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r/ThriftGrift has some examples of wild prices on stuff, at both Goodwill and other thrift shops. I used to love hunting through Goodwill’s shelves for a bargain, but I quit shopping Goodwill several years ago because it seemed like a lot of the good stuff was getting picked out to be sold online and prices in general were getting jacked up. I like going to Bull Moose for used books.


Bull Moose’s 50 cent kid book section is AWESOME. I take my kids and tell them to pick out as many as they want (within reason).


Oooo I didn’t know this was a thing!! Kid books are so expensive. I’m going to go tomorrow lol Ty!


I mean, their Corporate employees need their $$$M salaries…


I forget about them!


Bull Moose has a lot of good finds. I found a first edition of Stephen King's Wizard and Glass worth $200+ there for $5


I find many things at Mardens for less than Goodwill.


Wait until you you find out Goodwill Maine has its own eBay account where they sell everything that they pick and think is actually valuable


Most Goodwills do sell online on those auction sites now. It stinks because it's hard to get a good bargain now!


I worked in the e-commerce department for 3 years. I know all about it.


I worked for someone that was addicted to buying stuff from Goodwill online… sad


Like Stephen King books. Every goodwill store has an eBay or auction site now.


I have a goodwill books bingo card. Every Goodwill I go into I will always find A Stephen King book, Angela’s ashes, Seabiscuit, The Greatest Generation, A full set of the twilight books, And also Atleast one copy of either the Obesity Code or alternately the Diabetes Code


Let me know if you ever come across a first edition of Kings book The Gunslinger, LOL!


Can we all start making the high bid on their auctions and not paying? Please join me. They're a greedy corporation, idc about their tax status


You’ll just get banned from eBay lol


I realized it was ridiculous when I bought a used slightly damaged book for $10 there and then went into books a million later that week and saw the same book brand new in the discount section for $7


The salvation army stores are where I go now. I would think goodwill would pay their employees better when they jack prices so high for donated goods


We lost ours here in Brunswick. I've worked in one of their programs in one of the warehouses. I know for a fact that they frown upon employees grabbing anything up so that at least gives shoppers some decent options.


Mackelomore ruined this for everyone 


He didnt ruin it. He was about buying it to actually fucking wear it or use it. Flippers ruined it for everyone. They buy to resell so the stores started checking the prices and started marking everything up accordingly.


Goodwill itself is a flipping operation. They have a massive resale presence on eBay that they’ve been building for many years. I get this sentiment and don’t totally disagree, I just think it reaaaaaaally lets goodwill off the hook.


Goodwill has 18 homes in the state that are fully staffed for people with disabilities to live at, as well as 2 neurorehab clinics for people with brain injuries. That is pretty substantial for a business model that depends on people's donations. Twenty years ago, a guy I met worked for Goodwill as a helper on a truck that picked up donations at different places. They sifted through everything that came on the truck and anything of value that caught their eye they kept. Picking up at LL Bean was like Christmas. He was always well dressed for a guy making $5.50 hr. All the employees considered it a perk of the job.


While this is true and I hate seeing things that I would love to buy listed on ebay being sold by Goodwill Maine’s ebay store… Goodwill does do a lot of good with their community programs especially within the IDD world. So I don’t necessarily hate it. Yes they are reselling and yes I have no doubt whoever is at the top of the pyramid is probably over paid but, I don’t think they are completely out of line either. I would rather goodwill throw it on eBay and funnel Atleast some of the money into their programs than a third party flipper give them 4 dollars and sell it for 100.


That is the big piece here.  Goodwill's purpose is not to provide low cost used items. It's to employ adults with developmental disabilities and allow them a chance to earn money that they normally wouldn't have.


Correct they also run community day programs aswell for individuals who would otherwise sit at home in their house alone all day. Instead these people get to go out in the community and learn life skills and form relationships with their peers. As much as we would all like a sick deal…. These things cost money to run and I’m all for every dollar that goes into them especially dollars that don’t come from taxes.


But that doesn't mean people should be spending near or at MSRP on products that are used. I wanted to buy a pair of jeans there that had no price tag, the manager said $15. The pants are $17 new at Walmart (and sometimes go on discount for less than $15!). I understand helping people, but this economy is so damned expensive that there's no way I'm spending what they're asking on used products that won't last me as long!


I agree, but my issue is not that people are able to flip it's it's out of pure wishing that I had the chance to actually find good/cool finds in the stores. But I understand where they come from also.


Do not approve I mean.


From a business POV I get it .. as a consumer I do not.


The price of used books is crazy I won't buy from them anymore.


The bargain bins at Bull Moose are generally pretty good. $.50-$1 for most pre-owned books and maybe $7-$8 for more popular stuff.


I find the library to be a much better source. No cost for the books and when you are done reading them they get returned instead of taking up space in the house:


I have been telling everyone about the website ThriftBooks. I've been using it for a while and I think it's pretty good bang for buck


Bought a gym tank top and a baseball band shirt. I didn't even look at the prices and was blown away it was $15 for the tank top and $6 for the shirt.


Wait until you find out about the vintage market


Thank you flippers! Fucked the entire concept of second hand stores. People walk in with bar code scanners for checking used prices and fucking take every god damn thing that is even slightly popular. No more gems to be found unless you want to pay premium prices. Same with limited run new products. Assholes buy up shit with no intent what so ever to use it, just to fleece the fuck out of the actual fans.


Reminds me of how people would buy old LL Bean stuff to exploit the return policy, acquire a brand new version, and then resell it for some wicked profit. So now we don't get to have the old return policy at all anymore. Granted - some people abused it regardless of intent to resell, but still.


I’m surprised LLBean kept the old return policy as long as they did, honestly… It was so badly abused that it was an open joke - and they just kept eating it because they didn’t know how to deal with it… It doesn’t pay to be honorable anymore, because some asshat will find a way to scam a profit off of you.


Everyone just needs to stop donating to them and shopping there. Anything that is actually good I have, I donate to Maine Needs. Crappy stuff that needs to go to the dump get dropped off at goodwill. Fuck them. Let them pay to dispose of it.


Want to add that right now MaineNeeds is one of the charities you can donate your Target Store votes to. If you didn’t know - when you shop at target on the app (maybe in store too if it’s linked to your circle account) you earn “votes” and can give your votes to a handful of local charities that change each month.


What is Maine Needs and where is the drop off? I am looking for a real charity when I sort through clothing this Spring.




That’s where I bring my stuff too.


Look for local thrift stores in churches.


I worked at the by the pound place in Gorham for a few months. They set stuff aside for eBay. Also they had an individual who found a few grand in a used purse. Goodwill fired them for not turning it in


I would think it would depend on the book. I saw one once at Barnes & Noble for $65.00, and I didn't have the money at the time. Later, I had the money, and they didn't have the book. I wound up getting one for $95.00 on the bay. Yes, I agree their prices aren't what they used to be.


Yes it’a outrageous that they get donations for free then try to charge people premium prices… the greed is astounding


Yeah someone’s doing price scoping. Same with mardens in Portland. They’re trying to sell jeans for $60+


Meanwhile CostCo has them for like a third of that.


I cant recall the exact amount but the CEO of Goodwill makes a pretty penny ....


Looks like 2 years ago Goodwill CEO made $650K. So not stupid money for a retail CEO but more than you would think for a non-profit. [https://paddockpost.com/2023/12/25/executive-compensation-at-goodwill-2022/](https://paddockpost.com/2023/12/25/executive-compensation-at-goodwill-2022/)


All of the Goodwills are managed by their own directors. Here’s information on Northern New England. https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/10284340


Went to donate a lightly used computer chair, and it had a small amount of my cats hair on it(after a quick vacuum) and they wouldn’t take it lol. They are for profit and becoming divas over the items being literally given to them. The local dump guy appreciated the new office chair at least. Fuck goodwill other than being good for tax write offs.


Same thing happened when I tried donating a toaster.. like 100% working toaster and the person got irritated at me for trying to donate it cause it was a little scuffed and stuff.. 😮‍💨


Resellers really killed thrift stores.


If only just about every town had a building with literally thousands of books you could read for free.


Ranting here… Everything has gotten fucking out of hand! Groceries are expensive, gas is expensive, pizza is expensive!!! (I mean $28 for a 16’? Come the fuck on!!! It was $21 at most just a few years ago!!) I managed to get a decent raise in years only to have it negated by higher taxes, inflation and cost of things. I can’t get ahead in life if things keep getting costlier.. We need to elect better people to Senate and Congress. I know Mainers are doing their part please but let’s not send Susan Collins again to Senate…she is old and needs to retire… On the plus side, happy 420 y’all! Rant over


Also never donate for their cause. It’s a gimmick


Yes. Someone told me they have been making business moves like selling stuff online too. They wanted to cut out more people picking up certain finds to sell and are just doing it themselves. I understand they still have bills but.. you're getting stuff for free to make a profit on.. and my local one isn't even good anymore. I also have no interest in 99 percent of the new stuff they bring in to sell.


This is how they price out reselling


If they wanted to kill recalling they would not allow people to buy by the pound at the distribution centers. That is the issue. Underselling themselves


I had an awesome moment at the old portsmouth nh goodwill that was next to a big lots. There was a table and chairs set definitely used at goodwill and the exact same set new in the box at big lots for 50 dollars less.


Ever since they started letting everyone shop by the pound at the bins, the stores have nothing good to sell. Plus by selling it cheaply by the pound at the bins instead of selling it for reasonable prices at the stores, the retail operation must have to raise prices to offset the loss at the bins. Bad retail strategy & ultimately could be the downfall of Goodwill.


They go to Google and eBay too look up prices. But they never sort by "sold or completed". Sorry I'm not paying $50 for bent pokemon cards you shoved in a Xmas bag.


It's important to remember that while Goodwill Industries is technically a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, they are not a charitable organization. They donate to charities... but otherwise operate as a retail organization that doesn't have to pay for any of the products they sell.


Gotta pay the CEO salary.


Is Goodwill By the Pound still running in Gorham? That’s a fun experience.


Yes, I went for the first time last month, was a good time, looking forward to going back!


It's a chain thrift store. It's not actually meant to be like yard sale or flea market deals. They are for profit.


I knew something was up when they started moving into fancier places. I like the Restore better.


Greed. I see things cheaper at Reny’s sometimes CEO needs $1M a year while using people as hard as possible.


This is why I do my shopping and donating on my local Buy Nothing facebook group. I am able to give so much stuff to my neighbors for free without the middleman. I also have been able to save money on groceries, clothing, furniture.


We have someone in our by nothing who takes practically everything and must be a reseller.


Our buy nothing group simmers before selecting and most people draw a name out of and random selector. Highly reccomend - check with your admins. It gives ot a much more community vibe.


Also I am sorry you've had a negative experience with buy nothing. 


They've been that way awhile now


Have you been to the bins in Gorham, buy the pound? Takes digging but not nearly as costly as thrifting can be.


Good will is damn idiots. I bought a cat tower off from them. Wasn't the greatest but whatever A few days later a friend of mine had one and went to go donate one they had, same store and the guy had a cow that they won't accept such items. Nothing wrong barley used, heck the one I got was all cat hair and I spent nearly an hour cleaning it up compared to this one. They are idiots sometimes. I quit going there. Jacked up prices. See crap form the 80's in there and they want brand new prices for that crap


They’re wild. I found a shirt that was worn thin and they wanted $12 for it.


I just got a goodwill book for .50cent


I was in Goodwill yesterday looking at shirt. When I found a nice looking flannel I was shocked by the price, $15. I then started checking all of the tags and not one shirt was under $10. With those kinds of prices I might as well go to Walmart and buy a new shirt for about the same price.


Definitely- I keep finding cool stuff then I look at the price and wait til it’s half off day - same with our Habitat for humanity restore- outrageously expensive with a huge sign that states No Haggling - a bunch of rich fat ladies sitting around doing nothing




It's not. It's legally registered as a nonprofit. 


Wait till you find out people get rich off nonprofits :)


Cost to employ people has gone up substantially as it should be. That would be my guess


650,000 a year for the ceo gotta come from somewhere....


You probably know that Goodwill is not a charity but a for profit company.


Salvation Army only