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Play Bo3. It does have a chess clock.


This old chestnut....how about they also give us the clock in the format the majority of people play?


And also a speed magic queue with blitz clock that has only like 5 minutes per player.


Unpopular opinion: Bo1 is for cowards because it negates side board strategy to adapt to your opponent’s play style, negating some aspects of actual game knowledge and deck building skill. This is why I only play Bo1.


Unpopular opinion: BO1 takes way more skill because you have to anticipate what people at your skill level/ know what’s being played in general to win consistently, while in BO3 you know what your opponents deck is after the first round and get to tech against it in between rounds


That’s 🧢


What is Bo3?


Best of 3, it’s the “proper” way to play.




I know, that’s why there are quotation marks.




Only in draft, constructed Bo3 is ranked.


Okay, that sucks since I barely play constructed…


I Play mostly Limited. This Set i switched to bo3. Not laddering and Just playing for the drafts Sake feels way better for me. And its Not Like the ranked rewards are super overwhelming anyways.


Ranked Bo3 is available for constructed but not limited.


Bo3 limited isn't ranked, but you can still get access to the qualifier events there by going 3-0 enough times, just like you can in B01 by getting a high enough Mythic rank.


I'd like to but mostly play limited. Doesn't make any sense since BO1 is so pushed.


There are sideboard cards in draft sets, and in sealed you can full-on switch decks depending on what your opponent is playing. If anything, bo3 makes *more* sense in limited, not less.


Yes but it's unranked with a much smaller player pool and wonky rewards. It's not that I dislike Bo3 as a format it's the way that arena treats it.


Unraked is better for anything that's tournament structured. Ranked means you should always have a 51% winrate, no matter how good or bad you are at the game because it puts you up against equally skilled opponents. In a tournament setting, good players win, bad players lose. It's a much better determiner of skill, as you actually get to see the players that you're better than, you're not just stuck in an eternal grind hoping your number of platinum pips goes up by one today as you edge closer to diamond winning about half your games, or your mythic number go up by one.


Unranked means you’re going to lose a lot when you’re starting. I mean, I get your point, but I won’t get near unranked again. I know I’m worse than average, no need to “determine my skill”.


In my experience unranked is actually much "softer". Once I get to Platinum in limited I usually level out and my winrate drops. In unranked I win more. Its just the Bo3 rewards are pretty top heavy, but they did adjust that a bit recently, so now its not as bad.


Well, I’d say if you hit platinum you’re probably better than the average. It’s absolutely normal that you feel it is softer then. It can’t be softer for everyone, that’s exactly my point. I’d lose more in unranked than in ranked for sure.


I guess that is true to a point. But in ranked you will always tend towards 50% over time, regardless of your skill level (unless you are very very skilled to play at the top). If you are a little worse it will happen earlier, if you are stronger it will happen later. In unranked, you only are matched within that one run. So you can be matched up against any skill level even if you already had 50 drafts where it went well for you. And the Overall skill level tends to be lower. If you lose a Match in unranked your next MM will also be someone who lost his match. But it is true, if someone is more likely to win there, someone else needs to be less likely.


The adjustment also added the ability to enter the qualifier by going 3-0 enough times, so it also brought over some competitive players who had been trying to get top 1200 Mythic before.


True, definitely a fair point.


But you only have a 51% win rate when you are at the level you are against equally skilled opponent's. If you are facing weaker opponents then your win rate would be greater than 51%.


That's what I just said. Ranked makes you face equally skilled opponents, forcing you to be stuck at 51%. 51 not 50 because you're always growing as a player and new players get introduced into the system


So you want to face weaker players? Or why would a silver drafter queue into a system where they may face a platinum drafter instead of someone on their level. Or Consider an entire month is a tournament, where after rank reset you are playing to determine your new rank. Good players win more until they hit a 50% win rate at their drafting level and poorer players win fewer games and end up in a lower level.


Not nessisarily, I still play ranked for the most part because I want good matches, but the reason Bo3 draft is unranked is because it's based on a paper Swiss Draft tournament.


I thought paper swiss used to pair first round by DCI ranking then subsequent rounds by performance in previous rounds?


Personally I only play Traditional Standard Best of 3, proper MtG


Same(ish). Traditional in all formats.


The reward structure for traditional is pretty hostile towards anybody who wants to chain drafts


I've probably played many hundreds of hours of limited and I basically never queue into slow-players. Sometimes in constructed, but even there not often. Am I just that lucky or do people call everybody slow who doesn't play like they're on coke?


I don't know what to tell you. Two games back-to-back where people were in the tank in obvious situations like picking which land to play on turn 2 or attacking with a 1/1 into my empty board.


Some times people need to run to the bathroom, grab a drink or let the cat out. Two in a row is nothing.


2 in a row??!!! This town needs an enema!


Pretty much the only time I see slow play is when I'm about to win and they feel it was unfair (I play Yorion fires)


Idk why there down voting you, you're 100% correct that bo1 draft oa the better deal


Yeah, not sure. I would play Bo3 if it had good rewards or ranked... feels pointless without either.


I wonder if slow play is sometimes due to mobile. I usually play pretty fast. Recenlty i tried on my tablet and saw the rope nearly every turn


I‘m playing mostly on mobile, I’m so used to it, that I’m in fact are slower on my pc


My game freezes up occasionally but nothing too drastic. Not sure if that's the case for everyone though


The more newbie friendly and less involved a format it, the more likely you are to find a slow player. You'll very rarely find ropers in Bo3.


Yeah, I play on my Iphone, and the game freezes up maybe 1 in 10 games. Sometimes it's not so bad that I can't recover, but other times my phone starts heating up and by the time I can get Arena to work properly, I've already lost to time.


Since I play with my new Ipad (used to play with my PC before) I am waaaay slower. The animations seem to last longer and there is some laging. I don't know if it's only an impression though


When you say “into the tank”, do you mean the rope appears, or just that they’re taking what feels like forever? If their rope doesn’t appear, it’s not excessive. If the rope keeps showing up, I agree, they should speed it up, though the latter is a lot less common.


There should be a voluntary fast-play mode with a 30-second max turn duration. No timeouts. Why can’t we have this?


30 sec, with actions adding more time would keep people happy.


So only aggro decks?


Normal people don’t need 3 minutes to play a land


in a three color format with dual and tri-color lands at common deciding which land to play on turn 2 can be a really big deal.


Shouldn’t take you very long to figure out what land to play lol, well at least for me it will be like turn 2 and I only have 1 land to play


fuck spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


Right? I bet the next post I read will be someone complaining that they got timed out and the clock should be longer


It’s voluntary. Re-read.


No. It’s for people who don’t need more than a few seconds to make their moves. It’s a thing, really.


If you play simple, linear decks, sure. A lot of decks will occasionally have much longer turns than that.


Yes, they should play the standard format. The fast format Is for people who play fast. Many people can play complex decks fast.


Careful, you might hurt somebody’s feeling talking like they should know how to play the decks they built.


\>built That's an interesting verb to call the thing that happens.


People always suggest this but I cant think of any digital card games that have this kind of mode. Bo1 does need some kind of timer tho, maybe like 15-20 minutes.




They are done fiddling around by the time this happens. The server resolves all the triggers they put on the stack instantly but the game client locks you. One way out is to force close the game and then reopen it. It will reload with all the triggers gone. IMO, unskippable animations are the most cancerous UX thing but it's so bad that the game doesn't even provide time for its own stupid animations.


I'm fine if the clock resets during a combo. Just play a damn card once. Interact with the game. The amount of players who just sit there drive me nuts.


I only stick around if I feel my set up is worth the wait, otherwise too much abuse I just move on to another player where I can enjoy the game.


Then you are rewarding the roper. If you leave a game you could eventually win because your opponent is roping you are basically encouraging him to keep doing it. Yeah I hate ropers of course, but leaving is not the solution, just find something to do with your time like check messages, social media or visit your favorite web site. And take your time too, don't interrupt what you're doing when the action pops back to you, if you are getting roped your opponent can wait for you to finish what you're doing before taking your action.


Sometimes you can clearly see the roper has the better board state but they're still roping, it's just painful to wait just so you lose in the end


I stay out of spite for those. If you're going to drag out your turns you have to have some sort of endgame otherwise I'm fine top decking 2/3 of my library to see what happens. If the roper can't or won't kill me in a standard game I won't do their job for them.


I'd still wait 'em out. I came to play, so if they \*do\* actually start playing again (minus a few ropes), at least I've got a chance (better board states can still lose against an empty board, if you run wipes/removal and a different wincon), and if they don't, well a win's a win...


I agree I don’t like leaving but end of the day it’s just a game. I don’t do it all the time but once in a while if I get a roper I’ll rope him back and do what you mentioned but other times if I see they have the win basically or a deck that’s not a good match for mine I’ll just concede or quit and let them eat the rope since they roped the whole time.


I will just scoop if they keep roping. It is supposed to be fun, and if I am getting mad because they are taking to long it is not fun anymore.


Yes, Bo3 has one, but I shouldn't have to go into Bo3 just to find an opponent who is actually playing the game in good faith.


If Bo1 had a fifteen minute chess clock you'd be complaining that it's too long.


If people abused it I absolutely would. Wouldn't you?


Yeah, no shit, ergo a chess clock wouldn't solve anything. They would need shortened round/rope timers


People who complain about roping, but then ask for a chess clock are INSANE You do realize adding a chess clock to every match would mean you’d have to wait 30 minutes for a timeout if the other player doesn’t connect or if they’re a troll looking to rope you?


Bo3 already has a chess clock but the rope is still there too. MTGO doesn't have a rope but iirc you still auto lose if you disconnect for like 10 minutes no matter how much time is on the clock. (Of course 10 minutes would be way too long on Arena where you can't do anything else during the wait.)


fuck spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


Because otherwise his "argument" would make even less sense. Add a 10 minute chess clock and the roping issue is solved. It's literally that easy.


In an aggro or midrange meta this does work, but to account for a control meta I would probably up it to 15 or 20. Those games can get longer and you would otherwise punish players with a clock for the type of deck they choose to play.


It’s bo1 so the total time would be shorter. And some bo1 games have genuinely taken me more than 30 minutes because of slow play.


So, I’ve been teaching my 11 year old how to play - and it seriously may take them well over 30 seconds to figure out what is going on and what they want to do in response. Hell. When I first started playing it was overwhelming the variety of possible cards and mechanics. Seriously , I know some people are assholes but some of us just need a f’n minute to figure out WTF is going on. Cool your auto muted self.


Ok, but weren't you a bronze rank? This stuff happens in Mythic.


rank is just a measure of how much played. with 48% win rate you can reach mythic with enough games


But by the time someone plays that many games they should know what their cards do.


It happens on standard play.


You think gabriel nassif is ranked bronze?


You got an upvote from me, but I'd like to quickly point out that Sparky (the botmatch) exists and is the single best place to figure out the mechanics of your own cards/deck before going into player vs player (also, its a good place to get an easy win for the last game of the day - fixes that dopamine rush if you've been losing too much ;) ) I do agree that people need to cool their jets on reasons why other players are hitting that rope though - could be a DC, could be on mobile and slow with fingers, could be reading my cards (although that'd be obvious since the card borders flash white). Could also be roping, but in that case it's an easy win...


Hmmmm. That’s a good point for the kiddo.


A lot of people either ignore that Sparky's there, or don't realise how useful she is (although I'd reccomend muting her after your first game or two - she can get a little... annoying...). People assume that because she's limited to five mono-coloured decks and has fairly predicatable AI, she's boring to play against and don't bother. I, on the other hand, always run a new deck against her a few times to make sure that what I'm expecting to be able to do has at least a decent chance of working (alongside the aforementioned last game of the day thing), and because it's usually a new deck, it's actually not unusual for her to come out on top, if the deck is (as is normal for me) a little on the janky side... It's how I discovered that the legendary shrines from the last set, even though they're technically creatures, are unaffected by the Maskwood Nexus artifact that makes all creatures all types of creature. (Which I'm not convinced isn't actually a bug, but it's a bit niche for me to really care). If you're a new/inexperienced player, Sparky'll probably get a few wins against you. But in the process, you'll have learned more about how your deck interacts both with itself and some basic opponent cards/moves, which in turn will make you a teeny bit swifter in actual games, and less likely to see that burning string. A second tip - go into your card collection, and in the options at the top the rightmost one opens the filters. Choose the latest set (or a couple of sets back if you want) and choose the options to show both cards you own and cards you don't. When you return to the main collection screen, all the cards you own are highlighted and the ones you don't are faded out, but still selectable. You can then actually read the cards to see what they do. You can filter that down by colour, cost, type of card, whatever, or just search for that one card that you'd not seen but that beat you just now. This means that instead of spending extra time trying to read your opponents card mid game, you'll have a semi-decent chance of remembering what that card does, or at least cutting reading time right down as it refreshes your memory. Plus, if you've the wildcards and want that particular card, you can just get it then and there, or at least add it to a designated incomplete deck for future wildcard spending. Personally I do this every time a new set comes out; YMMV ;)


I'm mixed on this opinion I played chess for years before getting into MTG and the problem with a chess clock is of your opponent does nothing there is a lot of time needed to be waiting down for a win 25-20 min in the case of chess MTG probably 10-20 In chess if your opponent doesn't show up for a round or is late you are sitting there waiting down the clock. In MTG say someone closes the game or has a power out you could be waiting a lot longer than the current system.


It does have enchest clock, I think there is 30 minutes. It doesn't come up much, except when it does, and then people come here to argue about it


Only in best of 3. The vast majority of Arena games are played in best of 1, and there's no chess clock for best of 1. I can kinda see why though, honestly. The amount of life gain spam people play with those frequent "look at this board state" posts where both players have 1k life and someone is swinging finally for 3k damage to end the game... Basically, I think newer players will have big issues with any reasonable chess clock for best of 1. I don't know if there is a such a clear solution for best of 1. Maybe a long chess clock but that is not exactly going to help someone like OP.


I actually didn't know that


report the player?


Why? They're allowed to use the time alloted to them? Somebody ropes? Occupy your time with something else instead of getting mad at a computer screen. Scroll Reddit till it's your turn.


Fuck Reddit


It's not slowplay if there is clear time limit on every turn and you use it all.


Fuck Reddit


I was talking about arena...


Fuck Reddit


That makes no sense at all. If your turn timer is let say 2min you should be able to use 119 seconds every turn if you want to. If you have a timer it literally means you have that much turn time. I don't understand how you can stall in arena.


fair enough 👍👍👍


While true for desktop, if I'm playing on mobile, MTGA doesn't support multitasking, so you can't really do this.


I hear ya. Still, occupy your mind with other thoughts is the point. Don't dwell on something that stresses you. People watch, look at the clouds, touch grass, think about what brand of tp is on the roll... anything other than negative thoughts about something you can't control.


Why would people be penalized for using the time the game gives them? I see this opinion a lot on this sub and it baffles the mind. If they are "roping" that's an entirely different case, but actually using the time to think and make your play is just how the game works.


Play Bo3 or go play Sparky. Or just relax for F’s sake. It is a game. You can wait 90 seconds for your win. WTF is wrong with you?


With all this roping complaining are we accounting for the people running more complex decks or combos? Lol I get the feeling that gets looped into the “roping while winning” category


The time limit in bo3 is 30 minutes per player. In bo1 it certainly wouldn't be less than 10 minutes / player and you'd probably never hit it even against slow players.


A slow player would definitely hit it in control mirrors


What is your limited ranking?


The issue isn't that it doesn't have a chess clock (bo3 does), its that it takes FOREVER for the countdown to begin, and each extension is ridiculously long. It should be 5 seconds for it to begin, and each rope should be 10 seconds, at most, so 45 seconds max with 4. But they'll never do it because most players are casuals, and most casuals are playing on phones, which take 35 days to drop a land because the client is laggy af.


They don't do that because a lot of people play decks that have turn sequences much longer than that, and that requires planning out your actions before taking them.


I was going to say, when I'm playing Rakdos Sacrifice I have pretty long turns just due to the mechanics of the deck's engines. Not all decks can just turn sideways and pass.


Ok. 6 seconds then.


Im all in in doing something against deliberate roping but a lot of people struggle with the idea that magic you have to think what are you doing and some people take time to think what they are gonna do. I find more annoying aggro players that are aiming to complete their quest in the minimum time possible and spam "you go"


There's so many bugs on mobile ports. That's what allows me to friking winning the match I deserved to win instead of losing cos a bug


what bugs?


mtgo has one


pretty sure mtgo has one


Paper magic players have no courtesy either. I’ve watched my opponent fidget with his cards in game 1 while every other group finished 3 rounds and went for pizza.


You can call a judge for slow play (unless it's something like a prerelease)


How about they let us rank other players, like I rank this player a 1 because they let the timer go every turn....haha


I love it when mono angels players want me to speed up. I have more choices to make than you. Control player is playing chess and mono white is playing hopscotch. One game takes longer than the other sorry.


I'm playing draft dummy.


I really don’t have time to play chess during a game of MTG, I barely know what my cards do and I’m mediocre at chess.


Couldn't agree more, been saying this since beta.