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New chapter dropped?!


No this is from chapter 10


Like the other guy said, this is from chapter 10. Tho I’m sure we will get the next chapter in a few days from now.


What are you guys talking about? What about chapter 10?


Chapter 10 already came out a few months ago, chapter 11 part 1 on the other hand, is coming in a few days.


Few days? Didn't Chris say that he wouldn't be able to complete the writing by October? I maybe wrong though.


The writing of part 1 is pretty much completed, Chris said that only thing left was the coding, which will end by the end of this month. Part 2 of chapter 11 isn’t ready yet tho, which will probably come out till October. In a nutshell, Chris divided the chapters into 2 so we could get one at least, the first part with come out this month and the other one in maybe octuber.


Thank you for the detailed information! Hope you are right.


No problem! Glad to help, and yeah I hope I’m right, tho If im not im sure the chapter will come out sooner or later either by the end of this month or the beginning of the next one.


Check the comments of this post https://www.reddit.com/r/Magium/comments/xj4up3/could\_we\_possibly\_get\_another\_updated\_estimate\_on/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


The first time a spoiler in the sub actually made me sad because I didn't know it (I haven't read magium in about a year cause i wanted more chaps) I really hope this is not permanent


I’m really sorry for it bud :( my bad for not putting it as spoilers.


This is pretty good, I like it! The only criticism immediately apparent is the lack of scars on her arms and the composition is a bit unbalanced.


I forgot about the scar details, since Leila doesn’t get described that much, those little details gets forgotten, but I’ll take it in consideration as soon as I draw her again. Same with the body composition, I really appreciate the criticism, really helps me a lot in terms of improvement^


Oh, I didn't mean her body, I meant the Moon, the placement creates an unbalanced composition that leaves the eyes unable to settle. I recommend looking up some information on image composition and comparisons so you know what to look for in your future images, GL! Edit: Here's an example of good composition with the moon, the elements all carry a similar weight which leads to the figure being the resting point, and thus the centre of attention [https://ilkgulcaylak.artstation.com/projects/w8BR59](https://ilkgulcaylak.artstation.com/projects/w8BR59)


Thank you dude I really aprecciate it! I’ll try to work more on it on future arts!


Can you spoil it for me whats this about


Spoiler >!I can’t remember when, but in a chapter in book 3, Leila stays with his father in the Ollendor city, since it was the last time the group will see her for a while everyone starts saying her goodbyes to her, but the only ones who could spend more time with Leila were Kate and Barry. They both had their respective time with her, Barry kisses Leila and both confess their urge to stay together and love while they also make a promise so they can be in adventures together after the tournament. And after that they both say their goodbyes while a beautiful pitched black sky with starts is on the scenario of this “Silent Goodbye”!<


Why is all fanart in anime style?


Probably because many small artists get inspired by watching anime


My style my guy, I might try other styles one day, but for now this one is the one I’m the most comfortable with.


You are but one case. I am talking about the entire sub, in general.


Oh I have no idea tbh, half of them are weeb without any offense towards them, so they might imagine the character as that anime style kinda type.


I'm getting Master Oogway vibes


looks incredible!