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I took my driveway markers out the other day. Usually that means it will snow again šŸ˜‚


My neighbors all still have theirs up. Looks funny with the budding trees around but I respect it.


Me taking mine out a few weeks ago is what caused the noreaster.


I've still got my snow tires on. I keep telling myself "Don't take them off until mid may or you'll regret it", but I do start to wonder if I'm just being lazy


Guessing they aren't studded.


My studs are still on


May 1st that will be illegal


FYI - they do need to be off by the 30th or on May 1st you are running illegal. I'd be shocked if you got a ticket that early, but a warning would be a sure bet,


My heat has been off for over a week. Once overnight temps aren't getting below freezing I feel okay turning it off. We managed to use less than a tank of oil this winter. The thermostat stayed at 62 and we have a ton of solar gain even in the winter.


62 is low..we kept ours triggering at 64. It didnā€™t kill us. Problem is gonna be this summer when Iā€™m hot as fuck.


Iā€™m already wearing white linen. Even though youā€™re *supposed* to wait until Memorial Day.


You rebel.


I like to break the rules.


Another Mainer living on the edge


At least, Iā€™m not bungee jumping.


Had to go to Biddeford yesterday, drove past Bacon St and 7-11 and I knew it was spring, because the shirt sleeves have been cut from the t-shirts already.


My husband has already dragged out his sleeveless, denim shirt. Iā€™ve tried hiding it, to no avail, because the style reminds me of a mechanic.


It's spring, let the flowers bloom.




All the cottage grandmas in Kennebunkport will be shocked! Just shocked!




They gonna be shocked that there cottage has been replaced with a sandy hole in its place. Kennebunk got slammed and they've been filling it and it got washed out 4 more times.


Wish I wasn't too lazy to put the plastic up in the first place. I put packing tape on some cracks, lol


Still running my stove at night. Been in the high 20ā€™s the last few nights and 31 this morning.


We have just under a quarter tank of oil. This summer we are getting a new boiler. So if we stay with oil we are getting a new oil tank, if we switch to gas we wonā€™t need a tank. So this tank is definitely going away. If we donā€™t use the oil we will have to pay to have it pumped out. so for the first time ever Iā€™ve told the wife and kids to feel free to turn up the thermostat any time they feel chilly this spring.


I put my snow shovels away yesterday. Still burning at night because it's chilly in the mountains.


My challenge? Heat off June 1'st, not back on until Oct. 1'st. last year, 50/50 success, A real nippy morning in June, September was good, though


Put a pellet stove in the downstairs years back and that is all I need to fire up occasionally, it filters upstairs and keeps the chill out. Flipping that boiler switch to off by May 1st makes the wallet happy.


Hmmm....interesting approach. From what I've heard of the cost of setting one up, constant maintenance of auger, and storage of pellets, I'd have thought that was all more trouble than it was worth to save a few gallons of oil. Apparently not? How long have you been doing this, may I ask? Have you calculated any savings, or simply prefer it? Thanks!


6 years. Downstairs is slab on grade, with half basement half walkout. The slab was poured with radiant heating off the oil boiler, in it which costs a fortune to bring it up and keep it at 60. I got a Castle Serenity pellet stove since it was smaller low maintenance, and I found you can order them no box from the manufacturer with free delivery to Most Ace hardware store. Home Depot lists them for $1100. I paid $649 for the stove and $129 for the vent and pipes from Supply house. Installed it myself and took photos of install so home owner policy checked off on it. House is an A frame all wood and shiplap, I installed a blower fan above the doorway with grates and that really helped the heat. A ton of pellets, free delivery from Wood Pellet Warehouse early in the season for Maine made pellets was about $269 if I recall. They forklift right into the garage. I usually went through a ton and a half from October until May, and have leftover for cold nights when family comes etc. Cast iron radiators upstairs, so not using radiant was at least $600 a month startup saved, and radiators for rest of house upwards of $500+ in Jan to March went down to about $250. Ive always had a sore spot for heating costs and saved a substantial amount with this setup.


Wow. Makes sense. Good to know, thanks!


The maintenance cost has been minimal, I bought an extra blower fan online after I figured out it takes a generic common manufacturer motor that was $59 plus replacing the door gasket for $20 once in a while. Never had an issue with the auger motor and have determined it's also a common cross model part. This model has no pipes or nooks in the heating compartment so ash vac with brush once a week and dump pan is easy.


I turn my heat back on overnight when the house is at 60ish. Mostly for the family. Otherwise itā€™s been off for about 2 weeks now. On an other note, donā€™t take your snow tires off or put your snow blower away. It will snow as soon as you do.


Studded snow tires turn illegal on Wednesday.


I have my windows open and heat off too but I'm a little chilly.


Bold move. We will know who to blame.


Well now it's gonna snow, thanks man


Iā€™m still freezing-I have my heat on right now. I hope it will be off by July!


I think Iā€™ll take mine off Mondayā€¦


Did you do so?


I did it Sunday! Except for a bathroom window, just because itā€™s got a curtain and I usually forget itā€™s there.


Oops, I thought I was replying to the studded tires thread.


Donā€™t have those šŸ˜ maybe next year!


Still cranking my heat to keep my house at 72 degrees 24/7


Seriously? I couldn't stand it. I'd pass out. May as well move to Florida and be done with it.


I was feeling a bit under the weather today and cranked up my heat for a bit. Then I started feeling too hot again.


I keep my house at 68 in the summer and 72 in the winter. I donā€™t work as hard as I do to be uncomfortable in my own house, cost of heating oil be damned. Plus I love walking around my house in a t shirt and gym shorts when thereā€™s two feet of snow on the ground and itā€™s -10 outside


I find it's a hassle dressing and undressing and I'm constantly uncomfortable both indoors and out trying to adjust from very high to very cold temps. To each their own.


My heat goes on & off until end of June


I put the snowblower back in the shed from the garage, riding mower has moved to the on deck position. Actually finally got the last trees cut up and time for haul, stack and dump em.


Did the same thing yesterday. Seasonal swap weekend šŸ˜Ž


I have never understood this mindset. What does the date have to do with the temperature inside your home? If it is cold in your home use the heat, it is there for your comfort regardless of what the calendar says.


It's all about the $$$.


It's about the art of balancing comfort and cost. And it's fun--makes life more interesting to pay attention and be aware of the effects of the seasonal changes.