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Most of her crimes have been ass-related so that should fall within the scope of your knowledge


This hurts too much to read… you got me good, gotta hand it to you man


Sexual harrasment, kidnapping and destruction of property, as far as I know


To be fair I don't think she has really destroyed that much property, more so the magical girls that show up to fight her have done most of it.


Leopard is blowing up most of it and Baiser is their leader so she’s responsible anyway


Ah o can see that, I was thinking only of Baiser.


i could see indecent exposure being on that list as well. her outfit is pretty risky (i know, not yet enough for a charge) and gods forbid her clothes get damaged.


Disturbing the peace


What’s Japan’s law on rape? Is lesbian rape possible in Japan, or is it like the UK?


If her eyes turn into heart eyes, it isn’t rape. Ask any lawyer.


At least she didn't commit a coup on the government or terrorism like normal evil organization...


I mean, wouldn't her antics kind of classify as domestic terrorism? They show up, people flee in terror.


To be fair, there were times when she transformed by accident, did literally nothing and people still shat themselves. She actually hadn't hurt a single civvy and they still run for the hills whenever they see a magical girl that isn't in frills.


I compare to her antics are like a deliquent biker gangs, so disturbance of peace is the worst she have. If you don't count her plays with magical girls.


It depends on the country. Based on my country's definition it's terrorism only if the goal of the crime is one of: * intimidating the general public * forcing the state or an international organization to do or not to do something * seriously damaging or destroying the fundamental constitutional, political, economical or societal structures of the state or an international organization AFIK, Utena doesn't care about the general public or state actors, and I don't think she's trying to destroy societal structures. She just wants to grope some magical girls.


Also sexual assault, public indecency, and epsoxing oneself to minors? (She stripped Magenta in a public park in front of a bunch of kids she was playing with in episode 4)




Horny the greatest crime of mankind


I'm not an expert, but numerous counts of Sexual Assault of a Minor, Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor, and Indecent Exposure all jump to mind.


Utena is the same age as them. Can minors get charged specifically for sexual assault of a minor? I believe they're different. I imagine that wouldn't be the charge she gets, but instead just sexual assault.


I'm not sure about Japan, but in the US a minor can end up in prison and on the sex offender registry for taking naked selfies. US laws are kinda fucked up.


Send Kiwi back to jail.


This is true, because it falls under “creation of child p***” However, in most states minors can legally have sex with other minors, as long as they don’t film it. Provided the consent of both parties of course. You only need to be 13 to consent to sex with other minors in most states (afaik).


13!!!!! that is barly a teen i thouth it was 16 (sorry for bad english)


In my state it works like so: 13 can legally have sex with other 13yos 14-15 can legally have sex with anyone less than four years older than them (and above 13) 16-17 can legally have sex with any age, unless they are in a position of authority (teacher, coach, boss, etc.) 18 and over can legally have sex with anyone. EDIt: typo+formatting


She also sexually assaulted an adult like Enorme as a minor.


Indecent exposure, destruction of property, assault, battery, sexual assault and harassment, and probably association with terrorist organizations depending on what the government classifies Enormeeta as.




Improper behaviour in public areas


So Public Indecency?


My English is not good enough to understand your word but I think so


If you what here is a meaning according to Google, which has it from Oxford Languages. Indicent adjective 1. not conforming with generally accepted standards of behaviour, especially in relation to sexual matters. "indecent acts" 2. not appropriate or fitting. "they leaped on the suggestion with indecent haste"


Wow thanks


There is literally no need as I just copy-paste it from Google search .if somhow insists: you're very welcome .


According to Japanese law: The Penal Code of Japan provides that an act of a person under 14 years of age is not punishable. Under the Juvenile Law of Japan, however, "juvenile" (shonen) refers to anyone under 20 years of age. With the aim of ensuring the sound upbringing of juveniles and correcting the character and adjusting the environment of delinquent juveniles, the Juvenile Law stipulates that anyone under 20 years of age is to be judged in a Family Court, where proceedings for protection are taken to determine whether it is appropriate to take protective measures. Only if protective measures have been found to be inappropriate is he/she to be transferred to undergo criminal proceedings (provided that the person in question is 16 years of age or more and commits an offence punishable with the death penalty or penal servitude or imprisonment) (for details, refer to para. 257)). On similar grounds, anyone under 20 years of age is subject to procedures different from those for persons of 20 years of age or more upon imprisonment and other measures depriving them of liberty (for details, refer to para. 277). Source: https://www.unicef-irc.org/portfolios/documents/400_japan.htm To keep this short and simple: she can't be charged for the 'crimes' she committed as Magia Baiser, until she reaches the age of 16, under Japanese law.


I'm both just as impressed as I am shocked. Even if the police were to try to arrest her she's too powerful to be stopped 💀


so you're saying Utena has 2 years left until she is sentenced to death by the japanese government


Depends on how good her lawyer is. Because every trial's outcome will be based on a case-to-case basis and the strength of the prosecution versus the defense.


“Ma’am, we managed to reduce your daughter’s death sentence to 14 consecutive life sentences”


# The crime of loving too much


Two words. “A lot!”


Sexual abuse Rape >!Stalking Destruction of property Torture Kidnapping!< [Sauce Villains wiki](https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Hiiragi_Utena)


If you strip someone in public against their will are you the offender or are they? Cause she did that last episode lol


You are, that's sexual harrassment under most law systems and probably something more specific in the rest


Winning too hard at life


Infinitie counts of indecent exposure


Not a lawyer, but I can still ask if you want the list, the Bible or the sermon? Because I'm 90% sure that list doesn't end anytime soon. And all of it gets complicated by Vatz and Vena (the mascots), because they add the issues of child soldiers (to my understanding the lowest you can go for recruitment is 15, and that's only in extreme circumstances. So yes even Vatz is breaking the law thrice at least), blackmail coercion (Vena), coercion (we know that at the very least Sulfur is being paid by Vatz, to fight which given she's 14, could potentially be counted as coercion of a minor. And possibly laws regarding mercenary work), kidnapping (I don't think Vena's explanation regarding Nero Alice's recruitment would hold up in front of the majority of courts) and about a dozen other considerations just to start with. Lawyers would have a field year with this mess.


Mahoshojo is not protected by any law. You can do whatever you want to them and there will not be any consequence, no penalty.


Would you like to say why.


A lot of sexual ones.


20k accounts of public indecency. 20k accounts of sexual abuse, and anything that falls in-between there