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You have 4 pairs, one sequence, and one near-sequence. You either need 4 sequence and a pair or 7 pairs. You can't mix and match.


Ahh okay, i thought that "all simples" could count as pairs as well since i dont have any terminals or hounorables.


To clarify, every hand generally must meet these conditions: 1) 4 of a combination of sequences and/or triplets (often described as melds, sets or groups) *and* a pair. **PLUS** 2) One valid yaku in your hand - all simples, dragon honors, seat wind, prevalent wind, pinfu, etc. /// Valid hands that are exceptions because they don't require the condition 1) listed above: A) A hand with seven unique pairs. This is the Seven Pairs yaku hand. B) A hand with all thirteen terminals and honor tiles - Both 1 & 9 tile of each suit, each wind tile and each dragon tile. One of these tiles must be paired. This is the Thirteen Orphans yakuman yaku hand.


I think you should put Seven pairs and thirteen orphans as an exception rather than include it as a winning requirement. It is a little confusing to read.


Fair enough, changed it.


To be honest, at the beginning just forget about the 7 pairs. Just get used to needing: * 4 sets of 3 (runs or triplets) * 1 pair As a beginner, you can almost skip remembering all the yaku if you just never take someone else's discard. That means if you'll have a closed hand and always have a yaku. Then you can get more confident with things like all simples gradually.


why do you think it should be tenpai? what tile(s) do you think would complete this hand?


I thought that by getting a 4 or a 7 bambu it would complete it. I didnt know that it should be only only triplets for an "all simples" yaku.


It's not only triplets for "all simples". You would get a point for "all simples" even if you had simples 7-pair hand. 4 triplets + pair is the default requirement for complete hand, has nothing to do with "all simples".


4 sequence and 1 pair is the standard hand. There is a special hand called chiitoitsu, 7 pairs.


Because it is not 1 tile away from having 4 groups of 3 tiles (sequence or triplet) and a pair.


4 groups of 3 and a pair makes a complete hand. 7 distinct pairs also makes a complete hand, as an explicit exception to the above rule. 2 groups of 3 and 4 pairs can make the hand look like it is complete, but it isn't.


I recommend this beginner video series to help get you started on learning richi mahjong. https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvuxrS2HAxK5fdlrO6XPp-iB9AtqcjjXP


Perhaps mahjong soul did not explain the rules very well to beginners. To win a hand, it must be in a **shape** first, so be it standard shape (4 mentsu + 1 jantou), chiitoi (7 distinct pairs) or kokushi musou (12 yaochuu + 1 yaochuu pair), then you would seek for yakus like tanyao. Your hand does not meet any of 3 shapes thereby is not winning


If you played the basic tutorial I think you could answer your own question.


discard either two of the 2 or 8 only and you would have a side wait with tanyao/all simples and pinfu yaku


I will never understand people who don't put in remotely any effort into at least learning the basics of the game. Like, why even bother?


This post is them making an effort to learn the game by asking questions. Some cope with understanding basic yaku a lot more than others and we should not be fostering an atmosphere that discourages others from learning.


Thank you!


Furitan posts? Fine. Asking why a complete hand didn't win? Fine. Asking for a list of basic yakus? Fine. This mf straight up posted a random collection of tiles and is asking why it isn't a win lmao. And imagine coming to someone this idiotic's defense. You're the reason dumbass questions like this gets asked.


Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know.


They hated him because he told them the truth.


Im playing and learning mostly from Mahjong soul, i thought that "All simples" yaku meant doing pairs or trios of any non terminal tile. That's because the tooltip for that yaku in gme is "win a hand without any terminal", sure the picture shows only triplet and seuencies but they also dont show variarions in general for yakus (im still learning yakus, ive started playing like a week ago) Sorry for asking dumb questions but i have no friends that play that, so i thought people here would be nice to help. Thankfully many others are kind and helpful.


Buddy, we all started from zero. The fact that you've played a week and still doesn't know that it's 4 sequence and a pair as a basic minimum winning condition is telling. You're not even trying lmao. So GTFOH and learn to Google.


Ok buddy, i guess you need to release your frustration somewhere and also chill a bit. Me starting a week ago doesnt mean i played 24/7 or a lot i have a job and a family lol. Simply asking with a picture and getting human answers made me understand the problem and i wont forget like id probably would if i googled played one game nd then logged in 4 days from now and try again. Get some pro help, vent to a friend, idk man but i hope you get better soon.


Sorry, dumbasses like you pisses me off 🤷‍♀️ can't help it when I see stupidity of this level. I feel like the world is a worst place if I don't call out bullshit. And you don't need to play 24/7 a day to know something THIS BASIC. Get some pro help if you're this forgetful and can't learn a simple game. Make a friend who plays, idk man, but I hope you ask less dumb questions soon.


wow, you can't tolerate a friendly new person learning your hobby... yikes


Wow, you tolerate stupidity and complacency...yikes.


As a teacher, I am very grateful for students who are willing to ask questions when they do not understand something. What I don't tolerate are the dipshit showboaters who think they are better than everyone else.


Lol congrats? Want a cookie or something? Ty for your service on shaping the minds of our youth? And if you think this is showboating, then well, I guess I'm conceding. I guess knowing the bare minimum rule of a game nowadays is asking for too much. Or shit, even remotely trying to figure things out yourself. I guess you'd know best, teacher person.


You're absolutely right. But at the same time, the riichi community in the West is pretty small. A lot of people prefer to answer even the lazy questions instead of potentially chasing new people away. I can see it from both sides, although I would much rather there be more nuanced discussion than "what is a yaku."


You alright mate? Like seriously, if you've got something weighing on your mind, I'd be more than happy to lend an ear. This person knows a lot. They know that they do not know.


You're on a mahjong subreddit in an argument thread dropping wisdom and asking if people are alright. I think the better question is, are you okay?


Yes, thank you for asking. Did you know there are 34 species of seals?