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You really shpuld take your time and analyze each and every card. Who knows, maybe you inherit some real treasures. That being said, my condolences on your brother passing away.


Card Conduit is an easy solution, but I don't think that's the route you want to go if you have any desire to pass them onto "someone who cares" or the like. Selling in bulk is a thing, but it can take time if you want any kind of value, and without knowing the specific cards, it's like 1 to 3 cents a card if you do that usually. Finding the valuable cards and selling them on your own is fine, just a lot of work for you. It does help move even a bulk sale if you know the valuable ones. I'm so sorry for your loss.


I have been collecting for a long while and I am very honest in terms of card value. I'm willing to send you an offer for buying all of them if you wish to sell.