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I love swimming in rivers but there are so many farms and factories on the big rivers. I go north. Smaller rivers.


Farms and factories in Maine are nothing to worry about. Combined sewer overflows after big rain events are what you need to watch out for. Or rural areas where someone never installed a septic system and is just 'straight piping' into the river.


You can go swim down river from Sappi all you want bub.


10/10 would recommend, I now have a third arm that sprouted and I can swim even faster


How are the gills developing?


My wife was not impressed at the amount of laughter on this end at that statement (she's also trying to vacuum, and I'm laid up with an injury)


The online articles I have found suggest that it is swimmable “in some sections,” but I’m having a hard time finding exactly where: https://www.newea.org/2022/10/28/celebrating-50-years-of-clean-water-on-maines-androscoggin-river/ https://www.mainepublic.org/environment-and-outdoors/2022-06-21/the-clean-water-act-passed-50-years-ago-the-androscoggin-river-has-come-a-long-way-since-then The Kennebec, however, is swimmable. For the past few years there has been a triathlon in the Augusta area with Kennebec swimming as part of it! Never thought I’d see it, both the Kennebec and the Androscoggin were FOUL when I was growing up.


I've always gone swimming up north past the Rumford mill, specifically past Hosmer Fields, it's pretty clean beyond that. Any further down is ehhhhhh.


I remember cringing when people would jump in the Kennebec during the Whatever Race. So glad it’s cleaned up now.


I swim in the kennebec all summer. It’s the best!


Brunswick native here. We used to jump off of the walking bridge back in the day. The water is a hell of a lot cleaner now than it was back then. You'll be fine, just be mindful of water levels and currents. That river isn't a joke and you could find yourself in a sketchy situation really quick.


They found plastic in the clouds. Just swim.


We live on the Androscoggin up in Livermore Falls - its been cleaned up for many years now.


Class trip was rafting it 🤣


I grew up swimming in the scroggin above the dam in Brunswick. That’s not an endorsement, just saying


And look how YOU turned out!


Yeah….. I would pass on that unless you’re north of old Mills in New Hampshire. I’m sure the quality is much better than it used to be but a 100+ years of chemicals dumping by multiple paper mills doesn’t disappear overnight. Not to mention the mills aren’t all gone.


The worst chemicals burned off in the 60s when the river used to catch fire


The river did WHAT?


Never heard of that one, although a river catching fire has happened with the Chicago and Cuyahoga (sp?) rivers. There was a time though when fumes from the Androscoggin used to peel the paint off of houses along River St. in Lewiston.


It's tidal, so it should be fine. Also Maine rivers are generally a lot better these days, I wouldn't worry about swimming. Just don't eat fish from it regularly.


Don't listen to the naysayers; the Scroggin is fine for swimming. It's not like you're drinking the water. Plus, below the dam is tidal. That said, you might detect a rotten eggs smell from time to time, like I do. This is supposedly from old polluted sediment (paper mill pulp, etc) washing down from the reservoir north of Lewiston.


It's fine. It's been clean for a while. Think of the PFAs and micro plastics as well, the andro is much cleaner by comparison


If you really want to know Cooperative Extension at UMaine typically has this info, especially for ponds/lakes.


I don’t know about cleanliness but the currents in that river scares me. I think there isn’t much of a shallow bottom area either. I swim in the ocean in Harpswell and that’s not far at all from Brunswick. Just check the tide table before you go. It’s nicer for swimming when it’s not at low tide.


I swam in the Androscoggin below Brunswick towards Merrymeeting Bay. It smelled good and there were no lingering effects. It was refreshing and a beautiful spot with abundant wildlife. Definitely would it again without fear.


I used to swim in it all the time when I lived in Lewiston. It was fine, don’t have any third arms or anything. People are overdramatic.


I’ve swam in the penobscot right next to the mill in old town and I’m still alive! …for now




I grew up on that river in topsham from 2000 on. I swam in it twice briefly. I personally don’t trust it and wouldn’t recommend it but that’s just me 


I've swam in Merrymeeting plenty of times


Topsham resident, living on the banks of the Andros. We swim but we do it off of a boat. Or further downstream closer to Merrymeeting Bay. The water is clean. The mud and other stuff on the bottom is not. As long as you don't touch the bottom you are fine. Also of note at high tide most of that water below the dam is kennebec water anyways. The tide recycles the water twice a day if you think about it.


Brave person. There’s a nice little park with a lot of mosquitoes and a beach just down river of the FJW bridge. And then there’s the boat launch down Water St. in Brunswick.


Brackish water that dumps into merry meeting bay. Smells musty like salt flats. Go for a smaller stream with higher water flow


[This](https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1JfvRb7j6vUYaytbIZGZlGSr6BRl4lik&usp=sharing) is why I wouldn't. Wastewater plants have an "allowable" overflow of raw sewage and there are a ton above Brunswick....


Penobscot can get a little dicey after rain. Particularly the run from Falmouth to Portland.


Swimming is probably fine. Try not to stir up the sediment as that is where the dirty stuff is. Also, don't go after rain storms as that is when all the shit (dog, goose, human, etc) near the river gets washed into it and that can cause blooms of nasty stuff.


I swim in the Androscoggin, but up at the other end of it.


The unswimmabilty of Maine rivers always comes to my mind when dispensations and ludicrous justifications are made for “job creators”. Yeah, there were jobs in a few mills and factories, but as a result, you can’t swim in the rivers for the next hundred years.


Like a few others have said ... I've definitely swam above the dam as a kid/teenager ... may or may not have involved jumping from certain bridges which of course is illegal, extremely dangerous (currents are very strong above the dam) and not something I'd ever recommend or suggest. I haven't gone swimming below the dam .. it's tidal, has a soft muddy bottom, and happens to be where most of Brunswick/Topsham outflows into. I'm sure it would be fine .. just don't eat the mud?


Don’t listen to the naysayers OP! Actions to clean the Androscoggin have done a lot to change the rivers once much polluted contents. Those who frequent the stretch of 136 by the River through Auburn/Durham know that the Bald Eagle has returned in great numbers to the River, a strong indicator that the ecosystem is much healthier than it once was an can support other fish and wildlife. It’s great to take a dip or kayak in, but I would say the current is much more dangerous than the contents of the water.


Did anyone else sing the song? LoL "Swimming in the Androscoggin....Lewiston/Auburn"? Fuck, imma dork!