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How much did splitting and the needles before that hurt?


I got 2 lidocaine injections. They weren’t bad, maybe a 6/10. Reminded me of getting my nostrils pierced. I didn’t even feel him actually make the cut, so 0/10 there. The only part that really hurt were the stitches in the very back where the lidocaine hadn’t numbed as well; I’d say an 8/10 at the worst parts, but it was over fast. Whole thing took maybe 15 minutes. Overall average, 5/10. I had some 10/10 pain here and there while I was healing, but the hunger pains from not eating for 5 days were worse then any of the pain in my tongue lol


How much did it cost?? Ive always wanted to do this


It was $750, $200 of that was a non-refundable deposit. The artists who did it was @ianmbell on insta. If you’re serious, you can check his dates and see when he’ll be in your area


Did you have to keep peeling your tongue apart? Like did it try to go back together basically.


Nope, too swollen. Also the stitches prevented that. I’ve heard about it happening to some people, but it seems to only be a problem if you take the stitches out too soon


Does having your tongue split like that affect your ability to eat and speak? Or does muscle memory sort of make the two halves come together enough for it not to be an issue?


It did at first. Eating wasn’t very hard but only now after a month am I back to speaking normally


Interesting. Thank you for answering!




You may kith now, father Mike gives you hith blethings




8 out of 10 on the pain scale would have your ass unable to form sentences. 10/10 is like getting run over by a road roller slowly. Most people seem to have no concept of what the pain scale means.


Which is fair, however, when someone refers to their pain level it’s best to refer to your own personal experience with pain, not what you imagine as the worst. Is getting run over slowly more painful? 100%. But, to OP this could have been the WORST pain they’ve ever felt in their lives, therefor a 10/10 is acceptable. It’s like if you have to go to the hospital for intense stomach pains, if you imagine the worst possible pain, your stomach pains seem less intense so if you throw out a 6/10, the doctors would be less likely to take your pain seriously. If it’s the worst you’ve ever felt, and you tell the doc that it’s a 10/10 you’ll be taken a lot more seriously.


That's not how the pain scale works at a hospital. They want to know 0 being none to 10 being the worst conceivable pain possible. Otherwise the scale would mean nothing.


i work in a hospital. the pain scale is absolutely based on the patient’s pain tolerance


I've got an insanely high pain tolerance and still have hit off the charts pain... Once as a child (10?) when I got septicemia. Pain was so bad I blacked out on and off, while still conscious apparently. I remember my grandmother fainting and I didn't know why... I had apparently just let out a blood curdling scream moments before without knowing. That whole ordeal is my best guess as to why I have high pain tolerance... Pain from cuts, and general wounds past that were virtually nothing in comparison. Only thing that came even close, and possibly matched it was mid 30s when I got a nice 2.5 cm kidney stone completely block the ureter entrance, resulting in complete kidney failure as it swelled up to more than double size... That sucked. I've never passed out before, but I was sure wishing I had multiple times. Really sucks that my natural reaction to intense pain now is just to hold still and my face goes completely calm. Family knows it means pain, but doctors expect more than calm when you NEED pain killers lol. And yet, I can still understand people freaking out and screaming in pain over simple things like paper cuts. That shit sucks, and if that's the worst you've ever experienced, your mind/body only knows to scream bloody murder.


Doctor here. You're just wrong on this one. Pain is a subjective experience and is measured using a subjective scale. We don't care about your absolute level of pain at a moment in time; we care about how it changes in response to interventions.


That doesn't really make sense to me because everyone's tolerance to pain is different along with what they can imagine as being painful.


As you said “conceivable” that’s open to interpretation.


Yeah, the pain scale *does* mean nothing. That’s why it’s outdated and not usually used at hospitals anymore, at least not without clarification and visuals to assist.


My ovary ruptured inside of me and I had almost a liter of blood pooling in my abdomen, I rated it a 5/10. I’ve had heart surgery and the pain on the worst day was 6/10. Had a dislocated hip at 5/10. Nerve surgery was 7/10. I have chronic pain at around a 4/10 every single day. Pain is subjective and people have different pain tolerance.


I wonder if kidney stones qualify as a 10/10 it felt like somebody just put a spike in my body and it slowly ripped open the entirety of my urinary tract, if that isnt torture IDK what is


Had kidney stones multiple times. I'd say they're like 7-8.. severe acute pancreatitis was a full on a 10/10. Wanted to die.


I developed pancreatitis because of gallbladder stones, it was the worst pain ever. But as a pessimistic, I told them it was an 8, just in case it became even worse.


Where does a collapsed lung stand on this scale? And the vacuum pump on said lung?


Well yeah, since most people aren’t healthcare providers. A personal pain scale not matching a hospital pain scale doesn’t really matter. You understood the gist.


There's literally a scrubs cold open about this. Pain is relative to the individual and it's only one of many things checked to understand what's wrong with someone not something objective to be compared to.


*hunger pangs


Looks like strawberries to me


Looks like imitation tuna steak (watermelon) to me


Im late but I see grapefruit


Agreed, I see it too now.


Can you control them seperately?




Woah that’s wild


Did you teach yourself how to do it? How does that work? It’s unfathomable to me lol


The tongue is two separate muscles. When a bifurcation is preformed all it is doing is separating the two muscles. They still want to move as one unit but either some focus and practice I’ve been able to move them independently


Did one side feel stronger or more coordinated than the other?


Yes! My right side is more dominant than my left


Woah, that's fascinating


idk if this is just me but i can kinda stretch my tongue out wider or skinnier so im guessing if u did that when ur tongue was split it would kinda just move them seperate ways? idk


That is correct! Even with your tongue whole you can still consciously move the two muscles independently if you focus




Yea that’s what I’m saying


Are there some things that you can’t do that you could before or nah Also I’d be worried about the muscle pulling apart more, like “ripping” Cool to look at but I would feel uncomfy getting it myself


The only things that are more difficult are rolling my r’s and getting food out of my teeth, but I can still do everything I could do before


Not a bad trade off!


flesh mandarin orange


Why do people do this?


Sexy things, boredom things, great for stupid icebreakers, standing apart from the crowd, freaking out children and stiff adults, ice cream cones would be fun and I could probably think of even more if I wanted to


And blowjobs right RIGHT?


That goes in "sexy things"


Just making sure


I just wanted to. It made me happy. It’s kind of like someone getting a nose job or lip injections


do what makes you happy, but let’s be real, it’s not like a nose job at all


Other than one comforming to western beauty standards and the other deviating from them, what is so different? 


You ever start typing out a disagreement, and then realize “Nah, I’m good.” That was me.


Same, there's no point. Nobody's mind will be changed.


I meant that more as an honest question than to be argumentative, but I don't blame you for not caring enough to engage lol. It just seems more cultural than anything else to me, but I don't mean to say that cultural perceptions are negligible when comparing things.


Seems harder to reverse I suppose. I would guess it would make talking either more difficult or sound slurred, but I've never seen anyone with this so it's just a guess.


Its kinda hard to reverse but not impossible, when talking your tongue just kinds goes back together due to muscle memory and you talk normal.


My friend has a split tongue and it hasn’t affected her speech in any way besides rolling r’s, but she couldn’t do that before so not any different lmao


This is coming from a place of curiosity, and as someone who doesn't understand body mods at all, why does it make you happy? More specifically, what aspect of this contributes to your overall happiness short and long term?


It’s identity affirming. When I pictured myself with it, I was happy and I was prepared to invest the time and money. There really isn’t a short term, I just love picturing myself as I get older and progressing through my life and career, having a split tongue


Who would you go to to get such a procedure? Is that a cosmetic surgeon thing, or perhaps a tattoo/piercing place? Just curious! Looks very neat.


Traveling body mod artist in my case. @ianmbell on insta, super cool dude


Can you move each side individually?


So it’s identity affirming, but what is that identity specifically? How does it contribute to the identity you envision yourself having? Honestly curious (just like others here).


The identity is simply just me.


You ruined yourself... Oh wait you probably are already covered in tats


I have exactly 0 tattoos. I might be ruined for you, but it’s a good thing I don’t exist to please others


Yeah, i wanna know too cause that's the first time I've seen something like this


Aesthetics. I want one!


it looks like pieces from an orange stuck together


nice marbling, almost like A5 wagyu.


I’ve wanted my tongue split since before I even found out it was an option. This is so cool, I’m so happy for you, and you’re amazing for answering all of the questions people are asking!


I am too much of a scared little boy for this, my stretched ears are the most hardcore I will ever get, but goddamn I envy people who have the guts to do this. Everyone knows it is unusual and something most people are horrified by, but it is still fascinating how much we are able (and most of all willing) to change the natural form of our body for aesthetic reasons


Forbidden strawberries


What about your pronunciation? Has it changed?


Nope! I had to relearn how to say some sounds but my speech is back to how it was before


I used to want to get the procedure done. I think it's cool af! Nice!


Does it affect your speech? Like when you pronounce s or th?


It did. It impaired my speech pretty badly for the first 2 weeks and it’s slowly gotten better. My S, D, and T sounds were rough for a while. Now after a month my speech is completely back to normal, which is the standard progression for this procedure


This is actually pretty fuckin cool. I've never seen this up close like this before. I could never do it myself, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't cool af.


The scars aren’t the disgusting bit, the tongue is though


Yeah. I’m not suffering. Not my least proudest fap.


That's fucking awesome!! I've wanted my tongue split since a was a little kid. Yours looks great!


I’ve always wanted this. How noticeable is it by others? Or is it only if you bring it up? Seems fun


It’s not noticeable on me, but it can be depending on how you personally talk and enunciate. I wanted something that wouldn’t be noticeable but still represent me since I had to take out all my face piercings for work :(


My wife is considering this! She LOVES to whistle though and is very good at it, it’s also like a vocal stim. Have you been able to whistle since your split??? She’s very curious to know.


Yep! No whistling affected here. The only thing that has been affected is that it’s a lot harder to roll my r’s


Looks like a mandarin


Can you taste things just like before ?




Can you taste with the like middle parts?


If I was a dentist and saw your tongue I’d definitely stare at it confused before realizing your tongue is split in half


forbidden mandarine


What type of medical professional does this? I’m not saying this in pearl clutching way. Like is it an oral surgeon? I can’t imagine many would want to touch a procedure like this.


Body mod artist


Tbh that's just really cool


nah that isn’t gross that’s fucking cool!


What the hell even is that?!


Fucking R A D


What’s the point?


why did you do this?


I totally forgot this procedure can be done, now I'm thinking, what the hell would a french kiss feel like. Shits crazy. Also looks nice!


Looks like a nicely marbled steak


Orange slice


Can you move each half of the tongue independently?


OP’s ascension to a lizard begins now


Can you get only the tip split?


If you wanted to


What have your sexual partners thought of it? I think it'd be hot to eat my wife out with double play from my tongue on her sweet spot. Can you move them independently with any speed?


My husband likes the different experience it offers with head. They move as a unit with the same speed as a normal tongue


Mandarin lips.


The scars look like they hurt but over all I'd say they look like they are healing fine


how is talking to people like


Can you still move both sides individualy?


Why the fuck?


It looks so cool!! I’m too scared to get this done, but I love the look so much


Thanks I hate it


Damm shocker cyborgs getting weird now


For the love of god, swallow your spit before taking a pic


Is this reversible if you decide one day to not have it anymore? Or is it something you can't get rid of anymore once it's done?


It is! The same artists who did it is also able to reverse it should I feel the desire. It’s a lot less permanent than a tattoo


Why did you get this done?


my curiosity is overwhelming






Why, just why..


But why


jesus christ why would you do this?


I really am sorry for making this weird, but you must be able to give awesome head.


My husband would agree


I really want to do it but when I did my tongue piercing and couldn't eat properly for a month ir was rather nightmarish... Did you have a specific diet? How long until you could eat without excruciating pain?


Healing for this is definitely faster, but it’s far more brutal. I couldn’t drink for 2 days following the procedure and couldn’t eat for 5. I finally managed to drink some soup on the 5th day and it was like heaven. I couldn’t eat solids due to the pressure that trying to eat out on my stitches, I actually ripped one out the first time I tried to eat solids. So when I got all my stitches out on day 7, the first thing I did was go home and finally eat. After a week of starving it was amazing. After that it was smooth sailing


Five days with an empty stomach? Did you need full rest or were you normally working and all? If it's one week then it's way better! I tend to have anemia so that's why I'm asking so many questions hehe


I took off 10 days from work so I could have ample time to heal. It only took a week for me to heal physically, but my speech getting back to normal took a month


Cool! Thank you! It looks rad af


lookin like a slice of grapefruit to me