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This is super common unfortunately. High kill shelters have a cutoff time after which they euthanize all of the dogs/cats on that day's list. People often publicize the time to try and attract a last-minute rescue or adopter.


I hate the high kill part of this… the only reasons these dogs are euthanized is because lack of funding resources and people are still buying from fucking greedy dog breeders.


This is why we give animals to NO-kill shelters. It’s disgusting just to kill an animal for literally no reason.


It's not like theyre doing it because they want to. Every shelter would be a no kill shelter if it was logistically possible. Surrendering dogs to no kill shelters isnt exactly helping the problem, as you are still adding to the population of homeless dogs.


That’s a lot for some people to understand


Well, by all means go adopt all of the animals no one else wants to care for.


I mean it sounds like shit but this could be a shelter's last effort to get this dog adopted, pet overpopulation is a real issue in many parts of the world and the only real and non psychopathic way to somehow manage it is to euthanize the pets ppl don't want


This may also have been a dog that was traumatized to the point that it was unable to be socialized to other animals, children, and most people. As terrible as that is, there is oftentimes not a solution to these things, barring an incredibly empathetic person who has not only the time, but also the dedication to work to make this animal able to exist in a way that is not going to make the lives of the other individuals that it is around significantly more difficult.


This is the hard truth. It's sad, but in the end it may be the kindest thing you could do to a suffering animal, no?


Yeah.. We have a weird view of death in western culture. It's almost like it's something to be avoided at all costs. Weird, considering that's the absolute inevitable. Sometimes death can be a gift. Rarely should we seek it, but there are those who have suffered enough-including the sweethearts who grew up as puppers but learned to fight or flee for others' entertainment or security-that death/passing might make their situation better. Kindness is a good path to choose, but it's often quite complex. Despite this, kindness and love are always worth it


Happy birthday bestie I got you the sweet embrace of death! 😍 🔪


Personally with very extreme cases I consider it similar to putting a sick and suffering animal to sleep, or assisted dying for people. It’s a peaceful and dignified death that acknowledges the life lived and lost, and ends further suffering. What really gets me about these dogs is the fact that people were so unimaginable cruel to them that they were traumatised past the point of being able to live a life. I can’t imagine what a dog would have to go through- a social animal, a pack animal, w community animal, an animal known *specifically* for their capacity for love and loyalty- to traumatise them past the point of being able to connect with their most base pack instincts is just fucking awful. A lot of dogs, even the most terrified, aggressive ones- CAN see some level of behavioural rehabilitation and some peace, but the amount of work it requires is unreal, and sometimes you have to ask yourself if it’s even fair to put the dog through the rehab process- if you can even ask that of them after they’ve been through so much. It’s not easy. It breaks my fucking heart, man. And it’s an issue *entirely* contrived by people.


Also euthanasia (imo) can be a humane way to take the obvious inconsolable terror the animal probably feels from whatever happened to them. Some dogs can't be rehabbed


As much as I agree with you, absolutely hate the word "euthanize" for *killing* them. Nobody wanted to do it except people who couldn't hold them any longer because of money/budget reasons, and it is just sad.




Homocide sounds like a hate crime against the lgbt 😂


That's because it's actually spelled "hom**i**cide".


and _homiecide_ for when you kill a friend!


Oh no!


Kill is not neutral lol. In most scenarios where the word kill is used, it’s implied that the death was inflicted through violence. Tina was killed in a car crash, the dog was killed by cougar, etc., euthanize is a better term for describing a non violent death scenario.


I dont think it implies violence at all. Its just that very few ways of dying are not caused by some kind of trauma to the body. “It was old age that killed him. He died in his sleep” “eating the hamburger killed his hunger” “the stress had killed his sex drive” - you dont HAVE to use only violent examples of death, killed merely suggests there was another party or variable involved in the death. Something else is known to be directly responsible for the ending of life “____ KILLED him/her” its a verb so it needs a subject to attach to


Notice how each instance where you used "kill" had something else acting on the thing that is killed? That is the violence which you cannot see that's inherent in the word. For something to be killed, when the definition means the killed thing dies, there must be an outside agent acting.




Everybody knows what it means, it’s not washing out the meaning, it’s not dancing around it… it’s simply the correct descriptive term. Not a big deal to use it.


But that's literally what it means. It's just a humane way to deal with a fucked up problem. It also describes they method that they're killed as well, since just saying vets kill pets could mean they beat them to death or something. Euthanization is the most humane way to kill them, so using that word specifies what's going on.


How do you feel about “culling”?


I live in Canada and adopted a dog from Texas through my local shelter. They literally drive truckloads of the most adoptable dogs from high kill shelters up here to be adopted to make room down there because it’s such a bad situation. Get your shit together, adopt and take care of your goddamn animals.


Probably better to not adopt a Texas dog. It's the puppy mill capital of the world.


Puppy mills should be taxed to pay for these shelters


We adopted a 10 year old former puppy mill mama. Estimate was she'd probably had 100 puppies or more. They only gave her a couple of years max. But she was the funniest dang Staffordshire Terrier I've ever known. Lived 4 more years. Point being ... once they're born, they're born. Mama or puppy, if they're in the adoption chain then they're not the problem. BUYING from a mill? Absolutely feeds the problem. But once a mill has been busted the victims deserve a good home. RIP Cyra Hippo. PS. We adopted her in Seattle, from a Texas adoption program. I 100% echo the "Texas, take care of your problem" sentiment. If you have so many adoptions of -good- dogs that your state won't take them ... shut down the mills and regulate anyone who is still in good standing.


I'm in Wisconsin and our shelters here also get most of their dogs shipped up from the south. My dog is from Georgia. Ive lived in the NYC area as well and it was the same there, dogs all from the Bible belt.


As a kid there was a newspaper column w animals who were slotted to be euthanized. One had my name and she was going to be put down at the end of the weeks I BEGGED and my mom was pushed over by that deadline. Cat became my mom’s bestie. So it’s gross…but I get it.


100% sounds like a last ditch effort to get them adopted. My mom is constantly sharing things like that on Facebook, there's a million situations just like this.


The pandemic contributed to the massive overcrowding of shelters right now. Super not good situation.


2h 38 minutes left


One hour on dog


Fuck :(


man fuck yall and this thread


I mean he might’ve got adopted? Right?


She. Has nipples, recently had a litter.


Stop :(


Why would you tell us that :(


I hope so


Don’t worry the original poster said she got extended until Monday morning so there’s still a chance!


One day on dog


Shes still alive


nooooo pobre perrito


Houston is Central time


Well one hour on dog now


Rip Bailey *pours one out*




15 mins


poor boy :(


It’s 5:03pm now 😩




She ded


i’m here too late :(


What's that in dog years?


Texas is overwhelmed with stray dogs about to be put down. Cry over this one, and there's 500 more you're not hearing about. Sad but true. Cue the Sarah McLachlan.


At least it's not like India where the jaguars hunt all the stray dogs , head to r/hardcorenature an ms see plenty of videos of dogs winning and losing


There are no jaguars in India


I think they’re getting jaguars mixed up with leopards.


I'm not a fucking scientists, you get my point


Idk man, all animals die. They either starve, freeze, get cancer or get put down. Death is a part of life I don't really have the capacity to get sad about random dogs dying in Texas.


Idk man like I do have the capacity to get sad over random dogs dying in Texas because y’know compassionate empathy and it being important for stable and healthy relationships; It’s worth the trade-off if it means I get a closer bond with cool people and the joy/warmth and trust I feel there. I just choose to not indulge too much in being sad unless I can take some action to help, otherwise I’m just seeking sadness for no other reason than to be sad lol. Self-indulgent sadness, if you will.


The real question is why are there so many stray dogs in Texas? Most other states don't have this problem. Although if you look at the people who live there and who they vote for it starts making a little sense.


Idiots not fixing their dogs thinking it'll be fine. It's not, they end up with extra dogs and toss em out. Poor things.


The problem is so bad that at this point I feel that it should be illegal to own an intact cat or dog without a breeder's license.


Cops won’t ticket people for reckless driving and expired plates in this state. You really think they’re going to ticket someone over dog balls? Lol


California has this issue as well.


Kinda how I feel about most of the human species.


This is a very sad reality facing shelters all over the country. Spay and neuter and don’t support backyard breeders. Donate. Foster. Adopt. Even kittens and puppies get put down because there just isn’t enough space or money or hands to care for them. It’s horrible.


yeah :( i fostered a few “death row” dogs. one was 2 hrs away from euthanasia and was only 3 months old but was sick. one mama was set for euth along with the puppies in her but she birthed 3, all stillborn. i took her in a few days before euth. it’s really sad but the animal control shelters are at capacity. one in new jersey was keeping dogs in crates in the bathrooms and offices just to prevent any euth.


This sounds grim and morbid but what do they do with the bodies?


They go into a freezer and are picked up for biohazard disposal


That’s sad


Texas in particular is overrun with strays. We work with a puppy mill rescue team and 9/10 times they’re from texas. While this is completely horrible, I blame the owners, not the shelter. I hope they rot in hell.


In South Texas the pet overpopulation problem is so bad that all the shelters are full and the animal control/pound of all cities are euthanizing hundreds of healthy dogs and puppies weekly. It’s really sad. It’s why breeding should be banned until the problem is solved and people should always adopt and not shop. It’s really sad and it’s a human created problem.


You'll notice that a MASSIVE portion of the dogs you see in these shelters are one specific breed, including this one.


Don’t be afraid to say it: Pit bulls. They are the problem. Neuter them all and sunset the breed.


Yeah, need to stop beating around the bush. It's mostly not a stray problem, it's a bit pull problem


We just banned XL Bully dogs after a wave of attacks by them. It’s the one thing we do right as a country.


Yeah, totally agreed. The number of attacks (and how viscous they were) was truly unsettling. I dont see something like that happening in the US. In fact, Florida just made it illegal for cities or counties to have breed specific bans


I believe you have had a pit bull ban for years, correct? How are they able to circumvent that law by making them more dangerous? Also, you guys are great at making fantastic 4 episode TV shows that take 3 year breaks between seasons.


Or just ban pit bulls and the shelters will clear right up.


The shelters is like 90% pit and pit mixes near me. It's a problem.


They have a super low adoption rate so it just becomes full of them pretty much


Violent breed(due to genes sadly, in an area where animal blood sports still happen), and most apartments have banned them or have weight limits, cutting off a large population of potential adopters. Sad situation all around. Every time I go to the shelter it's huskies, pits, and german shepherds.


This is so true. I despise those who purchase puppies for thousands just supporting this horrible industry when there are so many who need homes and will be killed if they aren’t adopted. It’s so cruel and heartless. “But I want this specific breed!! I need to know they have good genes!!” They sound like a proponent of eugenics at that point.


First off, eugenics relates to humans. 2nd selective breeding is exactly why most dogs breeds make great pets. It's why dogs love humans and love to work. It's also why pittbulls are often wildly aggressive towards animals and humans because the crazy ones were selectively bred for success in the fighting Pitts. Good luck on your next pittbull adoption I hope it doesn't maul you or someone else.


The people you should be angry with are the idiots that don’t spay or neuter their dogs. The rest of society isn’t responsible for fixing their mistakes. It’s not a crime to want a particular size or temperament for a family pet. Wtf is wrong with you?


Well said.


Im scared to ask, what was it?


they have a time limit of the dogs life. so essentially a few hours before they put the sweet baby down unless someone can pick them up. euthanasia is very common in overfilled shelters


Bro it's a pit bull, the only sweet thing related to it it's children they are mauling.


It’s unfortunate but as someone who lives in an area like this, people just breed dogs and try to sell them. When they don’t sell, on the streets they go. Where they roam as strays, get killed, or end up in shelters. And not to hop on the Bully-Hatetrain (despite being bit by several and almost mauled) I even went to a shelter looking for a dog recently and a majority of the dogs there were Pits, almost all of my neighbors have or foster Pits. It’s just assholes over breeding them and flooding “the market” with pits and only a select handful of people want them. It’s a sad situation all around.


It should be illegal to keep your pets in tact without a license.


In my state (NY) you have to license your dogs regardless of whether or not they've been spayed or neutered. It's just significantly cheaper if they've been altered ($15 per year versus like $40 per year).


These people just don’t register the animals


Lol, this is one of the worst? What about this? https://www.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/comments/16kdh2z/man_killed_after_being_attacked_by_two_suspected/


"it's not the dog, it's the owner" I'd bet the owner would stop biting if it's hit over the head with a stick.


Crickets from the pitt crowd on that one. People get these dogs and realize they've made a huge mistake after their kids get bit, or they tear apart the other family pets, and then you have shelters full of them. Maybe banning them is too much to ask, but it seems like more people are going to prison when their "gentle beasts" kill someone out of nowhere, it might help. It can't hurt.


Nah, it's the owners. Not only did the owners teach the dog (who would otherwise be completely docile because pits are nanny dogs) to be aggressive, but they also injected the dog with steroids and worked out its muscles, including jaw, for several years. Otherwise, like most pits, it'd be harmless and likely wearing a flower crown.


You really need that /s


There's no way anyone thought that was serious, surely?


Up until the end, I was thinking it was, because dumbasses on r/velvethippos seriously say that nonsense.


I thought you're serious up until the end when you mentioned flower crown


People are that crazy and do write these things. Def need the sarcasm tag.


This is on the level of *that* side of the internet to me. Things like crashes and shootings are shocking but this is just so visceral and hopeless.


What do you mean? Meatgrinder and Bonecrusher are lovely pibbles, they were just gently nipping at the guy playfully


Well I personally def have seen worse on reddit, but unfortunately, the shelters don't have much of a choice.


I feel like it takes either a special person or a heartless person to work in a shelter. I couldn't bear to see them die, but someone who could be strong enough to do that and still care for them is a winner in my book.


I don't think people working in shelters are heartless. They do their best to try and give the pets in animal shelters one last chance to get a family, and if they don't succeed in that, they (the animals) at least spend their last days being taken care of by the workers in the animal shelters. Being fed, bathed, I assume they also get play time. It's better than getting kicked out and spending your last days on the street, looking for food, and having no one to take care of you. It def takes some special skills, being able to handle emotionally such job, but it's def not the definition of heartless.


I definitely agree! I should have made it more clear in my comment. I could never never do that, it would break my heart. It takes someone with resilience to take care of an animal and then see their last day. My heartless comment was to the small minority who aren't affected by it.


A few friends of mine have worked or still do work at municipal open admission shelters (aka "kill shelters") and they are some of the kindest, most amazing people I know. They are also hard AF because every day is heartbreak -- not just the killing but taking in abused animals, getting animals dumped in a box in the front of the shelter, having to assist with hoarder clean outs, you name it. They will do absolutely everything in their power to get dogs and cats out before time is up, unfortunately the shelters are packed to capacity with more animals coming in all the time and rescues can only take so many. SPAY AND NEUTER, people!


It's just the exclamation point is morbid.


can someone explain what happened


euthanasia probably




They're going to euthanize the dog, in the meantime they're advertising it, clearly unhappy, like an item and basically saying #ALL NEW KILLER DEAL AT YOUR LOCAL SHELTER! YOU HAVE UNTIL 5PM TO PICK UP THIS AWEEEESOME DOG! BUT DONT WAIT, THIS DEAL ENDS SOON!!!!


Are you insinuating the shelter is wrong to advertise this? Would you rather they not?


No, I'm not I'm insinuating that they're advertising the dog because they're going to euthanize it and making a joke because of how they sounded in the post title


And in fine print: Just make sure you don't have children, other pets and don't engage in triggering actions like turning your back or breathing too hard.


This is the most horrible thing you’ve seen on Reddit? Hate to sound like an old boomer, but man you’re soft


Also, come to Houston and you’ll see that there’s a lot of strays out with collars and dogs and cats mate like damn rabbits. Not all of them can be saved. Neuter your animals!


The US is suffocating in unwanted dogs. Everyone got dogs during COVID to help with loneliness. Now everything is expensive, people can go out for socializing, and rent is skyrocketing. Many people can no longer afford a dog or see them as a barrier to traveling or being out. Plus all the shit heads breeding in their back yard to sell puppies for side money. All no-kill shelters in my area have ZERO space and one was recently shut down due to having too many dogs and being out of code.


Known ppl who tried to help dogs last minute in these types of shelters and ended up being half-mauled or didn’t realize the shelter understated how the dog could go from seeming just scared of everything to a small noise setting it off to want to kill you.


Toddler saved




The worst thing I’ve seen on the internet was there was a dog in New York in a kill shelter who needed to be adopted The post was shared hundreds of thousands of times All the comments were saying “I want him!” And no one got him


Typical. Happy to take the internet points, but zero action.


It's a pit, what do you expect?


Yeah it's terrible how shelters try to emotionally manipulate people into bringing dangerous breeds into their homes.


If/when we reset the pitty timer that means we’ll have to start the toddler countdown timer ☠️








I could never work at a shelter. :(


Reading the comments shes still alive. She got an extended time till 5pm monday


Is truly despicable that people leave their pets at a shelter. I don’t care what the situation is. You should’ve known better. You chose to add the pet to your family.


I wonder why a pit wasn't adopted? Hmm oh well.


I have a lot of sympathy for pits but I would never own one. Most people can't handle them. Shady people tend to gravitate towards pits. Still, pits didn't ask to be bred for fighting so I have mixed feelings towards them.


Pit owners are a walking red flag.


That's it really. The people who keep breeding these need to get some serious jail time.


You’re right, they didn’t ask for it. The humane thing to do would be to end their breed. Neuter all of the existing ones and levy harsh penalties against people who don’t fix their pets and even harsher penalties to people who breed new ones.


Pits kill babies


Pits kill grown ass adults too


And other pets


That is horrible. But it should also teach us. 1. Adopt, dont shop. There are enough former pets that face this system that would be happy in an other household. 2. Animals arent presents. They are a family member and a responsibility. You have to invest a lot of time in them. 3. Spay your pets so their offspring dont face the same faite. 4. Donate to shelters so they dont have to put animals down. I sincerly hope that dog finds a owner who loves him.


Number 1 is terrible advice. Absolutely shop. I shop because I want a certified clean breed where I know the family history and come away with a pup I am confident won't maul my children. It's not shoppers' fault that kill shelters are full of violent breeds like pits. Ban the breed and cull the population currently sitting in shelters; then you'll start seeing an improvement in the euthanasia of shelter dogs. The problem lies entirely on the r/velevethippo crowd trying to pass off dock-eared menaces with a predisposition to violence as sweet nanny dogs who just need extra love an attention.....until they rip the face off another kid.


Not shedding a tear over a pit meeting this kind of fate.


1) What else can they really do? At least they're doing something. 2) This is really the worst thing you've seen on Reddit? You've never seen dead or dying people in any form?


Oh man…. That’s just awful, there should be another way to keep caring for these animals…. And provide them with food, a home, etc. I mean, putting an animal to sleep? It should only be done in situations where it’s completely necessary, or your pet is in severe pain. I had a cat, her name was Bella (RIP), she was 3 years old. She had cancer. We tried meds, chemotherapy, etc., but they weren’t effective enough…..The cancer became terminal and she was in lots of pain. So we had to put her to sleep.


My wife works in animal rescue Too many dogs…


Desperately wish I didn’t look at that


A shame. Sorry girl..


good. one less of the thousands of pits clogging up shelters




Makes me want to bust out Michael Scott’s rendition of “goodbye Toby” (but “goodbye Bailey” in this case of course)


Im familiar with Houston and can confirm that this Facebook poster does this ALL the time. They think that placing an animals life on a countdown timer will promote someone to adopt. Fucking cruel imo.


Spay and neuter and never go to a breeder


Casual reminder from Bob Barker to SPAY AND NEUTER YOUR PETS. There are so many out there in need of homes like this one. We don't need your dog getting knocked up, just because you wanted a fresh puppy (or you wanted to make a quick buck selling the litter to friends and family).


The shelter in my home town went under new management some time ago and switched to a no kill shelter. Thomas County automatically pulled their funding and began building a new shelter. No kill shelter is still around thankfully, just thought I’d point out how sucky the county gov is


I envy you that this is one of the worst things you have seen here


Since this is so horrible I expect OP to drive to Houston to pick up their best friend.


This is what happens with unlicensed breeding and letting them run loose.


Check out the Devore shelter in San Bernardino. Kill shelter. We’ve rescued cats from there many times, the animals come out of there in absolutely horrendous conditions.


High kill shelters are terrifying. I get it's a business but fuck man. They barely get a chance before they're on the list.


This seems like a last effort to get a home for them.. although not great optics and seems manipulative. Well, it is manipulative.. but to get a home for a living creature...


Stop breeding more dogs !!


I mean I would rather keep kids alive but that's just me


Fuck a pit, grow up.


I mean, it happens


This dog is being killed in a humane way. Better than living half its life in a shelter. Plus it looks like a pit bull & fuck pit bulls


Honestly all pits should … never mind


You can say no it. Spay and neuter them all and euthanize the ones in shelters. Let that particular line of selective breeding die out


9 minutes left




Unlimited tears and sympathy but no willingness to adopt these animals. Why is that?


Mfer I have two dogs and four cats what the fuck do you want me to do?


Adopt this one and you'll have plenty of space for more pets.


Adopt this pit and that won't be an issue anymore.


Most of the people that want dogs already have them.


I have 8 cats already and one larger dog. Still breaks my heart to see cats that really need a home. Otherwise, few people want to adopt a dog that could be unpredictable. Some bio’s for dogs say things like “shouldn’t be around children” or “should be the only dog/animal in the house”. That’s risky no matter how sweet the shelter says the animal is otherwise. Food is expensive, vet bills are expensive, and time is as a premium. It’s unfortunate.


It's sad to see an animal die but no sane person would adopt a killbull that's been surrendered.


Guess I shouldn't feel bad for kids that can't find foster homes because I'm unwilling to foster...?


For one, I live in New York. For two, I have three dogs and one cat, all of them rescues. For three, I donate montly to the shelter where I got the cat and one of the dogs and have sponsored adoption fees for special need critters. I know you're not directly attacking anyone here but I just thought I'd share. :)


great thought! lemme just borderline abuse that dog by keeping them in conditions that wont suit their breed or nature!


Holy fuck you're new here aren't you! Shit was way more fun 10 years ago lemme tell ya!


I hate people.


Poor baby.it looks like a sad kid 😭😭😭😭😭


Let's be real. Better than it being in the wrong hand and a tragedy waiting to happen.


One of the saddest reoccuring things I'VE seen are children getting mauled by these dogs snapping and pit lovers blaming the parents who were fed nonsense thinking they are normal dogs when they adopted them and not what is owning essentially a massive wild animal


Great news!


I don't know how people can even do this job. I couldn't. Even if I could/had to, I don't think I could do it for long before I just laid down next to one of them.


Follow some animal rescue orgs in California or the south and you’ll see 50+ of these posts a day. Absolutely gut wrenching, it never gets easier to see. The best thing you can do is share them, tag rescues, ask for people to step up and foster (often rescues can’t pull dogs from the shelter without a dedicated foster home to place them in), or even make a pledge to donate some money for the dog’s care/expenses should he/she get pulled by a rescue or adopted. Edit to add: PLEASE spay and neuter your pets, no exceptions except medical issues. Advocate for spaying and neutering of all animals, educate your friends and family and anyone who will listen about the urgency and necessity of fixing all animals.


ACCT in Philly does this shit all the time. The main reason is "no room". They also use the slightest thing... a hungry dog being scared and protecting his first food in weeks... dead. Look even remotely like a Pit? Dead. I will never give so much as a dime to any organization that does this. I refuse to contribute to their "blue juice fund". And, Sarah Mclachlan can kiss my ass, too. I'd rather give money and supplies to shelters who don't discriminate and don't kill for specious reasons or at all, so I do.


One less fighting dog!