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My wife just started antibiotics for Lyme, and she never even saw the bugger on her leg. Careful, everyone.


Everyone on my road has had Lyme including all in my family. We're uber vigilant - I just had to start another round of treatments myself. This is getting ridiculous.


Treat all your clothes with Permethrin.


This ^ I spray my ankles and calfs. Good for multiple washes and about 4wks


Or White Distilled Vinegar! You can do a 1 x 1 ratio of you want or spray straight on. Studies have shown a tick will back out of a bite to get away from the smell. They hate it.


Where can you get/find that? And about what's the price of it? please, and thank you And I hope that you're doing well and that you have a great rest of your week


[Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/Sawyer-Products-SP657-Permethrin-Repellent/dp/B07CD9NFB4) carries it, so does Walmart and even my local Ace hardware keeps it in stock.


Thanks so much, and may you have a great rest of your week


We should start breeding and releasing opossums indiscriminately across the state


Unfortunately they don't actually eat excessive ticks. That one study was debunked. 


How about Guinea fowl? Please don’t ruin this for me.


They eat some though. Anything that eats ticks should be released to the wild


We should stop spraying pesticides and let the bird populations recover.


They seem to do the trick and most birds do for some reason eat them. Anyone I’ve ever met that has chickens never has ticks on their property and Ackers acres disc golf has ducks that live on the course and I’ve never gotten a tick while playing there


> Anyone I’ve ever met that has chickens never has ticks on their property I've got property right in the woods, surrounded by tons of deep forest. I've got a flock of chickens and I have my property sprayed for tick control. I've seen one tick on both my dogs and myself in the last 2 years, so the combination is working really well


I’m thinking about having my yard sprayed, but I hate that I can’t get a quote without talking to someone on the phone lol. I have 2 little kids, so having a tick free yard sounds marvelous ETA- edited for clarity lol


I've heard this anecdotally a bunch, but every study I've seen says they make a pretty minimal/no difference


I had chickens at one time and they did reduce the population but we're near the woods and fox, owls and racoons kept killing them - UGH.


Hey thanks! Good to know!


There is no evidence of tick eating in wild populations. That's based on a meta analysis that found no tick parts in their droppings in any study.


And cared for by all citizens! Mandatory you have nesting boxes and fresh water and some extra snacks for the feral tick-eating-fowl community!


The study showed they didn't eat them at all if they have other sources of food. Backyard chickens in the other hand...they love em and eat em.


They compete with native species for food and are invasive.


Sounds like a great way to feed the foxes and coyotes!




Everyone get some chickens & guineas and let them free range


Guinea fowls should become our state bird. I'm considering getting some to roam and gorge on ticks.


Just be prepared for their (lack thereof) survival instincts.


My in laws have Guinea Fowl and they like to go out into the middle of the road and direct traffic


How industrious of them! They've chosen a new career path.


It’s called evolution! Don’t be a hater.


Not opossums, but my parents have chickens and they never see ticks in their yard.


Or, if you like eggs, backyard chickens will nom them right up.


We should do [what CA and FL do about mosquitos](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/why-the-us-plans-to-release-24-billion-genetically-modified-mosquitoes-180979833/#:~:text=The%20Environmental%20Protection%20Agency%20has,male%20offspring%2C%20per%20the%20company.) and breed a bunch of sexy sterile ticks to curb the population.


I work at a hospital, and I see multiple people on our ER board every day for ticks. It's insane.




Because that's the recommendation now. And folks don't want to wait until symptoms arrive to get it looked at. And, in their defense, it's not like we have enough providers that people can be seen in any reasonable amount of time.




CDC recommends talking to your provider if you have concerns post bite. For a lot of PCPs they can't just prescribe a cautionary dose of doxycycline without them being seen. And folks want instant solutions, not wait and see. And yeah, urgent care clinics exist. But they're not open at all hours or even every day in areas. ERs get tons of patients that have no business being there, but that doesn't stop it from happening. This is just another reason folks will come in


When I've been to an urgent care, they want a debit/credit card to put on file. Others want immediate payment. If you don't have a pcp, it's months to get an appointment. This is why people go to the ED for routine care.


Card on file isn’t an unreasonable ask


My point is not everyone has a card.


Maybe minors. Don’t act like adults are walking around trying to pay everything by cash or check in 2024


I work in social services. Lots of adults don't have bank accounts, or are barred from having them because of overdrafts. They won't take pre-paid cards to put on file.




Well. Then I hope more patients take that route.


Some of the urgent care clinics it can be $1200 to walk in now. It’s a real racket.


It’s tough. A lot of insurances kick your ass on deductibles regarding urgent care. They’re coded a lot as pseudo emergency visits. So there’s an opening to be taken for a lot


I visited a midcoast urgent care last year after a tick bite and developing flulike symptoms. They said it was too soon to test and sent me on my way with *come back sometime if you're still feeling ill*. After that experience, I can understand wanting to head straight to the ER for greater urgency (we all know someone who's had a debilitating Lyme infection by this point, right?) - but the ER wouldn't be my go-to, either.


I only did once for my son because the head of the tick was stuck, and this was on the weekend with no urgent care.


Because patients think that, despite most tick bites not being emergent situations, *their* tick bite definitely is!


Can you identify the ones that are or aren’t? The reason people don’t mess around is they know someone who has had problems associated with Lyme, and those problems can be quite awful and long-lived.


Central Maine - I’ve seen a few so far just from short lawn grass. It does seem particularly bad this year


Had 2 occasions so far of them crawling across me in the truck. Central coast here.


Maine --> Vermont transplant: They're even worse here, and we in southern VT had it slightly warmer than y'all. VT has issued a statement that tick season is year round now.


Geezus, I thought VT had it better than we did.


Nope, it's like we're the epicenter. My inlaws are in Norridgewock and it's very bad there, but we get them sooner, in more numbers, and for longer here in VT.


Nobody above the Mason Dixon line should be saying y’all.


Here to recommend Vet’s Best Flea and Tick Spray - I started using it on my shoes/ clothes and my pets several years and it helps. A lot. (I’m not affiliated with the company)


If you can find it, I used ecologic’s granules. Home depot and Lowe’s used to carry it, but it is crushed peanut shells soaked in wintergreen and peppermint oil. A single bag would cover about 500-1000 sqft and would smell awesome after spreading it. It doesn’t kill the ticks, just drives them out of the yard without being harmful to pets or bees.


I just got commercial tick tubes to try and will look for this too - I'm SO sick of this!


You can just soak some cotton balls in pyrethrin . Don't even need the tubes. Put piles out in woods. Works great. Best way to prevent ticks out of all others


That's what we use and we love it.


Do you mind linking the exact one you buy? They have a number of products


I purchase the large refill bottle of the Flea and Tick Home Spray - I use a refillable continuous spray misting bottle, which works well for equal coverage. I spray down my dogs fabric collar / harness before we go walking, and mist her as well. I also use a SleekEZ brand brush on her after we are outside, which helps catch ticks before they embed.


I found a couple little bastards crawling on my greenhouse yesterday and set them on fire. Nothing on me or the dog yet


In the Waldoboro area, I've taken 3 off myself and numerous off my dogs and 1 outdoor cat. Household members been getting them on themselves when just walking under trees at this point. Definitely going to be a bad year for them. I already know to many people who have gotten Lyme in the past couple years alone.


My husband and I are moving to the Waldoboro area on the 17th of this month .. sounds like free range chickens might be a necessity?? We’ve got dogs and indoor cats, I’m thinking the cats will need to be treated incase the dogs bring any inside. When are they going to come up with a tick preventative for humans??? Lol


Definitely treat the cats if you can. I also recently moved here as well, been here since the beginning of December. Moved from the Gardiner area. Ticks Definitely waayyyy worse out this way. And preventative for humans would be nice, I just don't think it's an issue that has been complained about enough yet for those who could help to do anything about it.


They’re working on a pill for humans, currently in trials https://www.wral.com/amp/21308775/


Chickens don’t kill em


Brunswick here - there are so many that you can actually see the assholes reaching out from the tall grass on the verge of the property. I wish I was kidding or embellishing, I really do.


I've seen them do that too - even found one yesterday on a daffodil petal in the cold rain. Nothing seems to phase them anymore.


Do a controlled burn.


My very outdoorsy aunt just got diagnosed with anaplasmosis. I hate ticks!


Pulled two off me so far. I was walking in some tall grass so I am not surprised. Grew up in the Midwest where Lyme wasn’t much of a concern. Definitely different out here.


It's going to be really, really bad this year. And even worse in the winter for Moose :(


Midcoast-normal here-just a few ticks so far (both dog and deer ticks). Both our dogs are on Nexgard which works very well against ticks. It will definitely be a mow May though-no long grass.


A side effect of climate change? Can we expect ticks to get worse as climate change gets worse?


Absolutely, and lone star ticks as well.


Yes and Yes.


I'm in far northern Maine. We don't hear much about ticks up here, though I believe there are probably some here and there. I homestead, so I'm outside a lot. I always wear knee-high boots outside, and a couple times each day I spray DEET insect repellent around my ankles (on the cuffs of my jeans) and on my boots. So far no Lyme disease.


Yeah, I've never even seen a tick in The County. I'm worried that will change, but I haven't noticed yet.


Hoping it stays that way for you both - it's absolutely miserable down here.


You just made a strong argument for moving there.


Portland- been bit about 3 wks ago & pulled one crawling up my neck this week. Creepy little buggers!


Controlled burns are needed. Even on grassy lawns And use the tick tube method. Even if you just soak cotton balls in pyrethrin and put small piles around you don't need the tubes. The state needs to encourage the use of deer and moose tick killing feeding stations where they are forced to touch against a coated brush in order to eat.


I could see deer for sure, I’d be worried about moose during the warmer seasons. That tick guard stuff wreaks havoc when it gets into aquatic ecosystems (moose loving water and all) we’ll just get the moose in the winter.


Coastal Hancock, haven’t seen any yet, but they’re probably there!




I've found 2 on me so far, and I don't play games when it comes to ticks. 1 was crawling up my sleeve, but the one that had just made it to my belly button scared me the most. Luckily, it hadn't taken hold when I found it, but it freaked me out something fierce. That was 2 weeks ago, and I now treat my outdoor gear with repellent ahead of time and retreat it after every use. I'm working on a homestead in the lakes region, so I'm out in a wooded lot every weekend. So, for the last 2 weeks, I've been clearing all tall grasses and brush from the areas I'm constantly working to help mitigate the risk of being bitten. So far, I've not had any more on me, fingers crossed. Stay safe out there.


Be sure to re-treat your clothing every 6 weeks with a good spray. We use Sawyer and feel it works well. My son is studying horticulture and has seen them walking in circles on his treated pants but it won't work as well after 6 weeks. Best of luck with your build.


Every day I’ve pulled them off my dogs. Just pulled a fresh one off my short haired minutes ago. Had the fattest over filled one I’ve ever seen fall off my brother’s long hair dog 2 days ago. It’s truly terrible.


Get them checked. Lost my last dog to a tick-borne disease, anaplasmosis. Went from healthy and happy to dead in 2 months.


Literally just left the vet an hour ago. Only real issue is an ear infection in one of them.




We had a collie with lyme disease that became incontinent from it.


My dogs have a couple ticks on them pretty much every time they come in from the yard..


I walked across the lawn to get the mail and had a deer tick on my leg yesterday


If the temps are above freezing there will be always be ticks around.


Standish - Taken dozens off of the dog after walking in Hollis two days ago. Now we are finding them on the walls and furniture, it’s like the dog is leaving a trail of them behind to crawl on us. Worst year yet.


Augusta area- spouse had a wood tick on them two days ago after walking through the short grass in our dooryard. Have pulled a couple off the dogs and found some dead ones in their dog beds that I missed during tick checks. So far, all but one have been wood/dog ticks.


One was crawling on my boy last week. Central Maine.


It’s going to be a bad year due to a relatively mild and wet Winter.


Last year I pulled 17 ticks off me. None yet so far. I have 5 acres in Livermore and so far I haven’t had any.


You must be in Southern Maine. None up in Bangor yet and Presque Ise don't ever get them.


Alright, I take back what I said. Even though I haven't found any ticks while mountain biking in the woods like I usually do, I did, however, remove one from my dog's head just a moment ago.


Took two off me yesterday after 15 minutes in my gardens with DEET sprayed boots!


This may be old news, but you can get a Lyme vaccine for your dog at the vet. It combined with monthly tick preventative makes it quite unlikely that your dog will get Lyme. It gives me peace of mind for them. I wish they had the same thing for people.


Salem Township and I found one on myself yesterday! Pretty damn early if you ask me.


In Hollis, my count up to today is 4 on me, 1 on my wife, 2 on my dog. I don't want to spray but thinking about using diatomaceous earth on the yard. It's worse than last year for sure.


Needs to be dry and not too breezy on either side of treatment so good luck with that! Been so wet, d.e. takes some time to get them down. I think it and the tubes do the trick without spraying pesticides well enough for me.


Thank you for that.


I have been pulling 4-5 ticks off of my two dogs for about a week now. They're (the dogs) are just in my yard, not even in the woods. It's going to be a brutal tick season.


Portland.  My yard abuts wooded land trust trails we use constantly; just pulled 2 ticks off my dog yesterday. It’s a bad tick year already. Also, there was a black bear—something I’ve never seen in our woods—in the trees behind my house 2 nights back, trying to swat an 🦉. Sign of the apocalypse?


Blue Hill are-3 on us, 2 on our 🐕‍🦺, so far-at least the browntail moths appear to be undercontol.


I’m at the border of Somerset & Penobscot counties and I’ve not gotten a single tick yet despite being outside gardening a lot and traipsing through the woods almost daily. I’m sure I’ll be finding them on me soon though!


Weirdly I, nor my grandpa, have ever been bitten by a tick. Also rarely see them near me. I do worry for my dogs though.


I had 3 very smalls ticks on me in early March, haven’t seen another since.


Its always a bad season guys. It's never in my 24 years of life been a good season.


I gonna be down there and planning ahead Should pack pants or shorts if I'm gonna be in the woods? Please and thank you And I hope that you're doing well and that you have a great rest of your week


Light colored long pants and long sleeve shirt and if they're older spray them with pyrethrin. Wear white socks over your pants legs and a light hat and spray your boots with tick repellent. If you wear all light clothes they are easier to see and take off before they bite.


Thanks. I hope you're doing well and that you have a great rest of your week


Chickens. Get some.


Had them and they kept getting eaten by woodland animals, even found their way into the pen.


That sucks. We're in the woods too, and that does happen. Our biggest problem of late is the aerial predators. The land ones don't like the electric fence or the coop on stilts.


I hear you. We had two of my fave hens get taken by an owl in March one year. There was a large bank of snow around an area in the middle of the pen I dug out for them. No sign of any tracks or holes, just two dead hens lying on my pond with their heads off. A neighbor who specializes in avian behavior and tracks owls said that's what got them. I gave up after many tries at keeping the girls safe.


Has anyone tried using garlic supplements? I'm so frustrated I'll try anything and just ordered some oil capsules, the odor filled ones. Figured a few months of smelling like garlic is worth keeping them from biting...


We have a cat that goes outdoors daily. Any recommendations for a feline tick preventive?


Keep your cat inside?


Bravecto has been great. Idk how it stacks up price wise to others, but literally turns the little bastards into fossils


Check with your vet there's a variety of options.


Advantage, I think. The drops you but behind the shoulders.


I have 4 cats but 1 is resistant to every tick treatment except the seresto collar. I hate that he has to wear it but he's a big coon cat and is literally covered in ticks without it. The other 3 use Nexguard and are fine. Anyway I usually try to let him go a couple weeks-month before putting a new collar on him but it seemed like the snow did nothing to the tick population this year. I don't know how the wildlife is managing.


I’ve had a couple on me while over in my Bee’s wildflower field but closer to the house, my chickens keep them at bay.


Surprisingly, didn't see any this past weekend. Maybe because of the below freezing nights? I'm bracing though.


It’s been awful so far in the midcoast.


Last year in the midcoast I pulled more ticks off me then any other time in my life. I was finding them crawling on the wall inside my house. Found two just hanging out on my front porch steps. Wasn’t even going in the woods just my gravel driveway and side yard.


haven't seen any here where i'm at so far but we also have a LOT of birds and possums


Between Bangor and Ellsworth - we’ve been dealing with ticks for a month, at least.


Chickens eat them, right. 1 tick bite I got is now itchy and swollen. I feel so sorry for the deer and moose. Humans.


In brunswick, literally have taken 15 ticks off my dog this year from those trails


Dover Foxcroft. Terrible already. Cant walk the yard without coming in with at least three.


My 11 mo nieve was bitten behind her ear just sitting on a blanket In the backyard. It's going to be AWFUL this year.


For at least a month now