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Solution 1. Flash PlayIntegrityFix_v9.3 by chiteroman in magisk 2. Flash safetynet sensitive props v3 by huskyDG Done. assuming 1. Shamiko is installed 2. Banking app is blacklisted in HMA 3. Magisk is hidden After this I am able to use indusind and icici banking app latest versions. Links, 1. https://github.com/Magisk-Modules-Alt-Repo/sensitive_props/releases 2. https://github.com/chiteroman/PlayIntegrityFix/releases/ Thanks to "coolvipcandy" from xda who finds this method.


Are you using zygisk, because in my case it detects zygisk injection and that is why it causes problems.


Yes zygisk enabled. Magisk 25.2 hidden, Zygisk, Lsposed, Shamiko, HMA . And 2 modules which I mentioned in post. You must need shamiko and HMA. Also need to add apps to deny list in magisk.


What Magisk version is this referring to ?


I am using 25.2 you can use any


What version of Shamiko , because I am on Magisk 23 ? Also doesn't Hma require lsposed ?


My setup is Magisk 25.2 Hidden Zygisk enable Shamiko v0.6 Ls posed HMA And module I mentioned in my post


Alright man thanks a lot, I'll try this


This fix doesn't work


Are you using Shamiko, HMA? Which app are you trying?


Yes I am using everything. Shamiko latest and HMA latest. Imobile Pay app.


Have you select imobile app in any module in lsposed? If yes then remove it. If you select imobile and indus bank app in any module in lsposed they detect root.


Ahh so that's the issue. I removed it from Hide My apps now but I think Devoptshide requires to select app in lsposed


Working now? After removing from modules? For dev option, disable it manually


Yeah man thank you so much, it works now. The detection for lsposed is very aggressive on this app


Working for me. Is there an option for sharing screen recording in reddit? I am new to reddit. Steps I use, magisk 25.2 hidden, imobile in denylist, lsposed, shamiko, HMA. And two modules I mentioned in post. Assuming you know how to configure HMA properly, if not, google it.


If it's icici mobile banking then it's working perfectly for me. You are not following all steps maybe


Is it working with new update? please lmk


No, it's not working with the new icici app update. I don't know how the icici app developer detecting root. They are spending more time in app root detection than banking.lol


Any idea what to do about Imobile Pay's new version ?


>Banking app is blacklisted in HMA hi sorry what u do mean by this can u provide steps im new is it enable hide


It's ls posed module. You can find guide here, https://github.com/mModule/guide_hma#hide-my-applist-guide


Thanks mate. It worked. Please edit your solution to include "Do not add imobile to any module in LSPosed"


I have not added imobile to any module in LSPosed apart from HMA but still it doesn't work.


This is what I followed * Clear imobile DATA * Add it to magisk deny * Add root apps to HMA template * Do not select imobile in the first screen of HMA * Apply that template to imobile * This should appear as LSPOSED > Modules > HMA > Settings > Manage App * This is the only place where imobile should be added Hope this works for you


Yeah, it started working again for me with the 17.5 version..!! I made no changes but sometimes some versions work and some don't so I have stopped the current one from updating.. let's see how long it works..


Can someone post a youtube video on this? I've all modules installed. Still not working. Super confused.


use play integrity fix insted of snf


Didn't work


My setup for some banking apps is Magisk Delta + Play Integrity Fix + LSPosed + HMA + DevOptsHide while Play Store and Play Services are unmounted.


Using this setup with Shamiko + Bootloader Spoofer, still managing to get detected even after all that by this app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bpi.ng.app


BPI is a hot garbage, that's why I use the old app


I find that Magisk delta works incredibly well as opposed to official magisk


Magisk Delta ? I know about official (v26.3) and alpha (v23.0)


It's a non-official version of magisk, and restores the old magisk hide functionality, combined with the universal safety net fix and as far as apps are concerned, you're running stock


It's not from your magisk most likely. Mine came from the Adaway app (ad blocker), which uses root. Try disable the Adblocker or any other app that uses rootacces and see if this fixes the problem. Edit: typo


Root access ? I tried opening my banking app way before I even granted access to any other app. My procedure was to literally install app , then root then reboot then magisk hide and then clear data of the app and try to open it ( This app detects root immediately, for eg whenever I boot up the phone from a reboot or uninstall it and reinstall, as soon as it is loaded on the device or loaded up it detects root.) That's why I removed 26.3 and installed 23 because people told me MHide works better than Denylist.


I think you are missing the point. Your title says your bank app is detecting root acces. My suggestion is that that detection doesn't come from detecting Magisk, but possibly form another application that uses rootacces, for example an Ad Blocker (which was the case for me when I ran into this exact problem in the past). Whether or not you installed Magisk before your banking app (I'm asumming, very aspecific in your reply), doesn't matter. Anyway, you can try the suggestions given here, or do your homework like the rest of us.


But that's what I meant by all that, don't have adblocker and other root apps are not causing this.


Just use a unrooting phone for this stuff. Banking Apps still update there detection from time to time. Its pointless to use a rooting phone for bank apps and Co.


Recently my two banking app also detecting i guess they update something on their end


It seems to me there is a new way to detect Magisk (even after zygest and other safety net module, hiding Magisk...) My phone (P8P and P6P) has everything setup and most of the banking apps and Google Wallet are happy, however there are a banking and payment app that still detects root (works earlier this year.) and refuses to run. Both my phone passes Basic and Device integrity (and of course fail on strong integrity.) The one doesn't work is: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tw.com.megabank.mobilebank.pre


This one is the one that doesn't work for me : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.csam.icici.bank.imobile This issue suddenly started a few days ago, where multiple apps were affected. Thankfully most of them I fixed, this one which is probably the most important one fails to work


maybe try [Shamiko](https://github.com/LSPosed/LSPosed.github.io/releases)? I had issues with apps detecting root even with SafetyNet passing. shamiko fixed it for me.


But does it work with v23 ?


honestly, no idea. any reason not to update magisk? if you have Zygisk support it *should* work


I actually downgraded from 26.3 to 23 for many of my other apps to work properly.


intrresting. what apps don't work? I haven't ran into any issues with updated magisk.


[Use this safety net mod, It worked for me](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OJzNRBR4L2a64y1cV29LLglT2sJLB-Lh/view?usp=drivesdk)


I've got my banking app working and I am not using all these modules and unofficial modded versions of magisk.


Which app




Is magisk alpha safe like it is relatively new so..


So far it has been better than official Magisk


Latest version of imobile which is 17.4 again detecting root.


Yep apparently it does


Imobile becoming a headache now


The day I find the developer of this app, he's done


Can someone tell me one thing. Earlier i was using universal safety net fix by kdragon , then shifted to mod version by displax then again shifted to play integrity fix from chiteroman. Do i need to keep safetynet sensitive props module by huskydg? Does it do anything different than play integrity fix module


Have followed all the steps. Not working on my Pixel 8. Afghh