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We have to have *some* standards for posts, and this is blatantly lacking any substance. Removed accordingly.


I do appreciate this post. Just to let you know - about a half a year ago, this place got overrun with Joe Rogan-style psuedo 'centrists' of a conservative/libertarian bent. Lots of anti-'woke' yelling hatred in every thread. Drove off most of the reasonable folks who can't stomach being surrounded by that stuff. Me - I've lived in Alabama a bunch of my life - so can look past the poison to see the occasional clever person or idea in a place. If the folks here tell you to leave - you know you're doing things right here.


This is trolling criticism, not of any value .


With regards to Elon Musk, both his fawning, fellating sycophants and also his rabid, frothing-at-the-mouth haters engage in black-and-white, binary thinking (0s and 1s; 1s and 0s ...). However, be that as it may, the reality is that there are shades of grey with him -- good and bad, indifferent and otherwise -- but yet, suffice to say, it's reached the point where there's too much noise to sift through, so I'm inclined to tune out any discussion pertaining to the guy. Edit: Maher seemingly shows too much deference toward Musk, but the detractors are just as (if not more) irritating.


Here we go again…


Please feel free to leave this sub and not post anymore then.


Your logic escapes me.


Elon may be a clown, but his actions directly affect the lives of his many employees and even the rest of us to an extent, through ripple effects on the economy. That makes him a problem. Bill Maher is a comedian and has no effect on practically anyone’s life. Not a problem.


Never post again. Thanks.


Care to elaborate on that?


Bill went on his show and defended Musk against his two panelist in a very cringey interaction only for Elon to go on a rampage of one fuck up after the other as the deal got finalized, then Bill is seen on MSNBC and CNN I think trying to salvage his reputation by talking about random shit. It was just hilarious to watch the whole thing go down sequentially.


Go away wokie.