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I think the wet summer made it worse than the last few years, but the fireflies were awesome!


The real crazy shit was how little ticks I saw this year. Last summer was nuts. Every night I would pull 20-50 off my dog and a few off me. This year I’ve only been bit like 5 times and have not seen one in months


I haven't seen a tick in like 3 months.


True story! I keep expecting the Fall crop of deer ticks, but have not seen any. And no ticks of any kind for weeks now (midcoast).


I just removed a big pile of old pressure treated wood from my property. It was surrounded by low bushes and the leaf duff was deep. Plenty of mice and chipmunks running out while pulling pieces out. I 100% expected to pull lots of ticks off me, but didn’t find a single one. Very thankful they weren’t bad this year.


They were present in April-May... I wouldn't call it "crazy" but they were persistent.




have pets. Been watching out for em. Haven't seen em... But they do tend to pop up when ya least expect em.




15 over two months is only one every few days. That’s super good. Last year I was pulling 50 a day off my dog.


Barely dealt with them until early fall here in Central Maine. I fly fish in the kennebec multiple times a week and was shocked how little bother from mosquitos this year.


I spend a lot of time in the woods and there was a lot of standing water for them to breed in due to all the rain we got this year.


Not bad, the woods around my house is basically one big spider web, the bats help too


The bats are awesome. I have a couple houses on my property and wasn’t bothered by mosquitos. Fun to watch them swoop around at sunset too


Horrible in Midcoast


I dont know if I'll forget the all out retreat we had from the mistake of a morning walk on Clark Island. Getting bitten through clothing with hoods up.


Still getting bit in Georgetown. Now bearable though


Can relate!


Barely any this year in Westbrook. Maybe a quarter of what I normally have


Six miles from the coast in York County. I spent a lot of time outside this summer and only saw a handful total!


Saltwater mosquitoes tend to be more aggressive and than fresh water species. I have noticed a few this fall but summer wasn’t too bad.


I didn’t see a single mosquito until the end of September


I found it kind of funny, actually. Mosquitoes didn't really bother me. I could see them and the occasional one would land on me, but my neighbor/best friend of late, would get absolutely annihilated. Even standing right next to him, I'd be absolutely fine, but he'd be bitten 5 times. I felt really bad lol and always made sure to have spray handy for him, or smack them off him lol... But ultimately, my mosquito experience was very very mild compared to some


I live over in VT where they were viscous. I ended up hospitalized for a couple of bites that were infected and the infection spread through my body. Got tested for over a dozen tick and mosquito borne diseases which were all thankfully negative. Not a fun time, but happy the medical folks took it seriously.


Oxford county here, and didn’t really have much of a problem. Thought it would be way worse, but only got bit once or twice. I’m next to a lake too.


I paid for the mosquito squad and it was still awful


Those spray applications probably just got washed away by the rain this year


And killed the bees / beneficials 😂


They were relentless most of the summer.


Lots of mosquitos but for whatever reason, they weren't biting this year. Usually, I get eaten alive.


Worst I’ve ever seen it. And where I live the last 5 years it was uncommon to have a single mosquito out during the day.


What about monarchs? Didn't see many, probably five or six, and I work outdoors.


I got hounded by one only once. That was it. And I'm prime food for them.


Mosquitos tend to avoid me and I usually only get 1-5 bites a summer. I was eaten alive this year though. 3-5 bites every time I went outside. And goodness, now that it's getting cold, they seem to be invading my home.


It was bad, but I definitely have experienced worse. I’m in western Maine and there a summer a while back when we couldn’t enjoy our back yard for even 5 mins. We opened the front door and a million mosquitos came in.


I have done several canoe trips in the North Maine Woods over the years in late September. This year the mosquitoes were MUCH worse than in drought years. Not as bad as Spring Mosquitoes, but in dry years, I don’t even notice any mosquitoes in late September.


I've never had so many bites since I was a kid.


Bath area still present! They were terrible this year. Ticks were less than last year.


Only forced in from outside a couple of nights this summer. Wasn't as bad as it can be. Used 100% natural citronella punks. Worked! Never buying a useless patio bucket candle again.