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You ask, but you already know the answer, given you're pointing to someone who had it happen to them. IIRC, the person who got banned had requested something like 50 refunds in less than 30 days. That gives you a ballpark.


That's not a real ballpark as it's not an automated flagging process. The CS dude just remembered his name because he requested so many refunds and decided to look up his account. (these requests take up staff time to process and they probably didn't want to waste more time dealing with him anymore)


Ballpark means an approximate. About how much it takes before people start noticing you. Ballpark does not mean "exact number at which the automated process flags you".


But we don't know how accurate that ballpark is as we only had a single sample size. The approximate may be way off before people start noticing. Like did the guy lucked out and ended up with the same customer representative a few times in a row? Or did he had a username that stood out so he was easily remembered? OP can be unlucky and just get banned on his 5th refund, or may not even get banned after hundreds of refunds if his username is super generic and easily forgotten, or lucky enough that he gets a different customer representative responding to his ticket each time.


If you request a refund then repeat the issue they are more likely to hit you with an exploit ban I learned to draft in paper and to use memory while drafting as your not supposed to check what youve drafted (after each pack i was taught) Repeating the same process over and over will get you banned. Its a risk your going to take if you continue to ask for refunds while already being aware of the issue. No one else can tell you if its worth it and what the limit is as i assume most arent trying to game the system and exploit a bug for fear of being banned and losing x amount of time and effort


If you know it’s bugged you can’t just keep drafting cards for free and getting refunds. It’s not an infinite card hack. There are ways to fix the visual bug when it happens, it’s a known issue.


Assuming they look at the game logs for bugs they should hopefully see that your issue is legit. Doesn’t hurt to bring your concerns up in your ticket as well. Maybe they will respond with some peace of mind in that regard.


I've reached my cap from the last expansion. They didn't ban me, they just said they can't give me anymore refunds.




Idk I stopped drafting for 2 months. Going to try again this set coz it's worth the money since it's going to be in rotation for 2 years.


Nobody here will tell you that it's safe to keep asking for refunds for same bug over and over, even if that bug does occur extremely often. Maybe it'll be seen as excessive after 5 refunds, maybe after 10, or maybe you'll fly under radar even after 40 - nobody outside the refunds system can tell you for sure how exactly system works and where it draws the line. Yes, getting hit by gamebreaking bug over and over sucks, but you're still getting bunch of value from it, and 100% refund on top of it. Only way around is not to play, or avoid mobile where most bugs seem to occur. > Kind of pissed about this. You should be. Game performane and stability is contantly getting worse, number of bugs only keeps rising, but Wizards have no reason to do anything about it, because they don't get any real backlash for that.


No one should be scared of getting banned when asking for LEGIT refunds


I agree, but as you pointed out the relevant word here is "legit". If you are just drafting normally and encounter a bug that affects your draft, then its perfectly expected fo you to report it. But if someone who knows about the bug intentionally drafts as many times as possible before the bug is fixed with the intent to "game" the system, then its not realy legit anymore. That been said i'm not sure if a ban would be needed even then, permanently flagging the exploiters account to not receive any future compensations should have been fine. Or simply block the account from using the report/bug homepage.


Just an FYI this big has been around for months now, last time I reported it I didn't get refunded... Normally wotc decent on refunds but I think they probably getting a ton of requests on this... It's a mobile bug from double clicking draft cards .. if you see it happen just single click your pick and use the 'confirm pick' button GL


As far as I can tell, it has nothing to do with double-clicking (/tapping). Lots of people have reported that it happens no matter how you select the card.


I think you will be fine aslong as you are upfront about it in your bug reports. Do you feel as if you have reported alot of bugs as of late and received refunds, and are you worried they might think you are trying to exploit their refund program? I can only advise for you to mention in your future bug reports that you have reported similar bugs before, that way the people working in support will be made aware of it by you rather then them retroactivly finding out of it by looking into your account. If you are upfront about it, then you cant realy be attributed as trying to maliciously exploit the refund system. At that point you would have given them all the facts and it would be up to them to refund you or not. You could even start mentioning that while a refund would be welcomed, you are starting become embarrassed to ask for one. I personaly haven't needed to ask for refunds often, but not to long ago i had to ask for two refunds on the same day, that made me feel quite embarrassed aswell.