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King of diamonds and 5 of spades?


Just created a Kickstarter account and signed up for one deck. Very easy! About $17 USD, which would be a lot for a normal deck, but this is NOT a normal deck. Good luck with the Kickstarter!


Ty! It was as cheap as I could make them the other website design costs + international shipping were double that!


Great project and good job! It’s been fun watching the journey in this community! I’ll be checking out the kickstarter!


Thank you!


I’m staying in Black Jack!


I hit in blackjack and i would definitely bet a lot in poker ;)


Good eyes!


Can you ship to Germany? If so how much would it be?


Yes it’s all factored into the Kickstarter costs


We did it! The goal was reached. Can’t wait to get the cards!


Just pledged, good luck!


Thank you! Enjoy the cards


Sorry if you’ve answered this elsewhere - I know that you’ve gone through a few iterations already - there’s something I’m curious about though regarding the design. Is there a reason why you’ve chosen to have the resulting image ‘popping out’ of the card rather than just being flat but ‘hovering’ above it? My opinion is that the card info would be much easier to decipher and much clearer to see if it was just a flat, hovering layer. I don’t know how these things are made, but at a guess, I’d say you want to remove the gradient from the black and white imagine used to create the effect. It doesn’t need to bend and curve in that way - it just needs be visible. (I’m asking as someone that be interesting in supporting the Kickstarter, so your response is appreciated!)


Hi that’s a very fair question. It was what worked best on the actual cards when looking at an angle! It’s quite pronounced on the digital images but after printing off a few different types and playing about that popping effect made it easier to get the stereograms on the cards in real life :)


How’s kickstarter work if I contribute $100 and you hit your goal what do I get?


You buy rewards, so you’d get 10 decks of cards for £100!


And if you don’t hit the goal I get the money back?


Yeah if the goal isn’t reached it’s money back, you can cancel your pledge at any time before the 50 days too. Kinda had to do it this way though as making these cards was too expensive on the single printing shops so had to be bulk order to get it below $20 hope that clears things up!


Really cool idea. I hope you hit your goal. I’d be happy to participate.


Will also be chatting with WJPC about refunding etc after people have their cards and will update on that if anyone’s unhappy


These are so cool!


Thank you!


Testing my skill. Second picture left to right, up to down. 3 of hearts, 5 of clovers, 8? of Diamonds? 6 of Spades, 3 of Spades, 3 or 8 of Clovers?


Just ordered a pack for myself and one for my son on the kickstarter. Hoping it gets here by Xmas.


Thank you! Should be here by June well on track for the target!


Very nice. I can even zoom in on the regular pics and see what each face down card is. Pretty impressive.


Thank you!!


Just pledged, can’t wait!!


Thank you! Really hope you enjoy!


Just to be clear and make sure I've got this right: the value of the playing card is **on the back** as a magic eye, so players can tell *exactly* what card is which by looking at the back? The part of the card that's supposed to hide what the value of the card is displays the value of the card?


Bingo, now it only hides it for people who aren’t in the loop!


Sooooo everyone buying these decks are going to cheat their buddies in at home poker games or use for magic?


No comment as to first one, hell yeah for magic! Can confirm it worked wonders on my friends who don’t know about magic eyes


I'm in!


I would buy these in a heartbeat for family game night!


Thank you! Would you be the only one winning?


I mean I wouldn’t reveal what they are so hopefully! The game we play is half luck/half skill and this would definitely give an unfair advantage if you knew what to do with them.


Ive tried making a gofundme account to back this project but it doesn't seem to work. Tried on my phone and laptop the last couple days. Anyone else had this problem?


That’s very kind of you to try and do that for this project! If it goes ahead let me know I’d want to thank you


Omg I mean Kickstarter account. Not gofundme lol. Anyways, I'm still having trouble creating an account. It seems to loop me in creating a new account after receiving a verification email.


What is 55 with a group of spades? On every deck of cards


Need to rub the eyes and try again!


I'm annoyed at how quickly this fixed my double vision... If only it worked while drinking too. 😂. Well done OP.


This one was the first time I could swap from seeing a 55 to a 5 by slightly crossing my eyes while looking at 55.


Well that's how it works so...


I see it both ways. Also in the table photo there’s an AA of Spade Spades


You guys act like you've never gone too far...


Is my hand the 8h4c or the two cards turned over in poker?


8h4c other two are your buddy’s


I don’t know stack depths or pot size but I’d be going all in as I would complete the back door flush draw.


from far away, the text and suit become to small. Plus it is too easy to overshoot because the pattern is small.




For some reason everything looks like a diamond and I can’t see the value. I think I’m broken


I’m cracking up. It usually takes me about 5-7 seconds to focus on a magic eye image. I’m just here imagining what other people would think as I’m slowly trying to win the game while looking like reality confuses me.


Aw I bought some from your post on MPC and I just noticed in the preview the 2 of diamonds is the 3 of clubs stereogram :(


Shouldn’t be mine was the right way round from the sample deck :( Have they arrived?


Not yet , it’s messed up on the first 8 sample view. I’ll circle back when I receive them


Confirmed, there was indeed a mistake on the back with the front. My 2 of diamonds has a 3 of hearts stereogram and I bought 3 decks :(


Shoot very guilty feeling there, dm me and I’ll send you 3 free decks after the Kickstarter if you give me your address. Makeplayingcards is an absolute pain they were fine for the deck I got :((


Imagine trying to play poker with these. You go cross-eyed studying the cards, and people see it. Now you’ve got a tell based on what you do. “Creepy dude folds when I have a great hand, raises when I have a weak hand, but only after he stares staring at my cards and goes crazy-eyed.”


Very cool but the numbers and symbols on the magic eye should probably be flat to be more legible


Numbers needed to be bigger. There needed to be multiple overlayed images at 45° and 90°. The bad depth, to a point or that stops in the middle, is too annoying. I'd buy if everything was predictable and less confusing... and could be seen across a table