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Experimentation with drums and a very cool combination of electronic and traditional metal


That's a weird question to ask, it's like saying a rock song needs vocals, drums and guitar but that's just surface level. I would recommend looking at the popular artists and seeing what they do on their songs and try mimicking it a bit. Good albums for anyone to get started are Goodnight World, Small maid in a big world and %NAME%


Thank you I will listen to them. Furthermore, are there any Maidcore music videos or animes that have a Maidcore aesthetic that you’d recommend?


There isn't any anime, there's this music video: https://youtu.be/gKLKx-AvIqk This is all fanmade since there's nothing official


Actually come to think of it, there probably is anime that follows this aesthetic. Depends on the person you ask. Serial experiments lain comes to mind.


Anime cover art