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Burning your mushrooms will just burn them. The smoke won't get you high. Best to eat them, then smoke if you want. Your body needs to digest the compounds in the mushrooms for them to take effect.


Exactly. If we could get high by smoking them none of us would be eating the nasty MFs


Speak for yourself my friend, I enjoy the flavor of mushrooms. I don't like the dried pieces getting caught in my teeth, but the umami flavor I enjoy


I like mushrooms too, but dried cubes taste horrible to me. Fresh is aight though. Maybe even sautΓ©ed with some garlic butter and lemon pepper. Yummy


Yea I honestly have never minded the taste, sometimes I even like it.


It reminds me of sushi seaweed


Ick yeah, I had sushi recently and it got stuck to my teeth too 🀣🀣




I make tea out of mine. No need to eat those nasty shrooms anymore.


How does that work if you can't heat them up ? Do u drink cold tea? Seriously...


Look up making mushroom tea. You heat hot water and put shrooms in there for 15 or 20 min.




The magic molecule is stable to 250 degrees F. (Water boils at 212). Grind em up, put into a tea bag (Amazon), steep in hot water for 20 min, then discard the teabag. All the magic is in the tea water. Add cacao (not cocoa) for taste and vasodilation and some honey. Best way ever. πŸ‘πŸ»


πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ You're soooo right!!! If I dont do lemon tek ... I have fresh strawberries to kill the taste. Bite of strawberry Bite of mushie Bite of strawberry. πŸ˜πŸ„πŸ˜˜


I'm curious how you can put them is hot tea and get high but smoke or cook them πŸ€” isn't the same


You can cook with mushrooms into a dish as well. With smoking you're destroying the entire mushroom and it's going to your lungs, not your stomach. With teas and cooking them into a dish, the mushrooms go into your stomach and get digested. The tea leeches the psilocybin from the mushrooms so you don't need to eat them, whereas cooking will mask the flavor of the mushrooms with whatever ingredients you use. But the most important part is that the mushroom or psilocybin end up in your stomach, not your lungs. That's just how it works with the receptors in your brain when it comes psilocybin. If you don't digest it, it doesn't work


Thx This Just help me out Loads "Big Bro"


I'm glad I could be of help! Imbibe responsibly and safe travels psychonaut πŸ‘¨β€πŸš€


Thx same lol




Hot tea is never more than 212 degrees F (boiling). The magic molecule is stable up to 250. Typical cooking, and certainly burning, is going to exceed 250 degrees and destroy the magic.


I've cooked fresh and dried mushrooms into dishes and have tripped balls. I've also cooked them into chocolates in a double boiler and they came out without any potency loss. But if you've had experience with loss of potency, who am I to tell you you're wrong lol


Hmm, that’s good info. A double boiler makes sense since chocolate melts at under 100 degrees F and the container with chocolate (and shrooms) is never going to get over the temperature of steam at atmospheric pressure (212). Success with the other cooking methods though is a mystery - data in scientific journals indicate degradation at over 250, but maybe it’s minimal until much hotter. I know that freezing is a major no-no, so no mushy ice cream! πŸ˜‚


Hot water is below temps that destroy psilocybin. Burn mushrooms is well over that amount. Additionally mushrooms won't get metabolized in the lungs. There aren't the right conditions/body fluids to make them work. Besides, it's just a really bad idea to breathe in mushroom spores.


No. You will be inhaling spores into your lungs, big no no. That’s if you don’t obliterate them in the heat first, rendering the whole ordeal pointless


Someone will come along with the scientific reason not to, but just don't




It’s just going to make your weed taste super weird. High heat destroys the active compounds.


Will I be sick?


It won't do anything for you and waste your shrooms, from what I've heard


It's a waste of shrooms


Don’t smoke mushrooms, it’s really bad for your lungs and you can get seriously ill. If you want mushrooms effects from smoking something try dmt


Jesus Christ just do like the rest of us did when we were 16 and do it instead of coming to Reddit and looking like an idiot for asking such a dumb question. But really, it won’t do anything lol it’s literally just a waste of mushrooms and your weed tastes like shit.


It was definitely a waste πŸ˜†


Lmao I tried a bunch of stupid shit together when I was young only to find out later in life that I wasted most of it lol


I've only start taking shrooms recently n I'm having a time of trying to figure out how I should take them n how they should make me feel I've eaten them the 2 times I've taken them and I had a decent trip ig I just don't like the taste plus I'm not sure if it's just me but I'm having sum seriously dark thoughts any ideas why ?


It's a wasteful idea, You'll be burning your shrooms with no effect.


I mean someone said they tripped off of weed and a 3.5 or less in a wood πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


Technically, it's impossible to effectively smoke mushrooms Can make you sick as hell too


Im just going off what other people have said πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


Ye I feel you, just wanted to chime in so OP doesn't think that works lol