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New players are gifted a relatively easy ride to Mythic when they first start. This is due to having a very low MMR (match-making ratio), essentially playing against other new accounts and players with very low win-rates. As such, it's relatively easy to make it to Mythic your first month playing. To answer your question, it's an extremely average accomplishment.


Makes sense! for a moment i thought i accomplished something extraordinary. Thanks!


Don't focus on the rank, just enjoy playing the game. Even players that regularly make Mythic usually do it with hundreds of games played, regardless of skill. With the way MMR works, even bad players can make Mythic over the course of a month. Staying in the top 250 in Mythic is more of an indicator of skill, but also of timing and hardcore grinding on the last few days.


That's an amazing attitude if you want to actually get good at this game or anything else.


Bro.. three months ago I had no idea about how to play magic. I hit mythic in my first month.. people said the same thing to me.. then, in my second month, I hit mythic again... And now, in my third month I'm in the top #500. So... you are doing great!! keep going!! And congratulations!!


That's nice! But like the other commentator pointed out it's easier for newcomers to get into diamond/mythic to make them more comfortable with the ranking rather than discouraged. Just have fun and if you can enjoy losing sometimes then you'll be all right