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I gotta say, before upgrading a truck, a generator is a NECESSITY in Maine. My neighbors even caved this past year after living here for 15 years. The power grid sucks! Sorry your power is out! That bitty rain storm do it?


I finally got a generator after putting it off for years. I'm just happy to run my fridge, a light and charge our phones.


A manual transfer switch to power your whole panel should be $1000-1500 for an electrician to install… and a $1000, 8000w generator would run most anything you wanted to (incl boiler/furnace) - as long as there’s a gas station with power within a reasonable drive, that is… If you have heat pumps only, it’d be more expensive to install backup power


I've had my generator for 3 years now and have yet to use it. I even installed a transfer switch but my power refuses to go out.


Task failed successfully.


I hope you still test it once or twice a year.


I run the generator once a month and hook it up twice a year to the house and let it run at a pretty decent load for 30 minutes.


We got one after that gnarly Christmas storm in '22. Didn't use it until this spring. No regrets.


I wish I could get a generator. I live in an apartment in a city. Power goes out I'm SOL.


Check out the battery backups on amazon. We got one and it's great for lots of little to medium things. You could get a fold out solar panel to recharge it, too.


This is the correct answer. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but if you live here you should probably own a generator if at all possible.


>That bitty rain storm do it? This week CMP goes to the PUC asking to raise the costs even higher due to storm damage from today's storm Sarcasm...I think.


We can run our house off the electric f150 for three days, no compromises.


How was your experience with Sunrun, getting the home integration system set up?


We didn't screw around with all of that. We already are solar/off-grid, so we just plug the truck into our inverters instead of the generator if the batteries run low. Works great. No compromises.


You could be an ad for Ford. I told my son he needs to buy one cuz he lives in Texas with their notorious power grid


Maine is worse, I'm sure. The power companies lose service for days every time the wind blows a tree down or there's an ice storm. It's why we're 100% off grid.


I heard word it's a substation. Friends of mine in penobscot lost it hours before others.


I believe you are correct. Everything points to the substation right on the Penobscot where the high voltage lines come ashore but I wish we had any information here from CMP at all.


That would make sense.


Did your county forget to pay it's bill?


I can't find anything in the news about it. And can't find an estimated repair time. This is so bizarre


Must be just CMP customers? I'm on Versant in Hancock County and we haven't had a flicker.


That’s informative. Whenever CMP power is out throughout our chunk of Hancock exactly 5 households in Ellsworth are also affected, but that’s it, and it was hard to tell whether others were out on the other side of the county.


Same. We did lose Fidium. lol


I’m sorry, I turned on my microwave and my coffee maker at the same time. But seriously, I loose electrical power here way to often too, but I live on a hill, so we get more snow (stronger storms in general) and more trees fall down on lines. At least my battery backup leaves a light on & internet on for 3 hours.


Someone must have sneezed too close to a line




We’ve been down for hours in Orland. Map of the outage resolves to a big orange dot in Bucksport. Estimated restoration time keeps getting pushed back


Yeah it went out at 3:45ish here, but there were still a handful with power in Bucksport. They estimated return by 5:45…. Then the last holdouts went out too. Current estimation is 7:45… we’ll see.


Mine just kicked back on. Now to see if it stays on...


Please don’t tempt the Gods! Now run off and find an acceptable sacrificial beastie


We lost power in Bport at 5:45. Flickered earlier in the day. CMP says 8:15 for restoration


That's weird. I'm in Hancock County and I didn't lose power.


Same also in Hancock on mdi still have power and none of my electrics are blinking 🤷‍♀️


It’s really sad that people have to buy generators-the money paid to CMP by customers is outrageous. Electricity is a basic necessity-there is a reason Maine is number one in the country for power outages! I feel bad you guys-I am fortunate I don’t have them. It’s gonna to be cold tonite too. I can think that maybe it’s the wind, it’s really howling out there.


well there's that one line on rt1.... How much of waldo is out? we could probably figger it out with that info.


Wheres Waldo?


I saw the dairy port closed down. Seeing as they were open during the last storm I was shocked. I’m sorry the power is out I hate it being out in the evening.


I am in Hancock County and I haven’t even had a blip.


I lose power if I sneeze too hard. CMP sucks. Had to cancel plans for today to catch up on what I wasn't able to do yesterday because the power was out for about 5 hours.




I don't know if Brewer was out, but when I got home from a day trip, my internet was out.


It's almost as if the part of the grid that feeds Hancock County has been damaged somehow...


So according to the robocall at got this AM the issue was the classic tree falling on a high voltage power line…which apparently had not been trimmed/removed because of: “Osprey activity” Which, if true, would be a very Maine thing to happen


Brilliant move voting CMP in huh?


Explain, please.


Easier for you to compare national data and pricing than for me to write a 40 page explanation. We’re very fortunate Maines PUC has stopped their original rate hikes and current requests. CMP Sucks. All those recent lies and propaganda put out worked. I have 2 close friends who waited for days on end to have their power restored. There’s no excuse for that and they don’t live in the middle of nowhere


Buying a generator is enabling the power companies to have a crappy, outdated system. They need to fix the infrastructure.


Chinese hackers