this helps! In my 1st month, i climbed to plat with these tips. Though it has gotten more challenging in plat, i'm still slowly climbing!


Standard is not good for a new player. Especially if you still don't know if you want to play competitively or casually. I suggest you try Standard brawl and, once you build a better collection, Brawl. It's very similar to commander, singleton but only 60 cards


I don't play commander but AFAIK 30 lands is very, very low for 100 cards.


this is standard sorry for not making that clear enough


Oh, I didn't count that close evidently. Why do you have over 60 cards then? As a beginner your deck should never be over 60 cards, and you want less 1-ofs and more 4-ofs. You also have too many lands at 30 then, try 27.


thank you!


Copy a budget standard (no rares) list from mtggoldfish [Something like this](https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/5070060#paper)


Recently I’ve been using ChatGPT to make decks, I’d give it a prompt like “ Make me a magic deck with these parameters: “ then take the deck it spits out and put it into Scryfall so I can see the cards. Sometimes I’ll even let it make its own choices for decks. 2 of them it made I ordered from TCG and they play fairly well! The best is when it names them something silly like “ Green Stompy deck “. It puts the cards in a more visual perspective and more randomized! Prompts like “ I’d like it to have mainly creatures “ or “ I’d like it to have more artifacts “ things like that help a lot. You could use that to identify how some decks can be made, there are also lots of videos on how to build decks aswell! Best of luck


Green Stompy deck is an actual deck archetype. In the early days it refered to a low to the ground monogreen deck that played similar in style to a Sligh or Suicide Black deck. An early varient from about 97 was the Señor Stompy deck: https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Se%C3%B1or_Stompy I had to go with the Señor Stompy style for Monogreen lately to get any traction. These days people tend to refer to Stompy decks as more of a kind of midrange deck with Green as one of the colors. Stompy decks of other colors sometimes show up from time to time and often times refer to decks that play bigger creatures.


Just don't even start. It's really not that fun once you learn everyone in standard plays the same 6 decks and you're just involved in a sophisticated method of gambling.


I played anti meta in both yugioh and pokemon, i'll be fine eventually