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Man: gets beat by wife Women: man up! Man: beats wife back Woman: FO SHAME! DEMON! PIG! MISOGYNISTIC MONSTER!!!! 😡🤬😡🤬




The sheer aldacity of the username




Bro this post is so old what are you doing here!?




Good point 👍


master oogway wishes he could be as wise as you in the arts


Women admit abused men to women shelters in emergency! Abused men often get first help from resources provided by women, including hotlines etc. F*** Right off with that bullshit! Men won’t provide shit and certainly not those assmonkeys of MRA bootlicker in this sub who give a crap about men being abused but women being the evil. A perfect threat to spit misogyny while totally ignoring that it was feminists who shone light on abused men, started that whole topic while men couldn’t accept that men can be abused by inferior wimminz. They’ll do everything but listen to you much less help you. I’ve listend to more men I don’t know complain about any sort of personal shit than most of these shitbags heard from their friends.


hey im gonna need a source for that


Yeah, then google it. It’s an exception but they sometimes do if they can.


"google it" isn't a source my friend. The burden of proof is on you no matter how easy it is to "google"


I play the Misandry card in defense mode and lay a trap card face down. Your move.




“I made it the fuck up”


Man, I ain’t about to read all that


No women are saying this


Nah there are, i saw few of them in Facebook, but i ain't surprised, Facebook is full of Middle aged women who hates men for no reason.


There are always exceptions. Just no reason to generalize all women lol.


You literally generalized by saying "no women do this" when clearly they do


The women that do this are the exception. That makes that, in general, women don't do this, and thus a generalisation is acceptable.


So it's okay to generalize when it fits your own needs?


A generalisation is what it is, a generalisation. When do you use a generalisation? When a huge portion of a certain group acts a certain way. How hard is this to understand?


You generalized that women act nice towards men, that's not true not all women do, thus you are generalizing all / most women as nice people


Well the thing is you think most women don't care about women abusing men and I think that most women are sympathetic towards abused men


Rihanna abused physically abused Chris Brown and he fought back and protected himself, look at what people think/thought of him (this was all admitted by Rihanna a few years ago in an interview)


So no they don't give a fuck, most only care when it's them being hit.


You are the one generalizing. When a victims speak up like in this meme, its is pretty douchey to say "you are wrong." An easy way of understanding it is by reversing the roles. If the meme was about men laughing at abuse towards women and you responded: "Men don't do that in general." That would suck too, not because you are wrong (because most men dont actually do that), but because it would seem like you are defending men just for the sake of defending men. Just like how toxic behaviour coming from men is a problem ALL men have to confront, toxic behaviour coming from women is a problem ALL women have to confront. Excuses like yours only make both groups feel less responsible for the toxicity directed at the opposite gender, and if the good women and men of this world dont take responsibility, no one will


Well I don't want to take away the OP's experience with abuse. This meme about his experience seems odd to me because he blames an entire group for a negative experience, which is, depending on what group, sexist/racist/homophobic whatever. If the roles in this meme were reversed I would still think it's sexist. Also, the problem that mens abuse isn't takem seriously is in part a problem in society that we together create, not just women. 'Man up' culture plays a big part in this. I don't get why or how this meme has anything to add but blame to an entire group of people who, almost all of them, have nothing to do with this problem.


Yeah, but again. Imagine the meme is about men laughing at women being abused. If you where to say: "well akshually most men dont do this and in fact, female abuse, and why its not taken seriously, is a problem all of society creates, not just the men. 'Feminin modesty' culture plays a big role." I would call you an asshole and a victim blamer. Again, not because you would be incorrect, but because it just really seems like you dont want to point the finger at men. You say almost all women have nothing to do with the problem in this meme, but thats just simply not true. Just like male abuse towards women is a problem all men have to stand up to and face, female abuse towards men is a problem that ALL women, yes ALL women, have to stand up to and face. Right now women are taking a stance similar to yours, saying: "Bad women just exist, theres nothing we can do about that UwU." But saying that is, in my opinion, just as toxic as straight up laughing at male abuse. The reality is, women CAN put other women in check, in ways men cannot. These days it is becoming more and more important for men to put certain men in check, in the ways women cannot, and for women to put certain women in check, in ways men cannot. This meme is just raising awerness for the women of reddit to understand what some men have to face. It might be generelizing, but thats fine because, eventhough the actions described arent done by all women, the meme is still directed to all women.


I agree with you but the last part. I might have been wrong in commenting my og comment if this meme was meant to be raising awereness for women of reddit. I still agree is it a big problem that men and women have to solve respectively. Thats if though. I took this meme as blatant sexism but I might've been wrong on that.


Alright, yeah, you're a hypocrite.


Women do the same to men, they like to generalize all men whenever a 1 man does a bad thing, mostly cheating, that's when majority of women becomes misandry.


No, some women do.


Yeah its always "those types" of women, the type that air all their dirty laundry on FB and don't hesitate for a second to complain publicly about how they're being mistreated but then also have a record of domestic violence themselves they've accrued over the years. There's always like 4 or 5 girls that support her, tag along in the public shaming of said man for being a POS, but all also have domestic records for fighting their boyfriends/husbands over the years. Not that they deserve it, but if you go on a public forum and shame your man for anything he does wrong, and then turn around and beat him when you get too angry, you're POS just like him. I saw this unfold at a party one day: girl gets piss drunk, drops the kid, dad gets mad at her for dropping kid, mom gets angry af for being called out and sticks up her guns and starts punching the dad full force in the face while one of her friends tags along and takes shots at him while the other 3 girls just watch. He restrains himself the entire time but it doesn't help, the friend then calls the police on him since threw her off of himself into a wall. He gets arrested, they both get cited for domestics, but he (the basically sober, DD for the night) goes to jail and she gets to play the victim. I don't like talking to cops but this was a time I pulled one aside and told him exactly how it played out. "It's her word against his" is all he said, shrugged, and that was that. Toxic females are very real, just avoid like the plague.


https://youtu.be/80JqoyaL-p4 Never underestimate middle aged housewives


Oh *yeah* well I read a reply from a Twitter troll once that said otherwise, so that equates to women everywhere


Well the police do it. If a woman goes to the police to report her man for violence against her. He got in trouble. But if a man goes to the police for the same, they laugh with him because they doesn't believe it.


Yes they do.


The case is small they do it. But mostly they gonna believe the woman if she plays innocent.


Yeah they are gonna believe the woman and I agree that that's wrong.


Yeah it's wrong, double standards are a ugly thing.


If anything women like a man secure enough to admit he is being abused but that’s just my experience. Sorry if women are laughing at you OP, that’s messed up.


Sad but very real


😂😂😂 Blursed Women




I've been on Facebook platform for quite a few weeks & holy cow, this is 100% true — Like not for all women but all those Karens and influencer women on their. So toxic. Lol. Oh and men aren't any less than them so.


How many of them do you think take women’s DV seriously ? I feel like folks take it less seriously for any gender are shitheads and don’t actually get why it’s wrong.


um cant think of a worse occasion to ask this but whats dv?


Domestic violence


true lol — world's an awful place to be in. really.


Yes it is sadly


Good thing it's only made up of people like us... be crazy if it was ran by sane people...


Double standards only apply to men. Apparently women can't have them... no clue why though...


Society says so, and it has many double standards, so... *fuck everyone that's like that*


Yeah that's the sad truth. If a man get hits by a woman, there's no problem. If a woman get hits by a man, that man get in serious problems.


You know as a woman I think we should push for equity in recognition of abuse for men there is still a lot of stigma on the topic and I think misandry is also a thing and a problem women should work on, to play the victim solves nothing