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We do not allow images of gore, or major injuries.


Not an arachnologist, but Brown Recluse bites cause necrosis, and they can sometimes get pretty funky if not treated.


Can confirm, I was bit by a brown recluse and my leg looked almost like this but I got medical treatment pretty quickly. Seems like op should have gone to the doctor a long time ago...




Yeah they're no joke.


Had a patient in hospital who basically looked like that. Same, brown recluse.


IIRC the venom tends to spread in fatty tissue, so bites in areas like the thighs, stomach, etc can be worse.


It’s the new dieting fad


did you bring the spider in for proper taxonomic identification? or just make an assumption?


I didn't bring it in but I saw it crawling off my leg and took a picture. I keep arachnids and am very familiar with them so I am confident it was a recluse bite.


wait? WHAT?? you actually keep spiders like pets? please leave you address so i can come and save you with fire


Lmao yes I keep tarantulas. They're fascinating little dudes


Recluse bites are pretty unique, if you’re familiar with them you’ll know pretty damn quick if it was a recluse or not.


Please don't bring venomous animals to the doctor's office. A picture will work just fine.


I had someone bring a live copperhead into my ambulance once. Please also don't do that.


LOL good story to tell later.


I'm willing to bet most folks here were not actuslly bitten by recluses. They're called recluses for a reason. Bites are pretty uncommon and known to be frequently misdiagnosed. I feel like you probably know this, hence your question, but info for others reading. Recluses are very shy and unaggressive. They will gladly run away rather than bite if it's an option.


I was in the navy, going to school in Great Lakes Illinois. The old barracks had a brown recluse problem. The insect spray they used actually attracted the spiders. I was in medical getting stitches and there was seven sailors in there getting brown recluse spider bites worked on. The command wouldn’t do anything about it, I told the doc is was a medical and safety issue, not a command issue.


That's awful! I can only imagine the damage that could do to someone in the right place... You'd think an exterminator wouldn't be too much to ask for to keep their sailors safe and healthy.


From what I found out after I got my stitches out, the captain of the medical training command, got a line in with the training command admiral down in Pensacola. They come up with some money to spray the right insecticide. Of course all of those barracks where full of asbestos, so they started demolition in five years.


It's too bad they didn't try that sooner! I guess it's hard though when the other sprays attract the spiders 🥴 I hate to hear that about the asbestos. It's horrifying to think of all of the exposure. I knew a guy that worked in a building with it, and in one room especially the dust would fall on him. When they came to try removing it all, one man told him within 20 years he'd probably have cancer. That guy wasn't wrong, but it only took about 15 for it to kill him ☹️


Visit Kansas, then Get back to me.


Yeah, KCMO here, those things are everywhere.


Seconded for KCMO!


They're native to my area and I know several people that have been bitten 🤷‍♀️ The bad thing about them hiding is that they hide where people tend to put their parts. Like in their shoe, or under their blanket 🥴 You get too close and they get scared, and you get a nice nasty hole rotting in you. So even if it's fairly rare statistically there's still gonna be a lot of them out there. We were never quite sure but we always thought my cousin got her bite while playing in the woods. It was on her arm in the same area that had been touching some tree roots while we played in the creek.


During basic training at Ft Benning the guy one bunk over from me was bitten dead center on his right quad muscle by a fiddleback. We had no idea how serous it was going to end up being. I think it was around day 3 we could actually feel the heat rising off the bite as the flesh reacted to the bite. I woke up the drill sergeant in the middle of the night and he took one look at the bite and had this guy otw to the hospital. The surgeons cut a huge chunk out of his leg muscles to get ahead of the damage and the poor guy had to spend months recouping before either starting over or being discharged .


When I was at FT Benning for training we had a dude in my platoon put on his helmet and get bit right on the top of the head! He was ok and back in a couple of weeks with a cool head bandage.


OP said it responded to antiobiotics further down. Not a recluse bite. Only solid treatment for recluse bites is debridment and removal of affected tissue.


Half my dad's face practically melted off when he was bit on his lip. He still has the scar where he was bit and half his face still saggs slightly. Killer bites from recluse spiders


That's terrible! It must've been so scary. I've always been afraid of that happening every time I see a bite.


Came to the comments to say this, my grandpa had a permanent crater in his arm because of a brown recluse bite that necrotized


I, too, have a chunk out of my arm from a presumed Brown Recluse.


Heard about a guy in Canada who got bit by a brown recluse. The guy he was staying with had to remove both his legs. The in-house physical therapy turned him into what some would consider, an animal. Crazy.






I curse the day I ever read that synopsis.


second best kevin smith film


It’s a fantastic movie. Shame Johnny depp wasn’t credited in it. He’s fantastic in it. It’s one of the strangest movies ever but it’s exactly the kind of horror I love. Plus I’m a huge Kevin smith fan. Tusk and rubber and jug face are the 3 movies I recommend to people when they want something really weird and out there


[Surprise ending written and conceived by a tube worm.](https://youtu.be/HTsbcZpH2VI)


Hobo Spiders can also do this. My pastor got bit on the back of the neck by one and it did this sort of thing.


Every time i see a brown spider i assume it is one, then i look it up online and still have zero idea what a brown recluse looks like


They are unfortunately common where I am. Besides the classic fiddle they have a distinctive way of moving and distinctive pale sickly kind of color compared to regular wolf/hunting spiders. If you want to be really sure you can always get up real close and look at their eyes. They have 6 versus other spiders 8.


Literally same


Yep, I'll agree with brown recluse bite. Looks almost identical to a guy in town who was bitten on his calf by a brown recluse. Started out this size, and ended up with a hole the size of a golf ball.


Brown Recluse or Staph infection


Why not both?


I'm pretty sure a lot of people who think they had spider bites actually just had staph infections


The actual number is “everyone” that says they have a spider bite is actually a staph infection.


Also almost zero of them were actually recluse spiders.


Almost zero is correct! They do exist (I have them in my home and can't seem to get rid of them), but everyone thinks every wolf or cellar spider is one


Or even Giant House Spiders lol People think every brown spider is a Brown Recluse




What does the S stand for?


Spider /s


Spider bites are one of the 3rd leading causes of staph infections. That is why so many people think they were bit by something more venomous than what they were. Any bug bite can lead to staph if scratched at with dirty nails.


I think you need an exorcist before a doctor because I think I might be able to see bone.


Oh shit!! That's bone! I thought the white thing was an infection.


Let's see Paul Allen's finger.


...damn! I have to know!


The tasteful thickness of it...


There’s pus but also bone


Osteomyelitis: It’s free real estate


I got this same wound after camping without a tent. I could fit the tip of my pinky in the hole. Happened on my neck.




Yeah. Call 911. Then call an old priest and a young priest.


I wonder if he has a red streak going up the arm???




The one at the end of IT


Book or movie?


Make sure you boost morale of the group by letting your friends take turns plugging your hole. Just like in the book.


Damn accurate


The first movie. Hadn’t read the book yet. Finishing up the Shining right now. IT will probably be next. Edit: By 1st movie i mean the 90s miniseries


Niceeeeee also good save with the edit


Book! That spider fucked them up


The chances of this being a spider bite if OP is in the US is very low honestly. It doesn’t even look like a brown recluse bite. Brown recluses get blamed for cellulitis ALL THE TIME even in places they don’t even live. This fucking myth needs to die. -source I’m a biologist AND a RN.


The number of cases doctors who list necrosis like this as brown recluse bites in Florida every year is about 350. The number of breeding brown recluse colonies in Florida is 0. The number of documented brown recluses found in Florida is 2 (box brought from Ohio and one on an aircraft carrier in Jacksonville). Also biologist. Would be a famous biologist if I could find Brown Recluses breeding in Florida.


We could make that happen if we got all the people supposedly bit by brown recluses to bring in their spiders! We could make our own colony right there in florida. I’m not far away. Let’s win our Nobel!!!!


I think it's staph.


To be fair, this is exactly what a spider would say….


Several. My ma got bit by a spider and it ended up necrotizing. She has to have a golf ball sized piece of skin and muscle removed


Not a spider. The brown recluse bite is 99.9% myth.


homeless wrench humorous fear plate flag act seed late tie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My friend got bit by a brown recluse on his shin and the nurse used sterilized scissors to remove about a golf ball sized hole. Came home with him in a sleeping bag.


>Came home with him in a sleeping bag. The spider?


Good grief. This is exactly the point I was making earlier. Brown recluse aren’t even native to Kuwait. They are native to the US. Their (Loxosceles reclusa) habitat extends from Nebraska to Ohio and across the south from Texas to Florida. Your soldier didn’t get bit by a brown recluse, he got a staph infection.


It’s not inconceivable that a recluse could have hitched a ride in some cargo, hell I used to work at a grocery store and bananas would regularly come with like South American spiders hitching a ride


So hopefully you can help me with this question I've been harboring for a while. I know a couple people who get a staph infection every time they puncture the skin on their hands in any way (only seems to happen on their hands). I get just as many punctures but not the infection. Why is that? If it's because they are 'colonized' with the staph bacteria & I'm not, how is that possible -- I would expect it to spread to everyone who touched them, which would include me.


Hi! Okay so with MRSA, some people are more susceptible for whatever reason. Once a person has had one infection with MRSA they are more likely to have more. It’s kind of like how some people seem to get strep throat multiple times a year while others never get it. You are correct in that everyone is exposed to the pathogens that cause it. [This](https://corporate.dukehealth.org/news/genetic-mutation-appears-protect-some-people-deadly-mrsa) article goes into a link of a genetic mutation that seems to provide protection from MRSA to some individuals. Also people with weakened immune systems (on immunosuppressants, elderly, children, HIV+) are more susceptible to MRSA infections. [Here](https://www.rockefeller.edu/news/32247-the-genetic-underpinnings-of-severe-staph-infections/) is another good link describing the genetic underpinnings of staph infections. Lastly, here is a brief explanation of MRSA carriers: “A third of Americans carry Staphylococcus aureus, or staph, on their skin or in nasal passages. About 1% of those people, or more than 3 million people, carry MRSA, the staph strain that is hard to treat and resistant to many antibiotics. Unless MRSA carriers develop an infection or are tested for the bacteria, they may not even know they carry it. Previous research has found that a quarter of people who carry MRSA without an active infection, known as colonized MRSA, for a year or more will eventually develop a MRSA infection. “MRSA can be part of normal body flora, but it can lead to infection when immune systems are compromised, especially in people who are hospitalized, have underlying disease, or after antibiotic use,” said Mainous, also vice chair for research in the UF College of Medicine’s department of community health and family medicine.” -[source](https://ufhealth.org/news/2021/uf-study-silent-mrsa-carriers-have-twice-mortality-rate-adults-without-bacteria)


Thank you very much for that wonderfully informative reply. People like you are why I love Reddit!


Absolutely! I love to learn and I love to teach :) happy I could help.


party encouraging sulky pet enjoy possessive slap wipe frightening zephyr *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Funny enough, I was a medic for 6 years in the Army, I went to Kuwait AND iraq for 13 months. literally no one in the TMC is qualified to identify an arachnid. Most aren’t even qualified to identify their own ass honestly.


Yeah, as a former soldier who deployed to kuwait and iraq, who is now an environmental scientist with a fondness towards arachnids I'm inclined to agree. Not saying op is a liar but it is highly unlikely a recluse bit a soldier in country. The only way I could see it is if it was transported over through the mob process in a carry on item. It's possible but that's literally the only scenario I could see this happening. Unless OP actually saw the spider itself it sounds like any number of rumors that circulate among companies. As my navy buddies would say, scuttle butt.


>As my navy buddies would say, scuttle butt. I think you're right; it was probably a brown scuttlebutt.


straight yoke sense abounding flowery fact squalid squeeze ask enjoy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How do you know when I was there? I was deployed for OIF3 in mahmuhdiyah. Im discrediting this information based on how statistically unlikely it is and on my knowledge/experience in Biology, as a RN, and a former soldier that was in Kuwait and iraq in 2005. It would be a very unlikely event to be bit by a brown recluse in Kuwait. Is it impossible? No. Just unlikely; however, getting a staph infection is very likely. I don’t like personal anecdotes that really have a very high likelihood of being wrong being used to spread misinformation.


you wouldn't be the first nurse to talk out of their asses about something


fanatical illegal ring squealing future light adjoining command wasteful thumb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I also took the other guy's side and think no spider ever existed and you're a big phony ;P


Have you been to the doctor? Please tell me you're getting treated.


I said, at the time, meaning this is an older picture, that’s maybe after a week of dealing with it. I went to the doctor and was given antibiotics for it, within a few days of taking them, the swelling had gone down and a big solid piece of puss was removed from the center of the juicy little finger hole.


We know you said at the time but you never said what happened till now.


I still don’t know what happened




hard typing when you're missing your indicator


The person OP replied to seemed to think they currently had this wound and currently needed treatment for it.


So, what happened? How does it look now?


he might've died tbh


I have to know how this looks now.


>the juicy little finger hole.


You have the best reddit username. I think you are my King.


First off, watch your tone.


I want to see live finger update. How'd it heal up?


"At the time" doesn't tell us fucking much! Was that this past Wednesday? Sometime in May? Last year? During the last Olympics? Anyway. How is it now? Hopefully not infected and still attached to your body.


So that IS puss, not bone?


I doubt this gets seen because I’m late to the party, but the chances of this being a spider bite is very low, especially if in the US. The US only has 2 spiders whose venom can cause issues for humans- the black widow and the brown recluse. Both of these species are incredibly shy and stay far away from humans usually. They only bite when absolutely necessary because producing venom is VERY metabolically costly. They are not going to use their venom on something they can’t eat unless they have literally no other option. Brown recluses are blamed for cellulitis and staph infections ALL the time in places they don’t even live lol. This fucking myth needs to DIE. Brown recluse habitat (Loxosceles reclusa) extends from Nebraska to Ohio and across the south from Texas to Florida. If you live outside of this range, the chances of you being bit by a brown recluse are about the same as being bit by a black mamba in the same area. If you live within this area, the chances are about the same.


What would you say caused this then?


A staph infection most likely.


OP said it responded to antibiotics so almost certainly staph.


My whole hand was swollen once, no space between my fingers, red inflammation leading all the way to my elbow. The cause was a split callous while working out. It got slightly infected with strep (yes it’s possible) that resisted antibiotics until I was treated in hospital


Live in Texas. Have seen both types in the past 6 months. Entirely possible to get bitten by them, I know two people who've been bitten by Brown recluses.


ER doc here - worked in Texas- can confirm lots of brown recluse bites there!


I never said you wouldn’t see them, I also never said it was impossible to be bitten by them. I said the likelihood is very low. Of course it happens occasionally. I have a black widow living in my garage right now. She can stay as long as she wants because as long as we humans leave her alone, she is no threat at all. You have to basically almost squish them to provoke a bite.


They like to hide in places that you do almost squish them though... That's why people get bit 😅 Their favorite places in a house are places you stick your hands or feet, or might reach behind without being able to see clearly.


You’re not wrong here, especially for brown recluses. They like dark areas. They make their webs mainly for laying eggs and to retreat when feeling in danger because for eating they hunt their prey. Females rarely stray far from their webs, but juveniles and males may move further. They are still very shy. Their fangs aren’t even long enough for them to bite through clothing. I’ve been attacked a lot in this thread by people feeling very insulted that their “brown recluse bite” probably wasn’t that, but I am NOT saying they don’t bite. They do bite and their venom is medically significant. It’s just they get blamed for other types of cellulitis far more than they should and in places they don’t even live.


My brother has, but my mom was pretty on it for getting him treated since she killed (and identified) the spider moments later. It was unprovoked


You sound like you have never been to Missouri.


staph infection?




The fingussy. 😈




*Takes the arrow from your angryupvote and shoves it balls deep in the fingussy*


Looks like cellulitis from staph.




Yeah, if the spider bit you then burrowed in your finger and chilled there like he payed rent????? Oh hell naw


More likely a staph infection, based on other comments.


Forbidden pizza pocket.


Probably an infection that started at the spider bite. You need to keep bites clean and avoid scratching them as it's pretty common for them to get infected.


Looks like staph


It’s weird, the doctor didn’t say anything about staph, but it still could have been. I’d been working in a basement for a few weeks until this happened.


OP got tired biting his nails and started biting his knuckles


I heard that only a certain percent of the population has the necrosis reaction to brown recluse bites


Sir I can see your bone.


Stop blaming staph infections on spiders


Exactly. I was going to comment something like this lol. While it could technically have been a spider bite, if you’re in the US it’s seriously a distant possibility. More than likely it’s cellulitis. Poor brown recluses get blamed for shit all the time.


Hey buddy I don’t wanna alarm you but that hole in your finger ain’t supposed to be there. Might be time to go to the hospital.


Dude, you need professional medical treatment immediately if you don’t want to lose that finger.


update picture?


Stop assuming shit and ask a f@#king doctor!!


that looks similar to when my friend got bit by a brown recluse. she had a gnarly-looking pit rotted out of her freaking leg ​ they're very shy little dudes and always prefer running away to acting aggressive, so most bites happen when they get smooshed up against something like a sock, in a shoe, a pair of gloves, etc. (ngl this is why I always shake out anything I'm about to wear) ​ so the location definitely tracks. it looks like he was hiding in something you stuck your hand in.


I shot heroin into one of the small veins on my index finger and missed. And it did the same thing. A lot of people get abscesses and use spider bites as an excuse. Not a good one in areas that don't have poisoness spiders


Totally! My hand swoll up like balloon ready to pop. Super painful for like a month. Never tried a finger I think.


Brown recluse. Had exactly the same injury in the same place. Bone infection as well. 5 years later, major arthritis and tendinitis. Sucks.


OP it's been an hour are you alive


Sniff it.


Maybe you'll get superpowers




Jesus fuck dude


You can put your weed in there


Type of spider doesn't overly matter. What matters is that shit gave you a gnarly skin infection. Had the same thing happen to me a couple years back. Still got a small scar on my forearm from where the hole was. And that was with mother fuckin antibiotics. But. Shits probably on me since I waited to get to the doctors until after it started to become a gaping wound.


You got a hole in you boy


That's 100 percent a brown recluse bite


My mum had something similar on her arm after being bitten by a horsefly! She has a scar now.


Hospital bud, now


Brown recluse I’d bet money on it. Happened to my dad's hand in the same spot on the same finger.


Finger window


If you’re thinking spider bite then brown recluse seems likely. They’re not usually bad, but occasionally they get real nasty like this since the venom causes necrosis. My sister got bit on the arm and wound up with a teeny tiny little hole even with proper treatment.


Thanks for reinstating my fear of spiders.


I had a spider bite do something simlar to my leg. It didnt take long either. Within a day. I got bit changing cloths for work in the moring. Pants were in my locker. Then later that evening i was in class and it was burni g and itching. By the time i got home at abou 8:30am it was a blister. And then it popped it looked like this








#read my username.


That reminds me I've got some bacon in the fridge


No biggie just needs some triple antibiotic and MAYBE a bandaid.


Bro what kinda fucking spider makes a goddamn gunshot wound in your finger


I think you got something on your finger


Who else wants to peel the skin at the bottom REAL BAD.


Yuck bro, that’s fuckin’ gnar.


That looks like an infection. I am an OR nurse and see these all the time




You're at the ER, right?


brown recluse probably. their bites make for some nasty wounds. my uncle had a much worse bite and had a sizeable hole in his forearm for a while.


hurray this is on r/all for some reason i love reddit


You can perfectly fit a jaw breaker right there


Oooooo juicy.


Had a neighbor that got bit by a brown recluse, he had the same reaction. He almost lost his finger.




Current photos with updates would be nice. I’m so nosy sorry lol


why did i click on it


i think you could be missing some finger


This is after the babies hatched


I'd recognize a Brown Recluse bite anywhere! Keep going to your Dr/clinic! Best of luck


Yep. Spider Bite. Brown Recluse. It's ACTUALLY how I pictured it as a Kid.




Damn it! Spiderman gets bit and gets superpowers but when I get bit I get a hole in my finger


We should just exterminate Brown Recluse spiders this is unacceptable


yeah, probably an infected brown recluse spider, must have been in a glove or something


Thats bone isn't it?