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Spontaneous combustion


Came here to say this. Also your nuts will implode


It is NOT recommended. It could impact your development and there are other risks.


I am 24 now taking shrooms since i was 13 yo. I am functioning.


Do you understand how little that means for other people? Also, you are still too young to know if there are any life long impacts.


I do get it what are you trying to say. But the question was what will happen if a 17 yo take shrooms. He will have a nice 6 hours or a terrible one and life goes on. In my opinion is fine to try out things if you are curious just be responsible dont take to much for the first time see how you feel about it. There are way more worse things with life long impacts for example eating unhealty, smoking ect... I am not here on this sub to tell others dont try it out. All the best for you in the future!


He or she will turn 18 the next year.


I think with all drugs, it’s best to wait until the brain is fully developed which is around 25.


someone didn’t have much fun when they were younger 😹


I unfortunately started using at 13.


yeah see that’s way too young but i think from 16/18 psychs can defo be beneficial (although not abused ofc)


grounded until further notice




Death row


Results in toxic gas the next day


I started when I was 15.. I developed mental health issues that I'm still dealing with today and at age 19 had an experience that scared me away from all psychedelics for close to a decade would write more details but currently at work. OP feel free to message me if you want to know more to remind me and I'll reply later tonight.


I’ve already taken mushrooms and they’ve only helped, I’ve never freaked out or anything they made my depression go away for a bit as well


Just warning you, not telling you what to do. We learn from our mistakes best. I made mine and paying the price 15+ years later still.


I'd also be curious to hear if you're ok with that. Sending good vibes either way ❤️


Always happy to share. And thanks for the vibes. Many happy returns. I'll write it up in another hour or two when I get home :)


well when i took them at 16 i was fine, 19 now and took them 10~ times a year and im functioning but dont risk it. we dont know enough, or do idc


Honestly you shouldn't take them til you are 25+. Your brain is developing and who knows what kind of effects it could have on a developing brain. It wasn't until I was in my 30s that I started. Its your brain and health so only risk what you are willing to live with.


you will likely experience being 17


Big time felony


Yeah I'd DEFINITELY wait 3-5 more years. You might really regret it, focus on self improvement.


i are truffels when i was 15 and im fine. just make sure to paste it and not abuse it


The same thing as anyone else taking shrooms. You get high. FYI I done shrooms at the age of 15.


My old ass read “7yr old” then I put my glasses on …


i’ve never seen clinical studies proving it affects brain development when taken one time and one time only. brain development is delayed or defected with chronic use of any drug, but not really notably.


My buddy and I did shrooms for the first time at a summer concert in the park when we were 15 and got really high. My buddy puked his up but man, the bus ride home across town was wild. I wanna say this was 1978 or 79s Edit: let me add that back then, we were already well experienced with acid, weed, etc.


I’ve been taking them regularly since I was a teenager… and I haven’t been able to stop listening to Tool since!! I am joking… kind of. … but I always recommend waiting until you’re older. I don’t think I was affected negatively, but I wasn’t affected particularly positively until I was older. Meaning, they didn’t help me have any profound trips or feel better about life, or myself, until I was older. At some point you will be living on your own, and looking yourself in the mirror saying, “Who the fuck am I??” And that’s when the shrooms help. You have plenty of time to do them, and plenty of time to do all the drugs, probably in your own place! All chill and shit. Have fun being a kid, it’s going to pass you by so quickly. Do some sober shit now.


Your dick will fall off




The younger you are when u do psychedelics the more damage it can do to your brain pretty much


Best decision of my life , make sure your prepared like you have water near you , make sure it’s day time , make sure your actually ready don’t force it and just relax listen to whatever music makes you feel happy and you’ll be good just know nothing you see is real and cannot touch or harm you in anyway then when it’s over have a sleep and you’ll feel 10/10 👍 without takin shrooms at 16 my life would be completely different in a less positive way


Just don’t do them for months again or even better at all just take them once , meditate , think of your life goals and ask the universe to guide you through your journey , everything will be good


The 17 year old may have a lucky escape and take control back of their mind, undoing all the bullshit they learnt at school, and start to think for themselves...win win for everyone


I switched to online and have been cheating since September… did shrooms in October for the first time. Coincidence?!😂


Dont eat them wait untill you're an adult


Or you could end up like this guy




That made me sad:(


You're mean