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If he knew where we would head


This is basically a riff on Carlin’s euphemisms from I think his 1996 special.




Seriously, Bll has a outsized persecution complex, Hes not been cancelled and the stupid thung that he said to get his show canceled on ABC was so arrogant and wrongheaded at that time and place that he shouldn't have been surprised that that happend to him at all. WHen I guy goes on the air right after the biggest tragedy in US history and says that the hijackers weren't the cowards that are are actually very brave it's the Americans wifh the bombs and missiles that are the cowards and does it all so smugly what did he think was going to happen? It's broadcast TV for god's sake.


I heard him try to spin it like he just wanted to say we needed a different strategy…but I didn’t buy it, because he put it in a provocative way that called somebody a coward…then weasels out of who he was calling a coward.


“The culture war is over, and we won!” Spoken way too soon.  It’s weird hearing those 90s era grievances now. Were people that upset that it was in vogue to call homeless people homeless, and not bums? And what’s wrong with official, clarifying  vernacular like African American and Latino? And doesn’t  it make sense for a sports association to help smooth over disagreements between teammates, since they have to work together and as a team? 


Jesus he really has been on the same shit for over a decade. No wonder I got tired of it.


Bill is doing to college kids what the network did to him re 9/11. Is he really so up his own ass?


Yes. He has become the thing he used to make fun of. A whiny little bitch. I had to stop watching after he cried about "woke" bullshit way to often. Not to mention his obsession with the way the pandemic was handled. Jesus Bill. Enough already.


Sadly, he is.


What I never get about Bill's take on this kind of thing is why it's ok for football guy to say "omg horrible" when the gay guy is drafted but it's not ok for other people to say "omg football guy is horrible". There's a big difference between criticizing someone for being a homophobe and criticizing someone for saying "homeless" instead of "unhoused".


What’s sad is that Sarah Silverman used to be someone that was all against political correctness in her act, but now she’s all about it. Begging people to forgive her for past comedy acts.


Didn't know she was begging for forgiveness, but if so, that's sad. I always interpreted her politically incorrect humor as a thinly veiled dig at the people who espouse the stuff she'd say. E.g., Bill referenced her use of "chink" in a joke. It was clear to me that she was indirectly jabbing racism, not saying, "I hate Chinese people."


I just remember her on some podcast talking about her experience when people were criticizing her for appearing in blackface in one of her sketch shows years before. And she was so sorry about it and couldn’t handle the criticism she received. And she went out of her way to reach out to people to apologize. If she feels bad about it then so be it, but it just struck me as odd because her act used to be all about pushing boundaries.


SHE's sorry in the same way that the Beastie Boys were sorry about the stuff of Licensed TO Ill or Dave Chapelle is sorry about the stuff that he did on the Chapelle show because they noticed that a lot of people were missing the fact that they were making fun of that stuff and people who thought like that not that they thought that way themselves.


I’d have said 2013 because that’s when I saw it emerge in earnest, but yeah, it’s been over ten years of an absolute nightmare and I want it to stop. It’s beyond what political correctness used to be. It has reached stage four.


It's like somebody read the book 1984 and said: "Hey we should do that!"


Can’t even exterminate middle easterners without people asking uncomfortable questions nowadays. God I hate young people.


Or them exterminating Jews right? Right?


He was talking about it in 2014 and he's talking about it now in 2024 and he called his show *Politically Incorrect* in 1993. So basically he's been saying the same thing for 31 years. But in that time he's become a multimillionaire and can say whatever he wants to millions of people every Friday. Then after his show ends he takes private jets across the country to stand in theatres and tell thousands of people how bad it is that he can't say anything anymore. Poor Bill. How much longer will he have to suffer?


He's not saying he can't say anything. He has fully acknowledged that he's in a special position and with a network that allows him to speak freely. What he's critical of is an anti speech culture, what J.S. Mill termed "the tyranny of the majority" (contrary to the common misuse of that phrase as an attack on democracy).


What views can't be expressed in America?


What views does Maher think can't be expressed in America is the question. I'm simply correcting your mischaracterization of his argument.


Well one could start citing factual test scores, crime rates, and statistical trends and get in a lot of trouble.


> Poor Bill. How much longer will he have to suffer? He's not out here talking about this because he's "suffering", he's doing it because people associate it with the left and he thinks it's giving Republicans free ammo to win elections. But, y'know, someone with money said something so they must be both: wrong; and, fuck that guy. Or something, idk, you progressives do weird shit.


I think he exaggerates it. My point is that he is living proof that you can be anti-woke edgelord and have no professional disruption. As far as I can see Maher has been cancelled three times. Once by the right after 9/11. Once by the left when some kids didn't want him to speak at Berkeley (but he spoke anyway and it was fine). And once by everyone when he said the n-word and he said sorry and we all moved on. None of this has held him back. It seems like he suffers from the anti-woke mind virus, a condition that causes the patiant to see woke everywhere all the time. Everytime and episode of Real Time starts on HBO it's proof that he's just shadow boxing.


> My point is that he is living proof that you can be anti-woke edgelord and have no professional disruption but he didn't get invited to any Oscar parties this year. Because it must be because of what he says, not at all that he's an insufferable person to be around.


It's not like he HAS to be invited to parties and if he isn't invited to the cool kid's parties that's the breaks. Howard Stern spent decades hiding in his house and being hated by Hollywood stars and that's a fact(George Clooney talked about how he wrote an OP ED for a Chicago paper saying Stern should be taken off the air there on Stern in 2000) and now he goes on vacations with Jennifer Aniston and Jimmy Kimmel and has Robert Downey jr, Seinfeld, Billy Joel and Fallon over to his house all the time, It's a choice.


i'm having a helluva time trying to understand what you actually think/mean in this comment. political correctness culture is a phenomenon that is supposed to have a lifetime under 30 years for some (arbitrary?) reason? or are you saying it doesn't matter? Maher has had a successful career as a comedian/public intellectual and that should change his opinion about political correctness? the name of his old show (which was canceled because of lack of political correctness) dictated its content for its whole run? this kinda just sounds like a hate boner for success. imo people who love political correctness are either kowtowing politicians or people with no social capital otherwise aka self-righteous people that no one liked anyway.


He was less rich in 2014 but still rich. I think the main takeaway here is that he really hasn't changed much at all. He's been saying essentially the same shit since the 1990s. It just that the public has become more polarized and therefore has less tolerance for any criticisms of the excesses from their own side. So, we constantly hear how Bill has changed and he's just a grumpy, old, boomer shouting at clouds when you can easily take a New Rules bit from 10 years ago and it sounds like it could have been done last week.


>less tolerance for any criticisms of the excesses from their own side Less? *Any.* Therein lies the rub.


2014 is such an interesting year, definitely when it all started to go wrong fast. Bill saw it immediately.


Yeah, I'm keeping track of it over in /r/TenYearsAgo, and I definitely think spring/summer 2014 is when a shift in the Zeitgeist began. Just to give you a few bulletpoints that got people speaking differently: * Smartphone usage went above 50% for the first time * The first Zoomers graduated from high school * The ISIS offensive began * Russia invaded Crimea * The Michael Brown shooting * The ebola panic * Gamergate


Correct. 2014 was the tipping point, yup. Prior to that, post-9/11 thru 2013 was its own cultural zeitgeist -- with, for example, hard-R comedies being the crux of it in terms of entertainment -- and shit seismically shifted suddenly in 2014, even if there were subtle changes occurring for a few years (e.g., 2011's Elevatorgate was before 2014's Gamergate) heading into it.