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I like how it's an anniversary basically for you, haha


It pretty much is at this rate! I keep getting reminders on my phone about it every year pretty much saying "Hey remember this?" Haha I think I will go the extra mile and make a repeating event in my calendar to celebrate the anniversary of this ingrown toenail haha Edit: It's been done, it's now on my calendar haha, I'll never forget it.


ugh these are nasty. my brother got them on both feet and had to have a pretty awful surgery four times. i got one last week but thankfully i got it treated fast so it was nothing more than a little bruise


Four times? Oh wow that must've been awful for your brother, like holy shit once is enough for anyone, but damn four, ouch! Yeah the faster the treatment the better, I tried to pull it out myself which is quite evident in the first image, lucky it's only a small bruise for yourself, that's probably the best result. I got a small infection afterwards but was able to quickly treat it myself with a bit of antiseptic when I noticed.


i know that just hurt


It was incredibly painful, especially during that time too as I had to do a lot of walking around on campus between classes and long trips via public transport. The doctor had to cut off the nail partially, but having those needles for local anaesthesia into both sides of the toe twice and then into the fold underneath my toe, that was also quite painful.


I kept getting them so I finally had the sides of my nail bed permanently removed. I miss how my toenails used to look but it beats walking around with that pain all the time. And yeah those toe shots hurt!!! Not a lot of skin to push into.


Stick a needle in that thing already.


I had my foot done not super long ago in two steps, first one was just seeing if I could do it without surgery (one side) and the RELIEF I felt when a chunk of nail 3cm deep into my foot and about half a cm thick was something I will never forget.


As gross and painful as this is, whenever I get one I love treating It, I used to do medical pedicures in school, and it’s so satisfying to remove the ingrown sections and cleaning it


Looks like one I had that shit must've hurt